☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Rosa watched her walk away a bit confused. Alice had become slightly jumpy just as Rosa had gotten the goosebumps, something was probably going on but maybe she was just paranoid. Sighing she slipped under water letting it warm her whole body and hopefully reduce the goosebumps to nothing.
Alice felt the presence growing stronger as she got farther away from the other students. She headed to the hallway that led to her room, keeping an eye out as her surroundings grew more ominous and completely silent. It wasn't her best idea to leave the company of other people, but she didn't want anyone to potentially get hurt if they decided to get involved.
( lol, i cant catch up with any off you guys. your too fast! :P ) :R2D2: lol


she growled "enough, John! leave me alone!" she said running toward him, teeth cutting into him. she wanted to rip him apart, but she couldnt in front of Flower. no she couldnt. she let go on John "stay away or i will hunt you down and kill you!" she barked. John was scared stiff, and nodded. no sound out of him.


he walked through the hallways, feeling the walls. he banged his hand to one part of the wall and it seemed hallow. what the? he thought, crossing his eyebrows. he pushed the wall were it was hallow and it open. "a secret door?" he whispered. it was a small door. camoflashed in with the wall. he ducked down and scooted into the small gap. when he was in he stood up and walked around. it was dark. he felt around the cold wall, looking for a light-switch.


he ran into the woods. once he hit the woods, and fell to the ground. he crawled up a hill reaching the top. he sat on the top, and cried. "why me?!" he yelled, making a sad cry. he grabbed the mud, pulling it out. he threw it, cursing and mumbling. "why" he mumbled "why"


"do you want to hang out some time?" he said to her, smiling. he wondered if she thought he was talking about a date. he stood there, hoping her reply was good.
Flower blinked once he was gone and walked out. She sighed and then rubbed her head. She looked around and started walking around. She sighed not sure what she could do not. At least annabeth was ok now. She sighed and leaned on a wall thinking.

Hunter chuckled. "Maybe." She said and got up. She walked away, but rubbed her tail under his muzzle. She looked for her master wondering where she could be.
Blair tilted her head slightly, not understanding what he wanted her to do at first. But when she heard the whine, she spread her white wings and gave a powerful flap, than lowered herself down onto the ground softly. She folded her wings and walked forward a little, than pressed her back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position. Scarlet red blood ran down her arm as she studied the deep cut carefully. It was a pretty bad cut.

She buried her face into her knees, letting her hurt arm drift to the floor and soon make it run red with blood.
Beast licks her arm and then nuzzled her. He sighed wishing he could talk, he couldn't tell her he needed to leave to change back in his room. He put his long dragon like tail around her. He tilted his head watching her carefully. He moved towards her slightly.
She sniffled slightly and than rested her head against his. She closed her eyes as a couple tears spilled out of her eyes and dripped down to her chin, soon to the floor.

She sighed softly and than opened her golden eyes and gazed into his beast eyes. She didn't look away, but simply leaned forward and rested her forehead on his. She closed her eyes again and than put a hand on the side of his face in a way that said, 'Thank You..'.
Sighing Rosa heard the rumbling of another fight in the distance. Nothing ever settles here does it she thought. She figured her history would catch up with her eventually but for now she was happy to just learn. With that thought she looked up at the clock across her room. She hadn't trained today and it was getting late in the day. Sighing Rosa jumped out of the water and jogged over to her bag. She found a piece of paper and wrote a quick note to Alice.

Hey Alice,

Sorry, had to run I haven't trained today. Talk to you later


She left it on the ledge where she and her had been talking before slipping into the changing room. Rosa had brought a halter top exercise bra with a pink decorative band on the bottom and black spandex along with some running shoes. She pulled her wet hair into a bun before sprinting to the training room. Rosa hated running but she had to get her heart rate before she began training.
Beast nuzzled her and then picked her up gently. He kept a hold on her as he headed for his room. He set her down and then turned into a smaller version of himself and entered his room. He closed the door and shifted into human form. He got some clothes on and opened the door. "Please excuse me....since I could not talk, I didn't want you to think I wasn't leaving for a reason." He said and then looked at her arm. He looked at her. "We should get that checked out." He said very softly.
She looked at it and her eyes suddenly glowed bright gold. A beautiful golden liquid ran out of her fingertips as she gently dripped the gorgeous substance along the cut. Immediately, the gold liquid seeped into her wound and glowed so brightly that you could hardly see Blair in the light. It soon faded, and her wound was gone as if nothing happened. Her eyes stopped glowing and was replaced with a gleam of weakness. The remedy she had obviously used, weakened her even more.

Her knees shook slightly, making her slam a hand on the wall for support. Her eyes glanced up at Beast and she blinked softly.

"Sorry... When I do that.. It makes me more.." She collapsed to her knees and rested her head along the wall.

"Weak.." She whispered before her eyes shut and she fainted.
Beast blinked and then looked at her. He sighed, being tired himself. He slowly got on his knees and then picked her up slowly. He looked down at her, he looked around and then looked at her. "You helpped me control my beast side..." He spoke softly and took her to her room. He opened her door and then used his leg to shut it so her dog didn't go out. He set her on her bed and smiled. He gently kissed her forehead. "Thanks Blair..." he said and then quietly headed for her door.
Kuno wagged his tail when Beast walked in, and he leaped to his feet and slowly walked over. He nuzzled his left hand and than backed up a little so he could walk out of the room. He blinked his golden eyes up at him and whined softly as if not wanting him to leave, his eyes were also quite pleading.

