Collins Academy-Registration

*I frown* Why do you freak out? Does my breath smell bad? Is it my hair did it get in your face? Did I somehow give you a nightmarish daydream? OH NO I GAVE YOU A NIGHTMARISH DAYDREAM I AM SO SORRY. I FEEL ASHAMED.
Darn it that man is trying to steal all mt creepy thunder. *Walks over to the creepy man and beats him witha shovel* BEGONE CREEPT THUNDER THIEF*Lets out a sly laugh*
muahaha but Sage has no idea what rae is capable of laughs nicely on a rooftop "every good guys best wepaon:"
Well RAE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE PRESSURE THAT WILL BE PUT UPON HIM. I just notice something. Do we even have a villain in this school, yet. Like we have some creepy characters, but none that yell villain. I mean we need some cold hearted bastard who likes to be evil.
That's Rae if you piss him off (vampire side) and we shall see vampires can be very persuading I feel this is going to turn into the cutest romance though
A lot... I am done! 

Name: Coyoty Anne Mathis

Age: Believed to be 16

Gender: Female

Height: 200cm

Weight: 100

Date of Birth: 20. Februar

Country of origination: Germany (Her mother is the queen and the current owner of CA)

Grade: Junior

Species: Vampire, fallen angel ookami

Family Origination:


Marital Status: Single

Persona: Coyoty is more or less the quiet type, she likes relaxing and enjoying a bed of stars, but when it comes to battles she takes things very seriously. She is calm and quite caring for being what she is. She hates what she is and wants to wipe the world of them but she knows that would be impossible since her family is the royal vampire consul. Some times she can get very hyper or loose her mind, this seems to hapen more often when she smells blood or sees it.

Biography: Coyoty, she is a vampire daughter of the vampire family of former glory sir Judge Mathis. He stole her as a child from her mother at age four and killed her mother while her innocent eyes watched. As if her horror was not over he continued her hell by performing tests upon her in a science lap just outside of England. This institute of higher living is governed by British FBI forces searching for a cure to weak soldiers and asked Judge to create them the perfect Warrior. Having seen this opportunity he preformed more tests made more experiments and caused Coyoty over time to completely lose all her original life forces. Quiet, shy and immensely scared of her father she escapes one day while on a fake run in a fake track. She kills hundreds of doctors on her way out and though her father is overjoyed at the beauty he claims to have created his subject has escaped and he will not let this happen for long.

Mic: Zephyrus is considered a pet.


Name: Zephyrus Mathis

Age: looks like an avrage 18 year old boy

Gender: Male

Height: same as Coyoty

Weight: 100

Date of Birth: 7. July

Country of origination: Germany

Grade: Technically a Senior

Species: Vampire ookami

Family Origination:


Marital Status: Single

Persona: Zephyr as mentioned is a pervert, he loves chasing tail of any hot girl he sees, it crosses his path is female and he is hitting on it. However his vampire side is very focused and calm, he constantly is like this whenever he is with Coyoty I think he enjoys showing off sometimes he will act like this in front of Coyoty which often makes her often angry with him. He has a problem staying clothed and not feeding on humans. He is a more experienced vampire and more often then not will starve himself like Coyoty to any biting he does do are by accident.


Mic: NA!


Name: Allen Ani Watters

Age: 16

Gender: Male Kidding female

Height: 175cm

Weight: 82lb

Date of Birth: 6. Juni

Country of origination: Briton

Grade: Technically Senior

Species: Hunter

Family Origination: Watters hunting academy

Ranking: Insanely rich but Disowned for being friends with a vampire.

Marital Status: Single (And loving it!)

Persona: Allen is a spitfire, she is quick to judge, fast on her feet quick minded and incredibly catious to whom is around her. She is calm and cocky at times, sleeps during classes and played video games during them since technically she is not really a student. She always loves picking verbal fights and enjoys it when someone mistakes the short girl for a guy.

Biography: Allen was raised in van academy her whole life, in this academy she was trained to show no mercy upon any creature human or not upon wrong doing. She specializes in vampire assassination and lives up to her family's hunter name. She was asked especially by the headmaster of the school (Mindi Collins) to step in as female dormitory leader, she has been such for three years now.

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here)


Name: Sirius Myton Watters

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 187cm

Weight: 99

Date of Birth: 24. Dezember

Country of origination: Briton

Grade: Also technically a senior

Species: Vampire, hunter

Family Origination: WHA

Ranking: Insanely rich disowned for being a vampire

Marital Status: Single for now (*winks*)

Persona: Sirius is a player of sorts, he has no serious relationships and often has more then one of these relationships at a time. He like his younger sister is INSANELY cocky and full of himself but he is protective and quite coy. He is mainly kept to himself, quiet and when he is not flirting or protecting the school he is sleeping, how he does enjoy a good nap.

Biography: Sirius was not always a vampire. He was born into the family to hunt them specifically. But one hunters evening he let a particular vampire through his fingers and it sank his fangs into Sirius changing him into the hunter he is today. He does not have much of a past other then this since he himself cannot remember his life as a human and when Allen was born he vowed to protect the girl till the end of the earth.

Mic: (Pets outside souls go here)


Name: Mary Sani Vikilra

Age: Ageless ;)

Date of Birth: 3. Marz

Gender: Female

Species: Vampires

Job Applying for: School nurse

Do you have references?: yes

Marital Status: Maried

Persona: Mary is sweet, not much needed here, she cares for EVERYONE no matter who they are. She is not a person who judges terribly for what you look like, who yo uare or what you have done in the past. She is quiet mostly but will NOT hesitate to stand up if something sounds fishy wrong or strange. She loves her daughter (Coyoty) and protects her as best she can.

Biography: Mary's birogrophy is much too long and complicated to put it here. I could have sworn I had one written but given my current condition I will simply say: Mary was born into royalty and perhaps a Mafia though that cannot be proven she was made queen when she married Coyoty's father but he turned out to be a total knocker. Anyway she after loosing her daughter for 10 years of the girls life married Maerdoco a vampire coven leader whom welcomed Coyoty back into his home when she escaped. Coyoty changed into the pureblood vampire she is now and Mary decided to put her into a school.

Other: Jack is a panther vampire demon that stays by her side no matter where she goes he is ALWAYS there, he is a apart of the school as the butler (meaning he cooks foodstuffs.
So many Victims. But I don't want to read all those character sheets. 
Hey I am going to change Crona's appearance I don't think It fits her.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/CRy.jpg.d0155017dd7f78824b51e45be0906c18.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/CRy.jpg.d0155017dd7f78824b51e45be0906c18.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> this is crona's new appeanace



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Im so excited angel in the streets vampire in the sheets oh yeah Rae is going to wreak some havoc!
Lol depends if they don't kill each other from jealously, plus they have to meet and actually become a couple first.

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