☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower leaned back her eyes closed soaking in some light. She wasn't paying to much attention to Billy. She didn't hear him. She she breathed slowly with a smile on her face. She looked at him. "? Oh sorry what did you say?"
Flower nodded and then got up. She walked to his side and sighed deeply. Suddenly she walked away and then looked at the nerse and then sighed deeply. "Come on she'll be out of this soon." She looked at the floor leaning on the wall feeling pretty bad herself.
Billy.::. he breathed in and let little fire come out of his hands. he didnt want to burn her. he saw her move, he smiled and kept at it.

Annabeth.::. she felt warm, but only on her tummy. it felt weird. she moved trying to shake it off
Flower breathed in slowly and then out. She joined him and repeated her light healing. Closing her eyes as she did they started to glow a bit. She breathed a bit heavier. Standing tall she tried to keep going.
Billy.::. he saw she joined in, he worked more at the healing.

Annabeth.::. she was moving more, more like she had a spasm. he eyes opened quickly from time to time
Flower kept her eyes closed as she continued and then opened them her eye color slowly coming back. She sighed and continued. Looking at her and sighed deeply.
Annabeth.::. she shook, her eyes opened. her gasped. she was breathing hard. she moaned and looked at Flower and Billy.
Flower stopped and looked at her. She smiled and then put her arms down. "Welcome back." She said and then called the nerse in. She looked back to the girl and sighed deeply. 'You had us worried."
Annabeth.::. she breathed hard, and put her hand on her head. "W-what going on?" she said examining the room. she was really confused.

Billy.::. he held her hand, trying to calm her down "you fainted when you just woke up from going over crazy from being a werewolf... its actually is a long story..." he said
Flower looked at them and backed up. Her work was done. Now she needed to get back to training. It was important since that creature was running around. Walking out before anyone could say anything she went outside and started training again.
Annabeth.::. "you can go... ill be fine, the nurse will take care of me" she said looking at the nurse

Billy.::. he nodded to her and walked out says "Bye" waving to her. he walked through the hallways. running his fingers on the walls, feeling the same bumps as he did before.

Shaun.::. he layed on the grass, relaxing. he closed his eyes, letting the air blow over his face. he yawned and fell alseep
Rosa walked into a courtyard thinking she was alone only to realize one of the twins was their asleep. She paused wondering she should leave but stopped. She couldn't always avoid people and she wasn't going to disturb.
Shaun.::. he heard the grass rustling. he thought it was a animal but it stopped. like it was watching him. he slowly opened one of his eyes and looked at the girl in front of him.
As the guy opened and Rosa blushed and kept walking. She knew she should have just left, now she looked like some scientists inspecting a specimen. Her long strides brought her to a huge oak tree which she promptly climbed. It was something she had always wanted to try and now she had her opportunity.
Flower trained hard. She blasted light around burning some trees. She did all kinds of tricks in the air. Spins, flips, rolls. Everything. Her body getting tired and her breath heavy but she didn't care. Her fist bleeding as they slammed on the trees.
Shaun.::. he watched as the girl walked away. he smiled at her. dreamy was all he could think

Billy.::. he heard thumps and bangs as he walked past the 'working out' place. he saw Flower. he watched her, looking how fragile she seemed from the outside. but really she was a strong brave girl....
As soon as she was high enough up the tree that no one could see her she stripped stuffing everything into her bag and shifted into her wolf. She balanced carefully before leaping through the leaves and into the courtyard. How free she felt in her wolf form, it was like nothing matter anymore she was powerful.
Shaun.::. as the girl disappeared into the tree and flipped over. wow, she is pretty he thought to himself. he arms were laned out far and he legs apart. like the first stage to make a snow angel. he sighed of happyness
Flower broke the thing she was beating. She watched as the wood broke into peices. She rolled her shoulders and then looked at billy. She shook her arms and hands. "Oh it's you." She said looking over her bleeding hands.
Rosa held the handles of the duffle bag in her jobs carefully. She flicked her tail smiling as the sun played with her coat, you could really see the variety of color in her fur. She lounged in the sun not far from the twin.
Andrew nodded. "Understandable." he said. "So, what does that one do, anyway? Do you grow wings, or is it independant of your body?"
Billy.::. he chuckled and folded his arms. "seems like little miss perfect has some fire in her eyes." he said acting like a smart-alack. he smirked at her.

Shaun.::. that was the first time he dreamed about someone, a girl. he dreamed of the girl he saw, walking in a meadow. wearing a long white dress. she was spinning around, peaceful. her hair was perfectly cut and brushed. it was flowing in the air as she spin. her dress and perfect also, nice beaded detail and looked like a circle under her. he dress spun nicely. she was smiling. he was there, his hair messy and cute. he had a shirt, but was undone. he walked to her, and held her hands. he looked in her sparkling eyes and lended in. then he woke up. he sighed in happiness. i wonder who this girl is... he thought to himself, thinking he should get to know her

Annabeth.::. she sat up, yawning. the nurse came in with a shot. she injected her with some kind of liquid. she felt dizzy and laid down. she watched the light, until it hurt her eyes. she yawned and turned over, starring at the door. bored.

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