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Realistic or Modern City of Sins


Doujin Expert
City of Sins

Hello, welcome to the City of Sins! I am Anthony Chestnut, and this my friends or acquaintances if you're like that, is the well, Tokyo, Japan. Better known as the City of Sins! Sounds cooler too, just saying. Anyway, back on topic. Tokyo used to be a rather peaceful city with decent politicians and low crime rates, but in the year 2010, a rapid rise of crime appeared from no where. No one knows what caused it, many suspect a secret organization while others think it was orchestrated by the government, because that makes total sense. Whatever, the cause doesn't matter to be honest, what matters is where you fit in, and who you align yourself with. You join the wrong business or wrong gang and you might just end up homeless or in the back of a dumpster behind some nightclub. As crime continues to grow rampant and corruption begins to become apparent. Now, if you want a safe place to go then come to 3215 North Kiss Street.


Hello, this is a modern day gang role-play(I know, Gang role-play, so uncommon). This Role-play is set in Tokyo Japan, where crime is rampant and corruption is growing. You are a lowlife criminal or perhaps just a kid that has been influenced by this gang(Which I will address soon). Many wish to just get away from the horribleness that has been accruing, so you see this notice that was stupidly put up in a local recreational center shared by three gangs. This place in on the street of Kiss Street, a street well known for having little violence or crime happen as of late, not many people know why though. There you will meet the leader of a small and up and coming gang by the name of Death's Kiss, here you will be given a bed, clothes, money and a roof over your head. So will you join this gang and help the leader with his nefarious plan or not and end up behind a nightclub in a dumpster? Only time will show.

Death's Kiss Headquarters, Tokyo, Japan

April 12th, 2015

2:20 A.M

Shinji sat at the dining room table, a small light the only thing illuminating the room. Countless papers were spread across the table, Shinji looked at them and rubbed his forehead, stressed out. Looking up and seeing the clock on the microwave, it read "02:27 A.M." He yawned and stood up, stretching and looking at the papers. Grabbing his 9mm pistol off the table and sliding it into it's holster, taking off his glasses and walked over to the front door, walking outside. Sitting down on the steps to the house and pulled out his pack of cigarettes, taking one out and putting it in between his lips. Taking out his lighter and lighting the cigarette, taking a long puff before letting out the smoke from his nose. Continuing to smoke the cigarette, looking out at the street, remembering his past; how he lost his mother here, how he started Death's Kiss and cleaned up his neighbor hood. He let out a heavy sigh, not paying to much attention to his surrounding.

"Still up I see?" A close voice said, Shinji looked up and saw his friend Anthony Chestnut standing there with a large goofy smile on his face.

"I could say the same to you, Anthony." Shinji replied, finishing his cigarette and putting it out, "Did you do what I asked you to do?"

"I see you're cold as usual." Anthony said, poking at Shinji, "Yes, I did. Put them up in every gas station and club near here. So, boss man, what's this plan you've been workin' on?"

"Okay, good." Shinji said, then grinning, "I can't tell you, Anthony." He then sighed and glared at Anthony, "I'm not cold, I'm tired, sheesh. I haven't slept in two days."

"Fine be like that, but get some sleep you idiot." Anthony said, chuckling lightly. Shinji just ignored Anthony and looked back at the street before standing up and walking back into the house, Anthony closely following.

(@Shimakage Thunder @NetherTacos @Lightning Quick @Cavil. Just my characters intro post with a little tie in to the notice after the intro. Take your time to post and what not.)
This early in the Morning, Jessica Tang, Leader of the Crimson Fangs, a Clan of Bloodthirsty, Sadistic, Ruthless and Psychotic Yakuza Bikers, was overlooking the city from her lovely home, with two guards standing by her side. Her Home was riddled with Security and entire protective detail, so she had eyes and ears everywhere. In and outside of her home. To keep people from snooping around her private estate, she had cameras everywhere and even snipers on the roof. Even the cops have steered clear of her. The Crimson Fangs were also known as "Mercs on Bikes", because they always got their hits clean, fast and easy. Often they all rode motorcycles, and favored the colors Black and Red; Black for Darkness...Red for Blood...

Jessica tied her hair into a Ponytail before opening her Armory. She grabbed two Handguns and a Machine Gun, not looking to carry out a hit tonight and returns what belonged to her Grandfather, an Oyabun for one of the Major Yakuza Clans. Her Target? A member of the Chinese Triad. She ordered her guards to keep the house safe, clean and no one gets in, or if they get in, make sure they don't get out alive...and leave in Body Bags. She left through the front door of her home and got onto her Motorcycle, particularly her Kawasaki Ninja, which had Black and Red as its colors. After putting on her helmet, she left her estate and got ready to finish her contract and get paid...by her Grandfather.
Kota's eyes blinked slowly as he stared at a wall illuminated by multicolored strobes of light and darkened by the many shadows dancing in the mid morning hours. He'd stifle a yawn and look down to his jacket, glancing towards his pocket as he pulled a prescription bottle from it and opened it to reveal only a single pill. He'd roll his eyes, sighing as he popped the pill and chewed it before swallowing the thing. It'd be a while before he'd feel the effects of the upper he'd just popped, and he'd dread every waking minute of it as he sat against the wall popping his knuckles and trying to ignore the hopeless jackass whom had hired him for protection.

The damned foreigner hadn't even known who he was, didn't even bother doing his research, instead just hiring the second highest charging muscle in the area. Kota would wince at the thought, course his client, Mr. Moneybags would've probably picked the top charging muscle, but after Kota's last bout with him, he wasn't so sure the prick would be making a full recovery anytime soon.

That was how the business went, take out your competition, reap the reward, and Kota was keen to collect from the China-man, after all the Triad had been shipping drugs into Japan for longer than he could remember, and they always made sure to sprinkle some on top of a payment. Kota grinned sheepishly already thinking fondly of the uppers or downers he could get with a China-Man in his debt. He'd glance over at the Yakuza f*ck, groaning in vain as the man threw money into the air and shook bottles of champagne all over the place.

