Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"Wait for the rest of them!" Yelled the guard. You won't be fighting alone today.

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"You wouldn't want to go out anyways. You wouldn't survive in the same ring as the champ" the guard growled

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"I'm about tired of the girls insolence." "Go ahead and go out there or killswitch." The guard demanded.

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You walk into the arena and see a giant leviathan standing towering before the champion. The gate closed behind Samantha.

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It crept towards her and looked the girl in the eye. A single one of its tooth as large as her.

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Samantha smiled and raised my hand to freeze the time but it smacks me. I back away a bit and try again this time it works and everything freezes. I walk forward and stab him in the side and the neck and step behind him and stab the back then wait. Time ends.
The beast was unphased by it as it dove down quickly. The champion sped over to her and grabbed her leaping up as he slashed the beast quickly and it split in half as he landed with Samantha looking at her saying "stupid girl"

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Kazuki let out a sigh before standing up, grabbing the hilt of his sleek sword. "Guess I gotta get this over with. 'I goin after the girl?"
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"That beast would've ripped you apart you fool" he told her. His eyes with an almost cutting look

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Kazuki shrugged a bit as he blew a piece of his hair to the side. "I guess it's whatever. Though this is a bit dull, let me out there." He took the sword, still in it's sheath, and stuck it in the ground, leaning on it as he whistled a faint tone.
"You're battle!?" Yelled a furious voice. The emperor approached surrounded by guards.

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"You interrupted the champions battle! I am your emperor and for ruining my entertainment you should be killed,but..."

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