Collins Academy-Registration


Name: Ayra Jones

Age: 17 (Really 223 years old)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 156

Date of Birth: Dec, 12, 18--

Country of origination: Italy

Grade: Freshman

Species: Demon

Family Origination: (If you are human only)

Ranking: Rich

Marital Status: Single

Persona: Ayra is a curious and sweet little boy. He has an over excited personality and loves to read comic books, mangas and fantasy books. He also loves to bake but makes no promises that there will be blood in it. Despite his innocent act he tricks people into his charms and feeds off them.

Biography: Ayra grew up in your basic Noble Demon family. He was named the heir of the Jones when he turned 12. Though he stopped growing at 17 he was always treated like a child even though some of those who treated him that way where much younger then him.

He made tasted his first blood at 14 and fed off of that ever since.

Mic: A small black Ferret named Roxen.
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How would Sage change that? 
Hes actually older then 14 let me change that. xD
Lol I am only joking he is to young for sage, but I will mess with Ayra 
Let starts lets start lets start. *Runs around the room like a crazy person. Then starts clog dancing on paipai900 head*
It seems most of the potential candidates in love are either a) taken b) reserved c) homo/bisexual.....this rp is bound to be interesting. 
Wait what? QAQ *stands there like wat*
The Irish is coming out of my I am so excited*The music that no one else can hear but me starts play faster, so I starts to clog dance faster* 
Lol Rea and Sage I wish I could draw more than stick figures that way. I could draw THem being cute.
Owch.... QAQ I'm *polar bears come out of no where and tackle Xynia1998 to the ground* I'm going to go hide in my igloo now

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