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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

Noivern said:
"I sense the disease in you."
SCP-049 stood, a little loopy from the attack but well. He refocused and saw someone in front of him. He tilted his beak in question and didn't want to Cure the man just yet. There was still things to be learned

"Where am I? This is not Site-57.."
The man looked confused as the strange looking man asked about a site-57 "Um there is no place called Site-57 in Thedas.... You must have some weird amnesia.... You're in the forest near Ostagar! Surely you must remember that King Calin has stationed his army there to combat the Darkspawn! Lets get back to Ostagar Mage!"

The leader stood up and waited for the Mage to get up, he didn't really care if the man was a Mage or grey warden, anyone will look upon the man like he was a rabbid dog that needs to be put down, or at least controlled.

Gabrygabra97 said:
"DO NOT LET HIM TOUCH YOU! SQUAD! OPEN FIRE!" 5 units starts to fire at SCP-049.
((Wrong post you quoted, this is the appropriate post as it was the most recent one.))

"I sense the disease in you."

SCP-049 stood, a little loopy from the attack but well. He refocused and saw someone in front of him. He tilted his beak in question and didn't want to Cure the man just yet. There was still things to be learned

"Where am I? This is not Site-57.."

Original post by @Noivern

Lemongrab 1 &2

Lemonblack and Lemonwhite sat within their hidden room in Castle Lemongrab with their son Lemonsweets "Oh little Lemonsweets what is it you want to do today?" Lemonblack asked the small doll,Lemonwhite picked up Lemonsweets "Surely he wishes to see the rest of Castle Lemongrab brother after all little Lemonsweets is old enough to see out magnificent castle" Lemonwhite replied to his brother who watched him intently making sure he didn't drop Lemonsweets, "Mmmm yes okay Lemonsweets shall learn of out lemon styles and the lemon ways"Lemonblack replied walking beside his brother as they made their way to the throne room "Lemonsweets this is the throne room" Lemonblack started to say with Lemonwhite finishing "One day you will be able to have your own little throne" Lemonwhite started to say as Lemonblack finished. Lemonwhite saw a portal appear on one of the castle walls beckoning him, he didn't trust it and ignored it so he could stay with Lemonsweets and his brother.

(reposted my post)​
The two grey wardens looked as the weird Mage went further into the forest, the recruit eyes began to widen "W.. Was that the W.... Witch of the Wilds?"

The leader shrugged unsure and the two went back to Ostagar.

The further SCP-049 went into the forest, the more Darkspawn it saw but the Darkspawn didn't notice him as he was not a Grey Warden so they could not sense his presence as easily. But a small group of Darkspawn encountered the man and engaged in combat, it wasn't as large as the group from earlier but they were as Vicious. One rouge went stealth, two Hurlocks charged at it and the one archer fired upon him.


In the Deep roads....

Urthemiel saw that the Darkspawn could hold the portal open with their magic as the taint corrupts it even more. The Archdemon summoned a war party of about 45 Darkspawn, 13 were Archers, 10 were mages, 8 were rouges, and the rest were warriors. There was an Alpha for the mages, warriors, and rouges who are tough to kill, along with them were two Ogres who were extremely tough to kill. They all received orders from Urthemiel which were to scout the place, establish an outpost there, and to create a Broodmother to create an army to take over. The group understood and went through the portal to some unknown place.
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ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 &2

Lemonblack and Lemonwhite sat within their hidden room in Castle Lemongrab with their son Lemonsweets "Oh little Lemonsweets what is it you want to do today?" Lemonblack asked the small doll,Lemonwhite picked up Lemonsweets "Surely he wishes to see the rest of Castle Lemongrab brother after all little Lemonsweets is old enough to see out magnificent castle" Lemonwhite replied to his brother who watched him intently making sure he didn't drop Lemonsweets, "Mmmm yes okay Lemonsweets shall learn of out lemon styles and the lemon ways"Lemonblack replied walking beside his brother as they made their way to the throne room "Lemonsweets this is the throne room" Lemonblack started to say with Lemonwhite finishing "One day you will be able to have your own little throne" Lemonwhite started to say as Lemonblack finished. Lemonwhite saw a portal appear on one of the castle walls beckoning him, he didn't trust it and ignored it so he could stay with Lemonsweets and his brother.

