☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Beast grabs the mouse and holds it up. "Eric...you made her cry once....do it again, and you'll little mouse butt will be found as road kill." He growled loudly his beast side showing as his ears turned to wolf like ones. He threw him on the ground. "Now skat!" He said and looked at Blair. "At least it's not a real one, oh wait...no it's worse he's a rat." He snapped and then crossed his arms.
Blair was still frozen in fear, her heart racing from Eric's mouse form. She blinked multiple times and than looked up to Beast as Eric squeaked and ran out with Nick behind him. She noticed his ears had changed and he was angry. It was all Eric's fault.

"Do you.. Want to leave?" She asked, still glued to the chair as if the ground were lava.
Beast looked at her and his ears changed back to normal. He shook his head no and then looked down. "No, unless you want to." He said looking at the scared waitress. He sighs and looks at her. "Don't worry he's gone, there isn't any real ones here." He said with a smile and then leans back feeling much less angry now.
She sighed in relief, not wanting to leave.

"Alright, lets stay than." She sat down and tilted her head slightly, waiting for the lady to come take there orders. She still wondered why Eric was acting so strange. He usually would of protected himself and probably got into a fight with Beast, but instead, he ran off with Nick following. Besides.. They were mad at each other weren't they? Unless it was..

Blair snapped out of it and looked up at the waitress as she said,

"Alrighty, you guys ready to order?" She asked in a happy voice. Blair nodded and quickly ordered for the Hawaiian pizza with a Sprite.
Beast looks at her and then nods, he smiled. He looked at the waitress and then orders a cheese pizza. He smiles and then looks at Blair, he sighed and then looked down. "So, why are they friends of yours? The seem like jerks to me." He said, he was quite different, but when he got angry, there was no stopping him. He didn't understand why they teased her so much.
Rosa felt an odd tingle run down her spine, "Weird I just got chill bumps but I'm toasty warm," she commented listening for anything odd. The room some how seemed more ominous but she hadn't noticed any one arriving or disappearing.
"It's okay," Alice said. "Nothing for You to worry about..." She didn't want Rosa to be involved if possible. If it really was Him, which Alice hoped it wasn't, He wouldn't bother with Rosa. He would just come after Alice herself. But just in case, Alice stood up and dried the water off of her feet. "I'm gonna go check something out real quick, okay?" She slid on a pair of sandals, picked up her parasol, and started walking toward the door to leave the pool, feeling the prescence leave the room to follow close behind her. "Damn, not here. Can't He just go away?" she thought to herself.
( hmm... havent posted on her in a while, and its my thread! lol :) )


he got off the boy "Stay Away!" he threatened. he heard a scream. then he saw his brother running off. everything was twisting and turning. Clover Academy was changing him and his brother. something was up, and Billy had to stop it....


he was running, not bothering to turn back. tears were flowing from his eyes, and he tried to wipe them away. as he ran down the hallways he came to a door. it read "EXIT" in bright red letters. he pushed them open and was outside. he looked around. he saw some people, including the new girl, the wolf he liked, and Beast. he sniffed and started running towards the woods. he shivered as it started to become midnight.


"Ahh!" she screamed as the man came running towards her, with a chair in his hands. Annabeth's eyes turned red. "Get away!" she said, now trying to be strong. she broke the duck tape as fur started cutting through her clothes. long sharp teeth replaced her old ones. her ears grew tall and moved up. she stood on her back legs. she growled, hitting the ground.
Flower watched annabeth and then the man. She crossed her arms and smirked a bit as she waved bye bye to him. He was in alot of trouble now. She sighed a bit and rubbed her head watching them both.
Blair sighed and leaned back in her chair.

"They aren't really.. Like that. I think there just mad i'm spending so much time with you, and not with them." She murmured softly, looking down and than back up at Beast's eyes.

"That's why they want my attention so badly.." She entwined her fingers with her own and looked down at them. Than she chucked and shifted slightly in her chair.

