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Fandom Clans in The Australian Wild- Archive

- Mudkit -

Mudkit perked up when he saw Bandicootkit come out of the nursery. "Wanna play?" he meowed. He could see his mother eying him from the nursery entrance, and Bandicootkit's father Spiderlegs was keeping an eye on them as well. "Um... in the camp... where the older cats can see us...?" Galahwing purred her approval, but that sounded boring to Mudkit. A real warrior didn't have to stay in the camp all of the time, so why did he?

Addressed: Bandicootkit @Creepypasta Hound
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"In the camp?" He was about to question the location but telling how Mudkit said it he knew his mother wants them to stay where they could be monitored. "Sure the camp is fine. What shall we play?" He asked as a flurry of game ideas popped into his head but he rather hear what his friend wants to play. Though he did hope they could sneak off and outside of the camp.

Interacting with Mudkit @Cloudburst
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Idk if jinx is coming back, but dapplestar will be used as a neutral character until then meaning anyone can interact with him just stay trial to personality


Stretching one last good time, Cedarspark left the den. "Ah, you are too hard-working for my liking, Reedpuddle," the large orange tom joked with his friend as he gave him a big purr. "Come on Owleye. This was your idea so we better hurry so we can find you a mouse fast enough to catch," he poked fun at the eager queen. He had no doubt she could carry that weight well enough and still hunt better than a mossclan cat on dry land. Cedarspark was all jokes, but he had to try his best to stay distracted from how much the she-cat reminded him of what he missed out.

Addressed:Owleye @Nudge Reedpuddle @ShadedRose


The silvery she-cat sighed as she straightened her fur. She saw Reedpuddle from the corner of her eye and couldn't help, but wonder why he had anything against her. It isn't like she is your sister, she wanted to growl, but she realized he probably didn't like her mean joke towards Cedarspark. Luckily, her mood was lifted by the optimistic voice of her apprentice. She liked having the tom around as he was a nice distraction. She didn't like kits, because they were too much of a distraction and useless until they became Nimblepaw's age. "Morning Nimblepaw," her voice changed to a very sweet tone as she had nothing against her sometimes ditsy apprentice. They had a little bit in common and he was enjoyable to be around.

"I thought we would go renew the scent markers around the borders," She informed him, but didn't want him to be disappointed so she narrowed her eyes slightly as she bent down. "We can even have a small race in the trees if you think you are good enough?" her voice was slightly daring the apprentice. Pigeonfoot felt that Nimblepaw had practiced hard enough in his balancing to manage a race through the trees. She didn't plan on going too fast so that he wouldn't feel like he needed to speed faster than he was able, but she felt he would enjoy the challenge.

Addressed: Nimblepaw @ShadedRose



Cougarstar nodded to his deputy's presence. He trusted the grey she-cat was out doing important things so had no need for her apologies. "You may take Turtlepaw if you like. I was only putting the apprentice with the two young warriors simple to run into you," Rippleshine and Frostwhisper had stopped in their collection of the apprentice since they noticed Goldenthistle. "Instead, you take Turtlepaw. Rippleshine," he called to the multi toned tom. "Get Spiderfang and Spiderlegs and go hunting. Spiderlegs is in charge," He turned back to Goldenthistle, "Since you are here now and the sun is getting high as it is take Frostwhisper with you and Turtlepaw on a patrol," He informed his deputy. "I will be going on a quick hunt myself. I will see you back here when the sun is midway to setting," The large tom did not bother for a response as he walked off out of camp.

Addressed: Goldenthistle @ShadedRose

Mentioned: Spiderlegs @Creepypasta Hound Spiderfang @ShadedRose Turtlepaw @Nudge



Rippleshine had headed to the warriors den to see if Spiderlegs and Spiderfang were around. Why such close names? he grumbled, but there was a distinctive difference between the two cats other than the obvious one that Spiderfang was a she-cat and not old. He laughed inwardly as he made it to the warrior's den. Rippleshine didn't care what he did as long as he got to go swimming and hunting usually allowed for that, though Cougarstar had warned about getting in to deep waters.