What a waste
Kota would think, his dull eyes drilling holes through his employers head. He wanted to kill him, but unfortunately that wasn't the job, the job was guard dog and Kota knew it well. Sit, stay, and roll over the attackers in the hopes of getting a treat. Yeah, yeah, he knew what to do, he'd just wished he'd brought some downers to make time a little less monotonous. Oh well he'd think feeling a slight tingle build in his hand, at least he had something...
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Alarm clock awoke Devlin from his slumber, which the man found unfortunate as he really wanted to sleep more. "8:00 AM? Bloody hell," Devlin was cranky whenever he was forcibly awoken from his sleep, as sleep was one of his favorite activities...well, apart from drinking and video games. After he took a shower, Devlin reached under his bed and pulled out a briefcase, whose contents were weapons. Arms were generally frowned upon in Japanese crime circles, but the Brit couldn't care less.

After finishing his breakfast and downing it with some cognac, Devlin heard knocking on his doors, and before he could even reach them, two men walked in. "Info on the Crimson Fangs that you required," taller one said as he handed Devlin some documents. "And the info on Death's Kiss that you required," shorter one stated, handing Devlin more documents.

Brit scanned both infos with an interest. A psychotic biker gang on one side, and a more traditional gang on another; Devlin was rather interested. He had a feeling that both of those gangs will cross paths with him, sooner or later. But now, he had more urgent matters to solve, matters which included assasination of a certain Japanese businessman. Being a paid hitman was a job which flourished in Japan, much to Devlin's pleasure.
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Arriving at the Nightclub, where her Target was, she knew for a fact that she was going to be searched for weaponry, so Jessica had to get creative on hiding her knife and her Firearms. After a quick search and with the guards knowing who she was. As she entered the Nightclub, she scanned around for her target. She noticed a few bodyguards with him, but they seemed to be distracted. Looks like this wasn't going to be quick and easy. She didn't really seem to care if there was CCTV Footage being recorded. She reached into her Jacket before pulling out a Handgun and taking her Target hostage, alarming a couple of people in the Club. The man she had her grip on did not try anything, because Jess had the Gun pointed at his head, which meant that if he tried anything, a bullet would be in his head. "So...what did you steal from my Uncle? If you tell me now, I can just make it quick and easy...Or do we have to do this the hard way?" He asked, the end of the gun being forced at his head, to where she clicked the safety off.
Kota sighed as the nightclub went to sh*t around him, oh yeeeees! he'd think distancing himself from the other bodyguards with a grin and blending into the ever growing crowd of panicking patrons, who were flooding their way here and there in a fumbling mob intent on nothing more than reaching the exit. Kota would walk among them as if he belonged, his movements erratic, but oddly enough his face never changing as he locked his eyes on his target, and flanked her in the crowd.

He'd draw his own gun, holding it low, below the waist line of the crowd goers and well out of view before he crouched low and crept closer towards the lone brash girl that came to off his employer. Kota's eye's dilated from the effect of the upper he'd pop, and he'd feel his mind race, a slew of possibilities, of ways to kill, maim, or slaughter this one lone girl. He'd stalk her from the crowd like a hungry lion does a gazelle, waiting for his chance to pounce, until the crowd began to wear thin, which meant there was no going back.

He'd pounce, closing the gap in a heartbeat, pulling his gun and cocking back the hammer, he'd stop, placing the barrel at the back of the girl's skull with cold eyes and a stern face, rather than the savage one he had planned to. It wasn't easy getting the drop on people but Kota seemed to have a knack for it, and as he stood behind the girl he'd think for a second trying to find a way out of this with his contract intact, as the seconds ticked by Kota was silent.

Then it came, a low sigh, the kind that seemed to say 'screw it', followed by a gruff somehow subtly enthused voiced that varied so differently from his usual monotone composure. "....I like you, you're brave" he'd say almost childishly. But of course something was far from childish in his tone, and as he paused, his dilated eyes picking up on the hairs sticking on the end on his employers neck he'd wonder if the girl knew what fear was, "The brave ones always last the longest" Kota would say, thinking back on better days, when he'd sawed off arms of stubborn cops for the crime families, or gutted rats, heck even in the ring, the brave ones were always the funnest, and they always said such funny things.

Kota would grin, now feeling the pleasant whirring and buzzing in his body, two parts adrenaline, one part pill he'd think to himself affectionately as he savored the feeling, his hand itching at the trigger before he started again. "This guy is my contract today, I have to keep him safe. But he's annoying and it's getting boring, so how bout....you kill him, and I kill you? That works out great for both of us! I get blood, and you get blood, blood is the best don't you think?" he'd ask his eyes settling into that crazed look he'd become so very famous for over the last few years.

The Savage had backed the girl into a corner, by throwing away his obligation he could kill her right now, but if she respected it and backed away she could leave with her life. Either way Kota got something, but truth be told at the moment he wanted the latter, he wanted the bloodshed.
She could feel barrel of the gun in the back of her head. But not a single ounce of fear entered her heart. Jessica was bent on completing her contract, and didn't even flitch. "Well, your Employer took something from my Uncle. I came to get it back." She stated coldly, even though there was a gun to her head. "He's dead anyway. But what are you gonna gain out of killing me? Perhaps we can make a deal. How much is he paying you. I'm sure I can...Double it if not...Triple it. Everyone loves Money, right?"

