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Fandom Clans in The Australian Wild- Archive


The older tom grunted unpleasantly at the sudden jolt of movement. Without opening an eye he could tell exactly who it was disturbing the peace. Blazerunner's eyes opened sleepily at the sound of Foxstorm's loud mews. He groaned again while being rolled over and considered staying in his current position not wishing to face the day so early. He had been trying not to let Snakestripe stay up so late with his current leader duties and such; it had hardly worked, however. Snakestripe was a stubborn cat who always made sure to get the job done. This wouldn't have been so bad though had the deputy not pushed himself past exhaustion to check on everything.

Rolling over again so that he was now on his stomach, Blazerunner yawned heavily then slowly began sitting up. Glancing around he quickly set his eyes on their poor friend being woken by the younger tom's excitement. "Maybe we should let him rest a bit longer..?" The lean cat suggested while eyeing the deputy sympathetically. "He's been up all night, ya know?" Looking around, he noticed more of the warriors beginning to awaken in the midst of his friend's calling. He finally stood up then and stretched while looking to Foxstorm. "Let's go run a bit, Foxstorm then we'll come back and get sleepy-head here out of his nest." The tom hoped that his offer would be enough to get Foxstorm out of the den and to allow their deputy and friend to rest for just a while longer. With his speech being over, Breezerunner turned and left out of the den. He was crazing the wind in his fur but would wait patiently for his friends to accompany him.

Addressed : Foxstorm (@DemonKitten)

Mentioned : Snakestripe (@Sagitarius)
I'd like to play! I'm working on a SU, don't have time to finish right now. I'm new here so go easy on me. x3 I'm making a queen for Moss Clan. I haven't decided whether she's had her kit(s) yet or not - I'm 100% open to taking on any motherless kits from other members, whether biologically my cat's kits or adopted by her, just give me a shout. (oh, and my favourite colour is yellow-orange!)
The tiny kit mewled in terror at the border of WoodClan, a tiny mouse curled up with him. struggling to stand the kit tried, but fell over. The kit then curled up around the mouse.
@Zoechu This roleplay requires that you write at least a paragraph that looks similar to about how much everyone else is writing.
Being the motherly type she was, Goldenfeather rushed over to the tiny kit, she helps it up by picking it up by the scruff in her mouth, mouse and all. After carrying it over to the safety of the den, she plops it down and sighs "Little one, why were you so close to the border?" she asks, as she begins to clean it.
The kit relaxed, GoldenFeather's warm tongue made his body stop trembling. His pelt was damp from dew and full of dirt, a gash was on his jaw, the tiny mouse cuddled against the small kit. His mother died saving him from foxes, he wailed because of the gash, it stung with pain. He couldn't take it for much longer, he had already suffered massive blood loss.


Cedarspark watched as Wolfsong walked off from the den and over to the leader's den. Finally, maybe I can see if Reedpuddle is over there, he thought as Wolfsong briefly glared at him as she crossed the cave floor. Not my fault you don't know how to relax, he couldn't help, but giggle to himself slightly. Cedarspark headed towards the warriors den to find Reedpuddle who was bound to find his inside his head jokes funny.

Owleye was already in there calling for them. "Oh, Owleye. What is this you are meowing about?" he asked as he came in. "Hunting?" Cedarspark figured it wasn't Wolfsong's initial idea and that she had decided to allow Owleye to go out. That was actually shocking for the rather cruel she-cat or at least cruel to him. "Should you really be hunting in that shape?" he chuckled slightly A he looked around for Reedpuddle too.

Addressed: Owleye @Nudge

Mentioned: Reedpuddle @ShadedRose

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[QUOTE="Setsuna Kita]Who is Woodclan's medicine cat?

Koalaleap, you can look at the roster on the top of the character sign up page and it is also right there.
Koalaleap Goldenfeather noticed the gash on the kit's face and looks around, she mewled loudly for the medicine cat, but couldn't find her. She picks the kit up by the scruff again, mouse and all, and carries her off towards the medicine-cat's den. She mewls, "Hello? I have a kit here who is very badly injured" she meows then looks to the kit "don't worry little one, we'll have that nasty gash seen to" she says with a soft purr.

