Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"Im sure it has been fairly obvious, my resentment towards you all. Why have I been favored?" She asked, her tone challenging him just a bit. She wanted them to be straight forward. Not condescending.
"Because. You did well in the battles of which I have a passion for. Those bracelets mean you belong to me. If you do something I approve of you'll be rewarded".

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Vinnie nodded, taking note of that. 'So the bracelets have to go if i can escape.' She thought to her self, remaining poker faced around this guy. She felt a strong lack of trust.
Vinnie's eyes widened a fraction, but she shrugged the other off. "Lets go. Im not a fan of bleeding out. Nor am I a fan of foul smelling arenas and guards with Superiority Complexes."
The crowd began to cheer as tv guards led them down the tunnel. "Grab your things if you have any, you're moving out." The guard told them. Jesse couldn't help but think to himself how much he hated this place. Everything about it was wrong to him.

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Vinnie waited on the guards, giving one a look of annoyance. "Its not like we had time to pack our things before getting thrown into your filthy game."
"Alright smartass. Come with me" the guard grumbled as he walked them through a tunnel in the back that led to a giant city. It was strangely a mixture of futuristic, and ancient Roman design. He led them into a small building and up to two rooms. "These are yours. It's an improvement" he said as the doors slid open. In the room was a cot, a mirror, bathroom, a shower. Jesse couldn't help but smile because it was actually clean.

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Vinnie nodded without a word and slipped inside. She wanted no more of the guards and her demeanor made it clear.
Jesse walked into his room, head still aching from the combat earlier, and fell onto his cot.

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Vinnie pulled off her shirt, not really caring to do so in private quarters and started wiping off the blood on her arm. The bite marks were pretty deep, but she would need to ignore the feeling and bare with it if she was going to survive. Something she didn't want to admit to herself was that she might not.
"Damn. I've gotta get out of here." Jesse said as he looked up to the ceiling.

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Vinnie hear Jesse talking to himself, she waled in, still without her overskirt and had a towel around her arm. She didn't feel the need to care though. "Well, you're the strategist. I'll keep you alive if you can get us and a friend of mine out of here."
"I really hate this" Jesse said with a sigh. "I'm just curious, do you want to go with me tonight to watch this champion fight? I mean the guards said we could move fairly freely. Unless we plot an escape or break a law. Then they'll kill us"

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"True. Hey! There's new clothes in here!" Jesse said excitedly. He put on the Roman styled attire, and sandals he found in the footlocker, and knocked on Vinnie's door. "Let's get going." He told her.

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She slide out, wearing a red roman styled dress with sandles laced up her ankles. "Yeah.. ready." She said, awkwardly. She didnt get why he was acting nice. She had not given him much of a reason to, besides saving him.
Jesse hurried with her into the stadium. They couldn't find seats so they had to stand and watch. The announcer yelled as the stadium lights burst on "Ladies and Gentleman! Tonight, you're in for a treat! The greatest of the champions faces off against one of the most ferocious beasts ever known! A dimensional dragon. One blast from the beast can turn anything into dust! Here comes our champion! Let's hear it for Aaaaaaegon!" The crowd went absolutely wild as he walked out of the tunnel in his armor gleaming in the light. A force field then appeared in front of the audience when a giant black dragon appeared in the ring. It almost took up the entirety of the giant battleground.

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The dragon shot a powerful beam from its mouth it hit the ground leaving a giant crater in the ring. Jesse looked up to see Aegon high in the air, as he pulled out his sword and slashed in mid air. The dragon suddenly fell into pieces as the arena filled with blood, and the force fields went down as the crowd went insane. Throwing flowers and gold into the ring as the champion walked back into the tunnel. "There you have it folks! Aegon's done it again!" Jesse's eyes became large as he saw such power. He was just a regular guy. He couldn't do this.

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Vinnie was tempted to run down and ask the champion for a nonkilling spar. To see if he had an ability or he was trained to the point he could propel the air. She looked in pure amazement, grinning and completely letting down her mental walls.
A man walked behind them. "I see you've seen the champion" asked the man. It was Argo. "I've moved to the same place as you. We need to discuss something." He told them as he walked them out.

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