If he knew what gang she was part of and was the leader of, would he back off? Probably not. This has gone places, he knows his shit, she wouldn't be so quick to underestimate him. "I can pay you cash. Cold, hard cash. And you can spend on whatever you like. Flashy Clothes, Fast Cars, Women, or hell, put it into your savings. Or...We can scrap. So what's it gonna, big boy?" She asked, her voice having a Sadistic and Dark Tone to it. The lights then shined onto the large emblem that has been sewn onto the back of her Leather Jacket. There was also another one on her right arm, close to the shoulder.

Back Emblem

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c436554cf_Bloodwolf_757d707eebb1b793a65f9e246c50d7df.jpg.217502fb5883179a78fe1a6a4e590d6a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c436554cf_Bloodwolf_757d707eebb1b793a65f9e246c50d7df.jpg.217502fb5883179a78fe1a6a4e590d6a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shoulder Patch

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c436591c8_BloodWolfHeart.jpg.b94ccafc926f73abe333f36828ef516a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="71224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c436591c8_BloodWolfHeart.jpg.b94ccafc926f73abe333f36828ef516a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Devlin entered the nightclub where his target was, only to see that one he was supposed to kill was held at a gunpoint of a woman, with that same woman being held at a gunpoint of a man. Sadisitic smirk formed on his lips as he casually observed the situation, bloodshed was assured, much to his delight.

Devlin wondered if killing all 3 of them would get him a bonus, but then he remembered his employer forbiding collateral victims. Chaos and panic that insued around him, made everything much more amusing, much more delightful, giving him that soothing feeling. Devlin approached the bar, which had bartender and served himself with some vodka, while lamenting on how along that charade will last.

After downing his vodka, Devlin pulled two smoke grenades from his holster and threw them at the trio, before proceeding to take out his silenced pistol and eliminate his target while taking advantage of smoke screen.
((You're lucky I had with a Plan B...))

With Smoke all over the place, Jessica covered her mouth and was separated from her Target and the other man who had her at Gun Point. However, it did clear up enough for her to see her mark fall to the floor dead. She cursed as the hit was botched. Uncle would not be pleased...But what exactly did he steal? Rummaging through the dead man's pockets and found a Flash Drive with her Uncle's Kanji Symbol on it. Knowing what value it had, she slipped into her Jacket Pocket before making a dash to the front door to get to her Motorcycle.
Shinji awoke to the loud and sharp tone of his alarm clock, hitting the nightstand a few times before finally finding the clock and turning it off. Sitting in the bed, he looked around the room and rubbed his eyes before grabbing his glasses and looking at the clock, which read, "8:10 A.M." He got out of bed and rummaged around in his closet before finding his signature suit, minus the jacket. Putting the clothes on he looked in the mirror and messed with his hair for a moment, grabbed his 9mm and a few clips before walking downstairs. There he saw James cooking some breakfast, Anthony and Izuki sitting at the table; Izuki was a ten year old boy that would often do errands and be a look out for the group.

"Ah! Shinji. Would you like some breakfast?" James asked, continuing to cook. Izuki looked at Shinji and smiled brightly before looking back at Anthony, the two talking about some video game or something. Anthony sure has a way with kids, Shinji thought.

"No thanks, James. I'm actually on my way out. I need some cigarettes, maybe stop by the club to talk to Wilson. He still owes me twenty" Shinji replied, grabbing his house keys and walking towards the front door.

"Aww. See ya Mister Shinji!" Izuki said in his normal bright tone. Anthony just flashed Shinji a grin before looking back at Izuki and talking.

"Alright. See ya later, Shinji. be careful okay?" James said as the front door slammed shut. Shinji sighed as he began to walk to the nearest gas station which was past the local nightclub. For as long as I have known James he has been a coward... Always afraid to get his hands dirty. he is family though and has been there for me. Plus, get that guy mad and Tokyo might not be around anymore, Shinji thought, chuckling lightly before looking at the Nightclub, a motorcycle outside of it.

"Odd. Don't usually see such nice rides in this area of town...' Shinji muttered to himself before shrugging it off and making it to the gas station. Walking in he flashed the old man behind the counter a smile and pulled out a $10 bill and handing it to the old man, "The usual, please."

"I don't know why you like these cheap cigarettes." The old man said as he got the pack of cigarettes and handing them to Shinji, taking the money. Shinji preferred to deal in U.S. Currency, since it was worth more, "Did you hear the ruckus at the nightclub? I think there is a brawl happening." The old man mumbled to himself, catching Shinji's attention.

"I don't know, Gramps. Anyway, thanks. I'll see you later. Keep the change too." Shinji said, flashing the man another smile before walking out of the store and began walking back in the direction of the nightclub. Stopping across the street from the nightclub, he put on his shades and pulled out a cigarette, put it between his lips and lit the end of it. Taking a deep puff of it and exhaling a large breath of smoke, looking at the nightclub until a lady in a bikers outfit rushed out, smoke following her. A large grin appeared on Shinji's face as he continued to smoke.
Torun was bored. Drastically, comically bored. She couldn't stand being bored. Being bored led her to doing stupid stuff. A cigarette at her lips and murder on her mind, she went down from the top floor of hq down to the public kitchen. She'd decided to bum there for the evening as it was her safe place. As she walked down the stairs yawning, she pulled her hair back and looked around at the base. Might as well head to the nightclub to get some fun in before a robbery.

She pulled on her half coat over a stripped tank top and torn jeans as she ran to the club. She pulled a cap on as she approached, slipping the guy a twenty to get in. A brawl going on...? At least something to curb the usual drag.

(Sorry it's short)
Kota smiled a wicked grin as the girl answered him, money!? she really thought he did this for the money!? Kota would smile wider still, no, he didn't do this for money. After all money burnt, and fancy things could be smashed, no deep down Kota did it for the fun, for the hunt. His finger would twitch at the trigger, so ready to pull it, so ready to see the crimson red that spilled out in unsteady streams. Unfortunately, it didn't seem it was in the cards as a smoke grenade canister rolled up to his shoe, coming to rest at his feet. He'd stare down at it a moment before jumping back as it blasted forth plumes of smoke.

