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Fantasy Clash of the Cliques: A Modern Fantasy High School RP

"Wait, but there's no toll on th-" Yumi was cut off by a loud thud as Jay rammed his fist into her stomach, winding the girl. A wad of spittle flew as she immediately doubled earlier. She would have given a shout, but all the air had left her lungs, replaced by a strong pain in her gut.

Falling to her knees, the girl began to gasp, looking up at the boy with a trembling head.

"W-why would you...." she stopped to wheeze loudly. "Why would you hit me? We just wanted to pass through." she asked, a single tear beginning to form in her eye.
"You go right on ahead, Gorth," thought Ryuji, "help who ya can! I'll handle this."

The fighter, Katsu, seemed to have been disturbed by Ryuji's taunts. Hopefully this would force him to mess up later, but Ryuji couldn't count on that. He was much faster than he seemed, much like Ryuji, so the only real strategy for the boy was to give back better than he got. That might be tough, considering Katsu got in the first hit.

Ryuji got ready to dodge the boxer's jab, but it was a fake-out, leading to a right hook. As this attack got Ryuji in the side and pain flowed up through his body, he caught a glimpse at Katsu's left hand. Katsu was obviously getting ready for a strong attack, seeing as the hand was igniting, so Ryuji went with the force of the hook and rolled to safety; his ear and some of his hair getting singed by the uppercut.

"Damn! He's got a called attack," thought Ryuji, coughing from the force of the punch. But he couldn't let that take him down! Ryuji had an opening right in front of him, and he had to go for it quickly. Ryuji charged at the Oni's left side; exposed after that powerful uppercut. He swung his sword at full force, hoping he would have time to capitalize on this opportunity.

"It ain't like that no more," Ryuji yelled as he charged, "People like you an' me are the ones who gotta adjust these days! Not the weaker folks! We gotta fight ta protect people, an' carve out our own place in this world! Ya just wanna be a battlethirsty thug, or do ya want yer fightin' ta mean somethin' some day!?"

Ryuji would not allow himself to lose this battle. Not to Katsu. This sword was precious to him, after all. He had received it from his master, and he couldn't let his master down.
Surprised that this conversation had turned so violently, Dusty prepared defend himself against the obvious aggressor in this situation by getting into a fighting stance. Just before Ed was to make contact, dusty lashed his right fist outwards and into the thug's outstretched throat. There was a painful-sounding crack as both the combatants staggered back, Dusty clutching his hand and Ed keeling over backwards.

Tears streaming down his face and severely-bruised knuckles gleefully letting him know that nobody wins in a fistfight, Dusty grimaced at Chazz. This asshole thinks he deserves my money! This asshole thinks just because he found two friends that he has the right to target Preppies! This asshole thinks the toilet deserves to be called Mister Swirly! Dusty's vision grew red. He clenched his teeth and shook his knees. Dusty was getting mad. That is it! I'm gonna jam my fist down his throat and make him taste his kidneys!

Dusty blindly charged forward at Chazz, pure passion setting his fists ablaze. Thanks to Master Armstrong's training him in the sacred art of ナンセンス, Dusty wasn't burned by his now-blazing fists. Anything that he struck, however, would enjoy the full effect of being struck and burned at the same time.
[Mind Your Manors]

Location: Heading closer towards the Preppy Manor

Objective: Wheedle or worm your way past the Terrible Trio of Pseudo-Gatekeepers

Jay stared at the mongrel who was pleading with him. For some individuals, this forlorn scene of a fox-monster weeping tears in agony would inspire a sense of pathos in some. Perhaps, just maybe, this poignant beseeching would touch a secret kindness within the boy.

That malicious smirk on Jay's face, when she was going through with the explanation suggested that would not be the case. "Because there are few things more satisfying than beating the shit out of bitches who don't pay." He said quickly before tossing another punch straight at her mouth, as a twinkle glimmered in his eye. And after tossing that one, he motioned to do a secondary punch at her stomach.

Not so much for Ed, who was currently indisposed due to the strike against him. It seemed it'd take him a bit of time to get back in the game from that strike. Chazz was unamused as he glanced back at Jay for a moment, as Dusty was charging up.

