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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

Karl then stood up "Why don't we go find food, we could probably kill something and bring it back, you two seem like ya need it," he brought out the blade as it turned to a hammer. He smiled "If we are stuck here, then we must try and survive here," he said as he puffed his chest.

@ManyFaces @Baku
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Noivern said:
Mira yipped when the strange thing bit her tail. Instincively she pulled it free and jumped back, antenna pointing outwards in surprise.
"Kyoma...what is that thing?" She asked, shakily.

"It's some sort of dog, you piece of junk. I'll just take care of it's coil..."

"But sir, it isn't powered by a coil..."

"Huh? Then what is it?"
Iggy would have chuckled if he could 'these human's really are stupid, they don't know what a dog is. there even dumber then the four [idiots] a-- WHO ARE YOU CALLING JUNK!!' Iggy was considering on showing this asshole who his better was. But decided to do his favorite past time instead, Iggy launched himself at Kyoma and bit into his hair then farted
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Baku said:
Dark souls

"Ok this is good we're learning about each other. Now let's just sit down and figure out two things. Where are we? And how did we get here?"
Rhedod Wroll

"I was about the deploy to battle with Mandalore, but before I could even reach the surface, I was caught by a portal of some kind." he says.

Archdemon said:
Link grabbed his gear and equipped them before going outside to see a man in front of some metal thing, maybe it was a weird metal horse? Whatever it is Link went closer to the man, cautious in his approach ready to go into combat if the man makes the aggressive move. "You okay?"
@Donder172 @billthesomething @Ethan Hart @Vampiress ((I'm sure Claire has heard about the strange people by now))

HK-47 stood up and walked outside and walks next to Link.
Dark Souls Universe

Medic (TF2)

Medic just returned from a fight against BLU, walking in his RED uniform and his equipment. However, a strange sort of portal caught his attention and he got sucked into it. Looking around, he notices he was no longer at RED Base. "Hmm... interesting..." He walks further and notices a group of humans, a strange looking creature. One of the people was flying in an iron beast of some kind. The Medic walks towards them, having his medigun in his hands, but his bonesaw ready.

@billthesomething @Noivian @Knight Artorias
Power Ranger Universe


Alduin was flying towards one of the graves of one of his loyal Lieutenants, however, he gets caught by a strange portal and when out, he notices an entirely different world than Tamriel. He starts to fly around, noticing a mortal town, though a having very strange structures and strange metal carriages riding around. He let's out a roar and flies towards the city.

@billthesomething @Ethan Hart @Vampiress @Archdemon

Frisk looks to the newcomer, spotting the saw. She swallows down her fear and offers a tentative "H-hello! What's your name?" she asked.

Noivian said:
Frisk looks to the newcomer, spotting the saw. She swallows down her fear and offers a tentative "H-hello! What's your name?" she asked.

The Medic

The Medic walks towards the group, saying with a German accent "My team knows me as 'Medic'. My real name, I rather not tell it. Who are you?" ((I'm not telling his name, because it's not certain what his name is.))

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Noticing another portal forming outside of the Black Gate, Sauron sends Gothmog through the the portal leading to Dark Souls with a large force of Uruks and Olog Hai.
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billthesomething said:
"Not of the moment you may not" Siegmeyer stated firmly. Siegmeyer looks to sky and hears the roar "Do You hear that?" He looks to those around him, and mentally repeats the question
@Donder172 @Vampiress @Archdemon

"Statement: I pick up a strange noise as well. Observation: This noise does not sound like a human."

Power Rangers


"Was that a no? And who may you be?" Ban asked, releasing Link from his grip. "You don't know who I am? Such a treat." As the dragon roared, Ban sighed. "Dragon. I should be able to kill it in a few minutes. Maybe even seconds. Alright kiddies, back inside. Uncle Ban has this covered."

@Archdemon @billthesomething @Donder172 @Vampiress

(I honestly think Ban would not struggle in a fight against Alduin)​
@Archdemon[/URL] @billthesomething @Donder172 @Vampiress

(I honestly think Ban would not struggle in a fight against Alduin)[/CENTER]
Alduin completely ignores the people at the ground, he then lands at the top of the roof of a building (I guess the University/School), saying "Daar Lein los dii." then use sthe meteor storm shout, and the air changes into a darker way, and meteors starts to rain down on the city and its surroundings. He looks down at the people and shouts "YOL TOOR SHUL!" (Fire Breath)
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((Not struggling and winning are two separate things. He couldn't win, but he wouldn't struggle. Also, he can't kill Ban either. Ban has more of a chance to win))
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]((Not struggling and winning are two separate things. He couldn't win, but he wouldn't struggle. Also, he can't kill Ban either. Ban has more of a chance to win))

((is that before or after the destruction of that city? :P ))
((Hey, Ban may just go around stealing things xD It would be more interesting if Ban didn't join the fight.))
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]((Hey, Ban may just go around stealing things xD It would be more interesting if Ban didn't join the fight.))

