☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠


he nodded in agreement that he and his masters OTHER pets would help. he waited to see what Hunter would do next. Flame lightly licked his master on ths nose, letting her know it was ok.


*gasp* is what he did as he fell on the floor. he was in the field behind his 'Home' and lay there, tired and scared. he looked around, moaning and groaning. he saw a the lady in a tree. he slowly closed his eyes.


he was also looking for Billy and Flower. he was poking around the tree when he saw a lady. "hello" he said looking at her. "have you seen a boy? tall, blond hair, by the name Billy? if not what about a girl with white hair? i have to... talk to them" he said his voice getting deeper at that last sentence.


he had gone inside and laid in his bed. he was confused and tired, worried and scared. he played with his fingers, waiting for time to pass. he sighed and turn over, closing his eyes.


she got out of the shower and got dressed. heading to bed, she had no idea what had just happened. and how dangerous it is outside. she knew nothing
Flower sighed and looked at Flame. She petted him happy he was here. "Sorry Hunter...but I've got to be the one there." She said getting up slowly. She stretched out and then quickly checked out. She sighed being outside was making her feel beter. She had to get back. Suddenly with hunters help she started running.
(( umm... the kidnapper was talking to someone else.... ))


"master! wait up!!" he said as he suddenly was running, trying to keep up. he was breathing hard, and his heart was pounding. it was his first run, since he was made. he was still all new to it.


he spun his head around to find a wolf. he chuckled in surprise. "well hello pretty wolf" he said walking closer to the wolf. "now, please answer me this" he said pulling a knife out from his pocket "were is the boy and girl?" he said in a evil husky low voice. one of his eyes had a cut on the eyelids. like from 'Scar' in "Lion King". he had a devilish smile and teeth like a donkeys.
Rosa snarled shifting into her wolf form, her clothes fell around her in various forms of shredded. The menacing man had a cut across his face that had obviously hurt when he got it. "How about this I am not going to tell you anything but I am going to even up that face of yours with a nice scar over your other eye if you don't leave," she snarled.
Flower gathered a whole lot of light. Once flame caught up Hunter and sky got close. Flower grabbed Flame and suddenly the bolted fast as light. Flower was now in Billy's room. Flower fell to the ground and breathed fast. "..." SHe groaned and then looked around. "Crap...wrong room..." She said wanting her room but ended up here. Light travel was a bit tricky.

he woke up with a start. he saw a figure on the ground and grabbed a stick. he thought it was the black figure from earlier. he slowly went to a light switch. he switch it on, and held his stick up. he realized it was Flower. "Flower!" he said jumping on the ground. "arent you suppose to be at the hospital?! what are doing here?!"he yelled shaking her.


he chuckled "i see you like patterns. how about this one? i kidnapped someone, asked them a couple of questions... they didnt answer, so i killed them. how about lets repeat that one? starting with you" he said leaning into the wolf.
"I'd like to see your try, come at me I could use a good fight," Rosa snarled showing no fear. If anything she was worried for the people around, what if this guy stopped focusing on her and moved onto the people around her.
Flower looked at him. "Someone....after....you...because....of me." She said caughing a bit. "I'm fine." She said and then flinched grabbing where the bullet hole was. She fell into billy in much pain.

Hunter looked at Billy and then looked at Flower. "Flower....rest...you're pushing yourself to hard." SHe said whining a bit as she licked Flower's arm. "Stay still alright?"

Sky flew to Billy's shoulder keeping her claws lose so she doesn't hurt billy's shoulder. Being a huge eagle it was quite hard. She looked down at flower and then scretched rubbing her head on flower's.

Flower looked at Hunter. "I said...I'm...fine." As soon as she tried to get up she cringed with pain. She closed her eyes still breathing fast.

"lets get you up on my bed..." he said trailing off, carrying her to his bed. "stay here and try to sleep" he said lightly laying her on his bed and pulling the bed covers over her. he moved the hair from her face and smiled. he was going to kill whoever did this to Flower.
Flower blushes a bit. "I'm fine!" She said starting to get up. "I can't let them think you are in one way or another even know me!" She said watching as Hunter and sky watch flower. They both stare as if to say lay down like the boy said. Flower was stubborn though.

Billy sat by her "hey, you need to chill out.... you got shot and now i think you sort of OK... just sit here for a second and ill go get some water. Ok?" he said wrapping his arm around her for support. he held her hand, trying to relax her. she was stubborn, but if this happened to him, he would do the same thing.
Flower pulled away and then glared at him. She didn't need comfort she needed to protect others. She tried to get out of the bed. She wouldn't have this, she needed to be out there fighiting not in here resting. She cringed at the pain. Soon hunter had enough and growled at Flower trying to kee her from getting up.