"And Eric is naturally like that. Hes a dumba**." She smiled at Beast and than blinked her golden eyes.
Beast chuckles and then nods. "Well it's their own fault....but I can't blame them I guess." He looked at her eyes and then looks away as their pizza and drinks arive. He smiles and then looks at her. "So I guess we should head back to the school after this?" He asked with a sweet smile.
She tilted her head and gave Beast a slight nod.

"Yeah sure. I gotta take Kuno for a walk anyways.." She muttered irritably, thinking about how that dog will drag her anywhere he wants to go. She sipped on her Sprite and than took a bite out of her pizza. The taste of pineapple drifted in her mouth and her eyes gleamed.

"Mmmm. That's so good." She exclaimed when she swallowed and than chuckled quietly.

"So.. By the looks of it, you don't like Eric or Nick at all, huh?" She asked, sipping her drink again.
Beast looked at her and shook his head no. "Not one bit..." He said sipping his own drink and then takes a few bites of his pizza. He set the peice down, he looked at her. "I've taken a liking to you however." He said rubbing his head. He looked away again.
Blair looked up from her drink and at him, than she blushed and and giggled slightly.

"I've taken a liking to you too.." She murmured, giving him a small wink before taking another bite at her pizza. She finally finished her pizza and than looked at Beast for a second.

"Well, once you get to know Nick and Eric, there actually really nice guys. There just kind of idiots." She smirked down at her hands and than looked back up to see someone checking out her car.
Beast looked at her and then smiled. "Sweet..." He said and then looked down continuing to eat his pizza. He winked back at her and then chuckled a but then looked down. SHe shifted and continued to eat his pizza, he went silent looking down still. He wondered what else to do now.
She sipped her Sprite until it was all gone, than she ruffled her wings feathers when a cool breeze came in. She looked out the window and noticed it was getting dark and about the time for her to take Kuno on a walk. Usually, if she didn't come back on time, he would start howling. And she didn't want that.

She stretched and than gave Beast a look like 'Wanna go now?'.
Beast nodded understanding and then quickly finished his pizza and drink. He got up and paid the bill, it was about $20.79. Not to bad, he looked at Blair and then smiled widly. "Well, that was nice." He saide looking down, it was at least nice for him. He looked at her, he kinda stared and then looked out to her car.
Blair nodded and blushed slightly.

"Yeah, we should do this again sometime." She winked and than grinned. She followed his gaze to her car and than she quietly walked beside him towards her car. She unlocked the car and opened the door, but stopped when she saw a strange figure dressed in black stare at her from across the street. And the creepy thing was, he was smiling at her. She shook her head and got into the car, starting up the engine and driving down the street.

--- Merged Double Post ---

She parked her car in the school's parking lot and climbed out of the sports car. She locked it, than looked up when she saw a white and black Great Dane stick his head out the window and howl loudly. She groaned in irritation and gave Beast a look saying, 'My dog is so stupid..'.

"Sorry, but I gotta take Kuno out for a walk. He gets cranky when I don't." She muttered, than she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek softly. She pulled away and winked at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She called and than spread her long wings and shot into the air, gently landing on her window pane. She gave Beast a small wave before disappearing into her room.
Beast looked at the man staring and then looked at Blair. "Man do people stare at you on a daily bases?" He looked outside and then watched as the pulled into the school parking lot. He looked at Blair and smiled as he got out of her car and stretched out. When she kissed him on the cheek he blushed and looked at her. He blinked for a few moments before heading inside. Inside himself he was dancing around, but outside he was calm.
Danielle clipped the long leash onto Kuno's collar, than she stealthily led the huge dog out of the school. He pulled her down the side walk, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

"HEEL!" She exclaimed, when he continued to drag her. He stopped and itched his ear stupidly, than he barked at her face and wagged his tail.

"What are you looking at?" She teased and than noticed soon enough, he was staring past her. She gulped and craned her neck slowly to the side, and there was the same guy in black, standing just inches away from her face. She gave him a weak and frail smile that was followed by a few steps backward.

