☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Billy.::. "Holy sh** what just happened!?" he said freaking out

Shaun.::. he came into the class he saw Flower and a boy he hadnt met yet, talking. he shrugged and walked away. he went back to the window. he saw the water and relaxed who cares if i ditch for a minute or two...

Teacher: he came in, saw all the desks knocked over and some kids missing "Oh god, im going to get fired on the first day!!" he said screaming "and where are all the kids?!!?!" he said, he saw something outside "Whats that..." he said getting closer to the window "Oh no..." he said horrified to what he saw, he ran to the phone "Hello!? we got another loose one! in the field!" he waiting "...sure! do anything! just take control of it! kids are indanger!!!"

Annabeth.::, you will find out what is happening.... :)
[QUOTE="Xx-Katherine-xX]Name: Ever Crail Jordeen
Gender: Female

Age: 17

Family: LaHale(Twin Sister) and Liam(Younger Sister)

Crush: Nah



Power/Monster: Shapeshifter

History: She doesn't really like to talk about it. But LaHale can tell you all about it.

Other: Nah

Name: LaHale Rolins Jordeen

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Family: Ever and Liam

Crush: Nah



Power/Monster: Dhampir- Half vampire half human

History: Her entire family was violently murdered one day. When she came home she found pieces of their bodies in a pile and the whole house was covered in blood.


Name: Liam Rylan Jordeen

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Family: Ever and LaHale

Crush: Nah



Power/Monster: Telekinisis and Flying

History: Same as LaHale's


Flower looked at Billy and sighed. She looked at the teacher and sighed even more. "Darn best I'm really going to kill him when he gets back." She said stretching out. With another sigh she looked at the teacher. "..." She looked down and then played with her hair.
Teacher.::. "Oh got their is one more! hurry hurry!!!" he said and hung up, he looked at the kids. "Man your stations!!!" he yelled. he hid under his desk, scared.

Billy.::. he ran to the window and saw to monster "is that Beast and Annabeth?!" he said yelling with question

Shaun.::. he went to the bathroom to clean his hands.

Annabeth.::. well... she was running crazy biting, ect.
(Ne, just post something about being in class, I guess. Or you can skip and go bother Ember, since she's still asleep in the library...)

Andrew turned his attention to the teacher, figuring the conversation was over for the time being. He heard her saying something, but didn't think it pertained to him, so he ignored it, leaning on his hand as he tried to concentrate on the lesson. When the teacher began freaking out again, he turned his head towards the window, but his expression was still kind of bored. If it wasn't happening right next to him, he didn't care much, and even then he usually just tried to break it up...or ignored it, if he wasn't in danger.
Billy.::. he screamed then got ready to "fire" up.

Shaun.::. he put on his ipod music and sat in the bathroom, he heard nothing but music (lol)

Teacher: he screamed then called the police.
Flower got up and grabbed her sword. "Do I have to calm another one down?" she sighed and looked at the teacher. "Shall I get her back her I'm sure I can calm her down." she said and looked out.
Ever walked into the class. The teacher was screaming and on the phone. She shrugged and sat at a desk. She saw Annabeth and almost screamed herself.

LaHale walked through the library and saw Ember. She chuckled, well, more of a snicker really, and walked silently towards her. She grabbed Ember's shoulders and whispered "Boo." into her ear.

Liam walked along the halls and froqned when she heard music coming from the boys bathroom. She pressed her ear against the door and smiled. She tapped her fingers against the door to the beat.
{eh, I suppose. I'll have Alphonse come bother Ember, because I feel bad for poor little Ember, all alone...and Amaltheia would never leave class}

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When the fighting had originally started, Alphonse's eyes had begun to glow a bit red. The demon hidden within the body of a human loved fighting, and wanted to emerge. Amaltheia had gripped his arm, and Alphonse came back to earth. "You can't go demon on me now..." she'd hissed, and he'd fled the room. Amaltheia stood calmly, dodging the fighters where she knew they would be.

Alphonse had been trying to think of a good place to go to to skip class, when he'd come across the library, and found another student. So, naturally, he joined her.

