☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Alice opened the door to her new bedroom and was blinded by the light coming through the large window. She immediatey ran over to close the curtains, blacking out the room entirely. She set her things down and looked around her new room. Everyone here was so different than what she was used to. She hadn't been around other non-humans for a long time. "Maybe I don't belong here after all..." she said solemnly to herself. "Maybe I should just go..." She sighed, unsure of what to do. "I should have learned by now. It doesn't matter where I go. No one will ever accept me." She picked up her parasol and schedule, her only belongings, and left her room.

Alice was walking down the hallway when she heard the sound of glass shattering. She walked toward the area where it had come from, and saw the girl from earlier flying away, soon followed by one of the guys that had assissted her. She also saw the boys who had been harrassing the angel before. Apparently they had given up their pursuit. Alice continued down the hall and stopped at the front entrance. She glanced at the school behind her and opened the door to leave. Her pale red eyes burned from the light, but she strode quickly outside. At least she would be able to get her thoughts straight by being away from the troublemakers. She sat under a large tree and began pondering whether staying here would be worth it.
Rosa sighed glad to finally be away from the hustle and bustle of everyone. She slipped into a bathroom once again ignoring the confused stares of people, when would thy get used to a wolf walking down the hallway. Anyway, once she was in the bathroom Rosa shifted changing back into her yoga pants and tank. She heard the shattering of glass and paused waiting to see if anything else happened but based on the sounds that followed everything was being handled appropriately.
Blair watched Beast drop her purse by her and than quietly walk off. She tilted her head in confusion and than wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. She stood up slowly as a streak of red ran down her white wings and dripped to the ground. The glass must of cut her wings.

She sighed and flicked the blood off, but it kept running down.

"Dang it.. I need a band-aid.." She muttered and than knelt down and dug through her purse. She couldn't find one. She soon gave up and picked up her purse, and walked back into the Academy cautiously.

Luckily, the guys were not there, so she did a quick jog down the hall, ignoring the stares from most of the guys gaze's which focused around her chest area. She rolled her eyes and slowed down to a normal pace.
Beast rammed into the winged girl. He backed up and then looked down. "Oh please excuse me...." He said and then looked to the side. "Um....are you ok?" He said looking back down and then at her. He continued to back up and then sighed deeply. He still had beast eyes.
She raised an eyebrow at him, recognizing him immediately.

"Yeah, i'm okay." Than she tilted her head in an adorable way and blinked her golden eyes.

"Wait.. Aren't you the guy who dropped off my purse?" She asked, looking him up and down and folding her wings behind her back.

~His eyes.. Look very familiar..~
Beast looked at her and nodded. "Um yes....you seemed upset so I thought you didn't want to be bothered....you know by a boy." He blinked and looked at her. He smiled slightly then frowned. "Since I guess guys in the first place caused the problem." He sighed and rubbed the back of his head.
She blinked again, and than flashed him a perfect smile.

"No. You could of talked to me if you wanted." She winked at him and than grinned with her eyes gleaming brightly.

"I don't bite."

Her smile faded slowly when a familiar face shown above the crowd of people. That face made the feathers on her wings ruffle up in fear.

"Uh.. I.. Have to go." She whipped around and sped down the hall, than looked back and waved.

"Nice meeting you!" She called, and than she spread her wings when she was out of the building and vanished into the sky.
Beast looked and then watched her go. He rubbed his head wondering if it was something he said. He was sure he didn't do anything. He shrugged and started walking back to his room. He sighed deeply. Flower was busy, he was sure. No one elsed like him because of his temper. He was a beast after all. He sighed, he didn't even get the girls name so they could be friends.
Blair groaned angrily to herself as the wind blew through her hair.

"Dang it.. I didn't even tell him my name.." She mumbled irritably, landing beside her expensive sports car and looking to see if anyone had done anything to it. No one had.

She sighed and watched the Clover Academy's entrance to see if the person was following her. She didn't see the specific person, so she decided to go up to her room. She spread her long wings and flapped a few times, landing on the edge of the window pane and kicking open the window into an expensive looking room filled with fancy furniture. She sighed and shut the window, sitting down on a scarlet red bean bag.

