☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Blair sighed and dove underneath the water. She kicked her legs and swam all the way to the bottom of the pool, which was extremely deep. She pushed her feet off the bottom and shot upwards through the water. Her head burst out and she flicked her wet hair back and blinked her golden eyes in confusion.

~Huh. I never understood why my wings disappear in water.~ She thought to herself, not knowing she had a thinking expression on her face. She shook her head, spraying water from her hair, than she stopped and smirked at Beast and Alice mischievously.
Beast looked at the girl and then watched her carefully. He backed away not liking the look on her face. His own looked filled with surpise. He dove under the water and then swam to the lader to get out. He popped up and then looked around. He laughed putting his hair to the side. He chuckled. He wasn't anywhere close to the lader. "Well no one said a beast had good homeing skills."
Blair winked at Beast and suddenly disappeared into thin air. She appeared behind him and than quietly whispered,

"Boo." in his ear. She swam a little bit backwards, just realizing how close she was to him just a minute ago. She giggled and than grinned at him.

"Didn't know I could turn invisible, didja?" She asked, still smiling mischievously.
Name: Nick

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Family: They all died in a horrible fire incident.

Crush: Blair :P

Appearance: View attachment 2131

Power/Monster: He is a shape-shifter, but he has the power to run extremely fast.

History: He joined the clover Academy around the time Blair did. They've know each other for a very long time, so he's developed a secret crush. He has tons of friends, but he prefers to hang out with Blair as much as he can.

Other: He has a Corvette as his car.


Suddenly, the song Are You Gonna Be My Girl by Jet blasted out of the radio speakers by the edge of the pool. Blair's eyes widened and she immediately turned towards the entrance as a tall, very good-looking brown haired boy walked in, grinning directly at her. She swam to the edge of the pool and watched him walk towards her.

"Hey Blair. Mind if I join in?" The boy asked, smiling smexily at her. She blushed and nodded quickly.

"Yeah sure." She said, than stopped when he took off his shirt, revealing a tanned six pack underneath. He slid into the pool beside her, still staring at her.
"Oh geez" Alice said, rolling her eyes then laughing a bit. "Good luck with the whole 'other gender not touching you' thing at THIS place." She exhaled letting her body rise up to float on the water, completely weightless as she just relaxed, floating on her back.
Beast looks at Blair and then at the new boy. He didn't do anything when she tried to spook him. He let out a very low growl and swam away from the two diving under. He came out on the other side and set his two arms on the ground. He was thinking now. He looked at nick and then turned around now facing them. "So I'm beast and you are?0 he asked nick giving a small smile.
Rosa waded into the water looking around and wondered if it would be rude to go up and introduce herself. Would she look needy or clingy or even flat up peppy which was the exact opposite of her personality. Maybe they were having a personal conversation and her introduction would just interupt.
Alice noticed someone new enter the room, and, not wanting to seem rude, went over to introduce herself. For her first day, she was sure opening up a lot more than she thought she would. "Hi, I'm Alice" She smiled her adorable smile and extended her hand to Rosa.
Nick flipped his hair to the side slightly (Like Justin Bieber xD ) and than grinned.

"I'm Nick." He said, nodding at Blair and than smirking again.

"Blair's friend." He added, putting both his hands behind his head and leaning back against the pool's edge. Blair flicked her hair back and swam to the opposite side of the pool. She sighed and stuck her toes out of the water and wiggled them.

She felt something crawl down her arm and she looked quickly. A cold shiver ran up her spine when she realized what it was.

"A-A-A-a SPIDER!" She screamed and tried to shake it off, but it clung to her arm with long purple legs. (The spider is like Tarantula size :P ). The large spider flicked it's yellow eyes to her and gave a slight hiss, making her jump out of the pool and run out screaming. The spider, however, crawled out and followed her at a very quick pace.

Nick burst out laughing and flipped his hair again.

"That's Eric. He's a shape-shifter." He chuckled and than gave Beast and Alice a side-glance.

"That spider was him by the way."