"You have a very big dog." The man rasped in a creepy tone, but he wasn't looking anywhere near Kuno, but staring directly at her with lifeless white eyes. She gave him a quick nod and she froze up when he reached out and grabbed a strand of her blonde hair.

"And you, my dear, are a very pretty young lady." He murmured, giving her a creepy smile. Her face showed nothing but fear as she pulled away shakily.

"Y-Y-Yes and this pretty young lady needs to go-" She squeaked as he put a rough hand over her mouth and dragged her into the darkness. She kicked him hard in the place where it hurts, and he let go. She hurriedly ran away from him, but what she needed to do is fly away, since she was to far from the school. She tried to pick up Kuno, but he was to heavy.

"Oh no.. Oh no.. Where do I go.." She murmured in panic as she looked in every direction. Kuno howled in alarm and than snarled loudly as a cold item was pressed against her throat from behind.

"You can't run from me." The man snapped quietly into her ear. She shivered and stood as still as she could, since the dagger could cut her at any slight movement. Kuno barked multiple times, but stopped when the man kicked him in the face, but it made the dog even more angry. The huge dog launched himself at the man and bit his arm hard, crunching on the bone. The stranger gave out a rugged scream, but grabbed Blair when she tried to run away again.
Beast suddenly showed up in full Beast form, looking like a dragon mixed with a wolf. His wings spread out wide as he roared at the man and then snapped at the men with his huge jaws. He grabbed Blair with his huge claw and pulled her into his fur keeping her close. He growled and then roared loudly. He bairly fit in the small hall way.
Blair shakily relaxed in Beast's claws, but her mind was set on why the man even attacked her. Probably because of her wings.

She didn't speak because she was to terrified, so she stayed still and silent.

She heard several snarls from Kuno, and than a few more screams. Than everything was quiet.

That worried her. She even considered going back there and going to see if Kuno was hurt or worse... Dead.

She hugged her knees to her chest and hid her face. She didn't want anyone to see her crying, but even though, she still let a few muffled sobs.

~Kuno.. Please be okay..~ She thought in desperation.

--- Merged Double Post ---

(Kuno looks like this-->> http://www.dooziedog.com/dog_breeds/great_dane/images/full/Great-Dane.jpg
Beast growls and grabbed the man in his huge jaws and throws him down the hall. He roared again and then grabbed Blair, he set her gently on his warmer back, his belly being more scales then anything. His wings were not that of feathers, so he kept them tucked in for her. This was the first time he changed and was in control more or less. He dashed at the man his muzzle open to bite down onto his fleash or to kill him. He didn't know which.
The man screamed in pain as he was thrown hard against the wall. He wobbled slightly as he got up, and quickly whipped out a black handgun which he shot furiously at Beast and at Blair. He ran down the other hall and tried to get away from Beast, but was trapped in a dead end.

He collapsed onto his knees and stared at the ground.

"Please don't hurt me!" He yelled up at him with tears in his eyes.

"I wasn't trying to hurt her or anything.." He said softly. But Blair detected a lie in his voice and she sighed quietly. She looked at her arm, which had a long slice from the man's dagger. It was bleeding badly, and looked like it needed stiches.
Beast stopped, his muzzle and his left side bleeding from the gun shoots. The furious beast roared at the man, he had gun shots all over from the man's gun, but his huge body managed to take the bullets for Blair. He body spit out the bullets as the more dangerous wounds healed. The lesser ones were ignored by his body, they would heal in normal time. Beast slammed his huge paw at the man and killed him(Guessing that's ok if not ignore it lol xD ) beast roared again, he slowly started turning human, he stopped himself although it was painful. He couldn't change back, not infront of Blair anyways. His clothes were torn and didn't survive his transformation. He turned his head and looked at Blair. He looked at her arm and then slowly went to a laying position so she could get off of him if she wished. His eyes were those of a beast, hardly reconsizable from is softer green eyes. He let out a worried wine not being able to talk.

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