☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Shaun.::. "hi?" he said on the floor of the bathroom. he got up and put away his phone. "was the music too loud?" he asked embarrassed

Billy.::. he was STILL practicing his fire lol

Annabeth.::. she ripped the doctor crap off and got up. she was weak on her legs. she went to the bathroom and found some new fresh clothes. she put them on slowly
FLower sighed and went to her room after a while and then laid down on her bed looking up. She sensed the shadow near by and shivered. She looked around scared. He was after her and that shadow was to close for comfort.
Billy.::. he stopped and coughed. he punched his chest, a spark come out of his mouth. he streched and rested a bit. he felt chilly, and looked around. he saw a person. he squined and saw it was a boy.

Shaun.::. ...

Annabeth.::. she went out of the room and explored the place where am i? she thought confused
Rya ''Grabbed'' the air with his mind as he twisted it as a extreme gust whipped around himself. Rya looked at Billy.
Ember narrowed her eyes at the girl. "Oh, so it's fun to just go up to some random person and disturn them?" she asked, frowning. She supposed her assumption that Andrew would be the only one who would pester her in the library was false. He wasn't going back to her dorm, though. Ever. It was big, compared to what her cage gad been like, but it still felt too confined. Besides, she didn't want whatever dormmate she might have been paired up with to discover she had the acedemic knowledge of an grade-schooler. She supposed she could be considered 'street smart', in a way, since she wasn't at all naive, and could fight pretty well. But she would probably still be classified as stupid. "And I appreciate your consideration, but I kind of came here to sleep, not make friends." She was a little calmer with the guy, but her personality still shone through. She wasn't real trusting, given her history. If she had had a choice, she probably would have hid out in this library until she learned at least enough to create a somewhat normal life(how normal can you be when you have wings, though?), but...she supposed she could be kind of sociable. If they didn't annoy her too much. She wasn't making any friends, though. The last thing she needed was another trustworthy person selling her to some freak show again. Subconsiously, she scratched a scar on one of her ears where the carnies tried to pierce it, thinking she would 'look better' if she wore some type of demonic/vampiric jewlery. Ugh...she was never going back there, if she had a choice.
Billy.::. he saw the air, and looked at the boy. he mouthed the words "Is that you doing it?" he mouthed with question his his expresstion
(Oh, by the way MoMo, I tried to have Andrew get Rya's attention, but I wasn't sure if you realized that who I was refering to. Since they both have plant-based abilities[although Rya's sound less restricted, and he of course has other powers, unlike Andy...] I thought I'd have him ask about them, since he's not too familiar with his, outside catching 'freaks' with them and annoying Ember. I'll have him lose track of your character, if Rya's too busy now, though.)
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Alphonse raised an eyebrow. "You came to a school full of magical beings to sleep all day? That's certainly unique."

He guessed after he said that, that perhaps she was referring to the library. Even still, his sentence still applied pretty well. Who came to a library to sleep? Well, other than people who passed out from studying. That's different, though. They were attempting to do something productive.
(Oh my God i'm i am so sorry i didn't know but i can make him go to him) Rya nodded to Billy as he walked away from him as the wind calmed.
Flower sighed and turned to train. She saw a guy bending fire and watched for a few seconds before going her own corner and praticed with her light.
Billy.::. he shot fire up his arms every time he put them up. he after make a whip and whipped the air. he was satisfied with his work. :)

Shaun.::. (ok he is in his room now) he looked at the ceiling and closed his eyes

Annabeth.::. she went up the stairs and saw her class was wrecked. what happened here? she remembered nothing.
Flower smirked and leaned on the wall taking light from the fire making it go out. She messed with the light making it change colors.
(It's okay. I realize my posts can be kind of confusing before my characters actually meet the ones I'm refering to, since I a lot of times post using only the information the characters knows [hense calling character 'the boy' 'the girl', ect. until they actually know each other's names]. Whatever works, I'm fine with it. I'll post something, so Rya can come across him or not, depending on what works for you.)

Andrew turned a corner, realizing he wasn't sure which way the boy he was trying to talk to had gone. He stopped, thinking for a moment, and then decided on a direction. He thought the boy had gone this way, but wasn't sure. It was worth a try, though.


