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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonblack and Lemonwhite pushed through citizens "Out of the way important lemons coming through!" they both shouted at the lemon citizens causing them to back off some but still crowd around the spaceship crash area "Nnnn more people WHERE DO THEY COME FROOOM? PEOPLE FALLING FROM THE SKY UNANNOUNCED IS UNACCEPTABLLEEEEEEE!!!" Lemonblack screamed shaking his fist at the sky while Lemonwhite made his way to the gates which were open today to allow the trusted lemon people to come and go with supplies. "Who are you and why do you come unannounced to Castle Lemongrab?" Lemonwhite asked the sith and skeleton man.

(Adventure Time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
Revan stares at The two Lemon people in anger and uses the Force to lift up some debris and shoots some Force lightning near them
MTchaos1134 said:
"I won't hurt you,besides,that smg can't do much to me.so there is no point in aiming at me."
He faces the person again."excuse me are you supposed to be yellow?"
Bastion nodded and slowly lowered the gun.

[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]Revan stares at The two Lemon people in anger and uses the Force to lift up some debris and shoots some Force lightning near them

Bastion stepped back in alarm and and opened fire on Revan, sending a hail of bullets his way.

Ganymede squawked in surprise and flew a safe distance away from the danger, letting out a warning cry.
Garbacca said:
Bastion nodded and slowly lowered the gun.
Bastion stepped back in alarm and and opened fire on Revan, sending a hail of bullets his way.

Ganymede squawked in surprise and flew a safe distance away from the danger, letting out a warning cry.
Revan took out his lightsaber and deflected the bullets without harming anybody then he looked at the others and said "I'm sorry,I still can't control my force abilities at times." He looked at the ground sadly
ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonblack and Lemonwhite pushed through citizens "Out of the way important lemons coming through!" they both shouted at the lemon citizens causing them to back off some but still crowd around the spaceship crash area "Nnnn more people WHERE DO THEY COME FROOOM? PEOPLE FALLING FROM THE SKY UNANNOUNCED IS UNACCEPTABLLEEEEEEE!!!" Lemonblack screamed shaking his fist at the sky while Lemonwhite made his way to the gates which were open today to allow the trusted lemon people to come and go with supplies. "Who are you and why do you come unannounced to Castle Lemongrab?" Lemonwhite asked the sith and skeleton man.

(Adventure Time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
"We didn't mean to come,we just appear,or at least he did,I was going to ask to enter your castle but then he crashed into your gates.so I went to check if they were a threat to you and your people.gaster said,ignoring the battle that just occurred.

@Revan Alek Shan @Garbacca
MTchaos1134 said:
"We didn't mean to come,we just appear,or at least he did,I was going to ask to enter your castle but then he crashed into your gates.so I went to check if they were a threat to you and your people.gaster said,ignoring the battle that just occurred.
@Revan Alek Shan @Garbacca
Revan turned his lightsaber off and put it back on his belt

"I didn't mean to appear here,one minute I was in a space battle above Coruscant and the next minute my ship is crashing into your castle gate."

@Garbacca @ManyFaces @MTchaos1134
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Lemongrab 1 & 2

After dodging the attacks Lemonwhite clapped his hands "Lemon citizens those who help fix the wall will be rewarded with extra portions during todays' meal time soo..GET TO WORK!" he said, the lemon people immediatley coralled the two newcomers into the castle carelessly as they went hard at work trying to fix the messed up gate, one of the lemonbirds dragged the ship into the courtyard. It spotted Ganeymede and followed her eager to commune about the bird way of lemon styles. Lemonblack on the otherhand was muttering nonsense to himself, he put some lemonjons in his mouth and kept quiet, he wasn't used to having so many non lemons in his castle and he didn't know how to act.

(Adventure time)

@Revan Alek Shan @MTchaos1134 @Garbacca

ManyFaces said:
Lemongrab 1 & 2

After dodging the attacks Lemonwhite clapped his hands "Lemon citizens those who help fix the wall will be rewarded with extra portions during todays' meal time soo..GET TO WORK!" he said, the lemon people immediatley coralled the two newcomers into the castle carelessly as they went hard at work trying to fix the messed up gate, one of the lemonbirds dragged the ship into the courtyard. It spotted Ganeymede and followed her eager to commune about the bird way of lemon styles. Lemonblack on the otherhand was muttering nonsense to himself, he put some lemonjons in his mouth and kept quiet, he wasn't used to having so many non lemons in his castle and he didn't know how to act.

