☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Billy.::. he song of a girl, who left him for another. for his brother. who he was heartbroken, and hurt. he voice and strong and defiantly not nervous

Shaun.::. "diddo? really?" he said looking at him as if he was a little kid, teasing everyone. he chuckled and crossed his arms.
Flower stopped and listened to the song. She looked into the room and then looked down. She quickly walked to the pool thinking a bit. She jumpped into the pool. She looked like this:
Flower swam around and then looked at Flame. "Oh come on." She laughed and then dived under swiming around. She smiled happy.
Ever walked around the school quietly. She played with the hem of her shirt as she walked.

Liam was running laps on the schools track and stopped to get a drink.

Hale was running with her sister and kept going as Liam stopped.

Ever's Outfit-




Liam's Outfit




Hale's Outfit


The pink one ^


Shaun.::. he chuckled "its just that, i have never heard that in a while." he said smiling.

Billy.::. he finished his song and a quiet word, making it seem like forever, but quietly. he looked around the music room and sighed. the song was true. he met a girl, thought she was the one, then when he left for the weekend to go to a program, she left him and went for his brother, Shaun. he was mad at him thinking he did something. but really he was just playing with his friends and she saw him and thought he looked nice, then went after him
Rosa slipped into the room where they kept the indoor pool. It seemed like the hotspot where everyone was and she figured that she should at least try to act social. Her eyes darted around the room as the smell of chlorine filled her nostrils. When were classes supposed to start back? Was she the only one interested in that?
Annabeth.::. she stopped playing basketball, tired and put of breathe. she put away her basketball and went out of the room. she saw the wolf, and she seemed familiar. like she met the wolf before. there was something in her eyes, that triggered that. the girl from the bathroom she thought.

Billy.::. he walked out of the room, trying to find something else to do. he thought of swimming. no, Flower is there, dont want her to think he is stalking her or anything. Gym? nah, to boring. Fighting room. fine, might as well practice. he jogged to the place where you do swords, archery, work out, practicing. the place where all the cool boys hung out to impress some girls.

Shaun.::. "hm, seems like you dont talk much..." he said smiling a bit "but um, where you from?" he said getting to a better topic, so Rya could actually speak without being uncomfortable

Flame: he swam to the end of the pool, jumping to "land". he was like a shaved, naked dog. (as billy said) he whimpered, ashamed of his nakedness.
Flower chuckled and then grabbed her lighter liting him on fire again. "There you go Flame." she said laughing. She said walking out. She was stopped by some other students. Three boys. She backed but a bit blushing. They all laughed and got closer to her.
Flame: when he was lit again and barked with happiness. when the walked and she saw the boys, and they were coming toward her, got the sense of protection. he growled at them, standing in front of his master.

Billy.::. he got a quick drink from the water fountain then walked to the room were you practice your powers/skills. he smiled as he entered the room, he was many boys, and three talking to someone. he looked in their direction and saw Flower oh jolly this is going to be rich he said rolling his eyes at them. he didnt want to impress anyone, just work out and practice his fire. that was his goal
FLower looked at Flame and then looked at the boys. She smiled slightly. The boy laugh. "Nice dog." one boy says. The other two just go around the dog to flirt. FLower grabbed Flame and started walking away.
Rosa laid down beside the pool letting her paws tip into the water. The pool were the water level grew deeper and deeper so the water lapped over the edge mimicking seashore. Her tan paws slowly became darker and darker and she rested her snout on them smiling as her whiskers tipped into the cool water. She watched out of the corner of her eyes everyone moving about, a dog on fire leaping into the water, his flames thoroughly extinguished, then he scrambled back out with the girl with white hair and she lit him back on fire again.
Shaun.::. he nodded his head in silence. looking into the sunset. it was starting to become night time, to go to their rooms

Flame: he yelped as his master picked him up. he growled at the boys seeing their flirting and how his master seemed not happy

Billy.::. he stopped lifting a big weight and saw the boys. he hated when this happened, gross, wrong, and mean images always popped in his head. he shock his head no and sighed, getting up. he walked over to the group. "is their a problem here?" he said asking lifting his eyebrow.
Flower looked back at Billy and then set Flame down. She looked at the boys who shook their head no. They looked at Flower and then walked away. Flower sighed and then nodded at Billy with a small smile.
Billy.::. "yeah move along" billy said shooing the boys away. he looked back at Flower, and smiled slightly. "sorry, i just hate when that happens. to me it just wrong and gross, i dont know..." he said trailing off
Flower looked down. "...Yeah..." She said and then turned around. "Well before I draw anymore attention to myself I'll go get some more clothes on." She said puting her arms in front of her belly. "Thanks again, billy."
Billy.::. he shrugged "no problem, well see yeah soon, i guess" he said waving good-bye to her. it was getting dark, almost time to go to bed. he sighed and glanced at the window
Flower went to her room and got into the shower. She washed the pool water out of her hair. She stretched out and then got out getting dressed.
Rosa noticed the twin who had been sleeping earlier in the courtyard had back towards the dorms. She knew the general direction to the dorm rooms but she kind of needed a guide. She padded out of the water large pawprints leaving a trail behind her before fading to nothing. Stretching into a slow run with long sweeping strides she caught up with him. Slowing to a walk Rosa shifted just her vocal cords, a very tedious process, and spoke, "You mind showing me the way to the dorms," she errr said.
Name: Angelette




Crush:No One

Appearance:View attachment 1940

Power/Monster:...Rather Not Say...

History: Doesn't Really Want To Talk About It

Other:Is Kind Of A Loner But Tries To Get Along With People As Best As She Can
accepted, but the picture of her doesnt work... and you have to tell us what she is later or whatever. and she is not suppost to have a family. didnt you read it?

Billy.::. he yawned as he realized that he had to go to bed. he walked out of the exercise room and walked casually to his dorm/room. he got the key out that the owner er, principle gave to him, and opened the door

Shaun.::. he saw the wolf and heard her quietly talk to him. her voice was smooth like butter, he thought. and wow look at that fur, soft and silky. "oh um, sure" he said stumbling over his words. he wanted to punch himself. STUPID! he thought to himself.

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