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Fantasy Codlark Academy

'' I'm Lynn, nice meetin ya '' she replied, smiling. '' And yeah, its probably gonna be wild '' she chuckled softly. '' Lets hope no one gets thrown out the window ''

Mr. Ragno walked back to the classroom before class began, rubbing his temples and sighing as he sat in his chair. He was honestly as tired as ever, he knew he should start not using those sleeping pills.
"It's nice meeting you too" Kenna replied. "What are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Kenna's tone suddenly shifted from playful to serious, most likely from Lynn's comment about people getting thrown out of the window. Although the pill had dulled Kenna's powers and senses, a sudden chill passed through her body, as if warning her.
'' Just a witch who needs to learn how to do spells '' she said shrugging. '' And it won't be me throwing people out the window '' she then replied with a serious tone, her face darkening. '' The teacher has little tolerance and mercy ''
Adelina seemed to melt into a shadow, still in her massive true form. She walked through the halls, sticking to the shadows and making them grow/shrink as she passed. Most of the students were too oblivious to notice the odd change in shadows, but she looked around with death in her eyes.
"Mr. Ragno? What do you know about him?" Dang it, why did I have to take the pill? It would have been so much easier for Kenna to read intentions. Another chill reverberated through her body at Lynn's expression. Although Kenna was mostly convinced that Mr. Ragno will be the cause of an incident, she kept in the back of her mind to not write anyone off, especially not Lynn, Adeline, or the honey blonde. The hair in the back of her neck suddenly stood up, but not in response to Lynn. Kenna needed the pill out of her system. She concentrated on the students around her, trying to absorb any power/emotions she can. Ker eyes barely glowed, only about 40 percent of the glow from earlier.
Mr. Ragno's room was up ahead, the door open as pupils began to file in. The tall man looked out the door, a few of his eyes closed, looking as if they were sleeping.

'' Well he's not mentally stable, has huge hips, is from I think Florence and isn't afraid to chase a student down the hall, its happened '' Lynn shuddered. '' He was crawling on the walls ''
"What do you mean by not mentally stable?" Kenna asked, ignoring the crawling on the walls part.

(Be back later, gym awaits =])
she looked around before replying. ''A few years back... he was suspended from teaching for a few weeks because they found him slicing the skin off his waist, legs, hips.... Oh my god it was horrible '' she replied, her voice trembling
Adelina stood at the entrance to a bathroom stall on the other side of the school. A girl was sitting in the stall, crying and huggin herself. Adde just stood there with an evil smirk as she girl slowly went limp, her soul leaving her body. Adelina held a bright yellow orb in her skeleton like hands, smiling down at it then hiding it in her robes.
Mr. Ragno felt a tingle go down his spine, something wasn't right, not at all. He looked at his class. '' I will be right back '' he said before exiting the classroom and speed walking down the hall, something bad was happening, he knew it.
Adelina left the dead girl's body in the bathroom stall as she walked away. She kept walking, or more of gliding between shadows as she went, looking for a place where she could change back to her human form.
Mr. Ragno turned around the corner, coming closer to where the unfortunate girl had met her fate. He put his hands in his pockets as he walked. Then he remembered that one of his students hadn't come to class, Olivia Hensworth.
This is the best part of the job... Adelina thought, finding an empty classroom and gasping, throwing her skeleton head back and slowly shrinking back into her small human form. She shivered, being incredibly drained of power from the transformation. Adde took a deep breath and lay on the flor, trying to gather herself.
He walked down the hall and the saw the open door of the empty classroom. He blinked in confusion before walking into the classroom, poking his head in to see if anyone was in there
Adelina was still laying in the center of the classroom, gasping and propping herself up on her elbows. She coughed and pulled out a small orb, the one she got from the girl, and held it in her hands, gasping and drawing it into her, the orb growing smaller.
'' Ms. Rydell...? '' he said quietly as he walked into the room, his head bumping the ceiling. '' What in gods name are you doing here? Why aren't you in class?''
Adelina shakily stood, the orb fully gone. It had just disappeared from her hands and she rubbed her temples a bit, looking at Mr. Ragno. "None of your business." She said, pushing past him and walking out of the class, leaning against the frame of the door and biting her lip.
'' Well its partly my business when I just found one of my students on the floor.. In an empty classroom '' he said. ''Are you alright?''. His baritone voice had grown a little a softer
Adelina sighed and looked back at Mr. Ragno, biting her bottom lip. "Look, it was something I had to do. I am alright. You should go check out the bathroom by the west wing of the school..." She said gently, smoothing out her dress and walking into the hallway.
'' Ok..... '' he said, blinking before walking towards the west wing bathroom. When he got there after a minute he almost choked. He stared blankly at the cold body of one of his students. He gulped and looked around.

( he isn't going to report it. Hes gonna something else with it)
(I'm sorry, I haven't been on. It's been a stressful day xP)
Her body jolted as the boy approached her , "Uh.. Not much" she thought about the class, "We just practiced the spell he demonstrated on you - by the way, how are you feeling? He sort of dropped you" Her voice was curious and turned into concern as she ended her sentence. Her thin eyebrows made a strait line, indenting her forehead some.

Some of her hair fell forward, covering her exposed collarbone. Dawn wore a yellow shirt that hugged her tightly and a high-wasted skirt that had spring flowers on them. She wore strapped sandals on her feet and a necklace that settled right in between her collarbones with a unique pendent on it. It was a silver square that had an X that went to each corner on the inside with a verticle line going strait down the middle of the X.

(4th row, 9th down)
Greg smiled a bit before replying to the girls question. " I'm just fine, the only thing that's hurt is my Pride. Nothing a bandaid can't fix. " Greg laughed a bit, his sense of humor was a bit strange. " I'm sure I'll figure out all that spell stuff at some point. But the next time I go to class I probably shouldn't be a cat. " Greg spoke. His hands were in his jean pockets as he walked. Greg almost always wore jeans. Today was no exception. He had on dark grey jeans and a light grey suit vest with a whit button down shirt underneath. To top things off he had a purple bow tie neatly resting on his collar.
He stared blankly at the body of the young girl before picking it up and hiding it in one of the stalls before exiting the bathroom, closing and locking the bathroom door. He quickly returned back to the class he was teaching, apologizing and then going back to teaching.

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