• This section is for roleplays only.
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Fantasy City of Night


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ
Character Title

"Character quote..."



Name: Be original, I don't wanna see any "Ravenwings" Or "Bloodfangs".

Age: 18+ and please be reasonable. No one is completely perfect forever and once you hit 80+ years, your mind would start failing.

Gender: Self Explanatory. Male, female, Agender, Fluid, etc.

Race: BE REASONABLE! Anyone with any demigods or something overpowered as fuck is gonna get bitch slapped. Also, they must be humanoid or have a human form, no random ass unicorns.

Sexualtiy: Self Explanatory


Height: If two forms are had, specify both

Weight: Make it reasonable with weight and use a BMI calculator, ditto above

Eyes: Explanatory and no, they don't fucking change based upon your mood.

Hair: Explanatory, and unnatural colors should be dye unless explained.

Body Modifications: Piercings, Tattoos, etc.

Distinguishing Marks: Birth Marks, Malformed Limbs, etc.

Clothing: Please put images within the left column in the border Above the quote.

Other Form: If they have another form such as a werewolf, describe that here. If not, please either delete the option or replace this text with N/A.


Racial Abilities: Anything that their race normally has that they do as well? Maybe night vision or the ability to shift into an animal?

Magcal Ability: Can they do anything magical? This is only valid if the race isn't too powerful and they have the capability to learn or possess a magical talent.

Strengths: What do they/their race excell in? Minimum 3.

Weaknesses: Were do they/their race suffer? Minimum 3.


Personality: At least 2 paragraphs, I want to be able to know your character inside and out. And remember for the millionth time, avoid stereotypes and clichés.

History: Needs to be writing, none of that "To be Rped" bull cause that's called being lazy. 2 or more paragraphs of their history. If I see any of that "I watched die/I killed my parents" or "They were orphaned at a young age" I will personally see that you are hit with a bus. Going 90 MPH. That's on fire. Covered in radioactive, biohazardous materials.


Anything else you would like to add? Make sure to replace this text with a list if there is more than one item.

[bg=black][border=5px double maroon][h][color=white][font=Bad Script]Character Title[/font][/color][/h]
[font=Bad Script][Row][column=span4][border=2px dotted maroon]
[center][color=maroon][size=7]"Character quote..."[/size][/color][/center]


[center][/center][/column][column=span4][font=Bad Script][bg=white][divide=thin][/divide][center][color=maroon][size=6]General[/size][/color][/center]


[b]Name:[/b] Be original, I don't wanna see any "Ravenwings" Or "Bloodfangs".
[b]Age:[/b] 18+ and please be reasonable. No one is completely perfect forever and once you hit 80+ years, your mind would start failing.
[b]Gender:[/b] Self Explanatory. Male, female, Agender, Fluid, etc.
[b]Race:[/b] BE REASONABLE! Anyone with any demigods or something overpowered as fuck is gonna get bitch slapped. Also, they must be humanoid or have a human form, no random ass unicorns.
[b]Sexualtiy:[/b] Self Explanatory




[b]Height:[/b] If two forms are had, specify both
[b]Weight:[/b] Make it reasonable with weight and use a BMI calculator, ditto above
[b]Eyes:[/b] Explanatory and no, they don't fucking change based upon your mood.
[b]Hair:[/b] Explanatory, and unnatural colors should be dye unless explained.
[b]Body Modifications:[/b] Piercings, Tattoos, etc.
[b]Distinguishing Marks:[/b] Birth Marks, Malformed Limbs, etc.
[b]Clothing:[/b] Please put images within the left column in the border Above the quote.
[b]Other Form:[/b] If they have another form such as a werewolf, describe that here. If not, please either delete the option or replace this text with N/A.




[b]Racial Abilities:[/b] Anything that their race normally has that they do as well? Maybe night vision or the ability to shift into an animal?
[b]Magcal Ability:[/b] Can they do anything magical? This is only valid if the race isn't too powerful and they have the capability to learn or possess a magical talent.
[b]Strengths:[/b] What do they/their race excell in? Minimum 3.
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Were do they/their race suffer? Minimum 3.




[b]Personality:[/b] At least 2 paragraphs, I want to be able to know your character inside and out. And remember for the millionth time, avoid stereotypes and clichés.
[b]History:[/b] Needs to be writing, none of that "To be Rped" bull cause that's called being lazy. 2 or more paragraphs of their history. If I see any of that "I watched die/I killed my parents" or "They were orphaned at a young age" I will personally see that you are hit with a bus. Going 90 MPH. That's on fire. Covered in radioactive, biohazardous materials.