(Adventure time)

@Revan Alek Shan @MTchaos1134 @Garbacca

Revan looked around curiously

He asked Lemonwhite "Can you tell me what planet I am on?"

ManyFaces said:
Lemongrab 1 & 2

After dodging the attacks Lemonwhite clapped his hands "Lemon citizens those who help fix the wall will be rewarded with extra portions during todays' meal time soo..GET TO WORK!" he said, the lemon people immediatley coralled the two newcomers into the castle carelessly as they went hard at work trying to fix the messed up gate, one of the lemonbirds dragged the ship into the courtyard. It spotted Ganeymede and followed her eager to commune about the bird way of lemon styles. Lemonblack on the otherhand was muttering nonsense to himself, he put some lemonjons in his mouth and kept quiet, he wasn't used to having so many non lemons in his castle and he didn't know how to act.

(Adventure time)

@Revan Alek Shan @MTchaos1134 @Garbacca

Revan Alek Shan]Revan looked around curiously He asked Lemonwhite "Can you tell me what planet I am on?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26306-manyfaces/ said:
"It's a different universe.your planets do not exsist here."he looked at lemon black and thier eye turned purple.then some more lemonjons appeared in front of him.he faced lemonwhite."so how has ooo been treating you? I suppose Finn has not visited in a while has he?"he pauses for a moment."oh my,I have not introduced my self to the royal.i am gaster.i come from another universe.if you do not understand may we talk about it while we eat?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"It's a different universe.your planets do not exsist here."he looked at lemon black and thier eye turned purple.then some more lemonjons appeared in front of him.he faced lemonwhite."so how has ooo been treating you? I suppose Finn has not visited in a while has he?"he pauses for a moment."oh my,I have not introduced my self to the royal.i am gaster.i come from another universe.if you do not understand may we talk about it while we eat?"
"I have a feeling that my Sith Master was killed by The Jedi." He said in dissapointment and anger

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonwhite didn't know how Gaster knew Finn but then again everyone knew of Finn the human, "N-no Finn has not come by recently why do you ask oh yes forgive us, we are both Lemongrab." he said pointing at his brother. Lemonblack didn't turn down more lemonjons and quickly ate them so he could speak "Mother dearest created Lemongrab to keep my company and we created our lemon citizens with our food yes indeed we nearly starved but it was worth it." Lemonblack started to speak and Lemonwhite finished. "Yes you shall join us for dinner since it is getting late." Lemonwhite said to Gaster and the Sith "Come Bastion to the dining room!" Lemonblack called to Bastion.

(Adventure time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
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ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonwhite didn't know how Gaster knew Finn but then again everyone knew of Finn the human, "N-no Finn has not come by recently why do you ask oh yes forgive us, we are both Lemongrab." he said pointing at his brother. Lemonblack didn't turn down more lemonjons and quickly ate them so he could speak "Mother dearest created Lemongrab to keep my company and we created our lemon citizens with our food yes indeed we nearly starved but it was worth it." Lemonblack started to speak and Lemonwhite finished. "Yes you shall join us for dinner since it is getting late." Lemonwhite said to Gaster and the Sith "Come Bastion to the dining room!" Lemonblack called to Bastion.

(Adventure time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
"I shall bring forth the food if you wish."he said,following them.
ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonwhite didn't know how Gaster knew Finn but then again everyone knew of Finn the human, "N-no Finn has not come by recently why do you ask oh yes forgive us, we are both Lemongrab." he said pointing at his brother. Lemonblack didn't turn down more lemonjons and quickly ate them so he could speak "Mother dearest created Lemongrab to keep my company and we created our lemon citizens with our food yes indeed we nearly starved but it was worth it." Lemonblack started to speak and Lemonwhite finished. "Yes you shall join us for dinner since it is getting late." Lemonwhite said to Gaster and the Sith "Come Bastion to the dining room!" Lemonblack called to Bastion.

(Adventure time)

@Garbacca @MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
"Who is Finn?" He asked in confusion
[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]"Who is Finn?" He asked in confusion

"One of the only humans in this universe.after our dinner and talk with the lemongrass,I can show you him,and his dog."
MTchaos1134 said:
"One of the only humans in this universe.after our dinner and talk with the lemongrass,I can show you him,and his dog."
"Alright,I will also tell you about my universe and The Sith and Jedi Orders."