"Maybe I should go look for him.." She murmured, thinking about the guy she had just met a few moments ago.
Beast went to the work out room. He distroyed the punching bag. "Ugh...being a beast sucks." He said the boys staring in awe. He sighed and then stretched out his arms. "Don't look so shocked..." He mummbled and then ran around the room following the tack. He sighed deeply thinking.
She sighed and burst out of her room in a very short white skirt and a tank top that showed her tan stomach slightly. Her wings were folded behind her back, making her look normal at first, but when her wings stuck out, she didn't really.

She walked past the workout room, ignoring the perverted stares most of the boys were giving her. One of the boys whistled loudly at her and grinned, lifting a heavy weight, trying to show off.

She rolled her eyes and side-glanced noticing the boy from before. Her gaze was mainly focused on him, and the guys seemed to notice, because they followed her gaze to Beast. She quickly looked away before she caused any more attention.

She walked towards the pool area and sighed when the boys from the gym followed her slowly, waiting for her to reveal her swimsuit.
Beast followed and then roared very loudly. The boys ran off and he kept roaring as he headed off again. "You better start being careful...They'll learn I'm all bark." He chuckled and then put his hands into his pockets. He looked at her and then blinked. "Didn't even get a name. If I got keep this up can I at least get a name?" He chuckled. "I'm Beast."
Beast nodded. "I was running laps, after they saw me distort the punching bag, I don't think they were willing to pet me try that on their faces." he chuckled and then sighed. "unless you still need me to scare off boys, I should go and continue." he said looking away. He was alittle uncomfortable. He didn't want to make it seem he just came over here to watch her himself. That's not all what he wanted. He just wanted to get the guys off her back, seeing as she is having alot of trouble with them.
Upon reaching her room Rosa dug the drawers until she found a bathing suit. Apparently that was the hot spot for this school and she might as well go while she had a chance. After a few moment she found a gorgeous navy and white striped bikini. She tied it on smiling at her toned body that melded so perfectly. She pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top the fit snugily against her curves. Upon exiting the room she heard a few crude jokes but a cold stare was enough, she could handle herself just fine on her own.

he was angry. he grabbed himself of the ground and ran towards the boys. he slammed himself into one of them and pined them down. "tell why you are after that girl i was will blast your head off!!" he yelling his the boys face. his hands started to become warm, and then became hot. he wanted to burn the boys. burn them till they die. he hated seeing what men do to girls. he hated it. he saw the boy, scream in pain as he burned the boy.


he was frozen. he stood there, realizing how strong his brother was. and how weak Shaun was. he was mad, and jealous. his brother always got the girl, always fought the battles, and always was cooler than him. "goodbye" he said, making his hands into fist. "bye brother" he whispered as he walked of. he wanted to prove to everyone HE was strong, NOT Billy. he marched of, disappearing into the down the hallways.


she screamed as the man covered her mouth. "shhhh" he said setting her on her bed. he grabbed some duck tape and tapped her to her bed. "stay" he said smiling and Annabeth was full of fear. "your my puppet... and im your puppeteer." he said started to laugh. she screamed, closing her eyes as tears flowed out of them. he was going to us me as a slave she though. i am going to be forced to do stuff in dont want to do!! she cried, but couldnt open her mouth because it was tapped shut. she knew it, she was going to hell.


