☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Flower backed up and then looked at him. "You're the one who's drunk!" She said grabbing him and then threws him into a tree. She jumped and grabbed her knife she slashed at him.

he licked his lips and removed some blood from his wound. he chuckled, his breathe smelled horrible. he titled back, laying against the tree for a second. he breathed hard. "arrrrrr!!!!!!!!!" he yelled pushing forward, jumping up. "enough!" he yelled running towards her. his arms felt weak. the more he moved the more weaker he got. he ran slowly. barely even running, though he was breathing hard like he just ran 10 miles.
Flower looks at him and drops her knife. "You better get out of here you pethedic idiot! AND NEVER COME BACK! JUST STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!" She yelled angry and then stared at him.

he smirked at her. he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and nodded "maybe another day" he growled, then trotted of to the woods. he coughed and spit blood then, disappeared in the woods.


he threw and arms up and cheered "yay!!!" he said smiling a bit. he tried to make a joke out of it


"yay master!" he said rubbing himself against his master's leg, like a cat. "you did it!!" he said smiled at her.
Flower looked at Shaun and smiled. She petted flame. "Good boy flame..." She said and then walked over to shaun and kneeled down. She petted hunter. "You're a gtood wolf too." She looked at Flame and smiled. "You two are great really." SHe looked at Shaun. "You ok?" She asked slowly getting Hunter off him. She cluched her side. She was still hurt pretty bad.

"yeah im better, still a bit chilly, but better. Hunter is her name?" he said scrachting the wolf's ears, smiling.

Flame: his tongue went out and he smiled. his tailed wagged like crazy. "thanks master" he said smiling.
Flower nodded. She smiled at Flame then looked at Shaun. "Yes, she's half wolf half german shepherd." She smiles and then watched Hunter be happy as ever.

Hunter smiles and her tail and her back leg went crazy. She licks his hand happily, she loved being stratched. She looked at Shaun. "I love that!" She declared happily.

he smiled, then laughed. "i always thought there was some friendly dog in her." he said scratching her ear. he laughed again, he always loved dogs, but as a kid, he never got one. "where did you get her? i know Flame was from Billy..." he said, wondering if she was from a store or somethings, maybe he could get one of her siblings. if Hunter had any.


"Flame like Hunter because she nice" he said looking at Hunter, his tongue out and tail wagging. he sat down, and rested. he didnt know why but he felt do happy today.
Flower sighed. "Well...she saved me from that man I was fighting...She said she was cut off from her family." She looked at Hunter and then at Sky who had jumpped on Flower's shoulder. She smiled at SKy and petted her. "So did sky here but she can't talk." She chuckled and looked at Flame smiling.

Hunter sighed a bit. "Yeah we got seperated and I made friends with Sky. Since I am an animal I can talk to her, although my eagle needs a bit of work." She looked at Flames and wagged her tail. "You are nice to master...so I like you too." She looked at Flower. "Since I saved flower we've grown a bond." She said happily.
Rosa took a step forward shaking out her fur carefully. A small line of blood dripped through her fur but it was nothing really. Her ears flicked like radars taking in everything Flower and Shaun said.
Is it too late to join? D:

Name: Alice Snow

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown but resembles a 16 year old female

Family: None

Crush: None, but crushes easily on both genders (is a romantic)

Appearance: Blonde hair, red eyes, looks like a 16 year old girl. She is only 5'0" and can easily fool people with her "cute" appearance. Can be mischievous if aggravated but it usually shy especially around new people. data.whicdn.com/images/8417911/thing.21063946.l_thumb.jpg (I hope the link works).

Power: Vampire. Can go outside in sunlight either a.) with a parasol/umbrella/source of shade or b.) if ALL skin is covered by clothing. She refuses to drink blood unless her life depends on it or if forced, because she doesn't like taking it from others after having been the cause of death for her own parents.

