☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

(*shrugs* That I can't help with. But congrats on spelling it right! ^-^ )

Andrew extended his arm, and began focusing on hand, trying to take the boy's advice. The only thing that happened, was more movement from th other boy's vine, though. After a moment, he folded his hand and placed it back at his side. He shook his head, but added, "I'll keep trying. I mean, you can't just learn something new without practicing it first, right? But thanks for the tip. I'm Andrew, by the way."
((however, spelt is not a word *fails* my English teacher would hit me with one of her lovely plastic swords if she saw me on here doing this...))
(It isn't? *checks* Lol. It is a word, but not the one we were looking for. Unless we're suddenly talking about an inferior variety of hardy wheat. ;) )

Andrew stuck his hand out. "Nice to meet you, Rya." he said, smiling.
((oh. well, you never know, I guess. my class used to talk about chocolate milk cows in social studies....))
(Lol. Interesting. That sounds kind of like Honors/AP English classes in my school. We have some VERY strange conversations in English when we're given the chance.)
Flower saw Andrew and then Rya. She stopped and watched to two. Leaning on a wall she created a ball of light playing with it in her hand. It rolled off of each finger then caught by another. She smiled a bit finding this enjoyable.
Andrew's eyebrows knit together in a confused expression. "Poison?" he asked, not sure what he meant.

(For some reason, I feel really stupid for not realizing what you mean. D: )
Andrew's eyes widened, and he jumped backwards a few centimeters on reflex. "Wow, that's cool. I don't think I can do that, though." he said, shaking his head. "Unless it's plant-based poison or something, that is."
sorry, but im back! :P

Billy.::. he breathed hard, wiping sweat from his forehead. he grabbed his shirt and heading to the school. he saw some people talking and waved to them, then kept walking

Shaun.::. he sighed and got up maybe, i dont know, maybe i can hypnotize someone? itll be ok...maybe...? he walked and went to the teachers room. he asked to talk to someone and brought them outside. he looked into their eyes. and hypnotized them "You are a....a toucan who just found 4 worms" he said laughing threw it. the teacher sarted yelping and pretending to fly. like it was eager to eat. Shaun fell to the floor laughing his butt off. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughed

Annabeth.::. she put her arm on the walls, trying to keep balance. with the other arm on her belly. "Arrrgg" she said moaning. she felt like she was going to throw up. "Helpp..." she said yelling quietly. "Help me go to the Nurse...." she said moaning "HELP!!" she said a little louder
Flower peered in to see the teacher acting strange. She looked at Shaun....or was it billy. SHe couldn't tell but the teacher looked so stupid she started giggling.
Shaun.::. he laughed so hard, it hurt. "Ok, ok..." he said wiping a tear from his eye "Now... your a monkey with its butt on fire." he laughed. the teacher started going bonkers, and acting crazy. it was bouncying all around. "hahahahahaha!!" he said laughing

Billy.::. he went to the work out room to you know, work out. he went to the weights. he started weight lifting
Flower started laughing then relized she was being loud and then gasped and got out of sight going stright up on the wall. SHe covered her mouth still slightly giggling.
(Okay I am back :)

Rosa watched them carry the lycan girl away and wondered where she might be going. Sighing she turned knowing it was out of her hands. She returned to the room and began tipping desks over until she found her schedule with her dorm number she was B5, between dorms B4 and B6. She found it funny that they had to put that on the paper as if people couldn't count, then the realization hit her. Not every magical creature received an education like hers. Rosa wasn't smart but she knew the basics because it helped the scientists.

She wandered the building until she found her room and was surprised to find a small catalog sitting on the bare mattress. It had an assortment of simple bedding sets that ranged in color and design. Rosa assumed they most of have some stockpile that they used for new students. After a few moments of flipping she decided on a pastel quilt set that seemed peaceful enough and would match the cream room. She circled the number and just left it on the mattress like she had found it. Rosa then searched the soft blue chest that looked like it might hold some clothing. Everything had the Clover Academy symbol on it but it would work. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants and tank before heading to the weight room.

There were maps all across the school and she found the room easily enough, it was adjoined to the weight room and she could see a guy working out. Rosa ignored him and began her yoga routine she had created herself. Only after escaping the lab had she realized her sets of stretches were actually yoga. Her technique and form was off but the stretches still worked.

Andrew looked at the poison-turned-snake for a moment, then decided it was worth a try. He put his hand out, and began to concentrate. He closed his eyes and imagined the color purple. He imagined the color forming into a pool. The pool was in his hand. It was poisonous. His palm tingled a bit. He concentrated harder, focusing on that feeling. Was there something in his hand? Was he doing it? Hewas sure he was. Excited, his eyes shot open...and his hand was empty. "Dang...I think I was getting close." he said, flowning. He brought his hand to his face and looked at it, stretching it out, looking for any indication it might have been working. He didn't know what to look for, though. Most of the discoveries he made reguarding his powers were accidents, so he didn't know how to figure out whether he just needed practice, of if he couldn't do something at all. There were certain obvious thigs he couldn't do, like fly, but he just kind of went with the flow in reguards to possible things.
Rya frowned at this before he got a idea. "How about this" Rya said as he made the snake open it's mouth as he broke off a fang as he placed it in Andrew's hand.
( welcome back! :) )

Billy.::. he breathed hard as he worked. he stopped to have some water. he drank the whole bottle "aw, come on" he said starring at the empty bottle "poo" he said frowning

Shaun.::. "ok now you a normal teacher again, but you dont remember a thing... and you give Shaun A+ the whole rest of the year, even if he deserves an F-..." he said

Annabeth.::. "Helpp!!" she yelled, hoping someone could hear her
Flower looked at Shaun and raised an eyebrow. She smirks and then giggles and walked away quietly. She still was giggling a bit and then saw annabeth and rushed to help. "Hey what's wrong?"
Annabeth.::. "I dont know! i walk up and was in a cold icy bed, i got dressed and came up her... and my tummy hurts..." she said groaning, her head against the wall.

Billy.::. he went to go get some water and saw two girls, one seemed hurt. he ran over and said "What's wrong?" he said looking at Annabeth

Shaun.::. he laughed as the teacher walked away.
Flower looked at Billy and then sighed. "Get a nurse now!" She said and then looked at Annabeth. "Let's get you to the nurses office. You were sedated because you were in wolf form." She said grabbing the girl and slowly walking.
"Okay..." Andrew looked at the fang, and then closed his eyes again. He wnet through the same concentration process, except he opened his eyes slower this time when he felt as if he'd gotten it. He smiled slightly when he saw that it had, indeed, begun to turn to liquid this time. It was more jello-like than liquid-y, as Rya's original poison had been, and there was still a small piece of solid in the middle, but it was a start, at least.
Billy.::. "Ok!" he yelled to them as he was running down the hallways. he got the nurses office and said "We got a really sick girl!" he yelled

Shaun.::. he walked bored and blah blah blah

Annabeth.::. she moaned and her tummy felt horrible

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