(UGH... I'm making another charrie xD )

Name: Eric

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Family: When he was little, his family died of a terrible disease that was unknown.

Crush: Doesn't have one right now :)

Appearance: View attachment 2151

Power/Monster:He is a shape-shifter :)

History: His Mother and Father died of a horrible disease that was unknown. He almost caught it, but he shifted into a dog and left his home. He wandered the streets for a little, but soon heard about something called Clover Academy. He immediately turned back to a human and went to the Academy as soon as he heard about it. There he met Blair, and Nick. He especially loves to freak Blair out by shifting into a weird bug and following her around.

Other: Nothing else really :)
Beast looked at Nick and Eric. "Not funny..." He said swiming over to check on Blair. "You ok?" He asked looking at her and then glanced at Nick. He tried not to be to critical of him. Sometime was bothering him though. He sighed and looked at Blair waiting for an answer. He sighed, looking around. He wasn't quite sure why but he felt a bit uncomfortable. Something he wasn't use to. He took a deeply breath and then looked at her. If she started laughing he'd surely die. He wasn't sure what she was going to do, or what he would do.
Alice had turned even more unnaturally pale when she saw the shape-shifter/spider. Even being a vampire, she still had many fears, and spiders were one of her worst. She had actually completely frozen up as she watched Blair running away from it and was now completely motionless like a statue, her red eyes impossibly wide in fear.
Blair shivered slightly in fear and than her teeth began clattering loudly.

"Y-y-yeah I'm f-f-fine.." She stammered, than stopped when she felt something bigger crawl up her leg. She looked down slowly and than her eyes widened. Eric was in bee form and was buzzing loudly at her. She was VERY scared of bees.

She screamed as loud as she could and than dashed away in a split second, running out of the pool room and down the hallway. She ran into her room and slammed the door, than she screamed again when she figured out that Eric was still clinging to her leg.
Beast eyes widened and then sighs getting out himself. "This is just rediculous." He said putting his shirt back on and then sighed annoyed. He rubbed his wet hair thinking about a few things. His pants were soaked but he didn't care. He looked at the people still in the pool and then sighed deeply again. If only Flower was here. She'd shapeshift into a frop and try to eat Eric. He chuckled at the thought. He rubbed his pants trying to get at least some water out of them. He stretched out his arms and cracked his neck as he rolled it around his shoulders.
A few minutes after the spider had changed into a bee and chased Blair away, Alice's paralysis went away. Still paler than usual, she robotically got out of the pool and sprinted down the hall, forgetting her parasol and dress. "Spiders.... why a spider???" She asked aloud, still freaked out and hoping there would be no spider sightings for the rest of the day. Halfway back to her room, she realized she left her things. "No ones going to bother a parasol and a dress, I'll go get changed and come back for it later." She locked herself in her room to change out of her bikini, jumping every time she saw a shadow, thinking it was a spider.
Rosa grasped the other girl's hand in hers, "I'm Rosa are you new?" she asked as a girl shrieked behind her. Alice paled at the sight of the spider but based on the tarantula's scent he was a shifter. Her guess was confirmed when she heard a few boys talking in the background.
When Alice came back she continued her conversation with Rosa. "I'm sorry... I'm terrified of spiders. Silly, isn't it? I'm okay now..." She dipped only her feet into the water, since she was dressed again in her normal clothes. "I just got here today actually... How long have you been here?"
Eric transformed into his human form and burst out laughing at her.

"Dude! You should of seen the look on your face!" He exclaimed, practically rolling on the ground in laughter. But he stopped when he saw a lingering tear dripping down her face.

