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Fantasy Codlark Academy

Adelina took a deep breath and placed her forehead on the cool wall, biting her bottom lip and smiling a bit. She always had this huge sense of power and smugness about her after she took someone's soul. Adde stretched her arms above her head and walking to her locker, opening it and pulling out a small, skull shaped necklace. The second she touched it, it seemed to have shadows swirl over it immediately. A light yellow strand of light left Adelina's fingertips, the girl's soul that she took. The light seemed attracted to the necklace and swiftly let itself become enveloped in the dark, small shadows.
Soon the period ended, as the students filed out, Mr. Ragno weaved through the crowd of students, walking past Adelina quickly, his shoulder grazing against hers. He quickly went to the west wing bathroom as fast as he could.
Dawn laughed at his lay back sense of humor. She shrugged, "That's a good idea, maybe go as something a bit bigger" she smiled and the bell rang, "Oh my gosh- I totally missed second period!" she frantically looked up at one of the clocks in the hallway, "Shoot, I have to get to third hour I guess... What's yours?" she tilted her head. Right as she said this she wasn't paying much attention (As always) and ran into the frantic and panicked Mr. Ragno. Her books were shoved into her chest and diaphragm and she wheezed, "I'm sorry!" as she inhaled and he flew past her. She regained her breathing and looked over at the teacher then at Greg, "What do you think he's up to?"
Greg smiled, glad that someone seemed to get his humor. " Maybe a Tiger, That would sure scare Mr.bRagno." Greg laughed at his own joke, even though he knew he wasn't really joking. Greg heard the bell ring and thought for a moment, 'Second period couldn't had already been over, Could it? ' He spaced out for a moment. He came back to the real world when he heard Dawn's question " I think I have a free period or something. I don't really know my Schedule didn't have a Third class. " when Greg finished his sentence Mr. Ragno came running threw. "Are you ok. That guy's a weird dude, That's for sure! " Greg uttered after he noticed Mr.Ragno's and Dawns collision.
"Oh my God" Kenna's eyes widened "What do you think he was trying to do?" Her mind is finally cleared as the bell rang. Kenna's mind tentatively felt around. Although the feeling of dread decreased, she still sensed something. Mr. Ragno ran past her, barely avoiding bumping into her. An image of a dead girl in a bathroom stall flashed from Mr. R. as he ran by. Judging from the vivid colors of the flash, it was a fresh memory. "Wow, did we really miss second period?" Kenna stared blankly at Lynn "I better head to third. I'll catch up with you later,kay?" Without waiting for a reply, Kenna trailed behind Mr. Ragno. As she rounded around the corner, she quickly murmured "Hinistadae Mayetha" to hide her physically and her essence.
Adelina almost giggled with joy when the light was surrounded by shadows. She smiled and put the necklace on, pulling yet another textbook out of her locker and closing it. She put the book inside the small bag at her hip, resting it next to her notebook as she walked to her third period, history. Specifically, history on reapers. Adde still didn't know much about herself as a reaper but she figured that taking a class about the history of them would be useful.
"Yes, I'm fine" she said and huffed out a breath, "Wow- that's odd... Maybe it's a study Hall?" she asked about his third period issue. She looked at the clock again and then at a sheet of paper which had her schedule, "I have potions... That's almost on the other side of the school..." she thought to herself "Damn" she murmured, "I have to go... I'll see you around? Nice meeting you Greg!" she hustled forward, "Oh! I'm Dawn by the way" she stopped and turned when she spoke and gave a sweet smile. she turned away and continued down the hallway towards her next class.
Greg raised an eyebrow " Yea, study hall. Makes sence. " he said some what jokingly. As Dawn began the leave Greg waved. " See you around, just remember If you see a random animal that's probably me!" He laughed and gave Dawn a happy grin befor she turned away.

Greg walked the halls for a few minutes, despising what to do with his time. ' ah, I know' Greg thought as he came to a decision. He began to change. Getting smaller and smaller. A tail sprouted and fur would follow. His ears grew much larger and shifted position atop Greg's head. Whiskers stretched from his face. Finally his two front teeth had become large and protruded from his mouth slightly. He ran into the nearest class as fast as his small rodent legs could cary him. Greg was hoping to startle someone or at the very least find some cheese.

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Mr. Ragno didn't notice Kenna following behind him as he turned the corner, toward the west wing bathrooms. He went toward the locked door of one of the bathrooms and unlocked it frantically before swinging the door open, the wooden door almost flying off its hinges; before speeding in.

Mr, Ragno stared at the dead, crippled body of one of his students before kneeling down and sighing. '' She's a reaper.. of course she kills off people... '' he mumbled as he put a hand on her neck.

( he isn't going to report, either bury it or eat it. He is a spider like being. He eats birds, all kinds of bugs...... and mice.)
Kenna followed Mr. Ragno towards the west wing bathrooms, hurrying in before the door shut. Kenna watched as Mr. Ragno mumbled. Reaper? So Adeline did this? No. Reapers can take souls, but not cause death....I think. Kenna choked down a gasp as he put a hand around the girl's neck. She felt her own emotions of horror and fear as she closed her eyes, before her glowing eyes can alert Mr. Ragno of her presence.

