☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower was out. She was bairly breathing, at one point her heart stopped but then kept beating. She moved her head the others very worried about her. They weren't sure if she was going to make it. She caughed a bit and then rolled her head around.

i have to do this he thought backing up. he sighed and looked at the ground. his eyes became red and mouth turning bright bright red. as he opened his mouth, it was a glowing red. he spit out fire in the air. quickly he closed his mouth and grabbed the fire with his hands. it started ripping out the light from the fire, the best he could


he gulped, worried what they would do with him. the person got up and untied Shaun "you can go, but you are warned, i am out for you brother... and that girl Flower" he said gripping Shaun's shirt and leaning in close to him. his eyes icy cold. "watch out" he said slowly and threatening him. Shaun nodded at him as he got up.
Rosa tried to follow the trail on which Shaun had disappeared, had the scientists figured out her place of escape? Did she need to leave or was this something different? The idea of someone being here one second than being gone the next was unfathomable but it was happening for Shaun had just disappeared .
Flower soaked in the light. She flinched her eyes opened for a second. She healed the wound on her neck. However the bullet wound was to great for her to heal righ now. She was very weak.

he tried to get as much light from his fire, returning to Flower and splashing it on her back. he hoped she would live. 5 mins of this pasts and the police and hospital people decided to bring her to the hospital. Billy waved her off as she was pulled safely into the ambulance. he hoped she was ok


as the person disappeared he got up, trying to find the nearest exit. he finally found one and pried it open. it made a loud *bang* as it hit the wall. it was chilly. Shaun walked out their, his arms wrapped around himself. he shivered as he walked. hoping he could find the building he called 'home'

Flame: he jumped on board as they pulled his master in the big car. he wanted to stay and comfort his master. he wanted to speak to her, but still wasnt sure if she would be his REAL master or not.
Flower caughed and then opened her eyes. "..." She saw she was now at the hospital. She looked around feeling a bit better, her wound slowly healing. Still though the doctors wanted her to stay so they could monitor her. She didn't move to much since she was pretty sore. It was hard to stay awake but she didn't want to fall asleep just yet. She looked at Flame and slowly petted him. She smiled slightly.

he had to speak, she was the one who would take care of him "hi master" he slowly whispered. he licked his master's nose. he waited for her response. sometime master's would get scared and reject their talking fire pet. he didnt want that to happen to him.
Flower looked at him and then held her head. "Either I suffered a head injury or you are really talking." She closed her eyes. "Your master is sore." She said looking at him. She kept petting him. "DOn't worry you're not the first dog I've seen talking." She chuckles.

he smiled and licked her forehead again. "thank you for understanding master. and you are not crazy... i can really talk. i hope you get better master" he said trying to smile. but as you know, wolf cant really smile. just a little bit. but it looked weird.
Flower wipped her forehead laughing a bit then stopped. "Ouch....that hurts." She slowly sat up on her bed. "Well I'd bet you'd like to meet the other dog I know who can talk. Her name is hunter, she's a german shephered wolf mix. Somehow one way or another she can talk. She's also my pet and calls me master. However she and a friend of hers has been out trying to find a clue on who's after me." (lol in my role play where flower is a key holder I don't bother to explain that at this point but Hunter and Sky [sky is her pet eagle. She can't talk lol] were her protecters when she was a child. I thought I might add them here too if that's ok)
Flower nods. "Yeah...I'm fine really." She said with a slight smile. She thought about hunter, oh how she missed her. She looked out the window. "I just need to rest for alittle bit and I'll be as good as new." She said looking back at flame.

"i hope so master. Flame wouldnt get to be loved by his master then. Flame hopes you get well" he said looking at his master, worried for her. for a second he thought the hospital people thought she was crazy for talking to a wolf.
Deathera grabs Shaun. "Hey you...I was sent to get that flower girl...I need to know where she is." She was a tall, black haired women wearing a red dress. It has a slit in the side were you could see part of her leg. She was about in her 20s with a slender look. She came back from a party and was pretty ticked off about having to go after the girl again.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Flower looks at him and nods. "You're a good boy flame." She said with a sweet smile. She scratched him under his chin and then leaned back closing her eyes. "..." She opened them again. She didn't know what she wanted to do right now.

he gasped. "im Shaun! you are looking for Billy!!!" he yelled, trying to get away. he didnt know if she was part of the kidnapping group or just a random women. he was confused.


he laied his head down by Flower, and looked up at her. his eyes was scared and worried for her. the sad puppy dog eyes everyone loved. he whimpered "i hope you get well" he whispered. "if you dont i will kill hospital people, i promise" he said looked at the back of their heads.
Flower nods and shakes her head a bit. "You better be good Flame or master won't be happy." She said smiling at him. She blinked as there was a banged on the window beside her. She looked at there was sky her eagle and Hunter. She slowly tried to get up to open the window.

Deathera rolls her eyes and keeps him in her grasp. "Oh stop it I'm not going to hurt you! I know you are shaun but you know where flower should be right?" She said pulling him closer. "Don't disapoint the lady now."


he gulped "well it depends, if they are were they are suppost to be than yes but if not than no. but then again i might know where they left... but also i got kidnapped no on the contrary no i dont know where they are or are not suppost to be so than no i dont know where they are" he said thumbing his fingers, trying to make her confused


he nodded in agreement "i will try to be good master." he said nodding the whole entire time.
Deathera grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up. "Where are they?" She said furious now. She glared and then hit him into the wall. "Tell me now!" She yelled at him.

Flower opens the window and smiles as Hunter and sky enter the room. She laughs as hunter licks her face and then sky messes with her hair. She sits back on the bed and looks at Flame. "Flame meet hunter."

Hunter looks at Flame and then bows her head. "Hello, Flame was it?" She said and then sat down. "Hello master....I fear that your friends are now being caught up in our problem." She said looking down.

he screamed and yelped in pain. "ahhh!!!" he said as he hit the wall, as the lady flung him towards the wall. "sorry! i dont know! someone kidnapped me before all saw! all i know is that police and ambulances came!!" he yelled to her, his eyes closed and one arm wrapped around his stomach.


he nodded to Hunter. but once he heard 'I fear that your friends are now being caught up in our problem' he got up, like a fox was about to chase a squirrel for food. "what?" he said thinking it might be his creator, Billy.
Rosa strode through the chaos and watched the ambulance disappear. Than everything started to settle and people continued on there way. Everyone had left the scene and moved on with their lives. Rosa was the only one standing there, by herself, alone, in silence. She tried to decipher the happenings but her concentration was broken by the sharp yell. She took off finally finding Shawn and a seductive woman in black.
Deathera let him go. "good boy." She said and then walked away. She disappeared in shadow and then shadow grabbed shaun and teleported him back to the school. Deathera looked at Shaun. "See give me what I want to know and you get rewarded." She said and then looked around.

Flower's eyes widened and then got out of the bed. "I got to help him!" She said and then cluched her side. "AH!" She fell back on the bed. Her eyes were closed because of the pain.

he nodded, though he felt bad for giving her away. he felt really bad, like a part of him was token away from him. he watched as the lady left. he sighed. maybe he would have to stop her....


"MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled going after her. he tried to push her up, but failed multiple times. he kept at it, trying to be careful.
Hunter helpped Flame get her up. SHe looked at her master and then sighed deeply. "Please don't push yourself." She said making sure she was in the bed. She nuzzled Flower. "Don't worry....we will take care of it." She said looking at her master.

Deathera waited in a tree looking for billy. She sighed and crossed her arms.

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