Ember narrowed her eyes. "No, I came to a school for magical being to escape non-magical ones, if you must know. I'm not exactly a people person, and I'm not too eager to become one any time soon." That, of course, didn't explain why she was sleeping in the school library during class time, but that didn't matter to her. In her opinion, it was none of her business what she was doing, and where, and why. She tepped her fingers on the table impatiently. Usually, every moment not spent sleeping was used for trying to learn the things she was supposed to already know, although she was starting to get stuck on a few things. Thus, she had spent a lot more time sleeping than studying. She was starting to discover the wonders of fiction, though.
Rya made the vines become a Bristle Blade as he tears trees in half with it. As Rya walked back to the school seeing a boy go around a turn obvy looking for something
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When Alphonse opened his mouth to say something flippant, Amaltheia stuck her head inside the library. "Brother, what are you doing?" she asked. Alphonse turned around. "Nothing you'd care about, Theia. Besides, what are you doing out of class?" Was his angelic sister really skipping? Of course not. "The teacher told everybody to leave. Behave yourself," Amaltheia said as she walked off, continuing her quest to discover the music room. Alphonse sighed and turned back to the bat girl. "Just because you don't want to be a people person doesn't mean you can't come to class. Now, I'm sure we all have our own probl- God, I sound like Amaltheia," Alphonse said, and shut up.
As Andrew searched, he thought he heard another person behind him. He turned, and saw the very boy he was looking for. "Hey! I had a question for you." he said, running up to him. "I saw you make some vines earlier, during class. I was wondering, do you have to have organic matter nearby when you do that? Like, use wood or pieces of plant or something? Or, can you just make it come out of nowhere?" As he spoke, he realized how stupid he sounded. He had a lot more oppertunities than the freaks did, but he supposed living with carnies for so many years didn't doi too much for his intellect overall. He wasn't as stupid as the Dingbat in the library, though.


Ember glanced at a few books of basic review problems and some fairly simple-looking books lying on one end of the table, where she had pushed them when she had given in to frustration the night before. "Maybe I don't want to go to class. Nobody can make me do anything." She said, tilting her hair so her hair would hide her face, and the embarrassed look she was sure she was wearing.
Rya softly smiled at this "I grow them on my body...Look" Rya said as he made vines grow off his arms as they bloomed at the ends.

"Really simple when you think about it" Rya said as he made more vines grow off himself.
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"Sure, no one can make you do anything. That doesn't change the fact that there are somethings you ought to be doing," Alphonse shrugged. "Anyway, my name is Alphonse. Since you seem to be preoccupied with getting back to sleep, I think I'll just go find somewhere I can practice with my weapons." With that, he turned on his heel and started to leave.

((left ambiguous for your roleplaying purposes Moon, since I'll probably be posting to myself next post anyway with Amaltheia.{is ambiguous the right word? did I even spell it right?}))
(I don't know... *checks MSW dictionary* You spelled it right, but I think you used it wrong. According to word, it means having multiple meanings, or causing confusion. Maybe your post did have multiple meanings, though, and I just didn't realize?)

"Woah..." Andrew said, amazed at the freedom the boy had with his power. "I wish I could do that. I can only control what's already there. I figured out how to create a living plant come out of dead wood or plant matter, though. Still haven't discovered how I can make plants from nothing, though, if I even can." He raised a few fingers and moved then slightly, trying to move the vines coming off his arms just a bit. He wasn't sure whether he could control those specific vines, since they were the creation and under the control of another person, but it was worth a try, as an example.


"I don't 'ought to' do anything..." she muttered. Ember heard the boy leave, but didn't look up. "Are you going to leave, too, or are you still not satifsied, and want to have more fun?" she asked the girl. Her face was still a bit redder than usual around the apples of her cheeks. She glanced up at the her through her hair, her expression a mix of her normal anger and her current ambarrassment.
Rya looked at the vines as they slightly moved. "Well try to think that something is climbing up your arm but then think about where you want it to go like....To your middle finger" Rya said trying to help him out a-bit.
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Alphonse rolled his eyes a little, but didn't turn back.

The one place he knew how to get to was his room, and it took him a brief amount of time to reach it. While Amaltheia's bed (do they have co-ed {is that the right term?}dorms?) was neatly made, Alphonse's bed was just sort of thrown together. On his side of the room, Alphonse had a collection of weapons. He peered over what he had, and eventually selected a sword. It never hurt to go with the basics.

It did, however take him forever to make it to place where he could train with his sword. He removed his weapon from its sheath, and took a moment to look over the blade, making sure it was still well polshed and sharp. He fingered the ruby on its hilt, like he often did, and suddenly lunged into his graceful false-combat dance.

((it was a matter of, I didn't exactly make him leave. that's why I used ambiguous. at least I spelt it right!))

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