Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

Samantha sighed and took off her clothes then slid on her dress. These are oddly comfortable... I took off my shoes and put the sandals on. "Okay. I'm done."
Aegon grinned as she joked. "There's a bowl of fruit in front of you. Eat, you'll fight tomorrow."

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A few soldiers in armor similar to Aegon's walked into the room. "Sir, there's a senator here to see you" they told him. "Send them away" Aegon replied. "Tell me about who you are girl." He told Samantha

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Samantha blushed. Those guys looked important... "Well.. I umm... I used to live in a comfy place. My parents were there and my sister. I didn't communicate with them much because I went out and practiced my powers, the one you saw today. Obviously they were useless in this scenario but I'll just have to practice more." I coughed at the end from an apple bit. "How about you?"
"There isn't much to tell." He said briefly as he walked down a staircase closing a door behind him.

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The guards walked up to Samantha "Lord Aegon saved your life, be grateful" they said as they walked out of the door.

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Sighing, I got up and decided to look around. I need to find a place I can practice in.... maybe there's a field or an opening to a grass land... I decided to take the door at the opposite door than Aegon, I don't want to make him think I'm following him. I smiled when I noticed it was a back yard. Well.... it is a large one... I'll just have to be careful.... don't be an idiot or break anything! I walked out to the center of the yard and raised my hand.
The ground slightly shook below head as noises sounding like the clap of thunder could be heard as if beneath the earth.

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DippyDash said:
The ground slightly shook below head as noises sounding like the clap of thunder could be heard as if beneath the earth.
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(is this my doing or natural earth quake?)
DippyDash said:
(It's not natural, but not your doing)
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Samantha felt shaking. "What's happening?" Out of reflex when danger is around I froze everything and ran to where Aegon was. He'll know what's happening... I came up to Aegon and time unfroze. "What's happening Aegon? Everything's shaking...."
"I was training" he told her as she entered his large barren training place underground.

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"I have no powers as you call them, I believe the use of such things makes a person weak." Aegon said looking into the distance.

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"Oh.... so are you... just strong and skilled?" I blinked. "There's nothing wrong with that! That's just as good as powers!" I tried to encourage Aegon but he still looked distant. "Are... are you okay?"
"Better than powers. Becoming a god I faced many with so called powers, and cut them all down." He told her as he walked back up the long staircase back into his home. "Get some rest. You fight tomorrow".

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Samantha sighed. That didn't answer my question- wait? He's a god? He was one of the five... better yet, he's free. Why doesn't he seem happy? "Okay, goodnight..." I walked back upstairs and wandered the house until I found an empty room. I hope this room isn't taken... I sat on the bed and slipped off the dress and sandals then slide under the blanket. I didn't get to practice from that earthquake thing. I better wake up early so I can practice.... I wonder what I'll be fighting tomorrow...
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