@Creepypasta Hound
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His orange ears twitched back at Blazerunner's suggestion of a run. Excited, Foxstorm's tail wagged furiously as he got into a playful position. "How about a race?" He suggested before turning to Snakestripe's back. "Rest well! I will be back to get you in a flash!" he meowed as he followed Blazerunner out into the daylight. The sun had rose higher now and the tom could feel it'd heat start to grow intense.

"Where should we run to? From one border to another? A game of Dingo chase?" Foxstorm suggested being a little to daring for his own short lifespan. He could see his sister in the distance mumbling about something as she tried to duck back in to the comfort of her den. He couldn't understand her desire to not be noticed like his desire to be known and seen. You would think a cat in a position like hers would be proud to show herself to her clan, but it seemed that she was more nervous now than when she was a regular apprentice. Foxstorm narrowed his eyes before standing up straight and giving a fire field gaze to his older friend. He was about action not overthinking.

Addressed: Blazerunner @ShadedRose, Snakestripe @Sagitarius

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The kit silently waited, blood oozing from the would, most was Dried blocking further leakage, though it was still dripping the red liquid. Trembling mews were released from him. His closed eyes seemed to be opening. The tiny mouse's eyes were opening as well.

@Setsuna Kita
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Cougarstar got up from his place a tad impatient with waiting for his deputy and decided to get a small hunting patrol together. "Rippleshine, Frostwhisper," he called to the two siblings who were laying out in the sun right outside the warrior's den. "Can you two get Turtlepaw and head out for a hunting patrol?" The two nodded as they got up from their position and headed towards the apprentice den. "If you see Goldenthistle tell her that she is to take a patrol out at sunhigh," he mowed after them before deciding to head out himself for a quick hunt.

Mentioned: Goldenthistle @ShadedRose Turtlepaw @Nudge


The sunlight warm against her fur was one of her favorite feelings although she rarely had time to dwell on such luxury. Lately her mind had been revolving around keeping the patrols going and their borders checked. Her main concern was any of their local predators moving closer into the territory, which the crocodiles most certainly would. The warm blooded reptiles would also be hunting around the rivers and such meaning any youngsters would need to be supervised at all times when going too close to the water.

Padding quietly back to camp, she had been wandering around checking things nearby. The sun was rising quickly meaning that Cougarstar would most likely be awake and waiting on her to make the patrols. She had not noticed, however, just how much time she had been taking to go out and wander. Her mind certainly needed cleaning. Sighing, she fastened her pace until making it to the camp and halting at the sight of Cougarstar also exiting. Her tail fell slightly and a twinge of guilt hit her. "I'm sorry, Cougarstar..I got distracted." She hated admitting such a thing but found it necessary. Glancing toward the two siblings outside the den it looked apparent that they were preparing to leave for patrol. Yet another reason to make her guilty. "Are they taking Turtlepaw, as well?" She was curious about her apprentice and somewhat caring despite her not showing affection all that often.

Addressed : Cougarstar (@DemonKitten)

Mentioned : Turtlepaw (

The spotted tom was standing, his back to the den and face to the sky enjoying the glowing light. The sun was shooting down its rays of light with an intensity enough to make any housepet shrink back indoors had it been out wandering about. But to Blazerunner there was nothing better than the heat. His limbs stretched out one by one and another large yawn emerged from his body. It felt good, he would never be able to say otherwise.

Rolling his shoulders as Foxstorm came out from the den, Blazerunner's head turns to look. His signature smile plastered on his face and showing just the tips of his fangs. "I do hope that you never loose that childish charm of yours." Shaking his head, he looks back around and spots the medicine cat. He always felt sympathy for the she-cat and usually complimented her work any time the chance came up. Forcing his attention back to his friend, Blazerunner gave another smile. "I think it's still a bit early for Dingo chase, maybe we should just go border to border." His tail swished from side to side. "We'll start on the count of three...one, two....five!"