(reposted my post)​
As Lemonwhite turned away from the portal, a tall, bulky robot emerged from it, along with a bright yellow bird. Bastion stopped briefly to look throughout the room, trying to figure out where they were. They eventually set their sights on Lemonwhite. They stared at him, watching to see how the lemon person reacted.

Lemongrab 1&2

Lemonwhite twisted his neck around after getting the feeling he was being watched, he could see the robot and a yellow bird near the castle walls where the portal was "Dearest brother I think we have a problem, you should take lemonsweets back to his room for a nap!" he said in a somewhat stressful voice, Lemonblack didn't turn around and nodded "Oh yes I suppose he must be tired...After I put him to bed we can have snacks and look at our loyal lemon children" Lemonblack said returning to the secret room to put Lemonsweets to bed. Lemonwhite approached the hulking robot "You..You are not lemony you do not belong here w-why do you intrude upon our kingdom!" Lemonwhite yelled at the robot, he was not used to Castle Lemongrab getting visitors.

(Adventure time)

ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1&2

Lemonwhite twisted his neck around after getting the feeling he was being watched, he could see the robot and a yellow bird near the castle walls where the portal was "Dearest brother I think we have a problem, you should take lemonsweets back to his room for a nap!" he said in a somewhat stressful voice, Lemonblack didn't turn around and nodded "Oh yes I suppose he must be tired...After I put him to bed we can have snacks and look at our loyal lemon children" Lemonblack said returning to the secret room to put Lemonsweets to bed. Lemonwhite approached the hulking robot "You..You are not lemony you do not belong here w-why do you intrude upon our kingdom!" Lemonwhite yelled at the robot, he was not used to Castle Lemongrab getting visitors.

(Adventure time)

In reply, Bastion made a sequence of beeps and boops while pointing to the portal, which was slowly closing. They didn't understand why Lemonwhite was so upset about their arrival.

Meanwhile Ganymede had followed Lemonblack into the secret room. They flew towards the nearest spot were they could perch themselves, and did just that.

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"Mmm brother will not be happy to see a stranger in our castle but do you have any skills robot skills?!" Lemonwhite said still pretty stressed at why a robot had appeared in Castle Lemongrab without warning or even knocking. Lemongrab screamed when he saw the little yellow bird perched in the secret room "Lemon bird?...no no I remember all my children, You're and intruder YOU'RE AFTER LEMONSWEETS YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM YOU CAN'T HAVE HIIIIM!" Lemonblack screamed at the little bird convinced it wanted to eat Lemonsweets if he turned his back.

(Adventure time)

@Garbacca (Yeah the lemongrabs are quite unstable .-.)​
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ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"Mmm brother will not be happy to see a stranger in our castle but do you have any skills robot skills?!" Lemonwhite said still pretty stressed at why a robot had appeared in Castle Lemongrab without warning or even knocking. Lemongrab screamed when he saw the little yellow bird perched in the secret room "Lemon bird?...no no I remember all my children, You're and intruder YOU'RE AFTER LEMONSWEETS YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM YOU CAN'T HAVE HIIIIM!" Lemonblack screamed at the little bird convinced it wanted to eat Lemonsweets if he turned his back.

(Adventure time)

@Garbacca (Yeah the lemongrabs are quite unstable .-.)​
Bastion nodded and transformed into their sentry form. Their body spun around so the machine gun on their back was facing forward, their shoulders rotated to face forward, their legs split into supports, and their head retracted into their body. A blue shield appeared in front of them.

Ganymede squawked loudly in surprise at Lemonblack's scream and flew out of the room. They landed on Bastion's gatling gun and sat down.

Supernatural Universe

The engine roar of a 1967 chevelle impala was blasted out through the road at night followed along by the sound of classic rock blaring out of the radio two men one in there early thirties and one in there late thirties were in the car the man driving the car was humming along to the song and the other man who was reading a book of some sort he was focused and seemed to be researching something of somesort.

