Colosseum Gods. [Inactive]

Vinnie's expression turned sour. "Ya should know, I'm not gonna rot here like the lot a you, or die for their sick entertainment. Im gonna get free from whist ever hell I've been taken to."
"I've thought maybe it's time I've left. I had a wife, a son, but I haven't entertained them, if you were wondering why I'm rotting. I haven't killed." He told her with a somber expression.

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Vinnie shook her head. " Its not something you should do.. We aren't above or under nobody. Im not gonna kill though. Im gonna escape. Im gonna bring you too."
"Very admirable of you. I'm going to get some rest, I suggest you do so as well." He told her as he rolled over to sleep.

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Vinnie nodded, leaning against the wall, sleeping in sitting position with her arms crossed over her chest.
(Time skip, don't worry everyone if you weren't here or something, it'll be easy to adjust)

The next day arrived as a guard walked up to Vinnie's cell. "Get up you two! You're in the first lot of newbies" he said opening the door. Jesse woke up realizing it wasn't a dream. He walked out of the cell, hunched over not to draw attention.

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Vinnie awoke a bit before the guards came and took confident strides forward, casting Jesse a questioning look as to why he would be acting so meek. Though she was the furthest thing from confident, she refused to allow the guards arrogance to get the better of her.
The guard walked them, and a few other various creatures and humans up a large staircase leading to a giant colosseum that had to fit at least 200,000. "Line up side by side!" The guard yelled. Jesse lined up terrified wondering what would happen next. "You." The guard said pointing at Vinnie " name and abilities".

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Vinnie looked at him like he was crazy and showed her teeth, but answered anyways. " My name is Vinnie, and I have enhanced strength and speed, as well as a firm grasp on basically all forms of self defense. Good enough for you, scum?"
The guard grunted as he went down the line, and stopped at Jesse "name and ability?" He asked "I-I don't have any" Jesse replied nervously. "Whatever. End of the line" the guard said. "There." He pointed to a circle in front of them. "Two at a time, inside the circle" he told them gruffly as they were handed wooden swords. "We'll call it off before you die. No promises though. Girl! Vinnie! You and that green one first." He said as he pointed to a tall green reptilian creature. "You're going to regret this" the creature growled to Vinnie as he entered the circle.

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Vinnie closed her eyes for a millisecond, telling herself she was in a normal competition. Then she smiled. It was one full of blood lust and excitement. Not real, but terrifying for any spectator any way. She stepped forward and tilted her head, toying with the sword. Her sick grin never changed. On the inside, she was scared. She figured she might die. Thats when she let her body decide its moves for itself. "You're bloody ugly, ya know that?! Come on. Show me if that heinous look serves a purpose."
The creature lunged over with his wooden sword. Swinging for her head.

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Vinnie easily fell into a back bend, kicking her legs up full force, one to the creatures arm with the sword and the other into its midsection, finishing standing, then, without wasting a moment, moved swiftly to an area with more room to the creatures side.
The creature stumbled, then fell gasping for air. "Alright move the meat out of the ring!" The guard exclaimed. "Now not with no powers, you're up with the big bald man." he chuckled. Jesse entered the ring, as his opponent a staggeringly tall, bald man approached him and began swinging. Jesse backed away out of the circle to be pushed back in by a guard. As he stumbled back in, his opponent struck him in the side of the face, then grounded him and began pummeling him as the guards laughed.

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Vinnie was thoroughly pissed. "Hey! Remember what i say last night! You cant question fate.. but you cant push forward and overcome it." She said, not with kindness, just to not have him bloodied.
Jesse stood up, bloodied as he picked up his sword and swung it, only to be hit in the face again. Barely conscious as the bald man just continued beating him maliciously.

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Vinnie cursed, going back on and ignoring any protest. She ran at the man as fast as she could, slamming her foot into the back of his neck with a high kick, then grabbing Jesse,, pulling him to safety.
"Hit the kill switch" growled the guard. The second before they could and end Vinnie's life a voice shouted "Enough!" The guards stood still, their eyes grew larger, then they knelt. A man in what seemed similar to Greek armor stood before them. He was a very handsome man with golden hair and brown eyes.

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"Girl. What is your name?" He asked as he walked into the circle and stood in front of her.

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"Vinnie" she replied, voice not wavering and gaze held inthe others eyes. She kept her chin up and back straight, prepared to defend her reasoning for helping the other.
The bald man stood and yelled "You bitch!" As he swung at her "I'll have you tonight!" He cried. In an instant he froze. The stranger in armor stood behind him. Jesse wondered how he got there so quickly. Suddenly the man fell in half, blood spurting from him. "I like your spirit." The man told her as he walked away. The guards stood in awe. "Don't you know who that was?" The guard asked Vinnie.

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Vinnie shook her head, physically showing no fear from what he did. "How should i know? I just got here." She deadpanned.
"He's a god as they call them. The arena champion. One of the only men to be freed from his shackles. They say he can't be killed. He's never even been touched, he fights tonight. If you rookies survive and want to see a god fight, watch him." The guard said in awe. "Clean the boy up, this group and the next will get their first taste of the arena in a few hours." Jesse stood on his own, coughed blood and looked up to Vinnie "thanks" he told her.

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Vinnie slipped up, giving him a genuine smile, but changed it too fast for anyone to be sure she smiled. She took his arm, putting it around her shoulder and found some water and a cloth. She started cleaning the other up without hesitation, only letting out another "hn." In reply.

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