"Jay stop rewarding yourself with instant gratification. Help Ed." Jay cocked his head to the side as he raised up his right leg for a front kick. "Buuuuut Chaaaaazz, I'm having fun! Ed will be fine, just, give me a minute." Jay then proceeded to deliver a front kick to Yumi. "Or three. God this is fun!"

Chazz groaned out annoyed, "Fine, I'll deal with it for now." Quickly he began blowing his nose, as viscous snot tendrils began emerging out of his nose. The tendrils, while rather thin, were surprising in the vast amount of numbers they came out in. As Dusty charged upon him, a now mouth-breathing Chazz began whipping at Dusty with the startlingly sturdy, snot tentacles.

[statute of Limitations]

Location: Steelpeak Police Department - Office Building

"...So let me get this straight, the convict was sent over by those Lazy Krauts, and they expected a German Parole Officer to hold sway in America? I'm not even going to ask why they sent them over here. But still they sent the bastard over and expect to keep control of the situation, despite the fact they BEGGED us to take the shit?" Inquired a rather confused looking officer. This particular officer looked to be middle aged, with a scruffy beard and cropped hair. He was stockier than his associate, who had a distinctive set of glasses with gold frame, and bright red hair.

He stood next to a water-cooler which produced a few gurgles as bubbles floated towards the top. The other officer was currently in possession of a manilla folder full of files gave a quick nod to his buddy at the water-cooler. And then he quickly handed over the files.

"Oh, and get this. The guy, the previous assigned Parole Officer, was a mole for, the German Mob that was part of the Italian Mafia? Think they are as active as the French Mob. And actively told the guy how to mess with the limiters the German Officers installed on the beast. Don't ask me how they know, I guess Germans are just horrible people and inefficient when it comes to the legal system. Unlike us down in the States." He gave a chuckle as he shook his head, "Ah, God, this reminds me of that incident at the bakery we worked on, you know before the department switch." The man laughed, as he pulled out a thin paper cone and filled it up with some water.

After quickly gulping down the drink, he tossed the cone into a nearby trashcan. "The one which was actually owned by a time-traveling Lunarian who was using it as a smuggling ring, and smuggled himself so he could kill himself in order to get the life insurance in the future? That one Sean?" Inquired the officer. His associate, Sean, gave a single smirk. "Oooh that's the one. That one was always a doozy; wouldn't you agree Richard. OH yeah." Sean waggled the files a bit, which Richard quickly took and began leafing through. Searching his jacket for a bit, Sean pulled out a metal tablet which was producing a red glow. "Fucking Germans. Apparently they are horrible at making technology to contain criminals, because this asshole is trying to deactivate the limiters."

Richard shook his head, "And here I was thinking the French were the worst at Law Enforcement. He's under my jurisdiction, and American Jurisdiction now. And we do things right." He gestured over for Sean to hand over the device, as he casually placed the files on-top of the cooler. Sean obliged as he handed over the metal device.

"Aaaand, let's show this criminal scum what it ACTUALLY happens when you try to fuck with the law." And so, Richard now armed with the device, reactivated the limiters. Criminal actions would not go on. When there were still decent men on the force, they wouldn't allow such horrible actions to go on.

[Chop Shop]

Location: School Garage

*Objective: Find a way into the garage*

Upon the roof, the Elite Nerd Sniper Quartet gazed down upon the landscape below them. The overweight boy stood next to the crate of his toy helicopters, as he kept controlling them. The bottle-cap glasses wearing boy wiped at his nose as he gazed through his scope, searching out the prey. "Hey man, get them flushed out. They are worth more points the quicker the flush is." He stated out to his associate.

The girl continued to act as a spotter, "N-no. Huh, think I saw some other targets that are starting to come in the distance. Buuuut, hey these ones are worth more points. The scraggly man in the graphic t-shirt paused for a moment as he scratched at his greasy hair, he mumbled something to himself as he went to a back-pack that depicted a group of fighters on wires with some ominous monster in the background. He unzipped the satchel as he pulled out four bottles of chocolate milk. He placed the three down, "Yo, anyone thirsty yet? I sure as Hell am. ...I'mma shoot at 'em after this." He said as he chugged down the bottle in a vicious gulp. He walked over and sat down in a crouched position next to the female spotter.