"Aw, Blair I'm sor-" She slapped him hard in the face and than stormed out of her room. She ran past the pool area with short shorts on and a tank-top, than she ran off in another direction.
Beast watched her run off. He wondered if he should follow her. He blinked looking down thinking about it. Well she did say that he could have talked to her when she was first upset. He shruged and ran after her. Once catching up he slowed and then thought about what to ask. "Hey, Blair...you alright?" He said and then glared a bit. "Eric didn't hurt you did he? Or did he just scare you?" He asked and reatched out to grab her arm. "I can see why praying on someones fears could be upsetting, I mean I would probably get mad or even cry if they did that to me twice or more." He added hoping to make her feel a bit better.
To her own surprise, she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. She closed her eyes, making a few tears drip out and run down to her chin. The warmth of his body made her feel comforted, which made her rest her head on his chest and sigh slightly.

When she realized what she was doing, her eyes widened and she yanked herself away quickly, taking a couple steps backwards.

"I.. Uh... Uhm.. That.. Was not what... I-" She stopped babbling and took another couple steps back. Than she entwined her hands with her own and stared down at them, like a little kid that had just gotten in trouble.

"I-" She tried to talk again, but no words came out.

Hey Beast? I just wanted to let you know that your a really nice guy, and that I really, really like you. Like a lot. I just wanted to let you know just incase you were wondering. She replayed that thought over and over in her head, but something was missing from it, so she didn't speak.
Beast looked down at her as she hugged him. He looked down at her and then watched as she backed up. He stood there and then smiled. He kindly waited for her to finish and then when she didn't say anything he rubbed the back of his head. "Um I understand about the hugging thing, I don't mind to much." He smiled. "I'm a bit of a hugger, but anyways, you ok?" He asked with a brigt smile.
She slowly looked up and met his gaze with a question in her eyes, than a small smile formed on her face.

"Yeah.. I'm okay-" She stopped again when a voice called out to her from inside the Academy. Nick and Eric burst out of the entrance, panting heavily and leaning over and putting there hands on there knees in exhaustion.

"Whew. We just ran.. Around the whole.. School.." Eric exclaimed, sitting up straight and yawning. He stopped and his mouth dropped open when Blair quickly turned away and ran towards the parking lot.

"HEY! BLAIR! WAIT!" Nick yelled, his face forming a frown. He punched Eric hard in the shoulder and pushed him away.

"Now look what you did! She's friggin' mad at us now!" He paced quickly and than kicked a rock into a puddle irritably. Eric just put his hands behind his head and sighed.

"Eh, who really cares.. She's always been a b*tch anways.." He growled, but stumbled back when Nick flung his fist at him and hit him hard in the jaw.
Beast walks away from the two putting his hands in his pockets. He sighed thinking about Blair hugging him. He smiled a bit at the thought and then frowned wondering why that made him smile. He rubbed his hair and then kept walking down the hall as he thought about it. He glanced back at the two, they bothered him. He looked at the ground, did he...like her? He sighed. No a beast would hurt the ones they loved if they shifted into a beast. He looked down and closed his eyes sighing again as he walked around. Turning the corner he stopped and leaned on the wall looking down.
Blair stopped running off when Eric and Nick walked back into the Academy, making her feel relieved they were gone. She spread her wings and shot into the air, landing on the window pane of her room and cracking open the window. She slipped in and shut it, but not quietly. A black and white Great Dane crept out from under her bed and barked at her in excitement, wagging its tail.

"Kuno! Shush!" She exclaimed, immediately petting his huge head to calm him down. She looked up in horror when she realized the door was open just a tiny bit. Kuno howled and barged out of her room, barking loudly. She leaped to her feet and dashed after him quickly. She wasn't supposed to have dogs here, but he was the cloest thing to family.

"KUNO! BAD DOG!" She screeched, running after the huge dog as he knocked people over in the hall and ran more. He continued to run, knocking over a lady with tons of paper that flew in every direction.

"Sorry!" She called out to the lady as she sped past her and after the Great Dane.
Beast looked and saw a great Dane, he grabbed the huge dog and tugged it back. "Whoah there!" He said holding it, he looked at saw blair, did she need help all the time? He chuckled at the thought and then smiled at her. "Wow, big dog you got here." He smiled and then petted the dog. He sighed deeply and then looked back at Blair. "Now where should I pull him too?" He asked holding the dog still.

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