☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠


Flower looked at him again. "Nothing just wondering what your power is..." She said and then looked down suddenly. "I guess I shouldn't be prying I'm sorry." She said and sighed looking back at him. "Sorry I've been getting in trouble with that." SHe said putting her hair behind her ear. She looked at the poor girl. That's when Beast jumpped on her pinning her.

Beast had pinned her. "Now before you kill me....I just wanted to say sorry for eariler....Your neck is ok right?" He asked smiling down at her.

Flower glared at him. "I'm going to kill you even more you know?" She said struggling under him.

Beast sighed and looked at her. "If I didn't pin you, You'd swing that sword at me trying to hurt me." He laughed. "You are a stubborn girl and you are a freakishly strong one." He chuckled.

Flower smirked teasing him. "Not that you don't enjoy pinning girls down beasty boy." She then frowned. "Now get off of me before I nudder the poor beast."

Beast Jumps off of her. "NO! I don't enjoy it..." He looked down. "Don't hurt me."

Flower grabbs him by his wolf like ear and then pulled his head down. "To late Beast..." She laughed and then let his ear go. She looked at Billy. "Sorry about him."
Rosa caught up with the group and saw the wolf passed out before her. In a rush she looked around for something to cover the girl, she knew that she might shift in her sleep and the girl didn't deserve anymore embarrassment. Her eyes rested on a ripped curtain. She quickly darted across the hall and tore it off the pole draping it over the passed out lycan. Rosa then stepped back awkwardly.
"She could shift in her sleep, it has happened to me before," she explained brushing a piece of hair behind her ear. Looking about she realized everyone's name was a mystery to her, even the lycan girl she had helped twice now.
Rya nodded as he made a vine grow from his arm as he snapped it off going to the werewolf wrapping up her forearms & backlegs as he looked to Rosa.
Thanks!Amiga Mia: To say she was surprised to enter the school to find it as it was, crowded with supernatural beings, wouldn't be exactly true. Astonished would be more fitting. She had had her doubts about anyone else being like her. But now, as she entered the school, she was instantly clarified: she was not alone. She shrugged her bag, which was slowly eating itself from the inside out so that there were so many holes it could hardly hold a book anymore, and made her way through the school. She found, much to her dismay, that the teachers appeared to have no control and the students had taken over. She was tempted to turn around and leave out of plain fright. But she had lived in fear her whole life and had never ran from it. She felt her blood asking to change, to transform into a bird and sour away like she had that first day. But she kept control and grabbed hold if her tiny knife she always had with her for security. She was tempted to ask what was going on, who was the leader here? But she didn't, instead she lingered by the door, hand on her knife, and waited until she was addressed to not get in the way, and in case this was just practice she didn't want to kill anyone by mistake. But her heart pumped madly and she breathed heavily none the less.
bACK!! o,o sorry for caps :P

Annabeth.::. her looked calm, relaxed, not even hurt. she started changing back (good thinking about the certain) in about 1 minute, she was a normal girl

Shaun.::. he came over to the group "what happened?" he said, he realized he was way behind in what just happened

Billy.::. "its ok.." he said then saw his twin "nothing dude..." he said hands in pockets

School's helpers: they carried the wolf away so they can see if she was injured or anything.

Teacher: "Students! you are now dismissed! you can go to bed... or visit..." he said leaning against the class door, his hair was messed up and clothes ripped
Flower sighed and looked at Billy then at his twin and then leaned against a wall. "...." SHe looked at Beast who was rubbing his ear. SHe sighed and then looked down. "Yes sir..."She said to the teacher and looked at him. "You ok sir?" She said again seeing his apperence.
Annabeth.::. well, she was tooken away

Shaun.::. he still wished what happened but, instead he walked to his room. he was in... B4... he unlocked the door and entered the room.

