☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

ok well,...

Shaun.::. he heard the air going crazy, he woke up slowly. he looked around. he saw a boy playing with the wind
Flower looked at Billy, slightly looking him over. However she didn't put much thought into it. He seemed to much like a player for her taste. Petting flame she smiled and nodded. "Got it." she said and then stood up straight. (not so easy this time)
Billy.::. he chuckled "well, farewell" he said sitting back down. he began to lift his weights, breathing hard.

Flame: he smiled at his owner. loving his new life.

Shaun.::. he rubbed his hands in his eyes, his sight was fuzzy. "hi?" he said, still focusing himself back to reality
Rya aimed the sword at the sky, as it looked a storm was in the blade, as it was glowing silver. "Wind Spirits," he began "Blow them away!" Rya yelled, as a twister came out the tip, going like a rocket ripping in the clouds, as he looked at the boy that said hi.
Rya raised his eyebrow at him. "That's what i have to say" Rya said. (Rya can call on the Spirits of Elements, the one he just used was the Wind Spirit, Lexus)
Flame: he wanted to run, but saw his owner looked seriously tired. so he forgot about it and followed his owner.

Shaun.::. "hmf" he said grunting. he got up slowly, and walked to the boy. "wind?" he said asking about his power
Shaun.::. he shrugged "just wondering what your power was, making sure." he said, smiling a bit. he could make him do anything, i mean thats what his power was. right?
Flower lays on her bed and then falls asleep. She didn't know it but her room door was open. She didn't shut it tight.
Annabeth.::. she was still wandering around, looking for something fun to do. she sighed and decided to go to the gym, play some basketball or something.

Billy.::. he sighed and got up. he grabbed his water, but remembered it was empty. he walked to the exit, he went in the hallway, looking for a water fountain.

Shaun.::. he smiled "show me your best" he said, instructing him like his coach or something. he folded his arms, waiting for his best.

Flame: he jumped up on his owner bed, and fell asleep.
Shaun.::. "of your powers" he said. he got the feeling he was stalling, like he didnt know what power was his best.
Rya closed eyes as he made the sky turn dark & stormy, "Spirit of the Hurricane, Blow away the Evil!" Rya yelled as a hurricane came from the sky, lightning crashed into the ground trees were uprooted, the hurricane became huge & black, the dust ripped the ground.
Shaun.::. he fell to the ground, he looked up, terrified. he looked up and saw the boy doing it. "wow" he said, amazed.
Rya smirked at his fear. "Spirit of the Hurricane, Calm!" Rya said as he made everything stop. The Damages was still there.
Billy.::. he threw away his bottle and found a water fountain, he bent down and drank from it.

Shaun.::. he clapped "nice work, but you havent seen anything from me" he said smiling. he chuckled

Annabeth.::. she found a basketball and started to play. 5 mins. pasted and she got 3 dunks.

Flame: his head went up, and starred at his owner
Shaun.::. he smiled and closed his eyes. he mumbled some words, playing with his fingers. then he opened his eyes and titled his head. he kept on staring at the boy, hypnotizing him. he eyes were so hard to look away from it was almost impossible to look away from.
Flower walked out. She sighed still tired, kind of in a daze. She held her head and then tripped over something. It was billy but as she fell she landed on her hands and then flipped over. She kicked Billy on pure reaction but the backed up. "Oh! My I'm sorry"

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