"Spiderlegs," the tan tom called as he tried to peer in. "Cougarstar wants you to lead a hunting patrol," He looked around for Spiderfang to, but the cave was awfully dark for it to be so bright out now. "Spiderfang, you are part of it," Rippleshine wondered if they two black pelted felines were even in there are was he talking to himself. Wouldn't be the first time.

Addressed: Spiderfang @ShadedRose Spiderlegs @Creepypasta Hound



The speedy tom had continued after the Dingo just for the heck of it. He enjoyed seeing the shocked expression upon the wild dog's face as the fiery orange cat chased him down. "That will teach ya to hunt apprentices in our territory!" he called after as he turned back around and ran towards where Buzzardpaw and Blazerunner where.

"That was brilliant Blazerunner! We can call this your win," Foxstorm didn't seem to pick up on the stern expression of his friend's face as he looked at the sandy apprentice. "We ended up Dingo chasing after all," Foxstorm felt proud, but at the noticeable thickness of the tension he finally got the clue and looked at Buzzardpaw. "Oh, yeah. You aren't suppose to be out here by yourself cause of them Dingos," he added probably not helping poor Buzzardpaw's case. It wasn't like Foxstorm wasn't always disobeying.

Addressed: Blazerunner @ShadedRose Buzzardpaw

Around: Snakestripe @Sagitarius
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At the mention of his name the black tom pulled himself away from the kits. He trots up behind Rippleshine lifting his paw and gave a gentle tap to the other. "Rippleshine you called?" He asks curiously. His tone lacking emotion making him sound angrier than he actually is. He looked at the young tom carefully he thought it odd that at times he is caught talking to himself. Spiderlegs began to wonder if whatever the WoodClan medicine cat had was contagious.

Interacting with Rippleshine
- Mudkit -

Mudkit paused to think for a moment. "I-I saw a really big bogong moth on the other side of camp!" he lied, sounding maybe a bit too excited over the relatively unexciting insect. Fortunately Spiderlegs was called away by Rippleshine. Mudkit relaxed a bit. "We could practice pouncing on it! Come on!" He led Bandicootkit away from the entrance of the nursery, circling around the edge of camp. "Okay, I didn't actually see a moth," Mudkit clarified. He tried to scan the camp, but with his short stature couldn't see much. He spotted a large rock, crouched, and leapt. He managed to scramble to the top of it, albeit ungracefully. He wondered briefly if initiating a game of kit-of-the-hill would be more fun, but shook his head and returned to the task at paw. His green eyes surveyed the area. "Hey, looks like there's another group heading out!" Mudkit noticed, seeing Frostwhisper and Goldenthistle (he recalled Cougarfur saying earlier that Turtlepaw would get to go too), and he knew that Spiderlegs and Rippleshine had teamed up earlier too, with Spiderfang soon to follow based on what Rippleshine had said. He waved his tail and grinned down at Bandicootkit. "Bet we could sneak out no problem! Galahwing's stuck with my sister and your mom's still asleep, so... That leaves, what? Silverfur? Witheredsmoke?"

Mentioned: literally everyone in Moss Clan I think lol ((I'll just tag the ones who could put an end to their kit fun)) @HoneyPhantomhive @ShadedRose

Addressed: Bandicootkit
@Creepypasta Hound
Silverfur peeked up from inventorying the remaining herbs. When she saw Mudkit up on the rock, she almost collapsed from fear. Were they going to jump off?! Was Bandicootkit going to push him off?! She doubted it, but it was still possible. Her heart loosened as she noticed Mudkit was merely surveying the area. She still didn't like it.

With a semi-annoyed flick of her tail, the fluff waving around like it was being blown by the wind (which it was,) she stepped out of the den and craned her neck to look up at the kit. "Hey! I don't think it's a good idea to get up there," she called up. She knew she should be at least a little more assertive, but she was sure Mudkit would listen to her, of anyone... Maybe...