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MTchaos1134 said:
"You may right now if you wish it."gaster said head was turned completely to face the Jedi,while the body was facing another direction and still moving.
"The Sith and The Jedi are polar opposites. The Sith crave war and power,and The Jedi want peace and justice. In my universe I serve the Sith and lead The Confederacy of Independant Systems which was formed by my Master Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus) and his Master who is the Dark Lord of The Sith called Darth Sidious. The War is called The Clone War because The Galactic Republic is using a Clone Army. The Seperatists use a Droid Army."

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MTchaos1134 said:
"I guess order 66 has not happened yet,anyways.where I come from ,where there are monsters and humans,the humans feared the monsters and trapped them underground.but eventually a cyborg. Named general grievous cam over and invaded with an army.kicking the underground out,but this is years later,and the humans are more peaceful now."
"Order 66 will happen soon without me because I am trapped here!" He said in anger
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[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]"Order 66 will happen soon without me because I am trapped here!" He said in anger

"you might be trapped here for years,and be careful at who you yell at,it could get you hurt."gasters left eye glowed purple,with a slight mix of yellow.
MTchaos1134 said:
"you might be trapped here for years,and be careful at who you yell at,it could get you hurt."gasters left eye glowed purple,with a slight mix of yellow.
"Sorry,can we go see Finn and his dog?"
[QUOTE="Revan Alek Shan]"Sorry,can we go see Finn and his dog?"

"We will after the dinner."gaster replied.

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonwhite shook his head "No need there is plenty of food to share especially with guests!" he said while Lemonblack glared at him not eager to give up any of his portions but he remained silent, Lemonblack clapped his hands together "It's dinner time children come to THE DINING ROOOOM!" he shouted. The lemon people stopped what they were doing revealing a partially fixed wall as they walked in an orderly fashion to the dining room and took their seats. Lemonwhite reserved the closer seats to their guests and sat in their thrones. lemon chefs of some sort put foot on all the plates, there was a pig of some sort with a lemon in it's mouth,lemon mash,lemonade,lemon salad,stuffed duck with lemon stuffing,and vegetable stew flavored with lemons. Lemonblack quickly gave himself the most portions while Lemonwhite tried to get get the same as everyone else, they clapped their hands which signifyed everyone else was allowed to take food now.

(Adventure time)

@MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
ManyFaces said:

Lemongrab 1 & 2

Lemonwhite shook his head "No need there is plenty of food to share especially with guests!" he said while Lemonblack glared at him not eager to give up any of his portions but he remained silent, Lemonblack clapped his hands together "It's dinner time children come to THE DINING ROOOOM!" he shouted. The lemon people stopped what they were doing revealing a partially fixed wall as they walked in an orderly fashion to the dining room and took their seats. Lemonwhite reserved the closer seats to their guests and sat in their thrones. lemon chefs of some sort put foot on all the plates, there was a pig of some sort with a lemon in it's mouth,lemon mash,lemonade,lemon salad,stuffed duck with lemon stuffing,and vegetable stew flavored with lemons. Lemonblack quickly gave himself the most portions while Lemonwhite tried to get get the same as everyone else, they clapped their hands which signifyed everyone else was allowed to take food now.

(Adventure time)

@MTchaos1134 @Revan Alek Shan
Gaster got portions smaller then the rest,and started 'eating'(anything that enters gasters mouth is thrown into the voids aster is doing this on purpose,he usually 'eats' to be polite.)while he was doing that,he faced lemonblack and white."is there any recent problems in your kingdom?beacuse I may fix them if you wish."he continued 'eating' and eventually finished.
Lemongrab 1 & 2

"Hmm yes well there is the horrible lemon that lives in the bathroom he uses his harp to make horrible sounds, WE CAN'T GET RID OF HIM THE NOISE IS TOO AWFUL!!" Lemonblack screamed as he sucked the meat clean off a duck leg and gnawed on the bone. Lemonwhite was precariously eating his food as if the topic bothered him "H-how are you enjoying the lemon food Gaster?" he said looking into his soup bowl as if trying to change the subject.

(Adventure time)

ManyFaces said:
Lemongrab 1 & 2

"Hmm yes well there is the horrible lemon that lives in the bathroom he uses his harp to make horrible sounds, WE CAN'T GET RID OF HIM THE NOISE IS TOO AWFUL!!" Lemonblack screamed as he sucked the meat clean off a duck leg and gnawed on the bone. Lemonwhite was precariously eating his food as if the topic bothered him "H-how are you enjoying the lemon food Gaster?" he said looking into his soup bowl as if trying to change the subject.

(Adventure time)

"It is quite great,and if you two wish,I could remove the lemon in the bathroom."gasters plate was completely empty,the plate was not even there anymore.it was gone.

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