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Fandom Clans in The Australian Wild- Archive

I agree with the second one being perfect! I can imagine it too :)

Oh, if my dad lets me stay homemy response will be up soon. It's halfway done already.
Starclan Treepool

Nudge said:
I really like the second picture! I can see the leaders on the big rocks and everyone gathered around on the small stones and in the center. The first picture looks like the moonpool or treepool.
I thought so too, but I found some great pics for treepool
ShadedRose said:
I agree with the second one being perfect! I can imagine it too :)
Oh, if my dad lets me stay homemy response will be up soon. It's halfway done already.
Everyone has a three day time to respond which I started counting for yesterday not Saturday since I didn't respond until late.


Cedarspark purred as he turned to his friends voice. "And what a clever little medicine cat you are," He took his paw a slightly patted the tom on the head in a playful manner. Putting his paw back to his side, Cedarspark thought about it for a second before speaking up. "Why would starclan question you, Koalaleap?" He meowed curiously. He thought his friend was a lovely medicine cat. If anyone needed to question their position it was him as a warrior, but that was for another time. "You are a fabulous Medicine cat to me and one that starclan can't afford to lose," Cedarspark encouraged his sometime eccentric friend.

Addressed: Koalaleap @Creepypasta Hound



Her greying blue eyes watched the clan from her secret little hiding spot in the shadows of the cave. Wolfsong listened to the overly fanatic medicine cat. "Ridiculous," she meowed quietly. She wasn't very fond of Cedarspark either who was usually rather great at ditching. Perking her ears up, she noticed Owleye call her from the warrior's den. The she-cat was looking rather plump, but she appreciated her desire to hunt and patrol still. "That is the type of warriors we need," she growled to herself before approaching the pretty, tabby she-cat.

"Good morning, Owleye," Wolfsong meowed from behind as she also peeked in the dark den.
If only there was a way to let in light to wake these cats up, she thought before giving a friendly purr that she had grown all to could at imitating. "Shouldn't you be resting? I am so very pleased you are willing to continue your duties, but you have a much more important one," she shifted her eyes down to her belly. "Your time is coming and raising strong warriors is the only patrol I want you on," Wolfsong kept a sweet tone with the young queen as she spoke.

Addressed: Owleye @Nudge

Mentioned: Koalaleap @Creepypasta Hound



Cougarstar thought on it a second. The morning sun was getting pretty high and he would need to make patrols soon. The Mossclan leader tried to think of any solutions to the herb problem. "Well, halfmoon is coming soon and you will make a journey," he considered asking another medicine cat for herbs since he was sure Woodclan had some to spare, but Cougarstar preferred staying out of the other clans.

"If you need to, You can ask Witheredsmoke if he will accompany you to gather some herbs. During sun high I can lend you Rippleshine, but he is needed for a patrol," Cougarstar meowed to his medicine cat before getting ready to call his warriors.

Addressed: Silverfur @HoneyPhantomhive

Koalaleap stared at Cedarspark as he listens to the the warrior as he continues to purr happily from the petting he had received. "I don't know...StarClan is like the mother of all of us...and like a good mother they test their kits!" He said with a quick shake of his head as he suddenly got to his paws and began pacing the area around the den. "Maybe it's a sign...maybe it's a hint that StarClan is..." he froze up his gaze suddenly to the sky as if there was something there that only he could see.

With little to no warning Koalaleap dashes into Medicine Den as he bolts into the back of the small space he is heard yowling and muttering incoherently.

Interacting with Cedearspark
Silverfur nodded, thinking thoroughly. She normally hated asking other clans for help - especially this close to bareleaf. Every clan would be short on herbs near this time. However, she wasn't sure of that. She hadn't heard much from the other medicine cats since the last halfmoon. But she wasn't particularly worried - they seemed well the last time they met.

She flicked her tail, releasing it from its tight grip on her leg. "I'm sure there'll be no need for that," she murmured, not even sure if she believed herself. Maybe she was trying to convince herself. She began thinking about how she should probably compress the herbs to make them last longer - a trick she had learned on accident not too long ago.
Can I still join? I consider myself a noob, I checked out the characters and I know nothing of how to do most of it.


A bit confused, but not enough to question it, Cedarspark waved it off with his tail. "Don't let starclan control your life even if you are a medicine cat," he stretched and gave a large yawn. "I didn't and I am doing swell," Cedarspark thought about it for a second as he remembered his kits in another clan, but no one knew about that besides it was best if he kept that to himself even if he trusted Koalaleap. "I am going to find Reedpuddle. Maybe we can go lounging later today," he didn't wait for a response as he headed towards the warrior's den for his sun loving friend.

He noticed that Wolfsong and Owleye were at the entrance and decided it was best not to interfere with the deputy today. She didn't like him and she wouldn't like him coming around. He paused for a second noticing Owleye's stomach and wondered what it would of been like had his kits been born here, but soon shook it off. "Where would Reedpuddle be?" he wondered as he looked around the cave for the other tom.

Addressed: Koalaleap @Creepypasta Hound

Mentioned: Owleye @Nudge Reedpuddle @ShadedRose

Zoechu said:
Can I still join? I consider myself a noob, I checked out the characters and I know nothing of how to do most of it.
Yes so there is a little image in the right hand corner of the text box. As long as you make sure to click that everytime you add text to your character sheet then you will be fine. I explain most of what all you need to do within the code I posted. Just copy that code, push more options on the text box so you have more room to work, and paste the code. Then push the code editor and get to work
Owleye let out a long suffering sigh. Although arguing with the deputy wasn't the best choice in the world, she couldn't help but to complain. "It seems all I'm doing nowadays is resting, though. If I stayed near camp and on the ground, I'm sure I could find a few stray prey. It doesn't feel right sitting around while others work." Glancing downwards to her large stomach, she gave her chest a few embarrassed licks. "It's not that noticeable, is it? I was hoping it was just me..." @DemonKitten
since this roleplay is pretty well established. I will be working on another roleplay tonight to get it up to this level.
I can't roleplay, I tried the coding thing how it was supposed to, but it came out as the coding as what I was saying.
Zoechu said:
I can't roleplay, I tried the coding thing how it was supposed to, but it came out as the coding as what I was saying.
I can edit things so post it so I can see
Zoechu said:
Okay, I'll try.
So I edited it to have the code. Now all you need to do is go through and fill in what you didn't already have filled in. Just remember to push the little paper icon in the right hand corner of the text box before editing anything. Just delete my text that I have explaining what goes there and write your response to it

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