he wanted to make his move. he breathed deep and walked slowly to Hunter "h-hi Hunter" he said, walking on the side of her. he smiled slightly, but looked like a fool "how a-are you?" he said, stumbling over his words.
Flower looked at Annabeth and then jumpped on the man. "Stop this now!" SHe said and looked at Annabeth she threw the man to the wall and then went to annabeth starting to pull the tape off. "Annabeth you ok!?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hunter looked at him and then chuckled. "I'm fine, and you sir?" She asked and she sat down beside him. She had a pretty good idea on what was going on. She wanted to conferm it she she shifted to were her fur touched his and her tail swipped across his back. She pretended she need to scratch her ear. After she scratched her ear she shifted back the same thing happened again.
It was very warm outside, even sitting in the shade. Alice's skin started to itch from being out during the day. Soon it would burn if she didn't go cool off somehow. She thought about a cold bath, but then remembered that there was a pool here and decided maybe that was the better idea. She didn't want to seem like a total outcast if she was going to be here for a while. She went and slipped on her baby blue bikini and covered it with a white dress before making her way to the pool. Blue always made her skin seem even paler than usual, and it would be totally obvious what she was when she got there, but she figured that if everyone else here was just as unique as here, there would be no issues. She walked down to the pool and saw some other people there. She quietly walked to the other side to set her stuff down and once she removed her dress she slid into the cool water. It instantly made her skin stop itching. She saw that the angel from earlier was here, and decided to go introduce herself. She swam shyly up to the girl. "Umm..... hello.... My name is Alice Snow. I, uh, saw you earlier, and just thought I would introduce myself..." She blushed. After being away from other people for so long, talking to them was difficult.
Blair's eyes averted away from Beast's, and they fixed on Alice's gaze.

"Oh yeah. I remember. Nice to meet you, Alice. I'm Blair." She said and than smiled sweetly at her. She stuck out her hand and shook her hand gently, than she retracted it and turned to Beast.

"Hey, if you want, you could come swimming? Your like the only one here without a swimming suit on." She chuckled and than tilted her head again.

--- Merged Double Post ---

The guy clenched his fists as his skin began to burn.

"Were.. Only going after her.. Because of her wings.. You don't see.. That kind of chick.. Everyday.." The guy spat, his eyes flashing into a bright blue color that warned Billy to back off.
Beast looked at her. He shrugged. "I don't need one." He said taking off his shirt. He kept his pants on and then lookedat the water. He jumpped in avoiding the two girls. He came up and then shook his head. "Wow this is cold!" He chuckled and then looked at the girls. He dived under and came up on the other side of the pool of the girls. He was swiming around quite fast.
Alice watched him swimming around. She stayed in the shallow part of the pool; she had never leaned to swim. She turned back to Blair. "Sorry if it's personal or something... But why were those guys earlier acting like that anyway? It was like they knew you from somewhere else or something..."

she gasped as the tape was ripped off of her "yeah im fine" she said, trying to break free from the tape.


"fine" he said, his hair standing up and she flicked her tail at him. as a wolf he couldnt blush, but inside he was as red as a tomato. he smiled at her. "what do you like to do for fun?" he asked, trying to make the conversation continue.
Blair raised an eyebrow at Beast and than giggled. She walked backwards a few steps and than ran forward, doing multiple front handsprings and doing a final one at the edge of the pool. She flipped in the air before crashing into the pool with a loud SPLASH. She burst out of the water and shot upwards to 5 feet in the air, than she flapped her wet wings in midair and grinned down at them.

"I don't know. I think it's because i'm part Angel or somethin'." She called down to Alice before setting herself down at the edge of the pool lightly. She slowly climbed into the deep part of the pool and sighed as she watched her wings disappear immediately.

"My wing disappear when I touch water." Than she blushed and quietly said,

"Or if the opposite gender touches me."
Rosa pushed through the final door and emerged from building. What lay before her was pristine and almost tropical. The pool was a walk in so it sloped like a beach and the water lapped against the concrete in soft waves. There was already three people here which didn't bother her if anything it was a challenge, a challenge to see if she could actually communicate with others. Rosa laid down her towel on a white beach chair and removed her shorts and red tank, thus revealing her sculpted body. Rosa walked to the bank letting the water lap over her toes. (Sorry for typos I'm on my phone)
Beast looked at her and listens. He smiles a bit watching her and then jumped out. His beast form had wings, but he could on shift without losing control. He jumpped backfliping into the pool. He looked up and then resurfaced. He stretched out.

Flower nodded and then lead her to the door to get out of her. She was worried and she looked back at the room. "Just run get some help." She said grabbing her sword and then looked at Annabeth.

Hunter smiled and then thinks. "I love to race." She said standing up and shaking off.

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