Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]


Samantha woke up and felt sluggish. Awww crap! I have to practice! I quickly slipped in to my clothes and went to the living room to grab another apple. Once I finished I went to the backyard and raised my hand and froze time. I slid out my sword swiftly and slashed out.
A few guards watched as she did. One of them approached with armor in hand. "This is for you."

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Samantha blushed at her stupidity. It's time? I really need to get up to date! "Okay, can I change first or should I wait until we get there?"
The guards turned. They were noticeably different than the emperors guards.

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The arrived at the arena with the occasional imperial guards giving them dirty looks. One of Aegon's guards looked at Samantha telling her "You're one of us now, do us proud in your battles"

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"Ladies and gentleman! Today we have Samantha, servant of Aegon versus Gonga the Golem. A giant man standing at above 10 ft tall walked before her, he was made of stone.

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Samantha stared venomously at her opponent trying to stare him down to low confidence. I'm screwed. I have to try though. I will not let someone save me again! I drew my sword and readied myself. "You ready?" I winked.
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"Ready when you are." He said as he smashed his giant fists together

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Samantha blinked. I know my mistake from last time. I was too confident... remember your training, you didn't feel as confident but this time it will be perfect. I ran up to the man and when he raised his fists I froze everything. I climbed up him quickly and stabbed in to his throat. I did it a second time to make sure then time unfroze. I hopped off quickly.
"You'll have to be smarter" he said as he struck her in the head with a mighty blow. "That sword won't break my skin"

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(ask dippy I was gonna go for the eyes.) 
Samantha was blown back. Crap. That hurt. I'm not strong enough to break his skin and my sword can't ei- I dodged one of his blows and stuck at the arm that attacked me. How do I kill him!? He has strength! I can use that against him! He attacked again and I dodged it making him hit himself in the leg.
(Go for it)

He fell writhing in pain cursing at her for finding his weakness.

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His arm thrust into his stomach as he fell over dead and the crowd cheered loudly.

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"Now exit the arena and enjoy your victory and spoils" the announcer yelled. "Next up is Vinnie"

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