Addressed: Mudkit

Mentioned: Bandicootkit
@Creepypasta Hound

The she-cat nodded to her leader as he told her to take Turtlepaw. She listened to what else he had to say, staying perfectly attentive while doing so. Her head turned slightly to see Rippleshine as he was called. The younger warrior and his sister were both excellent warriors. The pair had done nothing but work hard since their apprenticing. She was glad to hear that she was also going to take Frostwhisper and Turtlepaw out on patrol. Watching Cougarstar exit the camp after being informed of what she was to do, Goldenthistle soon turned away and called for Frostwhisper while padding to the apprentice den. "Turtlepaw." She spoke into the entrance not wishing to go inside. This was what she usually did when summoning her apprentice and waited for any sign of the she-cat waking.

Addressed : Cougarstar / Frostwhisper (@DemonKitten) Turtlepaw (@Nudge)

Mentioned : Rippleshine (@DemonKitten)


Bandicootkit peeked from their hiding spot and noticed that he didn't really see any other cats, but like Mudkit said their parents were still in the nursery and the elders were still tucked away. The weather was still a bit chilly and the older cats didn't like it. "You're right, I don't really see anyone." He scurried back around and he attempts to leap up but ends up toppling over "I think..." his voice falters when he saw Silverfur he lowers his ears and glanced up at Mudkit "Ah it's okay...He is playing leader." He meows with a happy purr.

Interacting with Mudkit
@Cloudburst and Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive

Addressing: Silverfur

- Mudkit -

Mudkit blinked, spotting Silverfur too late to make a swift escape. The medicine cat scolded him for being up so high, and Mudkit frowned. "It's not that high... is it?" He blinked down at Silverfur, suddenly nervous of coming down at all. Bandicootkit mewed a quick excuse for why Mudkit was up there in the first place - just pretending to be a leader. Mudkit suddenly imagined himself as Cougarstar, high above a clan of proud warriors and in charge of all of them. Mudkit puffed out his chest, feeling the wind playing with his fluffy fur. "Ah, good! My excellent medicine cat Silverfur has arrived to meet with me and my deputy, Bandicootkit!" Mudkit purred. "Any omens from Star Clan? Are your herb stocks enough to last us through Bare Leaf? Isn't it almost time for you to meet with the other medicine cats?" He imitated phrases he'd heard Cougarstar repeat day after day. He turned to Bandicootkit. "I want extra patrols today! If we find any cats from Dust Clan near our borders..." Mudkit crouched, his brown tail swishing around and a playful smirk on his face. "You need to pounce on 'em! Like this!" he leapt from the rock and then made a second jump onto Bandicootkit, initiating a good-natured playfight with his claws safely sheathed.

Mentioned: Cougarstar @DemonKitten

Addressed: Bandicootkit
@Creepypasta Hound Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive
Jinx said:
@DemonKitten I'm really sorry, I had to attended to some family matters for a while... I am still interested just busy and had to deal with something's
Yeah! I'm glad you are back!! I will add you back on everything, though I feel really exhausted today and might take a nap
Bandicoot squeaks excitedly as he playfully bats Mudkits chest lightly his claws tucked away safely he'd hate to hurt his friend "Yes sir Mudstar!" The tiny tom said laughing. He wiggles free from under his friend and stood straight "Don't worry DustClan will know not to mess with our clan. We'll make sure of that." He says "Not mention they should know better than to mess with you." He adds sounding like the two were already leader and deputy.

He turns to Silverfur "Silverfur would you like for me to get you a patrol to help gather herbs?" He mews hoping the medicine cat would play along with them.

Addressing Mudkit @Cloudburst and Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive
I will try and wake up to reply but I am feeling down in it today so those of you that have one of my cats as sort of a tag along are welcome to narrate them going along with y'all. I'll just catch up where we may be.
Silverfur rolled her eyes and couldn't help but smile. She loved the way kits seemed to be playful under almost any circumstance. Almost. She straightened out and puffed out her chest, her proud gaze looking up at 'Mudstar.' She had to bite the inside of her cheek lightly to keep from laughing. She strutted around in front of the highstone, her tail raised high in mock pride. "The stocks in herbs are plentiful!" She reported, struggling to keep a straight face. "Starclan is peaceful at the moment. All is well in Dustclan, Mudstar! But we won't be if our leader falls off highrock."

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