Kota would wince, making an effort to see through the ever filling space. He'd stop, hearing an almost silent CHINK CHINK, and turn to spot a vague figure standing just past the bar. He'd turn to see the silhouette of his contract crumple to the floor and at once tighten his grip around the gun.

"...." Kota would go without words, his chattier side nowhere to be found as an inhuman anger built up inside of him. He'd step forward, firing a round at the figure from the bar, then another, then another, then another, and another. He'd empty the clip quickly, before tossing the gun away and charging the man, throwing the sum of his body weight into the stranger and sending him into the hard club floor. The resulting scuffle would go by quickly, Kota slamming the man's head into the floor until the back of his head gave way to the force, spilling the contents of the man's grey matter onto the formerly packed dance floor.

Kota would stand to look at the bullet riddled man with the emptied skull lying sprawled on the dance floor, he'd glance over him a moment before ultimately determining he'd gotten the wrong man. With a sigh Kota would shake his head, glancing to his left and right knowing damn well the club killer was already gone.

".....shit" Kota would curse, stepping over the terribly deceased man and grabbing a rag from the other side of the bar with which to wipe the blood from his arms and hands. He'd take advantage of the fleeing bar tender and grab one of the bottles from the other side of the bar as well before making his way towards the door. As he headed out he'd bump into a girl, one of the few still left, actually on second inspection it'd seem as if she'd just walked in rather than fled.

Kota would look at the girl with an odd glare, his face more than a tad puzzled by the scenario, before he'd merely shrug, taking a sip from the bottle and making his way out onto the streets.
'Well if that's not a face of a brawler I don't know what is...' She quipped internally. Not that she minded, after so long on these streets you got used to seeing faces like those. Now, the bottle of top shelf booze certainly completed the get up, but she didn't care to comment on that. Yet that man seemed confused by it all. What had gone on that got a guy like that stumped?

She investigated further. Weaving in and out of the crowd, careful to avoid getting in the center of a direct blow, she looked for the source of this mass chaos. It was like a bomb. Everything had a epicenter of some kind, or it never would've started.

Bingo. Dead guy on the floor. She moved to check him out, not touching with her ungloved hand to ensure she wasn't tied to something she was looking into just as much as the rest. Full of holes, brains a pile of silly putty out of his noggin. Shitty way to go out. Her mind raced. Why a club? Why this guy? What's special about an ugly mug like the dead man's? She had to find out. Ask around... Starting with the fighter.

As she turned to leave, she contorted practically in half to avoid people before running out after that man.
After having made her escape, Jessica quickly returned home to analyze the Flash Drive she had retrieved. Luckily for her, it was the one with all of her Uncle's Operations, Finances and other Information that could incriminate him, but Jessica wasn't going to let that happen. She grabbed another change of clothes, with the exception of her Leather Jacket, putting away two of her guns. Instead of taking her Motorcycle, she decided to take her Nissan Skyline GT-R R34, one of her twenty-five cars modified for street racing. She had a lot of cars, and she sure as hell was not going to stop at twenty-five. She sped out of her estate and hit the maximum speed within the span of ten seconds, looking to arrive at her Uncle's in style.
Devlin made a quick escape out of the club after killing off his target. He was slightly angry about those two standing in his way, as resorting to smoke grenades will yield attention. Tomorrow's headlines will most likely talk about some idiot throwing smoke grenades in a nightclub and a dead body within it.

But his job was done, so he contacted his employer simply saying "Target eliminated," before hanging up and entering his apartment. Devlin poured himself some cognac before trying to figure out who those two were. That girl had an unnerving vibe, while that guy seemed like a total psycho. Just as he was enveloped in thinking, a middle aged man entered his apartment, and Devlin recognised him.

"Quite a ruckus you made in that nightclub," man chuckled as he took a seat opposite of Devlin. "What makes you think that I am responsible?," Devlin replied sipping his cognac, amused at how his mentor already found out about the shooting. Richard, his mentor, was a man in his late 50s and the one who brought Devlin to Japan, after that unfortunate incident in UK.

"I have known you for almost 15 years, I can recognise your doings," Richard responded with a frown, as he didn't approve of his protege's recent actions. "You will need someone to watch your back," old man handed Devlin a phone number, although he wouldn't say whose number that is.
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Kota sighed, on one hand his contract had been a bust, but on the other at least he got out with a bottle of what he could only assume judging from golden bottle, was the single highest priced drink in the joint. He'd take another sip trying to name the liquor but find it somewhat difficult, shit he'd think, wishing he'd grabbed one of the American imports over this frilly shiny bottle nonsense.

He'd sniff the air as he hit the streets, walking along the sidewalk he'd turn towards man who's steady trail of cigarette smoke irritated him to no end. He'd cut a glare in the man's general direction as he walked right past, and in a fraction of a second snatch the cigarette from his mouth, crumbling it, embers and all in the palm of his hand.

Kota would sigh, wiping the cigarette off his hand and onto another passerby before continuing his walk along the streets of Tokyo. Any minute now he could expect a call from his broker, the man that organized his underground jobs, and he was sure he'd hear something or another about having another mark on his head.

Triads were all the same, honor, family, blah, blah, blah. Truth be told they didn't believe in any of that shit, they just liked to spout about their ideals while they murdered whomever they wanted and smuggled everything under the sun. Kota had seen it before, after all this wasn't the first time he'd done business with the Chinese. Kota would turn onto an especially busy street, watching as several of the underworld's regular players moved out of his way. They knew who he was, and from the looks of it, none seemed to be in the mood to test his bad side this morning.

Kota would stare ahead with apathetic uncaring eyes, as he hefted his drink and took another hesitant swig, in no time Kota would turn a corner and enter a small Ramen stand on the corner.

