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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

billthesomething said:
"Hmm, there isn't much to talk about Lordran is the land where the undead sickness originated from and where lord Gwyn resides as do the two other wielders of the lord souls. An--" before Siegmeyer could continue speaking about Catarina a loud crash was heard outside "What was that?" Siegmeyer put on his helmet and ran outside and saw Ban having crashed a horseless chariot into a tree @Ethan Hart
Link grabbed his gear and equipped them before going outside to see a man in front of some metal thing, maybe it was a weird metal horse? Whatever it is Link went closer to the man, cautious in his approach ready to go into combat if the man makes the aggressive move. "You okay?"

@Donder172 @billthesomething @Ethan Hart @Vampiress ((I'm sure Claire has heard about the strange people by now))


Faevix sat down and curled her tail around the drones who did not resist and actually made some sort of crooning noise, Faevix made sure nothing would try and interrupt her before she spoke in their minds "I am Faevix the hivequeen of my Xenomorph kingdom, my planet is none of your concern but it houses many of my kind and many more quens" she said before carrying on with a question "Who are you and where am I my drones must protect my eggs and this place appears not to be safe!" she hissed clearly watching their movements with her sensory organs.


@Noivian @billthesomething @Baku @Donder172
ManyFaces said:


Faevix sat down and curled her tail around the drones who did not resist and actually made some sort of crooning noise, Faevix made sure nothing would try and interrupt her before she spoke in their minds "I am Faevix the hivequeen of my Xenomorph kingdom, my planet is none of your concern but it houses many of my kind and many more quens" she said before carrying on with a question "Who are you and where am I my drones must protect my eggs and this place appears not to be safe!" she hissed clearly watching their movements with her sensory organs.


@Noivian @billthesomething @Baku @Donder172
"My name is Rhedod Wroll, I am a Mandalorian. I follow my leader, Mandalore the Indomitable."
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ManyFaces said:


Faevix sat down and curled her tail around the drones who did not resist and actually made some sort of crooning noise, Faevix made sure nothing would try and interrupt her before she spoke in their minds "I am Faevix the hivequeen of my Xenomorph kingdom, my planet is none of your concern but it houses many of my kind and many more quens" she said before carrying on with a question "Who are you and where am I my drones must protect my eggs and this place appears not to be safe!" she hissed clearly watching their movements with her sensory organs.


@Noivian @billthesomething @Baku @Donder172
"The place you are in is called Lordran and I guarantee you it is not safe in the slightest now run along now and take your eggs elsewhere." Artorias said gripping his great sword harder ready to lay waste to the hostile invader.

@Noivian @billthesomething @Donder172

(Dude I exist in this universe aswell)
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ManyFaces said:


Faevix sat down and curled her tail around the drones who did not resist and actually made some sort of crooning noise, Faevix made sure nothing would try and interrupt her before she spoke in their minds "I am Faevix the hivequeen of my Xenomorph kingdom, my planet is none of your concern but it houses many of my kind and many more quens" she said before carrying on with a question "Who are you and where am I my drones must protect my eggs and this place appears not to be safe!" she hissed clearly watching their movements with her sensory organs.


@Noivian @billthesomething @Baku @Donder172
"It would not be wise to bear your offspring here, I am Thel Vadam"

Dark souls

Soleil had no idea what was going on but she knew where this was going.

"Names Soleil. And I'm going to stay out of this in hopes of not getting killed in the crossfire."
"Hi, I'm Frisk, and I'd rather we all not fight..." Frisk said timidly from where she stood, waving rather meekly.
Rhedod Wroll

"But if there is a fight, I would be a stupid Mandalorian not join it." Rhedod says while still hovering on the Basilisk
Mira yipped when the strange thing bit her tail. Instincively she pulled it free and jumped back, antenna pointing outwards in surprise.

"Kyoma...what is that thing?" She asked, shakily.

"It's some sort of dog, you piece of junk. I'll just take care of it's coil..."

