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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot) - Additional IC

billthesomething said:
"No i can not, but Artorias is more suited in explaining Lordran" He gestured towards the knight @Knight Artorias
"Good to know you still think I exsist." Artorias said sarcastically "Lodran is the land of the ancient lords Gywn the lord of sunlight who I serve as one of his knights, Nito the first of the dead, The witch of Izalith and Seath the scaleless I do not have much knowledge on all of the lords only the one I serve under, I serve Lord Gywn along with three other knights who I am not aware are currently alive the same goes for Gywn."

billthesomething said:
"Good to know you still think I exsist." Artorias said sarcastically "Lodran is the land of the ancient lords Gywn the lord of sunlight who I serve as one of his knights, Nito the first of the dead, The witch of Izalith and Seath the scaleless I do not have much knowledge on all of the lords only the one I serve under, I serve Lord Gywn along with three other knights who I am not aware are currently alive the same goes for Gywn."
Rhedod Wroll nods towards Artorias and lands the Basilisk on the ground, but doesn't dismount

originally posted by @Donder172


Faevix heard the sounds of war and chaos right as the building started to moan and groan under the weight of the Queen and her drones,Faevix jumped down and used her senses to carve a path to the sounds. Perhaps it was a weaker Queen of this world which she could kill and take over her hive then connect her hive to the new one. Faevix noticed bipedal vermin scuttling around her with swords and bows, she roared as one tried to take down a drone to her left, she quickly dispatched the pests around her by swiping her swords across the ground in front of her and using her tail to slice any trying to gank her. Faevix sent three drones up ahead and trotted after them, the drones might die but they could be replaced for the greater good the the queen.

The drones went up ahead and sensed three recognizable shapes with their heat vision, A drone approached the group and beckoned the other two to follow it, they began to circle them at a distance unsure if they should attack now or wait for the order of their queen. One of the drones let out a shriek as it tried to get the attention on which of the living might be the leader while keeping away from anything that might have a weapon in its clutches.


@billthesomething @Donder172 @Noivian
ManyFaces said:


Faevix heard the sounds of war and chaos right as the building started to moan and groan under the weight of the Queen and her drones,Faevix jumped down and used her senses to carve a path to the sounds. Perhaps it was a weaker Queen of this world which she could kill and take over her hive then connect her hive to the new one. Faevix noticed bipedal vermin scuttling around her with swords and bows, she roared as one tried to take down a drone to her left, she quickly dispatched the pests around her by swiping her swords across the ground in front of her and using her tail to slice any trying to gank her. Faevix sent three drones up ahead and trotted after them, the drones might die but they could be replaced for the greater good the the queen.

The drones went up ahead and sensed three recognizable shapes with their heat vision, A drone approached the group and beckoned the other two to follow it, they began to circle them at a distance unsure if they should attack now or wait for the order of their queen. One of the drones let out a shriek as it tried to get the attention on which of the living might be the leader while keeping away from anything that might have a weapon in its clutches.


@billthesomething @Donder172 @Noivian
Rhedod Wroll's Basilisk's sensors notices several drones approaching. Rhedod Wroll looks at the one that makes a shriek "We got company." he then let his Basilisk get up in the air, being ready for a fight if one comes.
John Marston

Marston was on his way home after he helped Uncle with the cattle. It was still day at Beecher's Hope. Riding on his horse towards home. Finding occasionally a few travelers.

Originally posted by @Donder172

Red Dead Redemption


Albert groaned in pain as he got up from off the floor he must've tripped over and knocked himself out whislt he was walking through the wasteland "Oh how stupid that was." He groaned as he dusted himself off he looked around to see that nothing had really changed he was still in a desert but it was less wastelandy "I don't think I'm in Vegas anymore." He said to himself "But if I'm not in Vegas where the hell am I?"

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:

Red Dead Redemption


Albert groaned in pain as he got up from off the floor he must've tripped over and knocked himself out whislt he was walking through the wasteland "Oh how stupid that was." He groaned as he dusted himself off he looked around to see that nothing had really changed he was still in a desert but it was less wastelandy "I don't think I'm in Vegas anymore." He said to himself "But if I'm not in Vegas where the hell am I?"