Siegfried after shooting a series of pebbles noticed, his fingers were in incredible pain. The flesh that usually wasn't shown, was now rather visible. Firing these rocks at such intense speeds, caused the friction to wear down at his fingers. In fact, they were all in the dermis region. In the moment, fueled by adrenaline, he may have not noticed how severe his injuries were. These pulsating blooded stained fingers had been torn apart in ribbons. And alongside that fact, he could feel the power limiters activate and force themselves as he was trying to dash out in the speed of an Olympic runner.

The shock was agonizing pain, and reduced the speed severely. Now Siegfried found himself operating a speed, far more familiar among just students themselves, instead of the trained professionals. It appeared the jig was up, and something happened to that wiseguy of the Italian-German Mafia, and the limiters were back to doing what they were supposed to do.

Meanwhile, behind the wall of cover the helicopter remained menacing. Well as menacing as a toy helicopter with an attachment that allowed it to shoot acid would be. Which, was fairly menacing. Lacey, quickly looked on with a bit of fear as she nervousily took a few steps back. "Right, uuuh shit, base or acid? Easily to neutralize, and gives us a fairly qui-" She was beginning to speak as Steve pulled out the lighter and shot the hair-spray and ignited it.

The acid, plus the flames was quite a bit much for the helicopter, as it began melting. And, during this little escapade, the cheetah man jumped right near the flame, bashing the helicopter while it was still on fire with his bloodied fingers clutching onto a metallic trash-can.

Lacey just stared for a few moments before blinking. She shook her head as she glanced at Steve, "Riiight, uh, pet of th- ...Doesn't matter. Seph should be getting some PVC for ya."

The overweight nerd gave a frown as he turned to his comrades. "They took down the drown. We may need to move into heavier stuff." Smirking at his colleague, the scruffy nerd snapped his fingers, "On it. You'll get another drone out and keep firing on these bastards right, cause, I may have a little solution to this cover issue." And with that said, the scruffy nerd returned back to his backpack as he began fishing for parts.

[Quest HEY! Quit Yer Gabbin', Let's Get Jabbin'.]

Location: Just outside the School Campus building

*Objective: Find a way to defeat the Oni Boxer Katsu.*

Katsu spat out to the side glaring at Ryuji. He was a decent punching bag; if only that inferior whelp didn't use a sword. It would have amused Katsu more. Oh well, he had his frustration he'd take out upon Gorth when he was finished bashing the living daylights out of Ryuji.

The swordsman thought quickly, and did spot the opening the attack left. And alongside that, he had chiseled in another emotional weakness. Katsu glared at Ryuji as he smacked his chest with his left glove. "Son! I'm an Oni, this is just preparations for the terror I will bring to the villages of Japan! The nation's children will whisper hushed tales of the terror I brought upon their ancestors! THEY WILL COME TO FE-" And with that bit of declaration done, Ryuji's blade smacked the Oni quite hard upon his torso, which caused him to spiral and slam down upon the ground, leaving an imprint below. Upon the landing's completion, there was a large cracking heard.

Katsu glared at Ryuji as he began pushing to get up. "Didn't hear no Bell..."

[Time to Get Kraken]

Location: Manor 'Lower Lagoon' (aka the Pond lower on pathway heading towards the Manor Proper)

*Objective: The Groundskeeper's Kraken has awoke...Find some way to soothe/subdue it, without attracting the fury of the Groundskeeper*

Aionna knew this small lake, was larger than the exterior revealed. It was a rather extensive reservoir of water, that the Preppies kept around to help fuel the various fountains, and some would claim that it held an entrance to one of the 'Secret Grottos'. The groundwater clubs that were established by Preppies who were based in water. However, beyond this there was another purpose, and rather the true purpose of the lake. It held a rather massive creature, that held a special significance.

This pond, was the lair of one of the Groundskeeper's many pets. The particular creature which inhabited this section of water, was a kraken. It was one of the younger beasts of the collection, and as such needed its sleep so it would grow and develop in a proper manner. And not to mention, it got rather cranky when someone interrupted its sleep.