"Um Dean could you turn down the radio I'm trying to do some research considering that you were the one that seemed to interested in this job in the first place." The younger man said to the one named Dean.

"Cmon Sammy just enjoy the tunes research can wait until morning." Dean said to Sam as he turned up the radio and started to sing along to the songs now which started to annoy Sam.

"People are disappearing off the face of the earth and you are more concerned about what is on the radio right now." Sam said getting more annoyed with his brother.

"Ok then Sam what do we have." Dean said turning down the radio to listen to what his brother said.

"Multiple disappearences accros the whole country and alot of appearences of people who claim to be fictional characters the weird part is that the people who claim to be fictional characters look exactly like there fictional counter part and also happen to do whatever there fictionak counter oart can." Sam replied which earned a semi confused look on his face.

"Do you think Gabriel is up to this?" Dean puzzled to Sam as he said the only conclusion that seemed Semi - Normal


Bulvarr found himself in a completely different world, in an alley somewhere in a city. The buildings were much bigger than in Skyrim. And strange, metal carriages without horses were on the streets. He walks out of the alley and looks around, it was quiet. He started to walks one of the ways of the street, hoping to find someone who can explain where he was.

Lemongrab 1 &2

Lemonblack chased after the bird as it fled after putting Lemonsweets to his bed "Brother capture the intruder and prepare them for reconditioning!" Lemonblack said to his brother not exactly paying attention to the large sentry until he saw the bird by it "You see brother the bird has prepared to kill us and all our lemon children!" he carried on saying, Lemonwhite shook his head "No brother for you see this bird is allied with this robot here, he can guard castle Lemongrab from intruders who wish to end us all" Lemonwhite said gesturing to the robot that was now a turret of some sort "Hmm yes okay yeah they can stay and castle Lemongrab shall be known as the kingdom with the most technology but where did they come from?" Lemonblack said to Lemonwhite who looked towards the robot "Oh yes where did you come from, and what and who are you?" Lemonwhite asked.

(Adventure time)

ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 &2

Lemonblack chased after the bird as it fled after putting Lemonsweets to his bed "Brother capture the intruder and prepare them for reconditioning!" Lemonblack said to his brother not exactly paying attention to the large sentry until he saw the bird by it "You see brother the bird has prepared to kill us and all our lemon children!" he carried on saying, Lemonwhite shook his head "No brother for you see this bird is allied with this robot here, he can guard castle Lemongrab from intruders who wish to end us all" Lemonwhite said gesturing to the robot that was now a turret of some sort "Hmm yes okay yeah they can stay and castle Lemongrab shall be known as the kingdom with the most technology but where did they come from?" Lemonblack said to Lemonwhite who looked towards the robot "Oh yes where did you come from, and what and who are you?" Lemonwhite asked.

(Adventure time)

Bastion transformed back to recon mode and projected a hologram from their eye. First it showed a file containing Bastion's name, their model, and various other information. It then cycled between different clips of different battles from their perspective. The last one was in Hollywood, and showed Bastion waiting for the mission to begin. While they waited, a portal opened up in the wall. They stared at it, probably making a decision, before walking through with Ganymede. The projection shut off, and Bastion looked back at the Lemongrabs, waiting for their response.

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"So you are Bastion or a Bastion and you aren't from Ooo but a time alternate or past?" Lemonblack asked generally intrigued to have such a powerful being come to their doorstep and not try to kill them, or at least not now. "Well okay you are here now and my brother and I shall give you a tour of our mmmaaaaaarvelous castle!" he said in an excited tone, Lemonwhite nodded and began slowly walking towards the courtyard where most of the Lemon citizens spent their time doing work.

(Adventure time)

ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"So you are Bastion or a Bastion and you aren't from Ooo but a time alternate or past?" Lemonblack asked generally intrigued to have such a powerful being come to their doorstep and not try to kill them, or at least not now. "Well okay you are here now and my brother and I shall give you a tour of our mmmaaaaaarvelous castle!" he said in an excited tone, Lemonwhite nodded and began slowly walking towards the courtyard where most of the Lemon citizens spent their time doing work.