"The usual Kota?" the old man who ran the shop would ask without batting an eye to the blood on his collar. Kota would merely nod in response to which the man would smile and start cooking. Kota would sigh finishing off the bottle he'd place it on the counter beside him and stare out past the awning of the roadside stand. Kota would look on, watching cars go by and people pass without really caring much about anything. His eye would dart back towards the restaurant just as the old man slid a large bowl of noodles, egg, chicken and fish his way. "There yah go Kota, one Dog's Day Special" the owner would say with a toothy grin as Kota sat and began to eat with a curt nod. Dog's day, the phrase conjured up images of his past while the contents of the bowl did much of the same.

In the bowl sat chunks of what Kota would only assume were scraps from other dishes the man had made, and as Kota stared at the swirling mass of food he'd think back on being fed similarly as a child. Scraps always the scraps he'd think to himself, sighing before digging in. He'd finish the food in no time, getting an odd feeling as he slid the bowl and his money forward. He'd stop, looking up at the man and sliding a handful of change his way, to which the man smiled and slid Kota a small bag of discarded meat, the scraps he couldn't even feed people.

Kota would take the bag without a word and make his way out of the awning covered stand, turning down an alley and kicking a dumpster to reveal a family of dogs hiding within. Kota would crouch down, his eyes no sweeter than normal, his disposition still cold and distant as he fed the strays the scraps he'd purchased from the man. "Always the scraps...for us" Kota would mutter as he fed the dogs, images of dogs scratching and biting at his arms and legs flashing in his mind. He'd shake the thoughts away, trying his best to content himself for a few moments.
Shinji continued to smoke his cigarette across the street and looked as a man that was nicely built came out. Watching as the man glared at him and crossed the street a small grin appeared on Shinji's face. As soon at the man took the cigarette away from his lips and extinguished it Shinji's grin grew wider. He leaned off against the wall and walked across the street into the club. It always smells like a hint of booze, piss and... cocaine? Yes, Shinji thought when he first walked in. Looking around the club, the brawl was completely over, most of the people were on the floor or in hiding. Shinji walked up to the dead man on the floor and frowned slightly, Wilson isn't going to like this. I should still call him though, Shinji thought. Pulling out the phone and dialing the number he waited until he heard the click and Wilson's annoying voice.

"Ah! Shinji! How are you? Is their something you need with the strongest man in Tokyo?" Wilson hummed over the phone. Yep. Annoying as ever. He likes to call himself the strongest man in Tokyo, but that is easily debatable. Still, he is a tough f*ck, Shinjis thought.

"Look, I'm calling you because some brawl or something happened in your club and there is a dead man here" Shinji replied in a calm tone, almost a motherly one.

"WHAAA?! HOW DARE THEY! DO THEY WANT THE WRATH OF THE-" Wilson yelled into the phone before Shinji hung up on him.

"Yes, Yes. Strongest man in the Tokyo and so on. I swear, if he hadn't helped me so much, I would kill him in an instant." Shinji muttered to himself before turning around and leaving the riddled club. Taking out another cigarette once he was outside and lighting it. Taking a large puff while he walked across the street and checking his watch.

"11:00 Huh? Has it been that long? Maybe I'll go see how the others are doing. See if we should go to the Ramen stand for lunch or something." Shinji said as he continued to walk the streets back to his house. Today has been very interesting, I'm sure it will only get more interesting too, Shinji thought with a grin.
Stephanie sighed. Glancing at her brother knocked out on the couch, she shook her head, slipped on her black hoodie over her crop top and pulled the hood over her head. She scribbled a note while placing a cigarette between her lips and placed it on the kitchen counter:

Went to go buy more shit. If you want me to get anything for you, call me. Be here when I get home.

Oh, and don’t fuck anything up, or I’m kicking you out again.

(P.S. Love you~)


Quietly, Stephanie stepped out, lighting the cigarette and scanned the streets for a couple seconds before actually beginning to stroll down the sidewalk. Putting her headphones on, she blasted music in her ears. As she walked down the street, she began to see more and more things that caught her attention. A mugging over here, a half dead body in an alley over there. All the usual for her. Soon she had her eyes on the nightclub and wondered what kind of trouble there was going on. While she was busy focusing on that, she bumped into someone. Someone considerably taller than her.

"Sorry," she muttered, looking away from the guy. He seemed to have something on his mind as well, but Stephanie barely wanted to care. She kept walking toward the nightclub and didn't wait for the guy to say anything.

Soon after, Stephanie dropped her cigarette and stepped on it. She was already by the nightclub when her phone rang. Daniel Derelle. Great.

"What?" She answered her phone.

"Where the hell are you?" He asked, his voice raised slightly.

"I wrote a note, didn't I?" She retorted.

"Don't give me that shit, girl..." Daniel was getting a bit angry. Thing is, Stephanie didn't care. Like with anything else that didn't involve herself. She can shut everything else out. "Why the hell would you leave that early?!"

"Why do you care? Like I'd believe you're really worried about me. Remember that I'M sheltering you in MY home. It's you who can't live without me. So if you're gonna give me that lecture, I should just hang up." And she was about to.

"I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you for saying that.." Daniel growled.

"Try, asshole." Stephanie scoffed, hanging up. She sighed, zipping up her hoodie. It was getting cold, despite it being around 11. "Looks like I won't be going home tonight..." She wasn't really scared of her brother. She just couldn't stand him. Anyway, Stephanie could probably kill him if she wanted to, but he was family... Mo matter how much of a dick he was.

Instead of entering the club, she kept walking.

Before she knew it, it was gone. Just like that, her eyes violently opened, she gasped for air and no more. The vision before her vanished in a blink of an eye as she woke up. It left her puzzled to say the least...how come it was still so vivid? After all these years, why now would such imagery come to mind?