(lol at the mice comment, Mr. Ragno really don't like Greg, consciously and subconsciously)
Mr. Ragno sighed. ''I can't just leave her out in the open, she'll get found and probably begin to stink up the bathroom and rot... '' he said before gulping. '' M..maybe I can wrap her up... '' he said then shakily before taking off his coat and covering the body of the poor girl with it, revealing his abnormal figure and 2 extra arms.

( well he would probably eat Greg with little to no hesitation)
Kenna took a deep breath before calming down. She opened her eyes just in time to see Mr. Ragno taking off his coat, revealing his strange figure. Interesting. I wonder if he's gonna report her death or hid it.
'' I... might report it. I mean.. I should... But they would think it of been me... '' he muttered with a growling low tone. '' Of course they would think its me because I'm the one who's responsible for everything! '' he sneered. He crossed all four of his arms around his waist. '' Screw it. I'm not reporting it... I'll come back for her tonight.. '' he said before shakily standing up and looking in the mirror. He wore underneath the coat black jeans and a gray turtleneck.
Kenna sighed silently as Mr. Ragno decided against reporting the death. Kenna felt sorry for the guy. Sure, he's strange and strange looking, but she was pretty sure that Mr. Ragno was not responsible for this. Kenna moved closer to the door to create an invisible warning ward around the bathroom; it will alert her the moment someone entered the room. It will also enable her to feel their essence. Come on, let's go already. I'll miss third period at this rate.
Adelina walked into her third period seconds after the bell, sitting in the back like usual and looking around the near empty classroom. Most students taking this class about the history of reapers were just interested, none of them needed to know the past like Adde had to know. She took a deep breath and played with the necklace that held every soul she had taken, every life that she held.
He began walking towards the bathroom exit, his arms crossed. He passed Kenna, not even noticing she was there thanks to the invisibility. He silently walked down the hall, an uncertain and almost nervous aura surrounding him.
Greg quickly got bored with the class he had entered. He had ran around for a few minutes trying too get a reaction from someone. The reaction Greg got was not the one he was hoping for, unfortunately several students tried to stomp Greg out of existence. Greg frantically ran out of the room, his tail almost being caught by one of the horrible students. Greg decided it best not to remain a mouse. His form slowly grew to something much larger. His fur disappeared, in place of it grew scales. Slowly a protective shell formed as well. 'Try stepping on me now' Greg thought as his reptile legs carried him down the hall at a leisurely pace. Greg noticed Mr. Ragno walking in the hall. Greg would had said hello or something, but he couldn't be bothered to. Greg continued down the hall, satisfied he wouldn't be squashed.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.5c5cb6067226a05bf50e6bfb968c9436.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55193" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.5c5cb6067226a05bf50e6bfb968c9436.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mr. Ragno stared blankly at the small turtle. '' Why is there a turtle in the hall... '' he murmured before picking it up by its shell, all eight eyes examining different parts of it with curiosity.
Greg had begun to enjoy himself, that is until his small legs stopped touching the ground. This was the second time that day Gregs feet had left the ground unwillingly. Greg began to skurm and wiggle as best a tortoise could. It took a few moments but he looked up to see what had lifted him. To Greg's surprise it was Mr. Ragno. 'Of course, should have expected' Greg thought. He stopped skurming and looke straight up at Mr. Ragno. Greg opened his mouth and let out a slow sigh and began to nibble the teachers hand. ' Ha, mess with the tortoise get the nibble' Greg thought.
Kenna hurried after Mr. Ragno, running past him, out of sight before dropping invisibility. She ran to her locker to grab the book for third period. She paused as she stood in front of her locker. Someone has broken into her locker, she can feel it. Kenna took a deep breath before examining the locker closely. Nothing seems out of place. As she slowly and cautiously opened it, a black feather fell out. She surveyed the rest of the locker; nothing else seems out of order. Kenna picked up the feather to examine it. It was a rather large black feather, about 3 inched in length. As she held it into the light, it shimmered blue and green. Where did it come from? Kenna wondered. She can only feel a barely faint strange essence, of someone that she has yet to come across. She tucked it in her knapsack as she grabbed the book. As she slammed the door shut, she caught sight of Mr. Ragno examining a turtle. Upon closer inspection, it was Greg as a tortoise. Kenna chuckled under her breath as Greg bit Mr. R. "Having trouble today, Mr. Ragno?" Kenna said as she past them.
He made a soft grunt as he glared directly at him. Three of his eyes gave angry glances at the small shape shifting turtle boy while the other ones closed tightly. It was obvious that the low voiced teacher was a little more than upset and mad. He looked at her for a little bit before back at turtle boy.
Kenna's eyes glowed as she absorbed Mr. Ragno's emotions. Ahh, much better. The invisibility spell had drained her more than she thought. Kenna hurried to her third period, Fae History. She sat near the back as the bell rang.
OOC: Hey guys, I'm so sorry but I leave for an international trip tomorrow morning 4 am my time... I still do not know if the house I will be staying at has wifi or not. Even if it does I won't be able to be online much. So I just wanted to say I might be MIA until June 16th. Sorry.
Greg continued to wriggle in Mr. Ragno's hands. He let out another soft sigh that only some one who spoke tortoise could understand. After a moment Greg bit

Mr. Ragno again and retreated into his shell, hoping to be released soon.

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