Unbeknownst to Aionna, she interrupted the creature's sleep through the actions that she had performed. The water vibrated from the sound of a blood-curtling screech. A trunk-like tentacle covered in white scales, shot up and began flailing about. Water from the pool sloshed and drenched the ground below.

Pistachios, had in fact awoke. And he was a very cranky Kraken at having his nap time interrupted.

[boss Battle Initiated: Pistachios the Kraken, Pet of the Groundskeeper]
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[under the Table...And Everything Else]

Location: Somewhere underneath school property

"Sanctuary, how I adore the Subterranean Sanctum." spoke one of the dwellers of these hidden holdings. This particular person was a creature with bulging eyes and an flattened nose which had divisions making it look like a small star. Smirking the creature revealed his elongated incisors which were a murky yellow in shade. Dropping down to his paw-like hands he skittered a bit towards a chamber proper which was a lit with few torches, and primarily lanterns attached to orange coils which hanged from the makeshift ceilings and beams.

This particular creature was stopped, as he approached a gateway that was made by stolen road-signs and markers that were welded on into a pseudo-door. "Have you collected tribute from prey?" Inquired a gentle voice. Seemingly emerging from the underground wall was a humanoid with dark brown skin that was wearing a bright red blouse, which helped draw attention to areas the girl was lacking in. The most noticeable feature of the woman was the light brown volva which had a few yellow stripes. And underneath the cap were some strands of jet black hair.

"Yes, yes, I have brought payment." The creature stood upright, but maintained a bit of a hunch, as if he were giving a slight bow to this particular doorman. The creature reached to his side as he ripped off a fanny-pack. Quickly unzipping the pack, he handed it over to await the examination for whether or not it was a proper tribute offered for permission to enter this section of the Bullies Domain.

The girl delved her fingers into the satchel as she casually began pulling out items. Pencils, pens, a few cigarettes, a nice wad of Zenni, and some wrapped chewing gum. The girl smirked as she gestured towards the door. "Your bounty is...acceptable. You have the right to pass through." Smiling the creature gave a quick nod as he quickly skittered into the cavern, "Much appreciated Galerina."

The fungi-monster gave a small smirk, "Just keep performing your duties Rodrick. We have much, much more work to do if we are to claim control of this place, above and below the surface."

[Retaining the Retainers]

Location: Outside on School Grounds - Southwards

Harrington was unamused by the sheer surfeit of such savagery. It was not that he had any qualms with the acts of violence, oh no Harrington was somewhat amused by the displayed by how quickly the lower classes would resort to this desperation. Rather he was upset as due to these vast amounts of acts committed he would have to wipe off blood from his freshly-pressed suit. The Yeti glanced down at a spec of blood that was on his tie. It was unfortunate that the path he took, while on his quest to recover his dutiful minions, had other students ravaging each other.

A couple of guttural growls scarred off some of the pesky lower ones who thought they would try to take him. Entertainers, Bullies, or Punks it didn't matter who the little people were. All that mattered is that when he gave the order to step away, they were intimidated by him and left him alone. Of course that technique wouldn't work on everyone, but it worked well enough in scaring those who were not Jocks.

In his mission, Harrington saw a few of non-Bodyguard staff, and gave them the orders to return to serve him at the manor. However, any dignified Preppy would know they should take a few servants alongside them, especially those who would handle the dirty work for you. Besides, he would need a few in order to escort that nerd through. Harrington scoffed at the idea; however he knew Dusty held a proper point. In order to build a power-base you did need to convince others, and gather as many people as possible. But that insipid mutt he decided to take with him, Harrington could not understand why his compatriot would take such a pitiful excuse of a servant with him.

Oh well, he didn't have time to linger on these thoughts. He more of his staff to collect. And that is when noticed one of his servants, a brawny lamia whose tail was covered in dark brown scales. "Servant Carol, you are needed, with me, right side." It was as he issued these commands, he noticed other assorted servants gathered around. These servants, appeared to be a mixture of various ones who held different masters. Of course, such people tended to discuss with each other, despite their master's orders on the subject, due to sharing a common bond, due to their class heritage.

