☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠


"can we come?" he said looking at her, like he was a little kid, asking to go to the park with his mom.


"yeah can we?" he said, his tongue out and his tail wagging.
"I'd like to see your try, come at me I could use a good fight," Rosa snarled showing no fear. If anything she was worried for the people around, what if this guy stopped focusing on her and moved onto the people around her.
Flower sighs and nods. She rushes to where she heard voices. She hid in the bushes though. Wondering if it was him. Her wounds slowly healing. She looked to see his face. Darn it all it was him with a wolf. That wolf from eariler. She sighed and then thought of a way to attack.

"hahahaha" he laughed then quickly put the knife to her throat. "tell me where the girl is" he said leaning into her.


he saw Flower "heelllp" he moaned lifting his arm up. he was cold and hurt.


he ran with the animals, trying to scatter everything.
Flower gets up. "Hey master over here!" She said and then looked at Shaun. "Hey!" She called hunter and then looked at her master. SHe swallowed. "Leave her alone now!" SHe said getting angry. "Hunter get the other boy." Hunter runs to shaun and then puts him on her back as best as she could. "DOn't worry! I'll get you inside!" She said quickly trying to get him inside.

"now this wont hurt a bit" he said leaning the knife in. slightly cutting her throat.


he shivered as he was being tugged, his skin turned blue. ice in his hair and eyelashes and eyebrows.


"stop!" he yelled running toward the kidnapper. "leave her alone!!" he yelled as Flower said it right before he did.
Hunter stopped and then just snuggled up with the cold human. She looked at him trying to warm him up in her warm fur. She blinked and then tried to cover his face.

Flower ran up and pushed her master away from her. "I said leave her alone! I'm the one you want!" She said pinning him against a tree. SHe glared at him angry.

he chuckled, you could smell the beer from his breathe. "i see" he said looking at her.


he looked at the wolf, checking for blood or marks.


he spit some fur out from her shedding. he smiled at bit at the wolf, and tried to stay warm.
Flower didn't like his breath. She saw he was staring at her. She shivered and then backed up. "Go back to the rat hole you came from idiot!" She said growling at him like a dog.

Hunter smiled wolfishly at him and then tried to keep him warm.

"no, i need to kill you!" he said holding out his knife, limping towards her. "hahahaha!!!" he chuckled his ugly teeth showing3


he smiled and petted the wolf. she seemed nice. probably the nicest wolf i had even seen he thought. he chuckled when she smiled wolfishly
Flower backed up and then growled. "Oh yeah...go ahead I've suffered enough because of you!" She looked at the knife. She looked back at him her breath quickened fearing the pain. She needed to get close though. Their was a knife hidding under her clothes. She swallowed a bit though.
(not to be pushy or anything but my character didn't even get a chance to react before everybody rushed in...no need to edit its just kinda unfair to my character)

Rosa had not moved back from the threat of his knife but as he put pressure on her neck she reacted taking a step back. She raised her hand knocking the dagger away from her. "You need to back off and lay off the liquor," she added as his rancid breath washed over her nostrils. At that moment two other people appeared stepping into the situation. One was Shaun's twin and once again the girl with white hair was involved, Rosa really needed to get some names. The girl began to fight with the drunk but by the looks of it this was a personal fight, Rosa wouldn't step in unless it started going downhill.
Blair sighed, driving her Saleen s5s Raptor dangerously fast down the road.

"I'm so bored.." She mumbled to herself as the song Strange Clouds by B.o.B. came on. She swerved the car to the left, parking in front of Clover Academy. She really did hate it when everybody stared at her wings. It seriously got really annoying.

Luckily, when she got out of her sports car and spread her long slender white wings, nobody stared. A flood of relief flashed in her eyes and she folded her wings behind her back and walked towards the building. Her high heels clapped against the ground noisily as she entered the Academy and vanished behind the doors.
( oh sorry, i just felt like i had to keep this going, if i didnt the Kidnapper would still be standing there with a knife on her throat. sorry ill wait next time. :P )



he heard heels and saw a girl with wings going inside. he wanted to say "hi" or at least be able to move. but right now, it wasnt good for him, he needed to warm up. he saw the wolf and waved to her, petting the wolf sitting on him.


"are you OK?" he said looking at a wolf he never met. "im Billy" he said feeling the need to say his name.


she woke up to the start of heels. she rubbed her eyes and got out of bed. her hair was crazy. she opened the door, and poked through the hallway.


"stop man!" he said running over to his master. he bit the mans pants and started barking at him "leave my master alone!!!" he growled at him
Flower looked at flame and then back at the man. She grabbed the knife from under her shirt. She looked at the man holding the knife up. She stood there looking at him.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hunter kept the human warm as beast as she could. She smiled as he petted her and then licked his cheek. She licked her own nose then and yawned being a bit tired. She looked at the human. "Should I try and move you inside again?" She asked watching as Sky landed next to them.

he laughed while she licked him, it really tickled. "maybe i could t-try moving a bit..." he said feeling lazy, letting a wolf carry him. he was 175 pounds. and he guessed the wolf was 50? maybe 40 pounds.


he laughed wickedly. "oh little girl, you remember always to carry a knife, good for listening to my orders." he said smiling. he walked forward, and lifted his knife.
Flower swallowed a bit. "Darn you...." She said and then threw it grabbing the handle again only the blade was pointed downward. She held it up. "Be warned I am not as deffencless as I once was...I will kill you if you get to close." She said glaring. "I still remember all the times you used a whip on me."

"oh good you remember" he said chuckled "you seem weak, this might be too easy" he said walking faster. he still had some tricks up his sleeve.

(you can kill the Kidnapper, he is just a extra. kill him whenever you want to :P )
(I like keeping bad guys around incase things get a bit boring. It's just fun that way. lol)

Flower growls and then jumps up. She slammed down on the ground, light bursting forth. She looked at him. "Don't think so!" She said cringing a bit. She set the light at him. She watched to see what he'd do. Hate in her eyes as she remembered all the things he put her through. Not to mention his annoying touchy friends. SHe growled.
( ok kool, but incase you get bored of him you can kill him and we will make a different villain/bad guy or something )


he smiled, he flung his knife at her, then slammed against the tree. he laughed, not even bothered by the light. "i see you learned NOTHING from your practicing!" he said mocking the girl.
Flower looked at him and then charged. "SHUT UP!" She said slashing her knife at him. She though was getting quite slow from the pain. "Stupid bullet." She growled.
(It's fine, I get it)

Rosa shook her tawny head, "I'm fine he barely nicked the skin, you must be Shaun's brother," she commented looking at the boy out of the corner of her eye. Billy and Shaun, she could remember that but right now her focus was on the fight before her.

he nodded, no sure what else to say. everything he thought of was stupid. like your lucky, you almost got killed or nice moving, good thing he didnt cut you too much they all were stupid


"sh*t" he said as the knife slightly cut his arm. he covered his arm and laughed, blood coming out of his mouth. he was working a lot and his body couldnt take it.
Flower watched him and then grab him a quick punch. She grabbed the wrist with the knife. She started pushing him back towards a tree to pin him. She growled angry.

he chuckled, eyes shut. he barfed up blood multiple times. "arrrr!!!!!" he yelled throwing a punch and a kick at the girl. "f**k you!" he yelled, laughing the whole entire time. he elbowed her in the stomach.

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