☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower kept walking. "COme on you can make it." She looked at the girl and then sighed.

Beast was walking around looking at the floor. Little did he know some girls were whispering about him. His wolf ears perked a bit.
Billy.::. he ran back to them and said "come on, ill carry her." he said lifting her up

Annabeth.::. she moaned "arrg, hurry get me to the nurse"

Billy.::. "come on lets go!" he started walking fast
Flower followed quickly and looked at the poor girl sighing deeply. "Almost there don't worry." SHe reasured her and then rubbed the back of her head walking a bit faster.
Billy.::. he gulped as they finally arrived the nurse's office "here she is" he said holding tight on Annabeth

Annabeth.::. "helppp...." she said groaning while saying it

Nurse: "oh my lord! lets get her in here, hurry!" she said showing them a room
Andrew moved his hand a bit, watching the poison quiver. "So," he said, after the majority of pride from his accomplishment wore off, "Do you want me to try to put it back now? And if not, how exactly am I supposed to dispose of it?"
Andrew nodded, his face becoming very serious. He closed his eyes, and began trying to imagine something that might aid in solidifying it. First, he imagined what the fang looked like when it had first been placed in his hand. The, he went through a series of images associated with solidification and hard matter. Ice. Rocks. Cement. Glass. Gems. Other than the fact it was poison, he wasn't completely sure what the fang would be considered, so he tried everything he could think of that might help. After a while, he could tell his hand held a solid object. He opened his eyes and brought the fang to his eyes, examining it further. It was a bit more lopsided than before, but he felt he did pretty good. As he tilted it slightly, he noticed bubbled within, showing there was still liquid in the middle, but the exterior seemed somid enough that it would not be a danger. Satisfied with his work, he held it out to Rya.

(I think I'm going to have Andy slowly learn that he can manipulate matter, and that plants were just the only thing he had managed to successfully use up until then. If that's okay, of course. I mean, it's normal for people to discover new facets of already existing talents, right? :) )
Rya smiled at this as he made the poison fly to the snake as he made the snake be sucked into his arm as all was left of it was a purple tattoo of a snake.
Andrew watched as the snake receded into his arm, becoming a tattoo. "Your abilities never seem to cease to intrigue me." he said, shaking his head in though.

(I'm sorry, but I'm having major writers block right now. D: )
Billy.::. he put his hands in his pockets. "...well this is sort of... awkward..." he said chuckling a bit. he coughed, clearing his throat. "but, im worried for her..." he said looking at the door.

Annabeth.::. she was put on the doctor bed thing and was given medicine. she moaned and laid down, she closed her eyes, and drifted away
Andrew scratched the back of his neck, unsure what else ot talk about. "So..." he attempted, "What do you think about what was going on in class?" As soon as he said it, he wished he could take it back. He sounded so stupid, the way he had said it. It was such a strange topic to begin with.
Andrew shrugged. "I'm not one hundred percent sure. The girl in front of me seemed to be directly involved, but I tried to stay out of it. I think it was started by the one werewolf, but I didn't really know it was happening until after it started."
Flower looked at Billy and nodded sighing deeply. She looked at the girl. "Yeah...poor girl." She sighed and rubbed the back of her head.
As Rosa finished her sun salutation and turned to face the weight room she noticed the boy had disappeared. She tilted her head surprised by his sudden absence but not particularly perplexed. Turning back around she rolled up the yoga mat and returned it to cart before exploring the gym. She eventually found a room filled with weapons and she ran her hands across the cool metals. Swordplay had always intrigued her but she had never had the chance to delve into the art.
Billy.::. he nodded in silence, feeling bad for the girl he never got to know. "what the sad part is, is that i dont even know her name... do you?" he said looking at the girl standing by him.

Shaun.::. where in the world is billy? hmmm..... makes me wonder what he does at times... he thought sighing at the the end.

Annabeth.::. she slept like a log, her dream was weird thought.

---Annabeth's Dream------

she woke up from the nurses office and walked around. she walked out of the room, and called for the Nurse. nothing. "where is everyone?" she asked herself. she wondered around. but the more she looked the more weird it got. no one was anywhere. not even the wacko teacher. she was getting a little... edgy about it all. it got darker and colder the more she walked in the hallways. it became a old cellar. she shivered and held herself together "this is getting very weird..." she said to herself, starring at her naked feet. she shivered and started to walk again.
Flower shook her head no. "No." She said simply and then looked around feeling a chill go down her spine. Crap not now can't he wait? She said looking around as if searching for someone or something. She was looking for the shadow creature that has been after her since she got here.
Flower looked at him meeting his eyes. She tilted her head. "No why?" she wondered why he was asking. She was alittle uncomfortable. She smiled alittle.
Billy.::. "its just that... you seem glum... almost sad." he said concern in his face.

Annabeth.::. ---her dream continues---- she was getting a little bit creeped out now. where am i? what going on?? these sorts of questions raced threw her head. "My god, am i going crazy?!" she yelled, shaking her head, trying to shake away this all. she pinched herself. she thought it was stupid but still. nothing. is this a dream or real life?! if it is a dream will i even be able to wake myself up?!!! she thought, freaking out. she breathed hard, her heart beated at super speed "this is no joke..." she said, she heard voices, they were annoying her "STOP! AHHH!!" she said, acting if it were nails on a chalkboard (*shivers*) she hid in a corner, keeping her ears covered and eyes closed. she cried. was she going to be in the dark forever?

Shaun.::. he kicked a rock, bored. why is it so daym hot today? he said, sweating.

Nurse: she came out of her room. "Im afriad...." she said, looking almost guilty of murder "... your friend is in a coma..." she said, as a tear ran down her cheek, them feel on the floor. she closed her eyes and breathed. she sighed "Im not sure what else we might be able to do.... im not sure..."
Flower looked down and sighed deeply. She looked at Billy and sighed sitting down in a nearby chair pulling her hair out of her face. She looked at the ground. "Well my healing power won't help." she said creating light in her hand making it into a ball and playing with it. She did this when she was nervous.
Billy.::. "should be get a Doctor or something?" he said trying to suggest something and not make it seem hopeless. he bit his lip, nerves too

Annabeth.::. she shook in her bed, wanting to wake up but, couldnt.

Nurse: "the truth is" she said ignoring Billy's suggestion "im not sure if its even a coma.... or something else, maybe i should get a Doctor..." she said heading to the phone

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