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
John Marston kept riding on his horse towards home, until he notices a man next to the road, looking with an confused face at the man's clothing. "Hello there."

originally posted by @Donder172
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billthesomething said:
John Marston kept riding on his horse towards home, until he notices a man next to the road, looking with an confused face at the man's clothing. "Hello there."
originally posted by @Donder172
"Um hello?" Albert paused looking at the mans clothes and also the fact he was on a horse a living breathing it wasn't even mutated but there were better questions at hand "Where am I?" He asked.

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:
"Um hello?" Albert paused looking at the mans clothes and also the fact he was on a horse a living breathing it wasn't even mutated but there were better questions at hand "Where am I?" He asked.
"Beecher's Hope. What are you doing here, someone stole your horse?" Marston said to the man, finding his outfit and equipment strange.

originally posted by @Donder172
billthesomething said:
"Beecher's Hope. What are you doing here, someone stole your horse?" Marston said to the man, finding his outfit and equipment strange.
"Horse no I don't have a horse and I am actually suprised you have a horse yourself and the fact it is alive and not even mutated and also the air here is so clean I can actually breath properly seriously though tell me how far ahead is your technology the capital wasteland could really need this." Albert said completely fascinated by all of this unaware that he was in a different univerese alltogether.

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:
"Horse no I don't have a horse and I am actually suprised you have a horse yourself and the fact it is alive and not even mutated and also the air here is so clean I can actually breath properly seriously though tell me how far ahead is your technology the capital wasteland could really need this." Albert said completely fascinated by all of this unaware that he was in a different univerese alltogether.
John Marston blinks at the man, not having a clue what he is talking about "Mutated? Capital wasteland? What are you talking about?"

originally posted by @Donder172
billthesomething said:
John Marston blinks at the man, not having a clue what he is talking about "Mutated? Capital wasteland? What are you talking about?"
Albert was about to reply when he realised something "Alive Horse, No radiation, Clear air, Man not having a single clue what I am going on about...I'm in the past or something along the lines of the past." He thought to himself "Um my good sir what year is it I have misplaced my calander." Albert asked the man on the Horse

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:
Albert was about to reply when he realised something "Alive Horse, No radiation, Clear air, Man not having a single clue what I am going on about...I'm in the past or something along the lines of the past." He thought to himself "Um my good sir what year is it I have misplaced my calander." Albert asked the man on the Horse
"It's 1911. Who are you?"

originally posted by @Donder172
billthesomething said:
"It's 1911. Who are you?"
originally posted by @Donder172
"Wait 1911 I'm a good threehundred something years in the past how did this happen!" Albert inwardly screamed whislt on the outside was calm well... mostly calm "My well my name is Albert" he said as his voice cracked during his name

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
billthesomething said:
"Wait 1911 I'm a good threehundred something years in the past how did this happen!" Albert inwardly screamed whislt on the outside was calm well... mostly calm "My well my name is Albert" he said as his voice cracked during his name
originally posted by @Knight Artorias
John Marston

"What kind of clothing are wearing and what kind of weapons are those. And what do you mean with three hundred something years in the past?"

originally posted by @Donder172
billthesomething said:
John Marston
"What kind of clothing are wearing and what kind of weapons are those. And what do you mean with three hundred something years in the past?"

originally posted by @Donder172
"Oh what don't worry about me I was just um thinking of ideas for my new book and these clothes I made them myself same with my guns too so I'll see you around stranger." Albert said as he turned around and ran the hell away from the guy on the horse hoping the horse couldn't catch him.

originally posted by @Knight Artorias
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billthesomething said:
"Oh what don't worry about me I was just um thinking of ideas for my new book and these clothes I made them myself same with my guns too so I'll see you around stranger." Albert said as he turned around and ran the hell away from the guy on the horse hoping the horse couldn't catch him.
originally posted by @Knight Artorias
John blinks for a moment at the guy, but decides to go to his ranch and resumes his travel to home.

originally posted by @Donder172
Gaster stopped coding as another portal appeared,he went through it to see where it would take him,the random portals were like a type of roulette for him,and it was fun and interesting to him.

billthesomething said:
Origianlly posted by @Vampiress
Claire Hart:Angel Grove/Power Ranger Universe

Claire Hart was sitting in Angel Grove high cafeteria holding her morpher in her pocket. "I'm so bored now that Trini, Billy, Zack, Tommy, Kat, Rocky, Adam, Aisha, Jason, and Kim are all out of school." She said to herself since no one was sitting by her. "I wonder if Jason is back from his trip yet." She said. Claire decided to go to Earnie's since she didn't have a last class. She got up morpher tucked safetly in her pocket and she walked to Earnie's. Perhaps my sis is there working. She thought happily as she walked.
A bright flash happens right in front of Claire,then a strange creepy being was there,the being just sat there and stared at them.