Her trail of thought was cut short by her own intervention, wishing to keep it far away from her mind, specially in her state.
"...Get a grip on yourself, Yeon Jae..." Muttering to herself, the blonde woman began to tousle her own hair and rub and slap her face in frustration. Such an impulsive act led her to make a rather displeasing discovery: she had, once again, fallen asleep on her computer, leaving traces of the keyboard across the left side of her face. Ugh, how ridiculous... But what was done, was done, right? She reaped what she sow, as her mother would say.

She proceeded to further inspect her table, making sure all was in order and done. Much to her satisfaction, such was the case. Well, at least there was something that had come out right out of this. Otherwise it would have just been a waste of time. Just the thought of it would make her cringe in agony. Standing up slowly, Yeon Jae headed towards the bathroom in quiet steps. Grabbing the sink with a strong grip, she raised her head, preparing herself for the worst.

Well, it wasn't that bad. And she had never been the shallow type. But still...
"...I look like crap..." In a hushed voice, she touched various sections of her face. Sighing, she left the sink and the mirror with a ever so slight uncomfort, one she would never admit. Even if she was not shallow, one could not help but have a reaction to an appearance like that. "Food? Bad habits...Pills?..." The causes could be endless. Or even better, they could be a mix.

But this was not the time to be thinking about what was making her look like garbage in the morning. She needed a shower. Coffee. Maybe even a toast covered with peach jam. Had she always been this hungry enough in the morning? Yes? No? Her mind was still blank after that rough awakening. And so, she closed her eyes, the only thing grasping her grip on reality being the hot water soaking her pale and dormant body.

What time was it again? A quick look at the watch above her entrance made her let a groan escape her lips. Was it really this late? This was starting to become a habit...a bad habit. It seems trying to cut on Lunesta only brought her problems...not even getting some work advanced gave her some relief. It sucked. Everything sucked. And the sound of her ringtone was no better at this point.
"It's not my fault." She promptly communicated to the other side of the line, no greetings or identity questioning. Straight to the point, that was how Yeon Jae was. She rubbed a small towel on her head while awaiting for a reply, drying off her messy locks of hair nonchalantly. "You really need to stop using that excuse, J." False alarm, it was just Aya. She could tell by just her voice alone, accompanied by her peculiar giggles. An old common acquaintance of her, nothing more. Aya could not even be her real name. "It's just you, thank God..." "How rude, 'just' me. Am I not enough for your first human contact in the morning?" She paused, clearly just playing around with her. Aya enjoyed petty stuff like that. "Well, I won't beat around the bush. I need your help with a little task I'm working on..." "I'm not interested, sorry." "Hey, hey, just hear me out, wil ya?!" Her panic was strong enough to make her slip into her Osaka dialect. "Look, it's nothing big and it won't have any repercussions on your little gang. I just need a research on a guy I'll be working with as of now and I would appreciate your help getting it." Yeon Jae let the towel around her slide off her body onto the floor while walking towards her wardrobe. "A guy who wants guns, is it?" "Essentially. That kind of client is my breadwinner, I'll let you know." "Aya, you're an arms dealer, who else would it be?" "I don't know, a woman? It's rare but I crossed paths with some once or twice." "Just tell me his name. Or alias, I'm most certain that he used that with you instead." Now completely dressed, Yeon Jae picked up her laptop before sleazily walk into the kitchen while discussing the requirements of this arrangements. "Call me in a hour, then. Goodbye." She said before slipping her phone in her pants' back pocket and going for the coffee pot on the counter. "Good morning..." She politely greeted no one in particular. It was a habit of hers, even when the kitchen was empty. Or anywhere, really.
Kota would finish feeding the cold and mangy dogs, he'd eye the pups noting how rough they looked. Only the strong ones will survive he'd think to himself, a cool sigh escaping his lips as he stood, leaving the dogs in their less than hospitable home behind the dumpster. He'd brush himself off and look up as a single drop of rain caught his attention, more was sure to follow and while Kota didn't exactly mind, he was sure his next appointment might take offense.

Wet dog...people always complain about wet dogs right? he'd think with that same dull expression, turning to leave just as a low reverberating growl broke the silence. Kota would stop his eye glancing back to catch the sight of a large black dog, it's fangs exposed, it's eyes as cold and defiant as Kota's own as it stood its ground. This was it's territory that much seemed clear judging from the bites and scratches that covered the dogs scattered about the alley. No, Kota was the intruder here, and like all of the others, he'd have to answer for it.

The first crack of lightning broke the cloudy day's sky, casting the alley in an eerie glow as the dog broke out into a full sprint, mouth foaming, eyes burning like pits of coal. Kota knew the look well, and as the next second passed he'd respond in kind. It all happened so fast, the dog leapt, mouth agape, teeth cutting the mid morning air, the loud boom of thunder shaking the alley wildly.

...and then it was over.

Kota had moved forward not back, grabbing the dog around the neck in an instant, holding it in a headlock between his forearm and torso and squeezing tightly, forcing the dog's head down as it flailed in his clutches. A loud SNAP was overshadowed by another crash of thunder as Kota squeezed hard and jerked to the left, breaking the beast's neck and crushing it's windpipe for good measure. Kota's grip went slack as the fire left the creature's eyes, and he'd let a sigh escape his lips as he stood. He'd glance down noting the few deep scratches the dog had managed to get on him in it's vain efforts to escape, blood Kota would think as he watched the slow trickle of red liquid ooze from the dog's best efforts.

Was Kindness always repaid this way? Kota couldn't remember anymore, and he really didn't care to think on it long as he looked down at the dead tyrant that lay on the cold hard pavement. It was then that Kota saw an especially scrawny pup approach out from the corner of his eye. He'd trace the pup, watching with calm unflinching eyes as it limped it's way to the dead dog and without pause proceeded to tear into him, biting off it's ear and eating ravenously.