"But sir, it isn't powered by a coil..."

"Huh? Then what is it?"
Karl was running through on a roof, fighting one of the contestants for his prize. He smiled as he fought "Sorry my dear boy but I think I must go. I have a date with destiny." He said as he walked backwards falling leading towards a mound of hay, a portal opened where he was trying to land and he went through leading to a new universe. He landed and saw he was somewhere else "Where the hell am I, this isn't my proper arena for battle," he saw as strange alien and jumped as the sight. "Oh god, is this death, because you are one ugly motherfucker," he said as he stared at the being.


(Dark souls)
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Dark souls

"Well Thel has spoken. How about you start traveling and find a safe place for your eggs."

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Faevix got up and looked down upon her insulter with clear contempt in her face "You dare insult a queen skin worm?" she said with obvious anger in her telepathy, she snarled to reveal her first set of teeth. She was in no mood to be insulted by some low life stranger, among her kind she reveared as beautiful, this person had just insulted her culture and she was in no mood to be harassed. She was confused,angry,and hungry so her flight before fight response was overridden, normally she would have ignored the petty insult but she was actually somewhat eager to watch her poor drones do some actual work if they had to.

@White Shamrock

(Also to Artorias i'm sorry I must not have been paying attention to your posts ; ;)
Karl stepped back "Oh my god it can talk, and just called me a worm," he laughed and put his hands up "Sorry been a rough 5 minutes, what are you even." He whistled as a black raven appeared on his shoulder "Where the hell am I, never been here before," he said as he played with the bird and smiled.

Karl looked at the new person and smiled "Hi, do you know where I am. I really am confused, also I am not human, statue if you want the truth," he said as he ripped off his finger and ate it. He then shook his head "See my head rattles," the sound was soft but could still be heard.


Dark souls

"Sorry I don't even know where I am. But please never do that again.

@White Shamrock
Karl smiles and spits out his finger before reattaching it "No problem, do you know where the Law of Talos arena is. I need my wish, also the name is Karl," he said extending his hand.



Faevix watched as the statue human, she relaxed slightly but was put a bit on edge when he ate his finger, this was new to her she didn't know earth inhabitants were pain proof. She shook dust off herself causing her armor to rattle slightly, she huffed "Well if you didn't know I am a Xenomorph queen and these are my loyal drones" she said gesturing to the six drones pacing around by her, a relatively large one approached the human statue and lunged at him only to pick up a relatively large rat in it's mouth and drag it back to it's queen expecting some kind of reward. She wasn't paying attention though but absent mindedly tapped it with one of her swords causing it to drop the rat and start nibbling at the gristle.

@White Shamrock
Karl looked at it, to him it was like a puppy "Aww, that cute he eats rats. What is a xenomorph never heard of them, also this is Arma, my loyal friend and weapon." He whistled something to the bird as it became a blade, he swung it around before looking up at the queen, "So you guys are like bees, only larger and more aggressive," he said as he stared at the drone.


Dark souls

"Ok this is good we're learning about each other. Now let's just sit down and figure out two things. Where are we? And how did we get here?"
Karl thought "I was fighting a contestant until I decide to take a leap of faith into some hay. I closed my eyes and when I opened my eyes I was here standing between you tow, is there anyone else," he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

@Baku @ManyFaces

Dark souls

"I was chasing some bandits. I ended up in this weird place I tried to ask the locals for directions. The sad part was they didn't respond too kindly to that."
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Faevix nodded hearing them both she spoke in a sad tone through their minds "My drones yes like bees sensed danger to the brood and went through the other side, I went to grab them but ended up falling through. Now my hive is to be protected by my royal guards but without a queen bad things might happen..." she said ending with a sad clicking sound, she obviously was none to enthusiastic about having to eat whatever scraps this world could offer her since she didn't even know if any of the food was edible. She would never dare eat one of her own and eating herself would do more harm to herself than good, none less the tales of how they all got here fascinated her.


@White Shamrock

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