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Fandom Clans in The Australian Wild- Archive

Goldenfeather looks at the kit, it was quite clear that he wouldn't be able to speak, and that the mouse was his friend. She shakes her head and looks to Koalaleap "Koalaleap, I won't be getting anything from the little one, he's only a newborn, so all he can do is mew softly, he hasn't grasped the fact that the mouse is supposed to be his prey" she looks at the kit, and sighs, picking up both him and the mouse, then carries them to her nest. She then curls around the kit protectively.
The kit started to paw at GoldenFeather's stomach as his muzzle searching her fur, letting out a raspy purr, he continued with it. After awhile he stopped and curled into a ball of fluff the tiny mouse curled with him. He soon drifted into slumber, the nightmare of his mother's death played in his mind. Walking up, he mewed in fear.

@Setsuna Kita (GoldenFeather)
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Goldenfeather sighs and nuzzles the kit, curling her tail and forepaws around the kit protectively, she licks his small body as she tries to calm him in his sleep. She purrs softly.
HoneyPhantomhive said:
Alright, sorry. Didn't see that. I'll edit it now.
Lol, no need to apologize I was just giving you a heads up. The two clans have issues cause of the not too long ago battle
ShadedRose said:
Sorry about that, I put them up and forgot to finish
Its fine. Editing doesn't inform me of a post (though I prefer that you are keeping them in particular areas together) and I just don't want them to go unnoticed.

We have @Cloudburst joining as well guys
DemonKitten said:
Also, I will end days on Sundays so that gives a week for the next monday. (they can be concluded early, but most the time they won't)
I'm presuming there's going to be some time-skips, lest it take three real years for my kits to apprentice? xD

I finished my sign-up! @Creepypasta Hound I'm imagining our babies causin' some adventurous kit-havoc in Moss Clan.

I was going to apologize for not taking on the needed role of Dustclan leader (I would in a heartbeat if I wasn't new to the forums, I'm usually all over the leader roles but I just want to lay low for now x3), but looks like that problem has been solved! *cheering*
Cloudburst said:
I'm presuming there's going to be some time-skips, lest it take three real years for my kits to apprentice? xD
I finished my sign-up! @Creepypasta Hound I'm imagining our babies causin' some adventurous kit-havoc in Moss Clan.

I was going to apologize for not taking on the needed role of Dustclan leader (I would in a heartbeat if I wasn't new to the forums, I'm usually all over the leader roles but I just want to lay low for now x3), but looks like that problem has been solved! *cheering*
All is fine and yes. There will be time skips. Right now I will give everyone a week to respond and we move to another day. I am thinking every four times we skip will be a moon or at least a moon change. It really depends on how fast everything moves

Reedpuddle could hear the sourness in the newly awoken Pigeonfoot. He didn't much care for her company and even less that his son was to be mentored by the negative she cat. It didn't matter all that much, however. As long as Nimblepaw learned what was necessary. Surely Pigeonfoot would excell at teaching him such things and with that in mind he turned once more toward the entrance and waited quietly for Cedarspark and Owleye to exit as well. He only glanced at Pigeonfoot as she was the first to leave and then followed the other two cats. "Owleye, Cedarspark, hurry now before all the prey has gone back to their burrows." His tail flicked from side to side as his son quickly ran from the den and skittered to a halt spotting the she-cat he'd been searching for. The older tom said nothing, just watched as Nimblepaw scrambled after his mentor like a lost kit. He sighed slowly and looked up to the sky.

Addressed : Owleye (@Nudge) Cedarspark (@DemonKitten)


The younger cat had not noticed and continued on his way until reaching Pigeonfoot and greeting her. "Good morning, Pigeonfoot!" He cried though wasn't nearly as exstatic as he had been moments before her awakening. "Are we going to do training in the trees again today?! I just know that I can get to the very top today!" The young tabby's eyes shone with determination though it was more of a giddy feeling. Everyone in the clan knew of his clumsiness and inability to balance. It didn't keep the apprentice from trying anyway.

Addressed : Pigeonfoot (@DemonKitten)
Cloudburst said:
I'm presuming there's going to be some time-skips, lest it take three real years for my kits to apprentice? xD
I finished my sign-up! @Creepypasta Hound I'm imagining our babies causin' some adventurous kit-havoc in Moss Clan.

I was going to apologize for not taking on the needed role of Dustclan leader (I would in a heartbeat if I wasn't new to the forums, I'm usually all over the leader roles but I just want to lay low for now x3), but looks like that problem has been solved! *cheering*
I can totally picture that xD

His seconds of fame were even shorter lived than originally thought. How had he not suspected the deputy to join them? Smiling, Blazerunner's legs pumped harder against the hard ground below. Everything around him blurred and melted away leaving Snakestripe just ahead of him gaining the lead. The tom was trying not to let Foxstorm pass him as well although it was already too late. The two of his friends were running ahead leaving Blazerunner to be the one eating the dust. He squinted his eyes and looked to his side at the youngest of them and grinned again. "Old age, huh?" His heart pounded from the amount of blood it was currently pumping and with another surge, Blazerunner was lifted from the ground dodging any stray water puddles as they passed through some of the Mossclan terrain. He never liked getting his paws wet but even as they were splattered by a bit of water pushed by Foxstorm's paws, Blazerunner pushed ahead once again. He was growing close to Snakestripe's tail now, just a couple more strides...

With another paw step something caught his attention out the corner of his eye and nearly caused him to run smack into a thorny bush. His fur was disheveled and bristling at what he'd spotted and without a second glance at his friends the tom was darting swiftly toward the object of his concern. It was in fact a lone dingo making its way quietly toward something that the others would be unable to see. Blazerunner, however, had caught just a glimpse of a small sandy brown creature; it was Buzzardpaw.

