☠♥♚Clover Academy♚♥☠

Shaun.::. "i did!" he yelled running after the wolf. he saw what she saw, except he saw his twin "Billy!!!" he yelled running to him. he looked at the figuer and thought hmf, i could hypnotize him in seconds he said a smirk slapped across his face
Flower stayed still now. Her clothes being stained from the droplets of blood coming down from her neck. The figure smirked and then jumped up real high and disappear reappearing behind billy now running again.

he starred at his bother "we need to kill that thing!" he said running towards it.


he nodded, knowing what to do. he ran fast, then jumping in front of the black figure. he didnt know anyone really, but he got a real good look at the thing. he starred into its eyes, tilting his head back and forth. he was trying his best to hypnotize the black figure. he mumbled this ancient words, with a smooth voice.
The figure backed up. He held flower tighter. Making flower let out a slight pained yelp. She looked at the figure seeing he suddenly stopped. He shook his head trying to pull away from his gaze.

he seemed to be floating to the black figure. he tried to make everything seem like it was fake, all just a dream. he knew it was working because the black figure was trying to pull away. he mumbled the words louder, making the hypnotizing stronger. "hooka molokai semolina" and all sorts of words like that. he tilted his head forward, really meeting his gaze.


he caught up with everyone, breathing hard as he usually did. he stood behind the black figure, ready to pounce on his. but he waited, untill the black figure was hypnotized, then he could kill and take Flower.
Rosa raced after them snarling angrily. She started to snap at the creature but it vanished between her jaws reappearing behind the other twin. She was taken a back but continued on ready to destroy this thing. She had no idea who it was but it reeked of evil and pain, something she didn't need in her life.

he almost fell back, he looked at the wolf he never saw before. he crossed his eyebrows and whispered "shh!" to the lycan. he looked back at the black figure, seeing if it saw him, or cut Flower's throat by accident.
The figure backed up even more. He made the cut on flower throat deeper making a stream of blood flow down. "Get....back...." He said and then gave in dropping flower.

Flower caughed and then held her neck. She looked up at the figure and then stayed on the ground not sure if she should move or not. She held her neck and then jumped up grabbing a branch and swinging till she was on top of the branch. Clinging to the tree she breathed hard still holding her neck.

"Flower!" billy yelled running to the tree "ill go get the nurse!" he said running to the building. he ran as fast as he could. one of his sort of friend's lives where in danger. he couldnt just let her die.


"now you will go, never to return again... and you will leave that girl alone" he said pointing to Flower, still hypnotizing the black figure. "do you understand?" he said asking the black figure
The figure nodded and then suddenly disappeared. Flower didn't calm she still was in the tree not wanting to move. Her eyes were wide and her neck was still bleeding. She also was weak from the battle with the shadow. She was slightly shivering in the tree. She stared off fearful.
Rosa stepped forward her teeth bared, if Shawn's hypnosis didn't work her teeth would. She watched for any movements not controlled by Shawn.

he breathed in relief the black figure left. he saw the girl in the tree and he walked towards her. "..." he didnt know what to do. talking would make the bleeding worse. he decided to get a cloth for her, for her neck. he got a cloth from his pocket and handed it to her, hoping it would stop most of the bleeding.


he finally got to the nurse's office and yelled for her to come. they ran down the hallways and out the main door. "she is over here!" Billy said motioning the nurse over to the tree
When the creature had finally disappeared, Rosa padded to the girl's side sitting down protectively. She leaned against the tree slightly for she was tired and had not gotten a chance to take a real break that day.
Flower looked at Shaun and quickly grabbed the cloth putting it over the wound but stayed in the tree. She rather not come down yet. She was still shivering as was getting pretty cold. Her face was pretty pale from all that happened. She closed her eyes trying to calm down. It wasn't easy.

he saw the nurse and Billy coming over to them, Shaun waved his arms, trying to make it easy to find them. "over here!!!" he said yelling to them.