History: Alice has been alone for years until coming to Clover Academy. She killed her own family trying to escape them after they learned she was a vampire (she had been bitten, not born as one) and they had tried to kill her to protect the others in the town. She has traveled alone since then and has learned not to get too close to anyone. (This happened years and years ago, which is why no one knows her age but she has not physically aged since then.)
ooo! it never to late to join! i love love love her history! i reminds me of a movie i saw: "Case 39" it was a great movie, the girls parents to tried to kill the girl, not because she was a vampire but because she was a demon/devil! i loved the movie and your girls history reminds me sooo of it :) happy to see you joined!



he saw some blood trickle down the neck of the wolf. he grabbed a cloth from his pocket, and dabbed the blood "sorry, blood just brings back my history... sorry if i seem to clean" he said chuckling a bit. he felt stupid, but still trying to be cool and smooth.


he nodded "thats sucks... well you guys, including you wolves, need to help me find a new pet, or buddy" he said getting up, feeling a lot better. he sighed and scratched the back of his head "ow" he said as he scratched that spot where the rock hit him.
Flower looked to Billy and the to shaun. "Well...I don't know about other wolves like hunter." She sighed and then looked down. Memories comming back. She closed her eyes thinking of her 'Master.' She hated him. She looked up at the sky. "Ugh it's been a long day." She said and looked at Shaun.
((Thanks :DD Also, I'm kind of new-ish at this, so sorry if I don't really start off that great 3: ))

Alice stood on the edge of the property, looking up to the building: Clover Academy. She tilted her childish parasol back slightly to see the grounds a bit better, making sure not to expose her porcelain skin to the light, sighed quietly, and walked onto the property. As she approached the school, she glanced around, but no one seemed to be out here. Alice opened the front door and walked down a long hallway. There were a few students scattered here and there, and she was surprised how many strange looks she received. This was a school for "monsters", wasn't it? She should be able to fit in, unnoticed. Then again, to most, she didn't look like a "monster". Just an ordinary girl, minus the fangs and red eyes, which were pale from her refusal to drink any blood to nourish herself. After a few minutes, she realized she had no idea where she was going. She had a schedule in the hand unoccupied by her parasol, but no idea where any of these classrooms might be.
Blair walked down the hallway, swinging a purse on her arm. She stopped suddenly when her purse slipped off her arm and hit the ground with a loud CRASH. She gasped and clenched her fists irritably, just realizing that her skirt was way to short for her to bend down and pick that up. She cursed under her breath and sank down to her knees anyway and bent over, gathering her belongings and putting them back into the purse.

She heard whistles and she looked up while picking up her lip balm off the floor. A couple of guys stood at the doorway, grinning at her with perverted looks.

"Hey, need any help with that?" One of the guys called, chuckling quietly. She ignored them and continued to pick up her stuff. She didn't seem to notice when the guy walked up to her and grabbed her arm, yanking her up and towards his lips.

"I asked you a question." He snickered, and pulled her closer. She pushed him away, but he had a good grip on her.

"Let go of me." She spat, her eyes flaring up in anger. The guy laughed and smirked at her.

"Well.. Look at that. The little angel can talk after all." He tried to pull down her skirt, but she kicked him hard in the face and he stumbled backwards in pain. He looked up with anger in his brown eyes.

"Oh.. Your gonna get it you little winged freak!" He snapped and held up a fist at her. She turned and tried to run, but it was worthless in the heels. Two of the guys grabbed her wings and pulled her backwards with a hard yank. Pain shot through her body aggressively. That was her weak spot.
Beast Ran in and roared with anger. "Back off or you guys are dead." He said his ears already turning in wolf like ones. His hands furry with sharp claws. Horns coming from his head. He was a beast. When he gets angry, you better run and hope he can stop transforming. He looked at the winged girl and then at the boys. "You should be ashamed. A girl is to be treated with the highest of respect. They are not objects for you to use. Now back off." fur mixed with scales started changing his face. He looked at them and opened what was now a muzzle, showing his sharp teeth. He was already getting bigger as well.

Beast form:
Alice watched the fight from her place in the hall. After the boys had turned their attention away from the angel, Alice walked up to her. "Are you okay?" she asked in her normal shy demeanor. She leaned over and picked up the items from the floor, handing them back to the girl.
She tensed but allowed it, "It's fine," she breathed. As the conversation buzzed Rosa slipped into the background, there was nothing for her here and the drama was really starting to get to her. She figured Flower didn't want to divulge why the man had come after her so she was going to push.