Coming onto the dingo before it had caught his scent, the canine yelped at the sudden impact. Blazerunner was both quick and powerful when using his paws. His claws were drug out now and eyes narrowed. The bigger animal only growled and went to lunge but too late. The skilled warrior's claws had already swiped clean across the dog's face leaving it rather bloody. He stayed glancing all around his surroundings unsure whether or not the canine was on its own. It seemed that way and staring threateningly at the animal it finally took the hint and retreated from the two cats. It had been at least a minute before he whirled around to fix the startled and rather upset looking apprentice with a stern look. "Why on earth are you out here on your own?!" He said it all in a matter of seconds not wasting a moment on taking a breath.

Addressed : Snakestripe (
@Sagitarius) Foxstorm (@DemonKitten)
- Galahwing -

Galahwing stared out of the nursery into the morning light. She had lived here for a few moons now, but it still felt odd to not get up and go on a morning patrol. She missed it in a way, but loved her kits too much to dwell on it for long. Soon they would be grown, and she would be out there with the rest of them reminiscing of her time in the nursery. Her daughter, Minnowkit, still hadn't awoken. The tiny kit was the spitting image of Galahwing - silver fur with the beginnings of darker tabby markings. Minnowkit's cloudy green eyes also mirrored her mother's, though she rarely opened them. It took her nearly a week to open them when she was born - her brother Mudkit had his open within a few hours. Minnowkit coughed weakly - she was fortunately getting over whatever sickness had plagued her last week - and snuggled closer to Galahwing. Galahwing smiled sadly and began licking at the sickly kit. She prayed to Starclan that this little one would make it to adulthood, but only time would tell.

"Mom!" a sharp mewl came from Galahwing's other kit. Her son pawed anxiously at her side, and green eyes met green eyes. "Can I go outside? Please please please?"

Galahwing turned her tongue to her son and gave his fur a few quick laps. His dark-brown colouration made it clear where his name came from. Mudkit grimaced and pulled away from the bath. Galahwing laughed softly. "Only if you stay where myself or another cat can see you clearly. That means
in the borders, young tom." Galahwing disliked leaving Minnowkit even for a second. It was hard to keep track of two kits at once when they were usually in two different places, which meant she usually ended up worrying about Mudkit constantly when he left the nursery. He was far too curious for his own good sometimes, but it wasn't fair to keep him cooped up all the time either. She wished both of her kits could play outside so freely.

"Okay! I will!" Mudkit rushed out of the nursery without a second glance. Galahwing sighed and watched as he immediately ran out of her range of sight.
'I'm going to have to check on him in a few minutes... Starclan have mercy.'

- Mudkit -

Mudkit bounded into camp, the sunny rays of morning sun warming his fluffy kit pelt nicely. He watched the older cats with wide eyes, awed by the big tasks they took on every single day. He could see Cougarstar and Goldenthistle talking - they were the two leaders! His mother had told him to always treat the adults with respect. Unsure if he was allowed to even listen to them speak, he crouched quietly in what he thought was an appropriate hiding place (in reality it was wide out in the open) and listened curiously. They were talking about patrols - Goldenthistle mentioned bringing Turtlepaw. Lucky Turtlepaw - Mudkit wished he was old enough to go on patrols...

A thought popped into his head - what was Bandicootkit doing? Was he still asleep? Mudkit leapt up and swished his tail around, looking for his friend. "Bandicootkit!" he called excitedly, running back toward the nursery. "Bandicootkit?"

Mentioned: Cougarstar

@DemonKitten Goldenthistle @ShadedRose Turtlepaw @Nudge

Addressed: Bandicootkit @Creepypasta Hound
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After posting I realized that "Mudkit" is super similar to "Mudkip" so I'm probably going to typo that a billion times please excuse me lol.

edit: figured I'd bump up Mudkit and Minnowkit a moon so Mudkit and Bandicootkit can apprentice together. Assuming that's not a problem @DemonKitten. Also changed Minnowkit's SU slightly to mention she might make a good medicine cat apprentice (if she's healthy enough)
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Bandicootkit perked his head up from the nest that he shared with his mother Parrotclaw. He knew that voice, not wanting to wake his mother he creeps out of the nest and out of the nursery. The second he was at the entrance he scampered over to Mudkit "Hey there Mudkit!" He meows happy his tiny kit tail curling left and then right with enthusiasm.

He loved playing with Mudkit, they were the best of friends and Bandicootkit looked forward to the day that they would apprentice together. He hoped that the future wouldn't tear them apart.

"Did ya want something?" He asked curiously as he stole a glance at his father, Spiderlegs, who was watching them closely.


Interacting with Mudkit

Mood: Curious
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What did he just witness!? Wait...a kit who is friends with prey!? Koalaleap leaps to his paws and bounds out of the den looking around as if he expected something to be amiss. The sky wasn't raining fire, the ground wasn't crumbling beneath everyone. He steadied his breathing trying to calm his heart that was beating like a rabbit's.

He pulls back into the den his eyes wide with fear as he scoops up the paste in his paw and hobbles after the two...three?

But Koalaleap wanted to know what it meant. Was there a significance to the pet mouse? Was the mouse a sign that StarClan was throwing at him? Was the mouse a omen?

Poor Koalaleap over thinking everything as usual when the small animal in reality was as harmless as a fly. Despite the obvious being plain as the sky outside he couldn't fathom the thought of a kinship between a cat and food.

He enters the den "I'm just gonna put th-this medicine on the kit...you know since he didn't eat the root." Quickly yet gently he applied the medicine "I'll gonna have to apply this every three days to ensure he doesn't get sick from this." He glanced at the kit and then to Goldenfeather.

Without warning he dashes out of the den and onto the camp grounds feeling very confused of what to do next.

Mood: Befuddled
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