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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

SirDerpingtonIV said:
People suck.
Your 16 you have no idea....it gets worse when you get older.

But it's not really their fault. My manager knew but 9/10 people don't comprehend a problem unless they have gone through it.

I work at a place where I'm the only kid that came from a state school. These kids are trust fund babies and flying to Chicago for a weekend to get drunk is a casual thing for these guys. Money isn't a problem. They are super privileged. I am very lucky I have this job....the opportunities I will get are things I couldn't even fathom....to these kids they expect this treatment.

So I'm working with kids who neverror really had to work hard. Who had everything handed to them. Do you think any one of them understands what a traumatic injury is? Or growing up raising your six little sisters...

Normally I'm ok. I get a lot of stupidgin comments.

The real truth is I'm broken. Emotionally and physically. I'm held together by scotch tape and optimistically believe I can be ok....so I work my ass off for anything I have....but it only takes a tap at me now a small little tap to have me fall apart and realize everything I have is so fragile and can go away....because I'm broken and no matter what I do or what I prove or how far I come....I can always be brought back to my lowest point.

I just hope today ends so I can go to my dad's apartment babysit my little sisters and cry....write some good stuff....cry....and thank God I have the weekend to glue my self esteem back for monday
CosmicChangeling said:
Your 16 you have no idea....it gets worse when you get older.
But it's not really their fault. My manager knew but 9/10 people don't comprehend a problem unless they have gone through it.

I work at a place where I'm the only kid that came from a state school. These kids are trust fund babies and flying to Chicago for a weekend to get drunk is a casual thing for these guys. Money isn't a problem. They are super privileged. I am very lucky I have this job....the opportunities I will get are things I couldn't even fathom....to these kids they expect this treatment.

So I'm working with kids who neverror really had to work hard. Who had everything handed to them. Do you think any one of them understands what a traumatic injury is? Or growing up raising your six little sisters...

Normally I'm ok. I get a lot of stupidgin comments.

The real truth is I'm broken. Emotionally and physically. I'm held together by scotch tape and optimistically believe I can be ok....so I work my ass off for anything I have....but it only takes a tap at me now a small little tap to have me fall apart and realize everything I have is so fragile and can go away....because I'm broken and no matter what I do or what I prove or how far I come....I can always be brought back to my lowest point.

I just hope today ends so I can go to my dad's apartment babysit my little sisters and cry....write some good stuff....cry....and thank God I have the weekend to glue my self esteem back for monday
GODDAMIT COSMIC.....if you didn't have to babysit I'd come kidnap you so you could spend time with a friend.
Context....I've been passed up on for jobs specifically because of footy....the very idea now that I can actually lose this job because I can't stand for phone calls is having me panic on a level I shouldnt. Because I wont. I'm one of the best performers they have and if that is ever going to happen at this place I'm fucking fighting it....but it's not going to leave my thoughts all day today or the rest of the next few weeks if he does more team standing blocks

There's a kid who's trying to sabotage me....and for 8 months...he couldn't Crack me until March he gave me a very deep blow....and now he's on my team....and seeing me cracking on this foot....I just fucking know he's going to exploit this to break me further.

Im going to be internally screaming today...
@Brinni The Ryan part of your post tho

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CosmicChangeling said:
Poor kid is friendzoned.
CosmicChangeling said:
Poor kid is friendzoned.
exvuse me.

But the friendzone is a very real and very important issue that millions of nice guys face all year round. Billions of nice guys get friend zoned by girls who owe them returned affections because they were "nice", by their own standards, regardless on if the girl even likes them at all. People should really take this more seriously. All nice guys automatically deserve girlfriends. You can spot these nice guys because they have well-groomed neck beards and very fashionable fedoras, the best hat in the world.

*Tips fedora*


(This is all incredible sarcasm don't hurt me)
Cosmic, can Lexi do the thing to Nialla?

After that, I'll post my reaction and be ready for a timeskip

Sorry, been unconscious for about 15 hours/
Nice Guys Finish Last

I love nice guys and girls like everyone else, but they aren't really need until the girl or guy wants to really settle down. Why? Because Nice guys are boring. Bad boys and girls know how to have fun. I don't even want to change them, just go do stuff. The stories you can tell when you're with them.... Or not since the statues of limitations aren't up yet. xD

100% worth it. Besides if they get too roundly you can poison them and leave. In almost every house there is at the very least 10 poisions you can use. Or a frying pan works xD
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Nice Guys Finish LastI love nice guys and girls like everyone else, but they aren't really need until the girl or guy wants to really settle down. Why? Because Nice guys are boring. Bad boys and girls know how to have fun. I don't even want to change them, just go do stuff. The stories you can tell when you're with them.... Or not since the statues of limitations aren't up yet. xD

100% worth it. Besides if they get too roundly you can poison them and leave. In almost every house there is at the very least 10 poisions you can use. Or a frying pan works xD

(i've been waiting to use this gif)
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Naw just a taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad bit hungover.

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]


Just a little, but if I don't move for 7 hours I will be able to stand up without vomiting.​

[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]Nice Guys Finish LastI love nice guys and girls like everyone else, but they aren't really need until the girl or guy wants to really settle down. Why? Because Nice guys are boring. Bad boys and girls know how to have fun. I don't even want to change them, just go do stuff. The stories you can tell when you're with them.... Or not since the statues of limitations aren't up yet. xD

100% worth it. Besides if they get too roundly you can poison them and leave. In almost every house there is at the very least 10 poisions you can use. Or a frying pan works xD

I'm not, guess it helps that I didn't drink last night ( ;) ), and that's exactly how the nice guys things work, I'm just gonna continue being the nice guy because I don't do stuff (religiously) before marriage anyway
SirDerpingtonIV said:
exvuse me.
But the friendzone is a very real and very important issue that millions of nice guys face all year round. Billions of nice guys get friend zoned by girls who owe them returned affections because they were "nice", by their own standards, regardless on if the girl even likes them at all. People should really take this more seriously. All nice guys automatically deserve girlfriends. You can spot these nice guys because they have well-groomed neck beards and very fashionable fedoras, the best hat in the world.

*Tips fedora*


(This is all incredible sarcasm don't hurt me)
SirDerpingtonIV said:
Jean is going to ruin EVERYTHING
*tips fedora* (even though that's a trilbee) that is the best post, ever.

I don't know what you mean, Jean has done nothing ... yet. (O:))(O:))(O:))(O:))(O:))
[QUOTE="My Pet Poro]I'm not, guess it helps that I didn't drink last night ( ;) ), and that's exactly how the nice guys things work, I'm just gonna continue being the nice guy because I don't do stuff (religiously) before marriage anyway

Lol not just that stuff, although it is great. I mean like burn down buildings stuff. That's limitstion is 7 years right? I can't remember... manslaughter is I think always going on... I need to work on my legal skillz.

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