☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Blair stopped and put her hand on her forehead in exhaustion.

"Yes. He is a very big dog." She muttered and grabbed the collar with him and hauled him over to the side quickly.

"Hey! Who the h*ll has a dog here? Anyone?" The voice sounded like an adult. Not good.

"Oh.. No.." She let go of his collar and ran ahead quickly, than clicked her tongue when she brought out a squeaky toy. She squeaked it twice, making the Great Dane bark loudly in excitement. She motioned for Beast to let go of him, and than she grinned.

"Kuno? You want the toy?" She said in a teasing voice. The dog howled in response and got in a running stance.

"Than go get it." She flung it hard down the hall and watched the dog run after it with extreme speed. She giggled and grabbed Beast's hand, pulling him after her as she chased the dog again.
Beast looked at Blair and then followed, his gaze turn down to his hand and then stared. He looked at her following as she chased after her dog. He wondered what she was doing. He kept up the pace she gave and then watched the dog run. He chuckled a bit.
The dog continued to run atfer the ball, and than finally bit into it. He stopped, but he was going to fast, and skidded into the wall in front of him. Blair giggled and grabbed the squeaky toy and ran down the hall, calling the dogs name.

"Kuuunooo! Come heree!" He called in a sing-songy voice, than she opened her room door and threw the toy in. Kuno barked and skidded in after the toy, watching her slam the door behind him.

She leaned against the wall in exhaustion and sighed irritably.

"Ugh. That dog is such a show-off.." She muttered, than she flicked her gaze up when she realized her hand was still entwined with Beast's. She flinched it away and dropped the hand limply at her side.

"Sorry about that." She mumbled out of embarressment.
Beast smiled and then looked down. "Oh, it's ok." He said looking back up at her. He chuckles and then looks at her. "Nice dog, but I think he needs a bit of training." He smiled and put his hands into his pockets. "So um, you hungry? We could get something to eat." He said with a bright smile. He wasn't sure about her answer, but it's not like it was a date. He blinked thinking, wait, was it? He looked at her leaning against the wall waiting for an answer. He pulled one of his hands out of his pocket and rubs his head looking down suddenly. He was thinking about it a bit.
What he said caught Blair's attention. She immediately looked up and tilted her head with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess I am a little hungry." She stood up and rose an eyebrow at him. She had a wild grin on her face, but it showed no explanation for it. She cracked open her rooms door a bit, finding her dog lying asleep on the floor. She giggled and quietly shut the door, than smirked at him.

"So, what place did you have in mind?" She asked, walking beside him down the hallway. She wasn't trying to make it sound like a date or anything, but honestly, when he asked her, it sounded exactly like a date.
Beast noticed her reaction and rubbed the back o his head a bit nervous now. "Um I know of this great pizza place that has awesome pizza and some other stuff that's great too." he said walking with her. He stopped by his room and opened his door grabbing his car keys. He closed his door again, his room a bit messy.
"The pizza place sounds good." Than she glanced at his car keys, and grinned.

"Wanna take my car so you don't have to drive?" She asked, tilting her head in an adorable way and than smiling. She actually did want to drive her car, but she didn't mind if he wanted to drive his own.
Beast looks at her and put his keys away. "if you want." he smiled and then thought about where it's at. "It's down the road and too the left." he said smiling. He looked at her and then looked forward as he opened the door and waited for her to go through. He looked out.
She walked through and brought out a key bejeweled with actual diamonds. She walked out into the parking lot and padded towards a very expensive looking sports car. She unlocked the car and watched both doors flip upwards. She climbed in and turned on the engine, making it go VROOOM really loudly. She grinned at Beast and motioned for him to get in.

"Sorry if I go a little fast at first." She smirked in a s*xy way and that put a hand on the wheel.

(This is her car BTW: http://www.zcars.com.au/images/saleen-s5s-raptor-concept1.jpg
Beast blinked and got in. He looked at her and her smile, he raise a brow and then buckled in. He looked around admiring the car. He looked back at her. "ok, now I'm glad we're taking your car." he chuckled and then rubbed his head nervously as he looked down. He smiled lightly and leaned back and nodded to her. "Fine by me." he said referring to her driving fast.
She giggled slightly at his nervousness, than she drove out of the parking lot in a split second. She pressed hard on the gas pedal, going a little over 85 MPH already. She couldn't exactly remember where to go, so she asked him.

"Okay, Right or left?" She asked as she stopped at a street light that was red.
Beast blinked and smiled a bit. He pointed left, and then looked back at her. "Left." he said and then leaned back in the seat again, a bit of a rush from the speed of the car as they pulled out. He pushed his fingers through his hair as he looking at the street. "So I got money, so I will pay." he smiled and then stratched his head. His hair looked more messy which seemed to fit him well.
She swerved the wheel to the right and did a smooth turn left. She side-glanced at him and smiled still.

