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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Just know we are here for you. So you can dazzle me with beautiful writing and give me my ship. I DESRVE A SHIP!

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Huh? Rachel? Happy? DISGUSTING. IMPOSSIBLE. And she is like 2 years older than Bran

Derp sukes isn't the only one concerned here. I am. Like....I've seen you wrote before you did the old rp.

You just seem....off....

And if stuff is going on and you're sad and you need to talk....like I vent here all the time.

Rachel may be 2 years older but she needs something dude. Characters get sympathy frim readers if you give them some sort of hope....something. you want the reader to root for your character so when you do best the living shit out of them and take everything away....thst reader feels it more.

You're giving Rachel nothing....nothing...and the self abuse and writers abusing his character is getting to the point where it's cringe worthy right now because it is sounding like you personally are going through something and need to vent stuff out.


Isn't that just a little far? :o

CosmicChangeling said:
Derp sukes isn't the only one concerned here. I am. Like....I've seen you wrote before you did the old rp.

You just seem....off....

And if stuff is going on and you're sad and you need to talk....like I vent here all the time.

Rachel may be 2 years older but she needs something dude. Characters get sympathy frim readers if you give them some sort of hope....something. you want the reader to root for your character so when you do best the living shit out of them and take everything away....thst reader feels it more.

You're giving Rachel nothing....nothing...and the self abuse and writers abusing his character is getting to the point where it's cringe worthy right now because it is sounding like you personally are going through something and need to vent stuff out.
Sorry. I have been trying to not bother you all with my personal shit. And I did have something in mind to give Rachel. Just... Not now
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Isn't that just a little far? :o
Sorry. I have been trying to not bother you all with my personal shit. And I did have something in mind to give Rachel. Just... Not now
Writer to writer......she needs something good and optimistic right now. She hasaid zero going for her. Zero. If you continue to beat the shit out of her like this....her journey is not going to be fun to read....or pleasant....or just.....anything.

I'm assuming you're forum rping because you do want to be a writer. That's what I did your age, do now. I test and field ideas here and see what I got and I try to really understand the characters I play so when I do get to writing it's more organic.

The one thing I am exceptionally good at is creating characters people root for despise or just generally have strong feelings for. I can spin an emotional tug with just a sentence if I really wanted to.

The way Rachel is right now....I have zero idea why she hasn't committed suicide. She has no passion or interests her family really doesn't care for her and they ignore her and she pushes every person away....and is snarly.

Give her a positive. She NEEDS a positive now. Not down the road. Not maybe. She needs an emotional connection to somrthing or when you finally do have the tragic ending you plan....it's not going to dtick. No one will really care.. .they will just go eh.

I have a character several thst I plan on Klinger that I already know people are going to get super pissed at me for killing because I've invested a shit ton of time in them and what people see in them.

This is advice from writer to writer. I'm begging you to take it. Please.

As for personal shit....you need to vent it out....you need an outlet where you feel safe enough to let it out. If you don't it's going to bleed into everything you're doing.

I knew you prior....I saw what you could do....it's bleeding everywhere derp. Whatever is going on in your life it's bleeding everywhere now and it must be really bothering you.

You're a kid. You're sixteen. God....I remember being that age there are a lot of pressures and everything just feels like...a catalyst for somrthing else.

Even if it's a pm....talk to sukes homage...even me....just someone you trust.

It's starting to have all of us concerned here and we just want you and everyone on this board to be happy at the end of the day.
To be honest I used to have skill at making characters who were moody and depressing and all but still enjoyable. I have evidently lost that. I'll try to give her stuff to make emotional connections to, something to be happy about. I'm sorry about how I have been treating her and the other characters recently. Perhaps it is a bit more rooted in my own RL shit than I thought.

I am going to take your advice with the character thing. I will try to keep my personal bleeding out of my writing. Sorry
You don't need to be sorry you're going through shit. Just talk to someone about it ok? You're a good kid. Ithe happens to the best of us.

I was pulled aside at one of tabletop games this year because I was talking my frustrations out on everyone.

When brinni and are started our friendship it was rocky because he was going through a lot of stuff I was too. I had to pull him aside because I almost kicked him out of our game and he's one of my closest friends right now.

Just talk to someone about what's going on ok? It's the same sentence repeated because I mean it. Homage was the first to sense something up and sukes and are are very worried.

And we aren't worried because oh or story mermwrmerbahbah but because you're a kid you're a person....no one should have to go through shit alone. That's what friends are for
You and Homage and Sukes really don't have to worry. It's alright. I am alright. I'm just a different person than I was two years ago. Different shit to deal with. I'll be fine.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
You and Homage and Sukes really don't have to worry. It's alright. I am alright. I'm just a different person than I was two years ago. Different shit to deal with. I'll be fine.
Ok. I'm not going to push you to talk if you don't want to. It won't help....

But I also know fine is bullshit so you're not fooling me.