That's a strong one he'd think, a slight smile creeping it's way across his face, dog eat dog he'd think turning on his heel and making his way from the alley. For a moment he'd seem aimless, but as if on cue his phone would ring.

The caller ID read Tenshi, and after a ring or so Kota opened the burner, "Kota! How are you?" the Yakuza chief would chime to which Kota merely shrugged in response. "....that bad huh?" Tenshi would respond knowing full well the outcome of Kota's Triad contract. He'd continue, his voice still as happy-go-lucky as ever. "Look I was wondering if you could meet with us, I have a job for you, and I'm sure Ume would love to see you." though Kota couldn't be sure he was pretty confident Tenshi was beaming from ear to ear on the other end of the line and he'd stifle a sigh before responding with a simple "...sure".

After that the rest was pretty straightforward, hail a cab, listen to a bit more of Tenshi's good tidings and then quiet. He'd appreciate the quiet, staring out the window as the rain began to fall all around the city. He'd think on Tenshi's demeanor a moment, wondering if it was his overflowing positivity that kept the other families from taking him seriously in spite of his sizable forces. He'd shake his head, sometimes the strongest dogs wear the most ridiculous collars...


As Kota hung up Tenshi would grin, dialing out another number with a look that seemed to say there was more on his mind than simple jobs or good tiding phone calls. No the leader of the Satsuma family was crafty, arguably the craftiest in the book, and as the line of the phone was answered he'd grin from ear to ear.

"Yeon Jae! I'm having tea, you should come over. There's something we should discuss, and I do so enjoy your company" Tenshi would smile before going off topic a little bit. "I mean honestly did you have to move out of the guest house? Ume misses you, and for the life of me I can't understand this computer nonsense." he'd say with a sigh, showing his lack of technical expertise without batting so much as an eye. He'd rant a bit longer before inevitably being hurried off the phone by one of his lieutenants and bidding his farewell, "Well you are a Satsuma so...I'll see you for tea okay?" he'd say with that sort of cheery smile that he was by now famous for. Tenshi was the type to laugh at a funeral, the type that smiled despite reason, and as he turned towards his subordinate he'd cast that same gaze upon him, welcoming him in and listening to his report with an earnest effort. However the now seasoned Yakuza boss would find himself a bit distracted, his mind preoccupied with what he had in store for the dog and cat he'd summoned to share his table in the next hour.

What was with her today? She kept munching and taking small sips out of her meal. What was she, a child? Perhaps it was her state of drowsiness from yesterday. Not even a long shower could do the trick, huh? God, she felt just as bad after a night of mindless drinking and smoking. Except in this case she did not have a splitting headache from hangover. No, instead she was graced with a sleazy and drowsy persona. Fantastic, she could not ask for a better morning.

When she was about to take the mug and the small dish she had used to the washing machine and finish her research on Aya's mystery client, her phone rang. Again. Yeon Jae let out a tired sigh. Why was she so popular today? She reached for the device, not even bothering to check the ID. Big mistake from her part.

Before she could even greet and identify who was on the other side of the line, the latter's voice did the job for her. Straightforward as always. Not that Yeon Jar particularly disliked said characteristic. In most cases, she would welcome this approach. But Tenshi was a very, very special case... So much that the young woman didn't even have, no, could answer his replies. Conversation? No, any exchange with this Yakuza was what she could only describe as a monologue. When it came to her, at least. She never found the courage to reply back. Wait, courage? That made it sound like she was frightned...Let's just say she just could not do it. She never had and did not seem to be the stubborn type about it. Besides, the man was probably busy, she should not trouble him with words.

Before she knew it, it was all over. Yeon Jae was left staring at her phone in an expression of clear perplexity. So, from all that, she could gather a few things: Ume missed her...Tenshi still did not know how to work with computers (or so he said, it was hard for her to trust her boss's words sometimes...)...and he was urging her to join him for tea. Simple enough. It was calls like this one that really proofed her decision to move out of the guest's house to be a good idea. Imagining dealing with this kind of approach all day was tiring on its own. No, Yeon Jae liked her privacy, despite the good atmosphere she could not help but notice at her previous home. Besides, this apartment was just a few minutes away from them by scooter. She could easily drive to her old place to catch up with the rest of the gang or just take care of some work Tenshi needed her in.

One thing she liked about Tenshi was not only his straightforward approach but also his way with words. Everything was always an order, no 'buts', no 'ifs', she was being summoned and she would be there whether she liked it or not. Nothing was uncalled for or never was she an "intruder" or was "imposing". Or at least, that was what she got from his invitations. Or what she wished they implied.

Nevertheless, it was always better than just vegetating all day in her apartment. Making her decision at last, Yeon Jae's body finally seemed to get the boost it needed. If there was one thing she hated, it was arriving late at a meeting or something among those lines. Cleaning the dishes, finishing the research, texting Aya and sending her a e-mail filled with all the details she needed, pulling her hair in her usual messy bun, getting into a pair of boots and a jacket, it was all done in a matter of minutes, much to her clear satisfaction.

She was out of her apartment complex soon enough, glad she had took a look outside before closing the door. A few minutes later, she was parking her black scooter near the guest house. Gaining access was easy, as her voice was already easily recognized by the rest of the gang. Now it was just a matter of time until she found herself among them and seeing Tenshi right in front of her own eyes...

She knocked on the door twice.

"...It's me."
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Shinji was looking at his watch when the much small girl bumped into him. Looking at her as she just muttered sorry and walked towards the club that he had just left. Do people not have the common sense too look where they are walking? At least she apologized for bumping into me, Shinji thought. Sniffing the air around him, it smelled like smoke from the cigarette the girl was smoking, she looked a bit young to be smoking cigarettes, but they weren't exactly in the safest part of Tokyo. Shinji then looked back at the girl who was outside the nightclub and was now talking to someone rather loudly on her phone. Raising an eyebrow at this he stayed where he was and listened as best as he could. He pulled out another cigarette and his lighter, attempting to light it, the lighter thought otherwise.

