☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower held her head and blasted the light into the wall letting it disperse before it caused any damage. She got up. "I see." she sighed deeply and looked at the girl.
Nurse: "yes, im not sure if is a coma.... or.... oh god" she said nervously"a compa.. its where you cant wake up from your sleep, yet your alive"
Flower sighs and looked at Bily worried. "..." She got up and created a light ball again rolling it in her hand. "Calm down girl...."
Nurse: "but its all my fault!! im going to get fired!" she said her hands on her ears, trying to calm down

Billy.::. "whooaa cowgirl, calm down there." he said looking at her as if she was crazy
Flower sighed. "No it's not!" She walked up to the lycan girl and put her hands over her and her light went into her. "Come on light wake her up." SHe said and closed her eyes.
Nurse: she bit her nails standing in the corner

Billy.::. he was right by Flower, watching the lycan girl, he crossed his fingers

Annabeth.::. she moved, slightly. she breathed hard. she shook. something was working...
Flower kept it up and then started breathing hard herself. She closed her eyes tightly. "Healing....really......hurts...."
Billy.::. he was nervous, not sure what to do... u help, or watch.

Annabeth.::. she started moving. her eyes twitching.
Flower wasn't use to using her powers this much. She continued but was feeling faint. She managed to keep standing but soon stopped almost falling over. "Darn it I haven't used that in such a long time it's draining."
Billy.::. he held out his arms, in case she fell over. "You ok? want me to bring you outside for some fresh air... and light?" he said what about my fire? isnt it like half light or something? he thought to himself
Flower looks at him. "Yeah....I guess I should pratice more...seems I've gotten rusty." She said and stood up again. No it's that shadow think. Somehow it's been messing up my powers. She looked at Billy and leaned against the wall for a bit.
Billy.::. "umm, this might sound a bit crazy but, what about my power? fire, i mean, isnt it like half light or something?" he said looking at the girl

Annabeth.::. she twitched, getting some color in her skin
Rosa walked around the armory and replayed the fight and destruction scene that had been her first period. However she couldn't really remember what had happened to the Beast kid. She had seen them take away the lycan girl but no one had messed with the Beast, besides the girl with the white hair. And with that she left to find him. He didn't seem to have power over his shifting and the last thing the school needed was two creatures that couldn't control their abilities.
Flower nodded. "it creates light yes." she said and looked at him. "You want to use your fire to help me right?" she asked an then stood up straight.
Andrew's eyes widened. "Hiow many tattoos do you have?" he asked. Looking at the spider on Rya's chest frightened him. If the snake was poison...what kind of damage could he cause with that tat?
Billy.::. "well, thats what a man would do, help out anyone. and you do seem like you do need help..." he said
Flower looks at him. "I'm not normally this weak..." She said and then looked around. "I guess there is this shadow thing creepen around and since I'm light it's been effecting me."
Rya pulled down his shirt, seeing the scared face on Andrew. "Don't worry, i won't use that one" Rya said to Andrew.
Andrew let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Good. I would hate to see that on the loose...no offence." He gave Rya a nervous smile, hoping he knew what he meant by it.
Rya nodded at him. "That one is deadly" Rya said as he turned around pulling up his shirt revealing A tattoo of Black Raven Wings going down his shoulders.
Andrew nodded, impressed. "Now, that one's really cool. There are tons of people who'd get a tatto like that without it even being able to do anything."

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