All we can really do is tell you that we are here. You need to do the rest.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
*Shrugs*. Sorry. I am just always a bit of a downer.
No you're just talking to someone that is a miserable ball of depression and knows l the cards to play to get people to leave them alone so they can wallow further down the rabbit hole.

I also know pushing makes it worse so I'm stuck just know...Imore onto you
CosmicChangeling said:
No you're just talking to someone that is a miserable ball of depression and knows l the cards to play to get people to leave them alone so they can wallow further down the rabbit hole.
I also know pushing makes it worse so I'm stuck just know...Imore onto you
Well you got me there. And Even if I "opened up" it wouldn't do much though. Sorry.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well you got me there. And Even if I "opened up" it wouldn't do much though. Sorry.
it does more than you think. proving to yourself you can talk about what you're going through helps you build the tools you need to combat bigger problems down the road. Admitting to yourself that you are sad and there are things....is quite big. and brave.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
I already went to a therapy thing last year. Good enough
trying to think what i was going through at your age. i've been writing the list. didn't know if it would help or not or if you're going through any of it.

  • mom started cheating on my dad, had all of us lie
  • the church i went to couldn't afford our youth trip to see the pope and used me as a scape goat so i lost my best friend because of it
  • a guy pretended to commit suicide 'in my name' and cyber bullied me for months as his fake brother....my sisters remember the things he would send to me and stuff
  • a 40 year old found me through my email on one of these rp sites and targeted my sisters
  • my friend's bf broke up with her, then wooed me only to hurt her and when i wouldn't do that to my friend....on my birthday made out with a girl in front of my face
  • found out that mental illness ran in my family, my mom only told us as a way to get us to fear my father so she could cheat on him
  • sister was trying to kill herself
  • mom wanted nothing to do with the three oldest and left us up in Maine alone for the summer no parents to 'work'....oldest sister took away internet and we had no communication with people
  • oh....i also was forced to dance with someone on the irish mob that freaked me out
  • started dating the guy that molested me this year (2015) and well....you can see that one went full circle.

yeah, being sixteen is hard.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Well shit. It would seem all my issues are trivial as shit then.
no. that wasn't supposed to make you feel small. that was supposed to be like 'dude...i understand the dark and twisty road trust me.'
i used to be 90 pounds and a really fit athletic person at that time. the church was a huge part of who i was....first time i actually had a mental break down and then i no longer gave a shit about ANYTHING.

a lot of my drive and ambition died that year
I just have really bad anxiety about myself and the shit around me. And really low self esteem. And depression that feeds off of both of those. Whooooooo. So in short I haven't had bad shit happen to me I am just mental.

And my family doesn't except my different religious or political views too solidly.

I've been dead since last year. Went to a therapy thing every week day hoping to find some way to try and stop having suicidal thoughts. I was stuck with a bunch of psychotic and violent drug addict middle schoolers. Fun shit. So I basically didn't get any help and decided that I would handle it on my own because surely that would be better than therapy
And my parents and older brother fought all the time, (until the brother moved out) verbally or physically and tried to drag me in on either side, so support from either has been non-existent for a long time
SirDerpingtonIV said:
I just have really bad anxiety about myself and the shit around me. And really low self esteem. And depression that feeds off of both of those. Whooooooo. So in short I haven't had bad shit happen to me I am just mental.
And my family doesn't except my different religious or political views too solidly.

I've been dead since last year. Went to a therapy thing every week day hoping to find some way to try and stop having suicidal thoughts. I was stuck with a bunch of psychotic and violent drug addict middle schoolers. Fun shit. So I basically didn't get any help and decided that I would handle it on my own because surely that would be better than therapy
At work. But mental illness is a serious thing. It's not small. And there is so much stigma around it that it can make it hard to talk to anyone.

I have anxiety but it's triggered with heights. Those moments I feel like I'm dying and I can't seem to reign myself in. If yours is general which it sounds like it from what your talking about that's no laughing matter....anything can set it off....and with your life it sounds like you're very isolated.

Feeling isolated sucks. I'm sorry.

Your parents will never change...the people around you wont...these are all factors that you can't change at all....I used to struggle with that and last year I contemplated killing myself because it was all just too overwhelming everything and everyone was pulling me in directions and I felt powerless alone and useless....

I can't begin to understand depression. All I know is what it's done to my family members with it. I can tell you it's a hard journey and definitely unfortunately a long one.

There are these lights you can get that are supposed to help people with anxiety and depression....proven to work.

When I was going through all my shit at 16 my teacher taught us about mental illnesses and all that because she had one said it was our job to try and break the stigma....it helped me understand what my dad was going through.

For medicines....my dad was sent to the loony bin 4 times before he got a proper medical prescription....and he works a very high level successful job and is the greatest guy inknow, he didn't let it beat him and kept trying with the docs because he wanted to be around for us. Mom is a bitch. Mom might be dying with cancer now but she was still a bitch

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