he sighed "you are going to kill yourself out there. a lot of us can take care of our-self's. we are not little kids. you can help us if we need it... but i dont think any of us need help right now" he said looking at her. "dont kill yourself, trying to help us" he said looking at her. yeah, she was really stubborn. but he didnt want all this weight on his if she died. he would think of himself, that he was stubborn and selfish. letting his friend die because HE did NOTHING. he couldnt and wouldnt live like that. he had to let her know that he didnt want him to die, because she was trying to help them, even thought she was hurt badly.
Flower growled at Hunter and then stood up. "I'll be fine...the least they want to do a kidnap me. I'm their pretty little slave girl. Stupid idiots have no idea who they are dealing with. I'm no slave and I won't let them hurt anyone because they think i am got it?!" She said staring at him. She closed her eyes and then started walking to the door slowly because it hurt so badly.

he saw dry blood on her back. and she seemed to be limping. "you are not going out there... your first move will lead you to your death" he said getting up and walking towards her. "your going to die the second you get out there. i bet a bunch of them are out there, just waiting to kill you" he said looking at her. he was SERIOUS. no jokes or games from him anymore. "even your pets dont want you to go" he said pointing to Hunter


he coughed. it was so cold out there as he lay there in the grass. he closed his eyes, then all of a sudden, something wet fell on his nose. he opened his eyes and looking up. snow he thought looking around. great! im going to die! he thought, trying to get up. he was weak from it all. it was too much for him


he looked at and saw his master leaving. "master! where are you going?!" he said running to her.
Flower looked at him and then sat back down on the bed. She crossed her arm annoyed. She looked at Flame and sighed deeply growling to at Billy.

he rolled his eyes and sat next to her. "just get a little better, so at least it doesnt hurt and you can move around. then you can go outside and beats some bad ass. ok?" he said looking at her. she needed to calm down and become stable. so she couldnt kill herself so easily.
Flower glares at her and then crossed her arms. "Whatever..." SHe said slowly getting back up. "I can't be weak...not with him around. He'd killed my family....I will not let him hurt more people. I can't...sorry." She said heading to the door again. She looked at Hunter and sky. "Find him now!" He said and watched as they ran out.

"wait" he said standing up "if your going out there to kill yourself, at least tell me who this guy is and WHY he is after you" he said walking towards her. he at least wanted to know why and who this "guy" was, before she goes out there and kills herself.
Flower looks at him. "He killed my family because they took down his slave trade operation. I was very young then....so guess what he did to me? Slave girl...after failures of selling me he kept me as his own slave. So I snuck out learned how to fight and been running for three years now." She said glaring. "Now unless you are willing to give me your life's story I got to kick his butt."

he sighed and motioned her to sit down. he didnt like telling anyone about it. he hated it.

"ok.... so when i was about 4 and my brother and I were just learning about our just powers... our dad helped us. my dad was awesome, he was the best. he always helped us with everything. but anyways one day he was helping Shaun while i decided to practice myself... and that was a bad idea..." he said looking at the floor, remembering it all.

"i was trying to do a spin of fire, the trick i was suppost to be working on WITH my dad. my dad saw me and pushed my brother aside. my brother hit his head on a rock and was bleeding. he was screaming. so my mom came out to find my dad trying to control the fire, me crying, and my brother bleeding half to death" he said remembering the blood, the smell of it.

"when my dad came i was twirling around and was going to fast to realize he was coming to me. i was to late to realize he was there. and i burned him. he fell to the ground and i ran to him. you see after im done using fire, im am still really hot. so i need to cool down, get cold so i dont burn anyone. but i forgot about that and burned my dad even more. i touched him so much, trying to stop the bleeding, that i killed him." he said getting choked up now.

"my mom stopped the Shaun's bleeding, and we buried my dad. after a couple of months after, my mom committed suicide because she couldnt take it anymore. she was to depressed i guess. so i grabbed my brother and we wondered in the woods, and came upon this place about 5 years later..." he said tears coming from his eyes. he looked at Flower, and smiled a bit. his brother Shaun, had been a little off, even since his head, rock, bleeding scene, and had a scar on his head ever since.
Flower stops and listens as she sits down. She sighed and then looked at him. "I'm sorry." She said looking off to the now. She looked back at him seeing his eyes were teary. She sighed deeply and all though it went against her keep boys at a distance rule. She moved and hugged him. She held him tight and then quickly moved away. "Just to let you know being a slave girl in a stupid slave outfit for a while...I've learned not to get close to anyone boy, so that was a one time only." She said sighing deeply.
Name: Blair

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Family: Her family died in a car accident, but her Father survived.

Crush: No one.. Yet. >;D

Appearance: http://juodidebesys.blogas.lt/files/2010/06/victoria-patterson-photographer-beautiful-blonde-model.jpg

Power/Monster: Her power is Flying :)

History: She doesn't really have one..

Other: Her wings are extremely long and slender, but can disappear when she wants to look normal. Her father is also extremely rich so she has a really expensive car.



when she hugged him, it felt like his mom hugging him when he was going to bed. he sniffed and smiled at her. he wiped his nose and nodded "no its ok, im not like that" he said looking forwards. "so are you going out there to kill ass?" he said looking at her.


you are accepted! only one thing... your parent cant be alive. you can keep you dad, but make sure he doesnt show up or anything. make sure he is like far away. ok?
Flower nodded. "Yeah.." She said and got up again. She walked out very slowly and then ran out to find her worse nightmare.

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