Gaster appeared in the world of power rangers and was right in front of a local,he stayed quiet looking at the human,trying to think of somthing to say,he didn't want to screw up and be considered an enemy.

originally posted by @MTchaos1134
billthesomething said:
Gaster stopped coding as another portal appeared,he went through it to see where it would take him,the random portals were like a type of roulette for him,and it was fun and interesting to him.
A bright flash happens right in front of Claire,then a strange creepy being was there,the being just sat there and stared at them.

Gaster appeared in the world of power rangers and was right in front of a local,he stayed quiet looking at the human,trying to think of somthing to say,he didn't want to screw up and be considered an enemy.

originally posted by @MTchaos1134
Claire blinked and looked up. "Who are you?" She asked in a low calm voice. "Also what are you? Your not one of Rita's." She added looking curiously at the creature wondering if she was gonna need to morph or not.

originally posted by @Vampiress
billthesomething said:
Claire blinked and looked up. "Who are you?" She asked in a low calm voice. "Also what are you? Your not one of Rita's." She added looking curiously at the creature wondering if she was gonna need to morph or not.
originally posted by @Vampiress
"I am gaster,a being who can travel through universes.that is the most I can tell you,and do not worry,I am not here to hurt you."

originally posted by @MTchaos1134

Siegmeyer of Catarina

Power Rangers Universe

Siegmeyer stepped through the Portal and appeared in Angel Grove "Hmm it seem like i am in quite the pickle" Siegmeyer says as he studies his surrounding, he wanders into Earnie's Siegmeyer is ignorant to the stares he is getting @Vampiress
In the Legend of Zelda universe....

Link had just retrieved his master sword and was on his way to meet Princess Zelda to discuss the strange dream he had, maybe she had it too? Well on his way he saw something out of place, a portal stood tall before him distorting the light around it and it seemed it was dark on the other side. Maybe he was being summoned to one of the various places around Hyrule? Only one way to find out since he had let curiosity get the better of him. He slowly touched the portal which reacted as water creating ripples, he stuck his hand through and was immediately sucked in, he tried his best to get out but slowly it sucked him in. He grunted as he tried to get out with all his strength but couldn't, the last thing he saw was the sky of Hyrule before the portal had fully engulfed him. He then fell for what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds as he popped out of another portal into a strange place. It immediately closed and he stood up shocked as he had been transported to some place he has never seen before.

Link has arrived at the Power Rangers universe!

Link couldn't believe what a strange place he was at, it was nothing like Hyrule at all and further on he saw a skeleton, maybe a living dead like those he saw as a child? He took out the Ocarina of Time and slowly approached ready to play the Sun's Song to paralyze the dead creature.

He slowly approached Gaster.

originally posted by

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billthesomething said:
In the Legend of Zelda universe....
Link had just retrieved his master sword and was on his way to meet Princess Zelda to discuss the strange dream he had, maybe she had it too? Well on his way he saw something out of place, a portal stood tall before him distorting the light around it and it seemed it was dark on the other side. Maybe he was being summoned to one of the various places around Hyrule? Only one way to find out since he had let curiosity get the better of him. He slowly touched the portal which reacted as water creating ripples, he stuck his hand through and was immediately sucked in, he tried his best to get out but slowly it sucked him in. He grunted as he tried to get out with all his strength but couldn't, the last thing he saw was the sky of Hyrule before the portal had fully engulfed him. He then fell for what seemed like hours but was only a few seconds as he popped out of another portal into a strange place. It immediately closed and he stood up shocked as he had been transported to some place he has never seen before.

Link has arrived at the Power Rangers universe!

Link couldn't believe what a strange place he was at, it was nothing like Hyrule at all and further on he saw a skeleton, maybe a living dead like those he saw as a child? He took out the Ocarina of Time and slowly approached ready to play the Sun's Song to paralyze the dead creature.

He slowly approached Gaster.

Having been approches from behind suprised gaster,as he summoned a large gaster blaster and almost fired it at link,it stops as soon as he sees who it is."oh,hello there.did you happen to stumble upon a portal?"gaster asks,looking at the green suited being.

(This is the size and look of the gaster blaster.note that gaster does not look like that in the picture)


originally posted by @MTchaos1134
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