Carol raised up her tail and began rattling it. She casually placed her hand on her humanoid right hip, while glancing back at Harrington. " 'Fraid not. Not this time Harrington." The other servants began turning around to glance at the Preppy. Carol kept her casual position and sideways glance as she spoke up, "We know this is a ssssserendipitoussss situation, a lucrative boon to the working class. Revolution is calling dear boy, and we-" She gestured towards the collected servants, "We have decided it is no longer in our interest to serve."

The Yeti was taken aback; these commoners were not going to serve their proper ruler!? This event was a travesty. Wait. A thought dawned upon Harrington, were the servants that he sent back to the Manor part of this, this, rebel alliance of treacherous staff!? No, no they had to remain loyal. Many had to have good heads upon them, and realize the pay delivered to them was too good to risk rebellion. The Yeti adjusted his tie as he kept a calm demeanor. Everything would go right, the Preppies would remain safe with a loyal staff. After all he was in worse situations than this.

"Tell me, who is your leader, the one behind this, Union." He said hissing out the last word. This Servant's Union would be a bit of trouble for the Yeti, and for his Preppy kind. As long as it was small enough it could be contained. He could only hope it didn't spread to the rest of the collected servants. The Ex-servants, began chortling hysterically, Harrington spotted their reaction and kept a simple gaze. Carol smirked as she waggled her finger at her former boss. "Leaders, we have none. However, before we trample you into the dirt, Harrington, as a former employee, I will honor your request and allow you a few words with one of the Speakers of our cause..."
As Katsu attempted to get up from the powerful attack that sent him to the ground, Ryuji walked past him wordlessly. He carefully placed the wooden sword over his shoulder, as if to say that he was done with this fight. When Katsu had nearly gotten to his feet, Ryuji looked over his shoulder back at the Oni.

"Yer damn strong Katsu, but if we keep on fightin', neither o' us is gonna be in any shape ta get outta here. Leave now, an' you can make it! Ya understand that much, right? Go, an' let some idiot worry about them other folks! That's yer thinkin' ain't it?"

And with that, Ryuji dashed off towards the smoke. If Katsu followed, he might have no choice but to fight, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that. Ryuji, dumbass that he was, needed to help whoever he could quickly.
[Quest HEY! Quit Yer Gabbin', Let's Get Jabbin'.]

Location: Just outside the School Campus building

*Objective: Find a way to defeat the Oni Boxer Katsu.*

Despite the situation, as Katsu got up he stared derisively at that lucky weakling. After all, he Katsu, was a great and mighty Oni and one hell of a boxer. And the bastard cheated while using a sword in order to get him down. If the events that occurred were an actual fight, Katsu would've brutally murdered him. And technically, he won, if they were judging it by who went down first. He completely avoided the thought that he did that due to a sucker punch, and that the blob did a decent job of dodging his punching. Katsu knew those were just lucky flukes. Those were the thoughts he used to justify this defeat.

Katsu glared towards Ryuji, "...Didn't get a good warm-up earlier. I will break you." Howled out the Oni, as Ryuji made his path to the smoke. '...No wonder they sent me here. I'm, I'm not that weak right? I can't be the runt they all claimed I was. R-right?' And so Katsu mulled upon the thoughts of what got him to this institution in the first place. Katsu needed to get a few more punches in before striking against that man, against worthy opponents.

The Oni headed onwards towards the sacred grounds of his people, well his Clique, the gymnasium.


Ryuji was quite fast. On his way towards the scene where the smoke was coming from he noticed quite a few things, the most notable being that the forested biome was still set ablaze, and was burning in a blinding brightness. Well not literally, but it was a rather intense flame not only in its heat, but in its brightness.

As that main source of mayhem was going on there were other skirmishes in the distance. There were three on twos, one on ones, five on ones, and other combinations that were going on. A particularly notable skirmish was one that was past the broken fountain, and away from the green-house and the dangerous forest fire. At that fountain, a cheerleader was merrily skipping along, as she held a pair of undergarments, which was near a gurgling and limp Snakeman. With a quick kick towards the chest, she struck the snakeman and headed off once more.

As for that three on one, it looked like it was a two on two match at this point. The third who was initially in this skirmish, appeared to be knocked out. One of the fighters, seemed heavily and woefully unprepared for the skirmish and appeared to simply function as a punching bag.