The ground around Blazerunner's paws erupted to life as he swiftly made a path out of the camp and toward the farthest border. He'd said 'five' to hopefully distract the other tom for even just a moment but it would be inevitable. Out of all the cats Blazerunner had ever raced Foxstorm was by far the fastest of them all. It wouldn't take the younger cat long to catch up, that Blazerunner knew for sure so why not enjoy his couple seconds of fame while it lasted?

Addressed : Foxstorm (@DemonKitten)
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The brown tabby tom's eyes opened slowly at the sound of pawsteps approaching the den's entrance. Most of the other warriors were already up and about but Reedpuddle had decided on sleeping in for an extra hour due to him going on a couple brief hunting outings in the night. It was the easiest time to catch some of the harder creatures which he had always been good at doing. Lifting his head from his nest at the very back he was surprised at first to hear Owleye's voice. She was calling for both him and Cedarspark.

"Hello to you both.." He yawned while standing up and padded toward the front of the den where his friend and the queen spoke. "You look lovely, Owleye." He said while shaking his head from side to side at his less subtle friend. "A hunting trip, then?" He had heard the word come out of Cedarspark's voice so that was what Reedpuddle was expecting. "I am surprised though that you're being let out of camp.." The tom ventured but didn't go on as he looked back at Cedarspark. "Anyway, don't be so rude." A chuckle followed the statement and eventually he was out of the den and in the sunlight.

Addressed : Owleye (@Nudge) Cedarspark (@DemonKitten)

The sound of cats moving about the camp disturbed Nimblepaw's slumber and after a couple of blinks he was looking about the den to find it mostly empty. He didn't mean to sleep in, it just happened. Sighing, the tom jumped from his bed and raced up and out of the apprentice's den wanting to find his mentor as soon as possible. She wouldn't be impressed by his sleeping in again but he would have to get over it. His mentor was always ready for the day unlike the young tom and his constant want to sleep. At least he wouldn't stay like that once their training went underway. He always got so excited to learn more from his mentor. She would have to be one of his greatest role models.

Leaving the apprentice's den and diving into the warrior's a few seconds later, Nimblepaw quickly glanced about finding Cedarspark, Owleye and his father all awake and standing about. "Anyone know where Pigeonfoot is??" He questioned, unable to keep the excitement from his voice.

Addressed : Owleye (@Nudge) Cedarspark (@DemonKitten)
Goldenfeather waited patiently for the medicine cat, but as there was no response, she thought it best to find some sap and eucalyptus to use as antispetic. She carries the kit in and looks around, "Wish I knew more about medicines" she mewled, worried about the kit. She places the kit down and does her best to clean the wound with her tongue "Little one, where is your mama?"
Koalaleap jumps at the sudden voice of the young she-cat. "What a injured kit? Th-that's nothing new..." he meows as he trots over to the small kit. His muzzle gently ghosting over the kits wound.

But seeing Goldenfeather having began to clean the wound he shook his head as is to free dirt from his pelt. He headed to back of the den to find the various herbs he would need "Ask the kit how they got the nasty wound." The tom asks he knew from experience that he scared kits.

Interacting with
@Setsuna Kita GoldenFeather @Zoechu
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"How did you get this wound sweet little one?" she asks as she continued to purr and clean the kit's wound, looking around still not seeing any sight of the kit's mother "and your mother? where is she?" she asks once more, hoping to get an answer from him.
Koalaleap returns setting down various herbs and roots. He sniffed the kit lightly as his usual unstable demeanor suddenly vanished at the sight of the weak kit. "Goldenfeather I need you to help me...try an get the kit to eat this" he pushed the cherville root forward.

He only used this root with kits since it was smaller, he hoped the kit would eat it, he even dipped it some in honey to add a sweeter flavor "I don't want to take chances with infection and this would clear up any infection." He said as he began to make paste out of goosegrass to halt the bleeding.

@Setsuna Kita @Zoechu
Goldenfeather nods, she takes the root to the kit and places it infront of him "Little one, please eat this, it will help you get better" she says with a soft purr to her voice and nuzzles him gently.

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