"ok kool" he said, smiling a bit. all of a sudden he though of baby werewolf he chuckled and smiled.


"whats going on?" as he heard yelling and a thump. he slowly began to walk inside and look in the hall way. he saw boys and girl and new this wasnt good. "BILLY!!!!" He yelled to him knowing that he would beat up this kids.


he heard Shaun and ran to him "whats going on?" he said, but he didnt need explaining. he saw what happened. he marched him inside, and rolled up his sleeve. "back off" he said, through his teeth. he grabbed one boy and pinned him to the wall


he followed behind his brother, sort of scared. Billy had always been the stronger male in his family. Shaun was always the weaker one....


she walked out of her room in PJ's. she turned over and saw a girl, with boys being to touchy. then she was a beast. then Billy and Shaun where there. and a girl she never met. she had no idea what was going on. she backed up and someone grabbed her. "AHHHH!!!" she screamed and was pulled into the shadows.
Flower heard the scream and went after annabeth. "HEY!" She growled and then looked to see what had happened. Her hands were in fists. Her long pointy ears which made her look more like an elf twitched a bit.

Hunter followed Shaun and then stepped in front of him growling as she raised a tail. She looked between the boys, beast, Billy, and the poor winged girl.
Alice was unused to so many people. She had been alone for a few years now, and she didn't know how to handle public situations. She handed over the rest of the dropped items, made sure that the winged girl was going to be okay, and began to walk the other direction. She hoped she hadn't been noticed. It was her first day and she didn't want to be remembered for getting involved in someone else's confrontation within her first few minutes of being here. Trying to avoid contact, she briskly walked down a different hallway before stopping to look at her surroundings.

he followed Hunter. he didnt know it a lot now, but he was inlove with Hunter. he smiled at her, trying to be brave and all.


he stood there, knowing him brain control wouldnt do much.


"knock it off" he said, his mouth turning red. "or i will blow OF YOUR HEAD!" he yelled at him.


"help!" she said, being chocked. "help me!" she said, struggling to get out of the man's grip


he pulled the girl more in the shadows, and found a doorknob. he grabbed it and turned. he stepped back and slammed the door shut.
Flower blasted the door down and then looked at the man. "Let go of her now!" She yelled angry. She flinched as her hands were now burned from the amount of light she let out. She didn't care, her hands were bleeding but she made them fists anyways.

Hunter looked at Flame and nodded. She growled looking at Billy and ready to attack if needed. She looked at Beast who was turning back to normal. She sighed as beast felt pain in his head.
The guy chuckled and pushed Billy off forcefully.

"Your protecting this little sl*t?" He snarled, pointing at Blair, who couldn't help but show her sorrow. Her wings drooped and her eyes began to fill with tears. She quickly whirled around and dashed down the hall in a split second, leaving her purse behind.

Two of the guys took off after her, running insanely fast. She looked behind her and than suddenly jumped out the window, breaking the glass with a deafening shatter noise. Her wings were limp at first, and she just tumbled to the cement below. But than her long wings spread out, and she took off into the air in the blink of an eye.

The two boys stopped, panting heavily and watching her fly off through the broken window.

"Why is Tony even making us go after this girl? It seems pointless. We never catch her." The boy with blonde hair and blue eyes growled, looking down. The other boy nodded and began walking down the hall in the other direction.

"It's because of her wings. You don't see many girls with that kind of power. Maybe that's why he wants to catch her so bad." The other boy sighed and disappeared down the hall.

Blair soared through the sky, tears glistening on her face. She slowed down and landed smoothly on the ground below.

"Oh.. I forgot my purse.." She mumbled, her voice cracking slightly from her sobs. She really hated it when those guys followed her.
Beast grabbed her purse and then walked out. He looked for her and followed her scent and when he got there he set it down and then walked away putting his hands into his pockets. He sighed deeply looking around as walked. He didn't want to bother her. Now that he heard her crying.

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