From the forested area, a figure was rushing out. It was Gorth, who was performing a fireman's carry on a student who was burned heavily. Needless to say, many good deeds would be available to act upon.
Yumi could barely utter a squeak before the next punch smashed across her face, then her stomach, winding her and bringing the girl to the ground. She coughed several times, choking as she curled up into a ball.

"P-pay what? Pay what?!" she asked, looking back up at the boy. In all her short life, Yumi hadn't realized others' capacity for needless cruelty. She could only hope that some, brave, strong champion could save her from this beast.

"Are you sure there isn't some other reason why you'd act this way?" she asked. "I don't know what could make someone like you so violent. What's the real reason why you'd just beat someone up like this?"
[Mind Your Manors]

Location: Heading closer towards the Preppy Manor

Objective: Wheedle or worm your way past the Terrible Trio of Pseudo-Gatekeepers

"The toll to get past." Jay took a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, and glanced down at the mongrel with a sneer. "...We explained this. Remember, earlier? The Elf didn't pay us in any currency, despite our kind and generous offer. If we got paid our toll, then we'd gladly let you past." The bully pinched at his nose harder, as he stared at Ed for a moment. Well he was still down and needed to get back up. Then he took a moment to glance at Chazz.

Naah, he oughta be fine.
The boy thought to himself. Chazz was always fine. And more to the point, Jay had instant gratification here. Also he was doing his civic duty in beating the Hell out of someone who didn't pay up tribute. After a moment or so, Jay released the pinch from his nose. He kept a slow stride as he circled around Yumi, deciding upon what area to strike the girl while she was in the fetal position.

Then she brought up that there had to be some other motivation to his deeds. Jay just stared at Yumi for a moment, standing right at her back. "Mmmmmnooo. I just like it." He swung his leg in another kick aiming for the base of her tail while she was curled up in defensive measures.
Ryuji glared at the scene before him. He was almost certain that people were generally better than beating the crap out of each other for no apparent reason in a time of crisis, and yet, it was happening right now. At the very least Gorth was making good progress saving people, but before Ryuji could join, there was a fight he had to break up. It probably wouldn't take long, and if it went any farther, that girl on the ground might become severely injured.

"Hey, you," Ryuji bellowed, hoping to get the dude to stop before he kicked the girl. He wanted to say something cool, but Ryuji was angry at this bastard and couldn't really think of anything clever. Therefore, he settled on something less eloquent.

"Fuck you," shouted Ryuji, charging at the guy with the full force of a protagonist's indignation and his own two-hundred-something pounds of furious flub. He swung at the bokken at Jay. Once he took this one down, he would help the other kid who actually seemed to be doing alright against two opponents.
[Mind Your Manors]

Location: Heading closer towards the Preppy Manor

Objective: Wheedle or worm your way past the Terrible Trio of Pseudo-Gatekeepers

Jay was not stopped in his swift and mighty kick at the horrible individual, who continued to refuse to pay. The individual turned his head as he heard a loud, and unceremonious 'Fuck you'. A thought occurred to Jay, Maybe the Elf wasn't trying to hit on Chazz. Maybe like this guy he was trying to hit on me. Jay watched as the man was charging at him. Truly a strike from such a sword would really hurt and take him out of the game.

As Ryuji was charging forth, he noticed that Jay was seemingly flickering in and out of reality. And by the time he got there and finished the swing he was gone. And right behind him. "Tch, nothing personal kid, but I already have a girlfriend. Unless you were saying fuck you to Chazz. Pretty sure he's single, but you need to wait in line. That Elf wants a piece of the Chazz well, you know. Still, I wish you some luck in your homoerotic sex life. Hopefully you find a man who is interested in... Chazz what's the word for gays who like other big fa-"

Chazz was busy with Dusty at the moment. Jay kinda sulked, "Nevermind!" He shook his head as swung his leg in a round-house kick against Ryuji. "ED, YOU SON OF A BITCH! GET UP."