"So is this... Like a date or just two friends going out to get pizza?" She asked, turning her full attention to him. She saw the pizza place and parallel parked immediately.
"Just a day," Rosa replied lowering herself further into the water. It really was soothing and once you ignored the constant activity around you every sound that didn't matter became white noise. However that white noise was interrupted by the pulsing roar of a sports car.
Beast looked at her and then looked away. "Um well, uh." He got out of the car ignoring the question. He looked at her and then ran inside. He continuedc to ignore the question. He put his hands into his pockets whisling, so he continued to ignore the question.
She walked slowly after him, her eyes confused and lost.

~Alright. So it is just two friends going out to get pizza.. Right?~ She asked herself as she stood beside him calmly. You could tell she was thinking because she had a thinking expression on her face. She blinked and the expression faded, making her space out slightly. She ignored the stares people were giving her as they noticed her white wings behind her. She looked incredibly nervous when the stares continued, even when she glanced back at them, hoping they would look away. But they didn't. Her fingers twitched and her mind began buzzing with anger.

~Stupid humans.. Why can't they just ignore me and move on? But no.. Instead they have to stare at me for five minutes straight because of these dumb wings.~ She growled angrily in her head as she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the wall in front of her.
Alice heard the sports car too. "Well that's loud." she said in a disgruntled tone. She laid back on the ground behind the pool and put her arms behind her head, closing her eyes against the light from the flourescents on the cieling. At least they didn't use the sun to light up the school. "So what's your story?" she asked Rosa, hearing the loud car drive out of earshot.
Beast looked at her and put an arm around her glaring at them and they all looked away. He took his arm away. "Sorry..." He said and then walked as they were lead to a table. He stretched out and sat down and nodded a the lady gave them their menus.
She blinked in surprise and than looked at him when her wings disappeared from his touch. Than they reappeared when he let go of her. She sighed and sat down at the table with a spaced out look on her face. She met his gaze, than looked down as if it hurt to look at him.

"No.. It's okay." She mumbled.

~I also wanted to say sorry for me bring such a freak. You don't see a chick with white wings everyday now do ya?~ She wanted to add, but she kept the thought in her head.

Than picked up the menu and looked at all the selections. She searched for one specific pizza, and that was Hawaiian. She loved that kind. She finally found it on the menu and a look of relief flashed over her face.
Beast blinked and looked down. "Um, I'm sorry I should have asked first, but you seemed annoyed with their stares...." He was yelling at himself on the inside. "Hey, Blair.....would you mind if this was....a date?" He asked and looked up. "It is, I mean it's not, I mean....ugh nevermind." He looked away and then down. "Um so what are you going to gee? Get anything you like I got plenty of money." He said trying to get past what he said and asked.
Rosa was surprised by the question and she rubbed the back of her neck where the coded tattoo lay hidden. "Its a long story," she lied, her story really wasn't that terribly long or complicated. It just required opening which wasn't a strong suit of hers. "I..uh..I'm kind of learning to live as I go and make my own story," she said thinking back to the days when she was locked up in the lab and she had no choices or real story.
She looked up from her menu and her golden eyes gleamed with adoration. She loved it when he tripped over his words. She giggled uncontrollably, covering her mouth with a hand slightly so she could stop herself from laughing.

"Sorry," She half giggled and than wiped a tear forming in her eyes. Than she laughed again, having to hide her face behind the menu. She finally stopped and than smiled at him.

"Your just so adorable when your nervous." She said with an edge of affection in her voice. Than she gave him a small wink before looking back at her menu.

"Well, i'm probably gonna get Hawaiian pizza, what about you?" She asked, looking up from her menu with a gleam in her golden eyes.
"Oh... Okay..." Alice knew that Rosa was having trouble putting her thoughts into words, and didn't want to pressure her about it. She lay silently for a few moments, unsure of what to say. Slowly, she began to feel a prescence she had not felt in a long time. She glanced around, not letting on that something was wrong, but being cautious all the same. He'd found her, and she had to think her next few moves out carefully without alarming the people around her. Especially Rosa, who she was just starting to make such pleasant conversation with.
Beast looked at her and then blushed. He looked down and then hid behind his menu when she was laughing at him. He looked back at her and then swallowed as she winked at him. "..." He nodded and then kept his eyes down. He looked away and then back at her. "Oh...um.....ok." He rubbed his head nervously again.
She tilted her head at him and grinned slightly.

"Ya know, you don't have to be so nervous around me. I don't bite or anything." She gave him a s*xy look than put down her menu for a second. A look of horror dawned on her face as she saw who walked in the door. Nick and Eric were laughing about something stupid and walking up to the counter. She immediately hid her face behind the menu and peeked above it slightly. Nick was already staring at her and grinning at Eric as he shifted into a mouse. Her wings ruffled and she scooted her chair back as Eric crawled in mouse form towards her. She gulped and closed her eyes as Eric sniffed her foot, trying to climb it. You could tell that she was holding in a scream because her eyes snapped open immediately.

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