☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

As Flower got farther the song got quieter. Once in the forest the moon light made her glow a bit as she soaked in it. Then dashed out in a run for some fun.
Billy.::. he needed fire, that's what it was. since he made the huge wolf, it took away a lot of fire. but that never happened before, then again he never madee something that big out of fire. he needed to find a fire source, and fast. he got up, stumbling over himself as he walked. he leaned against the wall for support. he looked bad, baggy eyes, he looked sort of like a zombie or demon.
Flower slowly came back after a while and then looked around walking in the school. She saw billy. "AH!' She looked at him and then put a hand to her heart. "Oh...you."
Billy.::. he didnt bother saying hello. he just kept walking. right now, he practically was a live zombie. he moaned and walked outside. he needed fire, and fast
Flower raised an eyebrow. She blinked and stared. She sighed and then looked at the ground. She wondered if he needed help.
Billy.::. "must.. go... on... need... fire" he said, huffing his way to the field. just doing this was a lot of work for him. he tongue hung out, and eyes droopy.
Flower was following him and then rolled her eyes. He should have asked. She made light consintrate on one spot and then cause a fire. She kept the light on it. With a glance around she saw nothing but felt something was off.
Billy.::. he saw the fire, and ran to it. instead of breathing it, he jumped in it. as he fell into it you couldnt see him anymore. he screamed, then it was silent.
Flower looked and then ran up to the fire. "Um billy?" She said looking at the fire worried. Still she felt like she should leave. She knew someone else was watching and it was scaring her.
Billy.::. through the fire, you could see a figure. a black figure. it has no eyes, no teeth, nothing but a profile. it blew into Flowers face then the fire flew away. you found Billy, there standing with a evil face. he felt woozy, then fell down, unconscious. "shadow..." he said trailing off, his hand up in the air.
Flower looked down at him and then looked around again. Suddenly she was grabbed. She stuggled but the figure pulled her back. He put a knife to her throat and then looked down at Billy. It was a man, but he had red eyes. He looked to flower who was breathing heavily.
Billy.::. he slowly opened his eyes, dizzy. he got up and saw Flower. his eyes widened. now it was coming together. the thing who killed her parents, was still alive and out for HER! he got up, arms spread apart and starring at the figure
The figure backed away and then looked at him. He continued and then spoke. "Do anything and I will kill her." Flower stayed silent.
Rya was sitting on his windowpane, as he sawa small fire, as he saw Billy & Flower, by some dark being, as he began floating, on the winds, over to them.
Billy.::. he leaned to his right, looking like he was about to fall. his eyes dreary, and breathing hard. he was covered in ashes. he stared at the figure the at Flower. he didnt know what to do. "im sorry" he whispered to Flower.
Flower closed her eyes and then looked at the figure. She looked at the figure who backed up even more. He turned and dashed off Flower stuggling the whole way. She screamed.
Rosa ignored the gesture and kept walking, she could tell they were getting closer to the dorms but something was off. She just had a bad feeling, the wolf stopped looking about the hallways. "Do you smell smoke?" as she finished the question she already knew the answer. For the second time today she was smelling smoke and the scent of flames was followed by a scream. "Lets go," she said taking off.
Shaun.::. he started running beside the wolf, he didnt quiet know what she was doing. he was just following her

Billy.::. he ran after the figure, reacting his hand out, trying to get her. "stop!!!" he yelled, angry. he didnt know who this guy was, but you was being real mean
"Did you hear that scream?" she asked slowing her pace so that he could keep up. She was going to need his help finding her way through this maze of hallways. She had a basic idea where the sound had come from but she wasn't sure how to get there.
Shaun.::. he slowed down, catching his breathe. he scratched his head. "no..." he said trying to remember if there was a scream or not
The figure spit shadow at Billy still running away. Flower cried out once more before she tried using her light. The figure hissed at her and then bond her with shadow. Flower stuggled her light fighting against the shodow on her skin. The figure was older and stronger so she was losing.

he spit out a fire ball, then it turned into a tiger. he jumped on it and the tiger ran real fast. he was starting to catch up to the black figure. he yelled 'ahhh!!!' and spit out fire. the tiger jumped high and Billy looked down, fire blowing everywhere.
The black figure stopped and then watched as Billy flew over him. He kept the knife at Flower's throat. "..." He watched carefully as he lifted flower from the ground keeping the knife where it was. He slightly cut her neck making flower flinch.

from up ahead he could see the knife twinkle in his eyes. he got angry, the tiger fell to the ground, with a big thump, but nothing moves. not even the leaves on the tree. he got off the tiger, breathing hard. "get off her" he said through his teeth. he waited, to see if he would cut her even more. in his pocket, he had a sword, and he made sure the figure knew that. Billy put his hand on the handle of the sword, ready to fight if he needed to.
Rosa's step faltered but not for long because than she heard another yell followed by the smell of more fire. "Come on you had to hear that," she said not really caring now if he followed. She could tell she was closer by the sounds of a scuffle nearby. She finally stopped as she spotted three figures one was cloaked in black and he was holidng a the girl with white hair.

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