Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

"Yeah.. Powers, strength, speed, I don't have any" Jesse said with a sigh.

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Vinnie shook her head, sitting by him. "I cant help you next time. What are you going to do?" She turned to face him, brown eyes baring and cruel staring into his. "Hit me. Strike me with all youve got."
Vinnie shot him a dry look. "Please. I could get ya on your ass in a second. Now hit me or a I will." She said, completely serious.
"Here goes nothing" he mumbled as he swung it was a fairly average punch considering the others powers.

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Vinnie caught it. "I said hit me. I didnt say it would be easy." She gave him a pressed look, telling him with her eyes to outwit her. She let his hand go and nodded for him to try again.
She caught it, then yelled. "Hit me! Youre a bloody joke! Is that all youve got?!" She egged him on, trying to see if he had stratagy or power hidden beneath his exterior.
He swung again as a guard approached the cell. "Time to go you two, you're in the first wave." Jesse gulped as he walked to the exit, handed a short sword and shield. "Try and survive" a guard said as he shoved him out with the others.

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Vinnie followed behind. "Be smart. You've got nothin yet but outwittin the oponent helps a weaker fighter." She stood next to him.
"Got it" he said nervously as they stood beside the creature Vinnie had fought before among several others. The arena was packed with spectators shouting. Jesse was unnerved as they announcer shouted "Welcome one and all to the Arena! We're here with some new blood waiting to be spilt. In honor of the emperor, get ready to fight!" Out of the tunnels came a large number of wolf like creatures, some larger than average, some the large of bears. Jesse shouted to the others "Circle up! Cover one another's backs and stay together!".

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Vinnie nodded, her back to the center as she figured others would have her covered and she would cover others. "Jesse! Get closer to the centre. Warn anyone about blind spots, okay?" A beast ran at her and she cut at the thing, breaking its jaw and maybe skull, yet barely avoiding sharp teeth.
The battle continued to rage as Jesse saw one rush up to him as he stabbed it in it's mouth. A larger one struck at him as he held up his shield and was knocked back. It lunged down for him as he drove his sword into its stomach, pushing the beast off of him. The reptile creature was being devoured beside him. He stood and yelled "Hold your ground! Remember keep at one another's back!" If he knew one thing it was strategy.

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Vinnie moved in to take the reptiles lost ground, but only to get jumped by four to the creatures at once. She managed to rip her sword through three, and defend herself against them, but a large set of jaws clamped down on her upper arm. She managed to stay silent through the pain as she used said arm to drag it into another beast, then kill both at once.
Jesse had slain a few more realizing their numbers had dwindled to six. Then realizing they were the only two left he stood at Vinnie's back, his shield up. A larger one struck his shield as he ducked and slashed it's leg off, it fell writhing in pain and crawled away.

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Vinnie charged the last one as it jumped at her, sending the sword direxctly through its heart from underneath. She cringed only slightly as she felt warm blood soak through her shirt and run down her hand but made no complaint."is that all?"
"I hope" Jessie said. The crowd grew silent as trumpets cried, a young man surrounded by men armed in gold armor. He walked up, wearing a toga, clapping slowly as he approached them "Bravo, bravo!" He shouted.

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"Your names. You must give me your names." He asked excitedly. "I'm uh.. Jesse.".

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"You two being knew here would not know, but I am your Emperor." He told them. "I was very moved by your battle, your ferocity. And without special power I was impressed more so. I shall put you in more, suitable accommodations as soon as possible."

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Vinnie simply stared him down questioning his motives. She felt a bit of dizziness wash over her, some how telling her it didnt matter what was going on for the time being.
"You aren't going to kill us.. Are you uh your majesty?" Asked Jesse, the emperor responded with a laugh "Of course not! You've done well! Excellent use of strategy! And you, girl, such tenacity. You'll be moved out of those dungeons."

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Vinny chose then to question him out loud. "Might i have somethin clarified for me..?" She asked, eyes still taking in the man.

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