Collins Academy-Registration

Oh ok well the reason I ask is because me and my friend had an argument about how some people actually laugh out loud about funny things but I when texting or other don't really laugh out loud but smile and inwardly chuckle putting lol to say that I thought it was funny. My friend and I are weird
My friend once blindfolded me threw me in a van and took me to her house just to see how I react. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She knows me so well.
how about INALOLIJPTHTMYFF? I'm Not Actually Laughing Out Loud I Just Put This Here To Make You Feel Funny
Xynia1998 said:
My friend once blindfolded me threw me in a van and took me to her house just to see how I react. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. She knows me so well.
I would have lost a friend that day
Nah me and my friend love that kind of stuff we find it funny. 
Now that I think about it. We might need professional help. hmmmm. N.O.
Name:Rae Amour




Weight: (Vampires strongly cautioned is needed for our nurse.)190ibs

Date of Birth:9/25/94

Country of origination:America

Grade: (if you are a freshmen please state this clearly)Senior

Species:Vampire/Angel hybrid

Family Origination: (If you are human only)

Ranking: (Tell me humans are you smart or simply rich? You can be both)

Marital Status:Single as a dollar bill

Persona:Rae is sexy,smart,rich and he knows it using all of his qualities to his utmost advantage. He is the nicest person you will ever meet,but if you get on his bad side he will bear his fangs. When he get's like this he is caniving cunning sneaky sly and basically evil Rae is a flaming homosexual he's not subtle about it at all and he loves hot men like literally he'll hit on all of you,and he has a streak of turning other guys out be they bisexual straight or just curious However he is the biggest flirt and he will flirt with the ladies as well,oh and Sugar is his one weakness he can't get enough of the stuff it's like crack and since he's dead he never gains weight ;)

Biography:Rae hails from a rich family,he died when he was 18 and became an angel due to his good natured soul and while on a mission was bitten by a vampire and ended up turning he wasn't sure of how it happened but it did,And so he asked for permission to leave heaven for a while to study at this school and here he is senior year,he's come to terms with his rare species and loves the school dearly now all he needs is someone to spend the rest of his immortal life with

Note:He does have feathered wings,and due to his strange addiction to sugar rae has the scent of cotton candy at all times and he even tastes like ti kissing him liking his anything cotton candy scent and taste

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Stirckly prohibited... O.o Anyway sorry guys I am trying my best but I only have four or so characters done... I am going as FAST AS I CAN! DX Stupid cold!
How many do you have to make. O_O 
It will be a interesting battle indeed do to the fake. But I don't think Rae understands what kind of victim he will be. *Laughs evilly in the corner*

(Corners Every dark persons best weapons.)

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