(Adventure time)

After disappearing from the power range universe.the same Gaster ended up appearing in the adventure time universe,right near the main gate.gaster looked around was was trying to figure out which universe they ended up in,
ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"So you are Bastion or a Bastion and you aren't from Ooo but a time alternate or past?" Lemonblack asked generally intrigued to have such a powerful being come to their doorstep and not try to kill them, or at least not now. "Well okay you are here now and my brother and I shall give you a tour of our mmmaaaaaarvelous castle!" he said in an excited tone, Lemonwhite nodded and began slowly walking towards the courtyard where most of the Lemon citizens spent their time doing work.

(Adventure time)

(Adventure Time) @ManyFaces

Outside the Castle a white portal appears and a black starfighter flies out and crashes in front of Lemongrab Castle with a mysterious and unconscious person inside
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Revan Alek Shan](Adventure Time) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26306-manyfaces/ said:
Outside the Castle a white portal appears and a black starfighter flies out and crashes in front of Lemongrab Castle with a mysterious and unconscious person inside
Gaster watched,as multiple debris barely missed him.he floats over to themstarfighter and opens it,looking at the the uncoinious person inside.
MTchaos1134 said:
Gaster watched,as multiple debris barely missed him.he floats over to themstarfighter and opens it,looking at the the uncoinious person inside.
The person opens his eyes and you notice they are an unnatural Yellow color

He looks at you and spits up a small amount of blood
ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

"So you are Bastion or a Bastion and you aren't from Ooo but a time alternate or past?" Lemonblack asked generally intrigued to have such a powerful being come to their doorstep and not try to kill them, or at least not now. "Well okay you are here now and my brother and I shall give you a tour of our mmmaaaaaarvelous castle!" he said in an excited tone, Lemonwhite nodded and began slowly walking towards the courtyard where most of the Lemon citizens spent their time doing work.

(Adventure time)

Bastion nodded and followed them into courtyard.

Revan Alek Shan](Adventure Time) [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26306-manyfaces/ said:
Outside the Castle a white portal appears and a black starfighter flies out and crashes in front of Lemongrab Castle with a mysterious and unconscious person inside
Bastion beeped in surprise, before running over to investigate the crash. They watched as Gaster opened the mysterious ship, and stopped next to the fighter to see the person inside. The SMG mounted on Bastion's arm was aimed ahead, in case the newcomers were hostile.
[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]The person opens his eyes and you notice they are an unnatural Yellow color
He looks at you and spits up a small amount of blood

Garbacca said:
Bastion nodded and followed them into courtyard.
Bastion beeped in surprise, before running over to investigate the crash. They watched as Gaster opened the mysterious ship, and stopped next to the fighter to see the person inside. The SMG mounted on Bastion's arm was aimed ahead, in case the newcomers were hostile.
"I won't hurt you,besides,that smg can't do much to me.so there is no point in aiming at me."

He faces the person again."excuse me are you supposed to be yellow?"
Garbacca said:
Bastion nodded and followed them into courtyard.
Bastion beeped in surprise, before running over to investigate the crash. They watched as Gaster opened the mysterious ship, and stopped next to the fighter to see the person inside. The SMG mounted on Bastion's arm was aimed ahead, in case the newcomers were hostile.
MTchaos1134 said:
"I won't hurt you,besides,that smg can't do much to me.so there is no point in aiming at me."
He faces the person again."excuse me are you supposed to be yellow?"
The person smiles and says "Yeah my eyes are supposed to be Yellow,it kind of comes with being a Sith. My name is Revan Alek Shan,but just call me Revan."
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Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonblack and Lemonwhite pushed through citizens "Out of the way important lemons coming through!" they both shouted at the lemon citizens causing them to back off some but still crowd around the spaceship crash area "Nnnn more people WHERE DO THEY COME FROOOM? PEOPLE FALLING FROM THE SKY UNANNOUNCED IS UNACCEPTABLLEEEEEEE!!!" Lemonblack screamed shaking his fist at the sky while Lemonwhite made his way to the gates which were open today to allow the trusted lemon people to come and go with supplies. "Who are you and why do you come unannounced to Castle Lemongrab?" Lemonwhite asked the sith and skeleton man.

(Adventure Time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan

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