"there!" he said pointing to the tree. he hoped Flower was still alive and OK

Nurse: she ran to the girl, and when she got there and saw the blood, she called the hospital. "yes, come here quick" she said nodding to the mumbling on the phone

Flame: he woke up with a start. he sensed his master was hurt and sad. he howled and ran to the nearest exit.
Flower looked down but didn't want to come down. She looked at them all. She looked back to the tree and then kept herself balenced.
"Everybody back up," Rosa said wondering if the girl felt crowded. It was understandable, the wolf didn't like having multiple people around especially when she was hurt this girl probably felt the same way.

he took two big steps back. he had the feeling the lycan knew a lot... there was something.. different about her... he could put his finger on it. he stared at the pale faced girl, wondering what would become of her


he didnt move from his spot, not flinching or breathing. he was scared, he had this happen to him before, and the memory was glued to the inside of his eyelids. he shivered, scared.

Nurse: she heard the sirens and motioned the hospital people to come to where the girl was. when they came they were trying to calmed down the white haired girl.

Flame: he came running to his owner. he saw her in a tree and barked at all the people near her. he climbed up the tree and sat next to his master, trying to comfort her.
Flower looked at flame and smiled. She looked below and the many people. She looked around not sure if she wanted to come down. The moon was out of sight so little light was getting to the girl. Suddenly bam! She was shot in the back. Not another one. She screamed as she fell fro the tree. Who ever was after her was someone powerful. The bullet hole in her back was serious. She was on the verge of death now.
Shaun.::. he screamed, trying to catch the girl. as she fell he looked around. he saw nothing, just lights police, hospital people, it was just bad. the police can holding guns walking around the trees, trying to find the person who shot the gun. hospital people, getting Flower in the ambulance. he was scared, lost, had no idea what to do.

Billy.::. he was scared too and he didnt know that. he followed Flower, trying to talk to her as she got in the ambulance, trying to keep her alive. he was sweating, breathing hard, worried for her.

Flame: he followed his master too. he jumped in the ambulance and starred at his master. he licked her, trying to make her feel happy.
Flower looked at flame and tried to get up but she was pushed back down. She looked at Billy. "L.....ligh..." she moaned from the pain as they tried to work on the wounds. She had to stop speaking.
Shaun.::. (everyone should read!)

he was standing by the tree, still in shock of everything. he leaned against the wall breathing hard. he was trying to calm down. he heard a stick crack and he looked behind the tree. nothing. he turned back thinking it was a squirrel or something, but he was wrong. he looked at the white-haired girl and sighed. he gasped as he was being pulled back. he struggled to get free, but was too weak against this THING. he disappeared into the bushes, without a sound. he got released and looked back. nothing again. then he was about to go back to where everyone was and got knocked out. *bang!* he fell back and landing into a sack. he was carried somewhere he nor anyone knew.


he put his hand on Flower's hair, brushing it with his fingers. he was scared for her. he tried to calm her down. when he spoke he didnt know what she was saying, but then it hit him. "light?" he whispered making sure if it was what she wanted
(Edited reply plus next post)

Rosa snarled as the sound of a gunshot filled the air. She was learning not to trust the school and anything in it, something was out to get them or more specifically this white-haired girl. However, she had no doubt whoever was after her would have no problem taking out anyone who stepped in his/her way. The medics and police took control of the situation and Rosa took advantage of the chaos to slip away and shift into her human form. She returned to the scene as another thud filled the area and Shaun was knocked out falling to the ground. He was pulled away.
Flower nodded. She looked at Flame and then back at him. She shivered even though she warm. It was very hard to move with all the pain going through her. She looked up at the lights. Soaking in their light. SHe sighed and then closed her eyes feeling very tired.

about 2 mins past and Shaun woke up tied to a chair. he tried to break free, but couldnt. he didnt know where he was or why he was there. he was scared and felt threatened. he didnt know why he was there. he was struggling to get free. it was no use. he heard someone coming and kept still. someone dressed in all black sat in front of him. "hello we need to ask you some questions..." the person said. Shaun just kept still. "do you know a girl called by the name 'Flower'?" the person asked getting close to Shaun "not really" Shaun said resisting them. "we are pretty sure you do" the person said. "you must be talking about my twin brother, Billy. im Shaun" he said thinking they got the wrong guy. "GREAT! i got the ******* wrong guy! ****!" the person said with a red face.


"should i use my fire? try and bend out the light from it?" he said scratching his head, trying to think of how to do that. he had never before, but he would take the risk.

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