Billy.::. he walked around hands still in his pocket. he sighed and examined the hallway. he ran his fingers threw on the wall. the texture was bumpy and unpleasant. but he still ran his fingers threw the walls.
Flower walked away as soon as the teacher reasured her. She ran outside to train. She was quick with her sword and then was training hard.
Shaun.::. he gathered his stuff and walked in the room. he sat on his bed and his door was still opened. he didnt hesitate. he smoothed his clothes and started at the dark

Billy.::. he walked, hearing someone fighting. he shrugged and started to discover and explore
Flower blasted a boy who had tried to hit on her. "I'm in no mood." She said and stared down at the boy who then got up running away. FLower sighed and looked at her sword wondering if she should continue.
Ember opened her eyes and sat up quickly. "I thought I told you to leave me alone!" she shouted, before realizing she had heard two voices, neither of them Andrew's. "Oh. You're not Andrew. Well, leave me alone. I'm trying to sleep." she said, putting her head down on her arms. She sat that way for a few seconds, before her eyes shot open again. "Ugh! Now I can't sleep now." she said, mostly to herself, but not caring if the other two heard. She was silent for a moment, before asking, "So, would anyone like to explain to me why it's so fun to annoy the sleeping bat chick?"


Andrew watched everything that was occuring without leaving his desk. He was not interested in getting involved in any of it, nor did he trust himself to not revert back to his old personality if anything broke out again. That was, until he noticed the guy with the vines. "Woah..." he said to himself. When he left, Andrew jump up and followed him out of the room, not caring what happened. Even with his constant contact with freaks, he had never seen anyone with even a similar power as he, and it perked his curiousity. "Hey!" he called after him, trying to catch up. "Hey, do you need organic matter to do that, or does it just happen?" Andrew, unfortunatly, had limits, but he heard that some fiction characters could create things out of thin air if it pertained to abilities they had, so he wanted to know if this boy was like a fiction character.
Flower walked back inside sighing deeply as she walked around looking for something to do. She suddenly cluched her head. "Oh crap..." She looked back at a shadow creature. She ran off back to a random room shutting the door behind her looking panicked. She looked back at the door scared that the shadow would follow her.
Liam frowned as the music softened "Hmm.." she hummed and cracked the door "Hello?' she said her long purple hair in her face.

Hale chuckled "Aw, come on we were just having some fun." she said.

Ever sighed and grabbed her bag. She walked through the hallway listening to her iPod as she walked.
Shaun.::. he sighed and put away his clothes. "... will i ever fit in?" he said in a whisper. *** after putting his clothes away he jumped on his bed and layed down with his hands behind his head.

Billy.::. he went outside to practice his power, when he got outside he realized it was very hot. so he took off his shirt. he stretched and cracked his knuckes. he breathed then blew fire. he did some tricks like doing a flip while breathing fire. he (i guess) showed off a bit.

Annabeth.::. **** she woke up, naked. she was on a cold, icy bed. she had cords all over her and doctor stuff. she shivered "Where am i?" she said looking around. it was a empty room "Where am i?!?!" she said, not aware of what happened earlier
Oh, forget the post about Liam.

Liam walked to her dorm and lay down. She picked up her phone and called a random number that happened to be Shaun's.
Rya opened the door going outside as he began to train, Making Thing lift up around himself as he made them fade out of view.
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Alphonse held up his hands in a defensive gesture. "Hey, I'm sorry. I just got kicked out of class and thought that maybe it would be nice to know someone, and for someone that doesn't know many people to know someone." Now, this wasn't exactly true, obviously. Alphonse kinda wanted to annoy someone, but he really didn't know anyone other than his sister. And while he technically didn't get kicked out of class, Amaltheia had made him leave.

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As the teacher dismissed everyone, Amaltheia's first thought was, Well, at least Alphonse won't get in trouble...maybe. Then she realized she didn't know anyone and had nothing to do. She stood and exited the destroyed classroom, and looked around in the hall a bit. Maybe....maybe there's a music room. She thought, and with this in mind, walked down the halls with new purpose, peering in doors, looking for any sign of musical instruments.

Flower walked back inside sighing deeply as she walked around looking for something to do. She suddenly cluched her head. "Oh crap..." She looked back at a shadow creature. She ran off back to a random room shutting the door behind her looking panicked. She looked back at the door scared that the shadow would follow her.

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