"Shit, work dammit, c'mon you stupid thing." Shinji muttered to himself as he messed with the lighter a bit more. Sighing as it was useless, he threw the lighter to the ground and looked at the girl as she had finished her phone call and was now walking away from the club.

"Oi! Miss!" Shinji said running after the hooded girl. She would have a lighter no doubt about it, Shinji thought as he ran slowly to catch up to the girl.

"Miss! Do you have a lighter by any chance? Mine wasn't working and I'd rather light my cigarette now." Shinji asked the short and much younger girl. Showing her his cigarette and giving off a rather stupid smile. Letting out a brief sigh as his stomach began to grumble too, due to him not eating in a few days. Maybe I should've eaten the breakfast James had cooked up this morning, Shinji thought to himself.

@Austin Marie Arlein
Devlin stumbled around his apartment utterly drunk. "Bloody hell, I feel like shit," he yelled very loudly, most likely waking up couple of people and probably pissing them off. Yes, Devlin would really go bonkers when he is drunk, and he just showed it by throwing an empty battle of vodka through the window, breaking it in process.

Then he walked over to the window and started yelling: "
We won World War II, you bloody Japanese bastards, we defeated Hitler and your emperor," Devlin ranted as he threw another bottle of vodka, narrowly missing some girl who walked by. His antics when he is drunk are most bizarre, and after loudly ranting for about an hour or so, he collapsed into his bed.

Then it came to him that he still hadn't made that phone call which Richard told him to do.
"I can't even operate a phone right now," he said to himself, deciding to make the call tomorrow. After somehow changing into his pajamas he fell asleep, with a cold breeze through that window crack soothing him...

Tenshi's Compound

The crew parted ways for Yeon Jae, a few choice members giving her a hard time for leaving her sweet set up in the boss's guesthouse, but ultimately it was in good fun. The Satsuma family all knew just how brutal Yeon Jae could get if she decided to really rib into someone, heck, even the most incorrigible members knew not to push her. A senior member of the family would walk up to Yeon Jae, welcoming her in and walking her toward the tea room near the center of the traditional Japanese estate. The older man had served the Satsuma family near his whole life, and had joined up near the start giving him quite the perspective.

A perspective that would seem to bleed through as he led Yeon Jae through the halls with more than a tad of respect not to mention a tad of nostalgia. The man, by the name of Daichi would give the younger recruits disapproving stares as he passed them, shaking his head at the young ones and turning toward Yeon Jae, "Y'know the younger ones used to have something to fear when you were living here, now it seems like I'm scolding them everyday" he'd say with a tired sigh and a slight smile, "Don't suppose you'd consider moving back in?" he'd ask with an almost pleading stare, of course he already knew the answer and as they reached the tea room he'd stop, taking off his shoes and offering to take Yeon Jae's. Behind this door was the boss, and as Dae Jae knocked his presence was at once known.

"Come in, come in!" the boss would exclaim, his proud cheery voice filling the space as he sat at the small table at the center of the room. Daichi would open the door for Yeon Jae at this invitation and as Tenshi's eyes came to rest on her he'd smile gently. "Ah Yeon Jae made it first! Look at that Daichi, I was right!" Tenshi would exclaim with a bit of a chuckle to which Daichi would merely sigh.

"Yeah he should be along soon though boss, he's not the type to keep you waiting" Daichi would say as he walked into the room and handed the boss a few dollars.

"Yeah, yeah Daichi, I know he's a good kid too. But a bets a bet! I'll take that" the boss would exclaim as he swiped the money from Daichi a grin plastered on his face from ear to ear.

Daichi would merely sigh shaking his head and smiling at his boss, "Yeah well I'll see to the door then" he'd say as he made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Now the room was just left to Tenshi and Yeon Jae, a silence would wash over the two before Tenshi finally spoke. "So now we wait on our second tea guest, I'm sure he'll be here any second now" Tenshi would muse, trying to set Yeon Jae at ease.



Kota paid the cab driver outside the Satsuma estate and walked towards the door of the sprawling traditional estate. He'd get as far as the door, making note of the rain that fell on his brow as he made his way to slide open the door. As he did though he'd be greeted by the a loud shout, "Kota!" a young girl would shout as she threw herself at him wrapping him in a hug. Kota would prep his arm to deliver a crushing palm strike to his attacker's skull but settle as he felt the young body of Ume wrap her arms around him. Kota would sigh, freezing up a bit and not really sure what to say to the obvious show of affection. The young girl, would break the hug, and give Kota a puzzled almost stern look at Kota, "You're all wet" she'd say with a slight scowl before settling back into her smile.

Kota would respond with a simple nod, "It rained." he'd say curtly, his face still rather cold despite Ume's show of affection.

"Well get inside, we can't have you catching a cold" she'd say as she grabbed his hand and led him inside. Kota would sigh as he was drug into the estate, as he finally came to a stop he'd take a look at Ume. The young girl was a good deal taller than when he'd last seen her, and her hair had grown, he tried guessing her age, not really recognizing the high school uniform she now wore. Having never been to high school himself Kota wasn't too keen on the color differences between the age groups and he'd find himself wrapped up in the question before Daichi finally arrived to relieve him of Ume's overbearing kindness.

"Kota is needed by the boss" Daichi would insist to which Ume would predictably pout.

"Fine, but I want to see Kota, tell daddy I want him as my bodyguard next week" she'd say before storming off, of course not before doubling back to hug Kota once more. Kota was a dog, at least that's what all her dad's men said, but he had saved her life once, and as far as she was concerned dogs were cute.

Daichi would merely shake his head taking a deep breath before regarding Kota, "So, shall we?" he'd ask as he led the way towards the tea room...

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