☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Shaun.::. "i am hypnotizing you" he said tilting his head back and forth

Billy.::. he looked up and saw Flower, then she kicked him "ow! girl, be careful!" he said rubbing his leg.
Shaun.::. he grabbed the boy, really looking into his eyes. "what about now?" he said, a memorizing voice. he eyes became big, and really stared into the boys eyes
Flower rubbed her arm. "Sorry....um it was....a reaction." She chuckled. "I'm not normaly like that but I just woke up and I um was a bit dazy." She looked at him. "Hope I didn't hurt you."
Rosa wandered the school trying to memorize the pathway to her classes. As she was in her wolf form, people gave her funny looks and even jumped away as if she might hurt them. Sighing she kept plodding along ignoring them, she flicked her mahogany tail holding the duffel bag in her jaws.
((I can't believe I haven't posted this yet...leaving roleplay. I just can't seem to get into this one, sorry))
(( well, that to bad! man, are you sure you still cant roleplay? and 14ca14, Annabeth with meet you!! ooo!!! ))

Shaun.::. he chuckled a bit, in his head he said to myself come on you can hypnotize him, its easy he kept pushing himself to hypnotize the boy, trying harder and harder

Billy.::. he shrugged "just forget it" he said smiling a bit, not worried much about his leg.

Flame: he came, his tongue out. he saw his owner of the floor, and a boy towering her it seemed. did he hurt her?!! he thought. he ran to his master, licking her face. then turned to the boy, and growled at him

Annabeth.::. she stopped playing basketball, tired and put of breathe. she put away her basketball and went out of the room. she saw the wolf, and she seemed familiar. like she met the wolf before. there was something in her eyes, that triggered that. the girl from the bathroom she thought.
Flower chuckled and then petted flame. "Calm down he didn't do anything." she said now standing tall. She looked at Billy. "..." she just smiled and then looked at flame petting him.
Shaun.::. he stared saying some old ancient words "Csonka Shaw donas Kawabata Sheelah" he said, trying harder to hypnotize the boy.

Billy.::. he smiled a bit, but realized it was getting awkward for her. "umm... so ill be getting back to.. working out" he said pointing to his work out place. "see yeah." he said starting to walk off
Flower nodded and then looked around. She looked at Billy. "Hey is there a pool around?" She asked and then stretched out. She looked at Flame real quick.
Billy.::. he nodded. "yes right over there, down the hall then take a left." he said pointing to the hall. "have fun swimming, i mean, if you are." he said smiling a bit.

Flame: he jumped with joy. even though he was made out of fire, he didnt care, he just wanted to jump in the water

Billy.::. "oh and if Flame goes in the water, when he comes back out, he will be like a hairless dog. just light him with fire later and whatever." he said giving her advice.
Flower nodded holding up a lighter. "Got it." She smiled and then stretched out. "Yeah I love the water plus it's go exerice." She said with a chuckle. "Well anyways thanks. I better get my swim suit." She said walking off back to her room.
Shaun.::. their eye connection was broken "aww come on dude!" he said teasing his, shaking his hands. "man, i need to work on this.." he said embarrassed of his poor work on power
Rya smiled at this. "You could do more, your letting your body hold you back, let your mind run free, then there's nothing you can't do" Rya said to him.
Billy.::. he waved bye then walked off. he didnt really bother to go to the exerciser room. he had a secret talent actually. he didnt tell anyone. only his brother knew. he was good at singing. he quietly tip toed to the music room. he reached in his pocket and took out a song he had been working on. he sat on the piano, and started to play, and sing. it was nice, ans sweet. a love song is what he wrote

--- Merged Double Post ---

Shaun.::. he playfully punched. "ok, prefecture. i will keep on trying" he said smiling at him. "so, what your name? Im Shaun." he said holding his hand out, waiting for a shakke
Shaun.::. "well nice to meet you." he said smiling awkwardly.

Billy.::. he playing smoothly, making the piano play beautifully. he his words could melt butter. his voice was husky and deep, but with the music, it sounded pretty.
Flower got on a white swim suit. She walked toward the pool. She heard music, it was beautiful and she peered in. She saw billy and smiled. She listened carefully. She smiled and then leaned on the wall outside so he couldn't see here. She slowly started to sing a bit to the song. Her voice was sweet and soft.

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