☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower looked at him. "Is there something wrong with that?" She raised an eyebrow. Staring at him as she crossed her arms. She winced at some pain from her hands. She didn't bother to heal them though quite tired.
Billy.::. "oh no, nothing is wrong. its just that you seem so... oh whats the word... fragile? shy? something like that. and i find you punching the daylights out of the poor bag." he said pointing to the bag she had been punching, seeing there was a dent in it. "Its just that i have never seen you in action, or speak that much." he said smiling a bit
Flower nodded. "Roses have thorns." She said looking at the bag. "I tend to have sharper ones." SHe said with a bit of a smirk. She leaned back on the wall. "It's hard to brake something you can't touch."
Billy.::. "but if you cut them off, it becomes gentler, but still able to fight." he said pointing to her knuckles and the bent bag. "Some roses are just wild, and need to be tamed."
Flower raised an eyebrow. "So i'm wild now huh?" She said holding up her bleeding hand. "I see you noticed." He chuckled. Slowly starting to heal them.
Billy.::. when he saw the blood, it reminded him of his parents. he had a dark secret. something only Shaun knew, and he still hated him for it. he turned his face, trying to hid he eyes from her. "you think i dont see blood? its too easy know... after-" he said stopping his words. he didnt even want a "wild" girl to know. it was to risky.
Flower tilted her head looking at him. "Almost slipped something you don't want me to know?" She chuckled. "Better keep that mouth shut then....because if I get curious I have my ways to get information." She held her hands.
Billy.::. he nodded "just something personal.." he said smirking. "so, what are you doing? beside punching the daylights out of the bag and making your hands bleed?" he said starring at her now healed hands.
Flower pulls her hair out of her face. "Just training." She said and then yawned. She looked at him then looked down. 'I have to to get stronger." She said with a smile.
Billy.::. "well, there is other ways to be stronger.." he said looking a the weights, that he used a lot "or you can do it the way my father always said. 'pain is just making the body stronger' is what he said to me all the time" he said smilling "or you can just practice your power" he said smiling still, but it was more of a smirk
Flower chuckles. "You mean like this?" She blasted light at him, grabbbing him and lifting him into the air. She swung him around a bit then dropped him.
Billy.::. when he was on the ground he chuckled "yeah, but for me its like this.." he said spreading his legs apart, like a football stance. he breathed fire right at her, only it didnt hit her, but mostly everything else. he stopped and smiled. "thats what I call a practice" he said folding his arms, impressed with himself
Rosa sat up as she heard a loud blast nearby later followed by the roar of fire. Smoke pricked at her nostrils and she stood up worried, she had no desire to be trapped in a inferno of a building but she also didn't want to look like the fool who overreacted. Her eyes darted across the courtyard and she finally saw a plum of smoke rising into the air.
Flower ran through the fire without getting burned and jumped over him. She landed behind him and then turned around. "To easy." she said blasting light at him.
Billy.::. he mumbled at her, he rolled his eyes "i was going easy on you" he said chuckling. he folding his arms. "you havent seen anything, YET" he said a smirk slapped across his face

Shaun.::. he jumped when he heard the boom, and saw fire and smoke "shit, Billy! you did it again!!" he said angry, he got up. he hands were in fist.

Annabeth.::. she woke up, her eye dreary. she felt better, in fact, she seemed like she wanted to do a cartwheel, but she was to tired, more of lazy, to do one. she went out on the room and walked to the nurse "i think i can go now, i feel great" the nurse smiled at her a motioned her to the door "your fine to go" she said smiling
Flower chuckled. "So it seems." She said lifting her hand up light making her disappear. She reappeared across the room. "Light as a lot of secret abilities." She looked out. "Hm..."
Billy.::. he closed him eyes, and folded his arms "actually, i can fly with fire!" he said trying to show off a bit. he saw her looking out the window "whatcha lookin at?" he said looking out the window. he saw a wolf in a tree, unusual, and his brother screaming, or dancing around. he couldnt tell really

Shaun.::. he put his hands on his head, mad at his brother. he whispered to himself " you have really done it this time older brother " he shook his head no. Billy was older than his by 3 mins. yes, and of course, Billy did mess up, A LOT! but once, he messed up big time. shaun would always hate him for it. he learned to live with in, but never forgave him

Annabeth.::. she went to explore the school, looking in every room, everywhere. she actually found a gymnasium and a pool.
Flower looks at him. "Your twin...I guess he's mad." She said sighing a bit. "hmm. Interesting that you can fly...although it's not to surprising." She said laying down tired.
Billy.::. he rolled his eyes "well well, what about... making animals with fire!!" he said making a butterfly with fire

Shaun.::. he sighed and fell down. he closed his eyes. he needed to calm down and relax, relax he though, breathing in and out
Flower chuckled and took the light from the fire. She played with the light for a while. "How am I suppose to know?" She chuckled. Looking more tired as she relaxed.
Billy.::. "just watch" he said moving his hands. he was trying to make a fire wolf. he was motioning his body every which way. then he put the heels of his hand together and fire came out of his hands. he moved the fire around until he showed a wolf. he stepped back and smiled. the wolf walked around, then saw Flower, it walked to her and nugged his snout on he legs
Flower looked at the wolf and laughed. "Oh cool!" She chuckled and then looked at the wolf. She smiled and then tilted her head at him smiling.

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