He barked again, this time, way louder. Blair shifted slightly and she curled up into an adorable position.
Beast put his finger to his mouth and then kneeled down petting the dog. "Got to be quiet boy...she's sleeping." He whispered and then petted his head. He looked at Blair and smiled. He chuckled quietly and then tried to get out of the room again. "Bye boy." He whispered again and then waved. He slightly opened the door slowly slipping through.
Kuno whined even louder when he left and than continually scratched at the door. He soon sat down and howled loudly, making Blair stir in her sleep and than slowly, roll off the bed and land onto the floor.

"Ouch.." She mumbled, half asleep. She pushed herself up off the ground and than she stretched in a s*xy way.

"What the.. How did I get here.." She scratched her head and put one hand on her hip. She noticed Kuno acting strange and she tilted her head in confusion.

"Kuno.. Shut it.." She snarled in a sleepy tone. The dog simply ignored her and howled even louder.
Beast opened the door and then grabbed the dog. "Shh! you'll wake her..." He whispered and then looked at her and growled. "Oh forget it." He looked at Blair and then opened the soor completely. "Sorry." He said blushing slightly as he stared at the ground. He looked down the hall. "You fainted so I thought I would bring you here, then your dog ya know?" He rubbed his head. He made sure the dog couldn't get out.
Alice stopped in the hallway and turned around, sensing someone walking behind her. When she saw that there was no one there, she turned back around and suddenly He was there. The vampire who had turned her. She didn't have any idea why, but ever since that night, he had been following her. "What do you want? Why are you following me?" She asked. He stayed silent, and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. He appeared behind her, trying to grab her arm. She twisted her body away from his, pushing him away with all her strength before she took off running. She knew she couldn't get away from him if he really wanted to take her away, but if she could reach the main hallway where all the students were, at least someone would see it happen and maybe try to help.
Blair stretched again and rubbed her eyes like a little kid. Than she grinned at Beast for blushing, and she took a few steps toward him.

"Well... Thanks for bringing me back to my room.." She murmured as she leaned over and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly, swaying back and forth slightly, than she let go and gave him a longing look.

"I'll see you tomorrow.." She smirked at him and than gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. She was about to shut the door, but stuck her face through the small opening and whispered,

"Goodnight, Beast." Than she closed it quietly and than collapsed on her bed, falling asleep almost immediately.
Beast looked at her as she hugged him. "Your welcome?" he said feeling a shiver up his spine. He looked at her and then smiled as she kissed his cheek. He nodded and then walked away. He rubbed his head still feeling the shiver. He went to his own room and then sat down.
Blair slept soundly, but Kuno was wide awake.

He snatched a letter up that was from her father, and managed to open the door by scratching at the door knob. He ran out and followed Beast's trail quickly. He stopped outside his room and than scratched at his door, whining softly.

He dropped the letter onto the floor, and it rolled open and showed fancy hand-writing that looked secretive.

The letter read:

Dear Blair,

We ran some tests from your golden blood in the lab, and found out some pretty shocking things. I do not want you to be alarmed, but your blood showed a mixture of designs that could make you go physically insane.

Luckily, these designs only appear at the Full Moon, so you should be pretty normal until than. But some of the scientists are considering you step into the moonlight and see what happens, since were not exactly sure if this is true. When you do, and anything happens, please contact us immediately. We also want to make sure you have no one around if you do test this on yourself.

Also, we
found out one more thing. We've noticed that many people have been on the search for an "Angel." Somehow, the word got out that your heart and blood is made out of gold, and now multiple people are hunting you down for that. If you see any suspicious figures following you around, we suggest you leave that area before you are killed or so called man slaughtered. In advanced, we think you should have someone by your side at all times, like Nick Freeman or Eric Hewer. If there is anyone else you have in mind, please contact them immediately and tell them what is going on.

We hope you understand what we are asking you of.

Signed: Bill Gregory

Beast opened the door and looked at kuno, he looked down at the letter. After he he read it, he growled and then handed back to keno. He patted his head. "Why did you want me to see this? I don't think I should get into her business, although that does explain why people have been after her." he said scratching him behind the ear. He sighed and then looked down. He rubbed his head.
Kuno whined softly, then pawed the paper open more, and at the bottom of the letter it said in almost unreadable letters

To: Experiment 4562

From: Paranormal Protection Agency

The dog stuck his tongue out the side of this mouth and barked softly, trying to tell Beast that Blair isn't only part Angel, but also a lab experiment.

Beast looks at it and his eyes widen. He sighs deeply and then stands up. "I see." He pets the seemingly smart dog and then folds the letter up like it was before and holds it out to him. "...Poor girl..." He sighed and tried to keep his anger at a low. He looked down.
Kuno let out one more bark, before picking up the letter in his mouth, and dashing back to Blair's room.


Sunlight shown through her window as she cracked open her eyes slightly. She yawned, kicking off the covers and hopping out of bed. Her head was a little sore, probably from the headache last night.

She quickly changed out of her PJ's and into a s*xy gray mini dress, than she grabbed the letter off the ground and walked out of her room. Her high-heels clapped noisily against the floor as she walked forward, ignoring the whistles and stares from most of the guys she passed.

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She stopped at her locker and quickly spun the combo until it finally opened. Papers spilled out everywhere and she groaned, knowing she could definitely show something if she tried to pick them up. She looked around, noticing that many of the guys were waiting for her to bend over and gather her things. She rubbed the back of her head and slowly bent over and picked up her things. But, she cleverly had folded her wings down low, so it hid anything that would've showed.

She heard some guys mumble something in disappointment, than they got back to what they were doing.
Beast was out and about. He looked up from the book he was reading while walking fown the hallway and looked at Blair. He jerked back and started to blush as he looked at her. He looked at the other guys and with a small roar most of them settled down. He looked at Blair and then looked down, trying to hid his blush within the book. He flipped a page in the book. It was someones writen book on Beauty and the Beast. He waved to Blair hoping she didn't notice his reaction to her.

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