"Hey, hello?" he said to the sleeping figure with wings.

Amaltheia smoothed the wrinkles out of her clothes and sat back down calmly, like nothing had ever happened.
Name: Amiga Mia Taylson (Mia, Miga, Ami, or whatever else)Gender: FemaleAge; 16Family: None anymore that she is aware of Crush: No one yetAppearance: She is as loud as the flower she is named after. She's thin and not all that tall and has multi colored hair, ranging from black to blonde, flowing down her shoulders in gentle waves, though it is almost always pulled into a ponytail. Her eyes are glowing blue and change in the light. She usually wears jeans, leather boots, and a jacket of some sort. Power/monster: Shape shifterHistory: She lost her parents when she was 12 and has been just barely surviving ever since. It also doesn't help that she transformed into a bird one day. Other: Nope(Is this still open to join? Is that ok ^^ And where should she start? Entering the school? Also, sorry everythings all cramped together. Im on my iPod so it won't let me fix it. I'll try to fix it when I can get on a computer, sorry it's hard to read! :) thanks!)
(( umm fire of hearts, she is in the class now... destroying about everything.. ))

Annabeth.::. she saw some people coming and flipped out, she ran out of the class and into the hallways.

Billy.::. "ill go after her!" he said running after the wolf

Shaun.::. he heard tapping and lowered his volume a bit. he waited and listened

Teacher: he hid in the corner, sobbing.

School helper: "hut hut hut hut" they said as they came into the school and went to the class "where are the loose ones?" they asked the teacher
Rosa sighed, "Really," what had she signed up for? The teacher was cowering the corner like a lunatic. A mess of demons were whirling through the room fighting and tearing the desks out from under their feet, how the heck was this a teaching environment. The girl with white hair seemed some what sane and in control of herself, Rosa stepped closer to her and whispered, "I can go after her in wolf form or what do you need?" she whispered figuring the girl might have a plan.
Rya stood up as he yawned as he held open his hand as Rose Petals flew in it as it formed in a elaborately made Rapier as he put a arm behind his back as he walked out into the hall.
Flower followed and blasted light out after the wolf in hopes of getting her. She ran fast trying to catch up. She jumpped and pulled out a knife quickly putting her sword away not wanting to hurt the girl. When she landed she looked at the wolf now being in front of her. Using light to try and blind her for a few seconds before she will be able to calm her down.
Rosa watched the girl race away in a swirl of knives and light. So that was her power she was all bright. "Wow look at Rosa using her words," she grumbled to herself so only she could hear. She immediately blushed realizing she had just talked to herself. Nobody noticed though because there was too much going on. With a sigh she took off after the girl and the wolf.
School's Helpers: then came running and one got out a 'sleep dart' and before anyone could do anything the man shot the wolf. "Step aside everyone!" he yelled as the wolf came down with a thump.

Billy.::. "aw come on! i was about to use my power!" he whined, as he stared at the still alive wolf.

Shaun.::. he heard a *thump* and jumped. he put away his mp3player and opened the boys door, surprised he saw a girl. "Hello?" he said, his eyebrow up.

Annabeth.::. she was running, then something poked her, hard. and she felt dizzy. not knowing what to do she fell down, unconscious. she breathed hard, then closed her eyes.

Teacher: his eyes were bloodshot red and he got up, he was shaking bad. first day is... horrible he thought, putting his hand to his head. he tried to balance himself on his desk

--- Merged Double Post ---

oh and your accepted! just enter the school or whatever, jump in anytime! :)
Flower looked at the guy and glared. "I had it under control." She said and then looked at the poor girl and sighed. "I had to control beast who is a lot worse then this girl." She said and then sighed. It would have been better then making herself nearly pass out anyways. She looked at Billy and raised an eyebrow. She sighed and put her hand on her forehead.
Rya saw that the wolf had been shot as he held out his Weapon as he turned into a petal as he walked back to class.
Biily.::. "what?!?!" he said once he saw the girl look at him and sigh

Shaun.::. "..."

Annabeth.::. it was dark she heard voices

School's workers.::. they got her up on a bed thingy and pulled her away

brb! for like 5 mins!

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