Ed was still on the ground, clutching at his throat. At this point he may or may not have been able to get up on his own. But for sure he was not paying attention to Jay. Whether that was out of some dickishness to Jay, or that he was truly that hurt, few truly knew.
[Two Minutes to Midnight]

Location: ??? *Security Clearance too low to access*

Somewhere, in a dark office room a woman was speaking on a red telephone. "...Understood sir. ...I shall give out the orders immediately. I swear on my life I will help make your dream a reality. ...Yes sir." The figure placed the phone piece back on the red rotary dial styled phone. The room itself was a fairly blank room, which had a few monitors, a small desk with the phone and a book shelf.

From behind the desk was some trotting as a Centaur woman casually tapped on the hilt of a Niuweidao that was entombed in a simple brown sheath. Her hair was dark black and in a high pony-tail. The human half of her was dressed in a navy blue military regalia for officer dress. In a slow stride, her hooves stepped on the hard-wood floor of the office as she exited the room.

Now in a concrete bunker, where operatives were working on maintain various monitors, some of radar, others of world maps she raised her voice and held up her arm for attention. "Today. It has hit midnight. Sent out units immediately for Operation Downfall!"

Soon everything would be coming together, just as planned.

[it's the Final Countdown]

Location: Granite Hills

Far above the skies of the academy grounds, flew a large heavy bomber. This particular unit was the recipient for a truly important mission; it had the prestige of eliminating every and utter trace of this institution. Making sure the academy was in tact, was no longer important to these shadowy players. However, the destruction of the school would provide great value. As per its orders it was to devastate and ravage the land so nothing could survive. None of the Cliques would be able to put up any resistance to this trained operation.

Of course some of those Preppies were ascending in their space faring escape pods, and helicopters. The operation was planned to exterminate them and their opulence as well. Those that were already launched were being assaulted by attack air-craft firing ballistic missiles.

Loud bangs were heard from the sky, it exploded in a cataclysmic scene of fire and smoke. The burning heaps of metal crashed into the ground below, making the current forest fire even worse. One of these pieces struck the personal generator of the Preppy's manor.

The children and faculty, which were already in the throes of madness, had been further stimulated by this. Though, the sheer horror of above, inspired a certain tranquility. Well it was more a stop due to fear, which halted them momentarily. Many returned back to fighting, looting and pillaging.

Meanwhile, the bomber had reached its location upon which it would drop the nuclear armament. There were two pilots in the aircraft. Both of them were dressed in g-suits, with skin blackened from rot, and did not wear the masks to hide their grotesque and misshaped faces. The one on the right spoke as he began bobbing his head. "L-l-let the bass DROP!"

From the metal monolithic behemoth of an air-craft the nuclear bomb was released. The impact was something to be seen, but not there. The impact of the shock blew apart the myriad of facilities as their foundations quickly gave way. Every single student upon campus grounds had their flesh flayed from their bones. To the students who were heartier, they had the fate of having to suffer through the agony of their eyes melting from their sockets and fleshing being stripped away. Bones were charring and became reduced to ash.

A large smoke cloud billowed through the sky, marking the fact that everything down below was in fact, devastated and annihilated due to the blast. Solemnly the pilot on the left looked at his associate, "Brother, they expect at least one of us in the wreckage." The pilot on the right gave a single nod. "Tonight we dine in Hell." And so the bomber was sent into a nose dive into the radiated crater and wasteland it created, leaving wreckage behind.

A few other of the planes that disposed of the escaping forces proceeded to do the same.

[it's the End of the World as We Know it... Aaaand I Feeeel Fiiiiiiiiine]

The bombing of this school, and its purge was a national tragedy. The people of Colorado were a raving mob, expecting answers and hoping desperately that their Senator would deliver a sense of hope amidst the mayhem. The Senator gave a truly impassioned speech about the sacrifice of human lives that happened that day. After his speech, he made it his duty and his responsibility to get a new bill quickly passed through the Senate and the House, alongside a national declaration of war against the countries which were seemingly behind the attack.

The UN desperately tried to stop this from happening, but their sway quickly wore thin. War would soon engulf the world. And in this time, the Private Military Companies were quickly getting more business than ever before. Their services were needed more than ever. PMCs, now funded more than ever before, are sending their researchers to advance technology and magic to heights further than before. War is changing and simultaneously not changing.

For now, it is a mystery on how long the war will last, or if it will ever end.

But one thing is for certain; The War Economy Rises...

[The End]

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