((well, the hospital, police and fire department are going to be very bussy today in that city :P ))
Donder172 said:
Alduin flies into the city, letting out a roar as he flies over the city, merely observing for now, though caught the attention of many civilians.
@Archdemon[/URL] @billthesomething @Donder172 @Vampiress

(I honestly think Ban would not struggle in a fight against Alduin)[/CENTER]
Donder172 said:
Alduin completely ignores the people at the ground, he then lands at the top of the roof of a building (I guess the University/School), saying "Daar Lein los dii." then use sthe meteor storm shout, and the air changes into a darker way, and meteors starts to rain down on the city and its surroundings. He looks down at the people and shouts "YOL TOOR SHUL!" (Fire Breath)
Link looked at the flying lizard for a split second before going back to looking at Ban who had grabbed his wrist, if the man really wanted a fight then he would get one. Just before Link could get his wrist free from the man's grip, Siegmeyer stopped him. Link looked towards the lizard just before it released fire, he quickly raised his shield and with its magic properties blocked the fire from harming Link, for the others he wasn't sure but he was sure that this Lizard was trouble and that meant fighting. He wished he had brought Epona with him to challenge the beast, guess the Chain shot will do just fine. He pulled out a gun with an arrow like end and aimed it towards the building, he pulled the trigger and the arrow head shot forward at incredible speed and hit the building near the edge of the roof. It then pulled him towards it at the same speed but when he reached the roof he used the momentum of the pull to launch himself upwards, probably defying the laws of physics, and pulled out his sword and did a angled spinning slash against the right wing of the Lizard. He landed on his own two feet and raised his shield in case of any attack against him, the swordsman had started combat with the beast known as Alduin.

@Donder172 @Ethan Hart @billthesomething
Archdemon said:
Link looked at the flying lizard for a split second before going back to looking at Ban who had grabbed his wrist, if the man really wanted a fight then he would get one. Just before Link could get his wrist free from the man's grip, Siegmeyer stopped him. Link looked towards the lizard just before it released fire, he quickly raised his shield and with its magic properties blocked the fire from harming Link, for the others he wasn't sure but he was sure that this Lizard was trouble and that meant fighting. He wished he had brought Epona with him to challenge the beast, guess the Chain shot will do just fine. He pulled out a gun with an arrow like end and aimed it towards the building, he pulled the trigger and the arrow head shot forward at incredible speed and hit the building near the edge of the roof. It then pulled him towards it at the same speed but when he reached the roof he used the momentum of the pull to launch himself upwards, probably defying the laws of physics, and pulled out his sword and did a angled spinning slash against the right wing of the Lizard. He landed on his own two feet and raised his shield in case of any attack against him, the swordsman had started combat with the beast known as Alduin.
@Donder172 @Ethan Hart @billthesomething
Alduin takes the hit of him, seemingly not too bad damaged by it, he turns to look at the man and shouted "FUS RO DAH!" towards him while meteors kept raining down the city, damaging most of the buildings and infrastructure
Donder172 said:
Alduin takes the hit of him, seemingly not too bad damaged by it, he turns to look at the man and shouted "FUS RO DAH!" towards him while meteors kept raining down the city, damaging most of the buildings and infrastructure
Siegmeyer dodges the meteors and races towards the battle "Foul Creature you shall Perish By MY BLADE!!!" Siegmeyer charges and begins slashing at Alduin's feet
billthesomething said:
Siegmeyer dodges the meteors and races towards the battle "Foul Creature you shall Perish By MY BLADE!!!" Siegmeyer charges and begins slashing at Alduin's feet
Alduin jumps up, using his wings to gain altitude, letting a strong wave of wind come under his wings as Siegmeyer charges at him, he flies away and turns to fly towards them, shouting "YOL TOOR SHUL!"
billthesomething said:
Iggy would have chuckled if he could 'these human's really are stupid, they don't know what a dog is. there even dumber then the four [idiots] a-- WHO ARE YOU CALLING JUNK!!' Iggy was considering on showing this asshole who his better was. But decided to do his favorite past time instead, Iggy launched himself at Kyoma and bit into his hair then farted
billthesomething said:
Siegmeyer dodges the meteors and races towards the battle "Foul Creature you shall Perish By MY BLADE!!!" Siegmeyer charges and begins slashing at Alduin's feet
Donder172 said:
Alduin jumps up, using his wings to gain altitude, letting a strong wave of wind come under his wings as Siegmeyer charges at him, he flies away and turns to fly towards them, shouting "YOL TOOR SHUL!"
Link was pushed back by the Force of Fus Ro Da but stayed on his feet, the shield taking the punishment of the attack, once the dragon was Airborne, Link pulled out the Ocarina of Time and played the Sun's song which would dissipate the clouds and the magic along with it to return the sky back to its normal state. He then pulled out his bow and arrows and began firing upon Alduin, mainly aiming at the wings to take him down from the sky.

@billthesomething @Ethan Hart @Donder172

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