Character sheet courtesy of StoneWolf18 ^^
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Water Nymph

"I'm kind of like ice cream I guess, sweet until you do something wrong. Then you get a sour taste of me."



Name: Kaitlin May Fulton

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Water/Ice Nymph

Sexualtiy: Heterosexual


Height: 5'10, Both forms

Weight: 119 lbs

Eyes: A very light blue, almost white, framed by very expressive eyebrows.

Hair: Blonde as human, as a nymph her hair turns a white color to match her powers. The white is caused by the fact that when in her nymph form her cells change just the slightest bit, modifying her hair pigment. After all, strands of hair are technically just strands of cells upon cells.

Body Modifications: Ears pierced once, like the kind you get at a kids' jewelry store when you're 10.

Distinguishing Marks: N/A, although she is quite pale in both her human and nymph forms, sun burning easily.

Clothing: Usually she is wearing very pastel and white pigmented clothing. It catches her eye more and compliments her pale skin and light complexion.

Other Form: Nymph form, her hair turns to a white and she is able to use her powers better than in "human" form.


Racial Abilities: Nymphs have nature abilities in usual cases like hers. Specifically, Water nymphs are skilled with the obvious, water, and other H2O substances IE ice.

Magical Ability: Her abilities include controlling and sometimes creating H2O based substances


-In cold climates she can last longer than most other races unless of course those races have fur

-Her abilities can apply to nearly all substances but straight water is easier on her, for obvious reasons

-If in nymph form she is allowed the time, which is well over a few hours, she can make it snow and/or rain in a small area, no matter the season


-Heat+Dry Air= she can't use her abilities very well, if at all

-She is sunburnt VERY. EASILY.

-When she becomes overly frightened or excited the air around her might drop in temperature a few degrees


Personality: Overall, she is a very kind yet shy and quiet personality. It is in her nature to help anyone and everyone to the best of her abilities. Aside this, she doesn't "do" debts. If she helps you, it's just to help you, you don't owe her anything. To compliment her persona, she has a very high-pitched and dreamy-sounding voice. Think Luna Lovegood if you can't picture anything.

On the other hand, when she is angered she can become a force to be reckoned with. She is not very loud, any time really, but she talks quite a bit and is a lot more confident than usual. Another thing, her confidence is a bit lacking. She is painfully shy around people she doesn't know, but it isn't annoying. In fact, most people describe it as endearing. While this may be her approach towards people at first, once she's gotten to know a person she is very open and will joke around some.

History: When she was a young nymph, she was the only nymph who couldn't control her power completely. She was teased constantly by her nymph peers of all types, causing her to one day consider running away. An older nymph found her half way out of the neighborhood where she lived and asked where she was going. She explained and the older nymph asked of the girl's mentor, as nymphs usually don't usually have two specific parents, they have an older nymph that is a kind of mentor/teacher. The little girl explained that she hadn't gotten one yet, she would have gotten one after her ability testing, but she was too nervous and hadn't taken the test. The older nymph took her in and helped her develop her power. After the girl passed her ability testing, the same nymph was given to her as a mentor. The older nymph lives in the country side now, while the girl (Kaitlin) lives primarily in the city.

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"You can't throw me to the wolves, they come when I call."



Name: Nasreen Darvish

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Werewolf

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height:Human form: 5'9"

Wolf form: 5' 6" nose to tip of tail, 2' 6" height

Weight: Human form: 130lbs

Wolf form: 80lbs

Eyes: Amber

Hair: Black

Body Modifications: Tattoo 1 Tattoo 2

Distinguishing Marks: Scar on her back thigh from where she was bit.

Clothing: "Urban cowgirl"

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3

Other Form:


Non-gif Image

In her wolf form, she's pitch black with the same amber colored eyes as in her human form. (See height and weight for more details)


Racial Abilities: Can shift into a wolf. Has elevated senses, even in human form etc... elevated sense of smell, sight, and hearing. Decent night vision.

Magical Ability: N/A

Strengths: Enhanced senses, shifting into a wolf, stronger than usual in human form, ability to keep warm without extra clothing.

Weaknesses: Can't speak when in wolf form, risk of being shot at for being a wild wolf on the prowl, high prey drive in either form, allergic to silver; in the sense of it burns her at being touched. The full moon can make her a bit frisky and give her a devil may care type attitude, so it's had a tendency to get her into some troublesome situations that she wouldn't usually be involved with any other night.


Personality: Nasreen can be stubborn to a fault, and her temper is definitely something she needs to work on. However, she's furiously loyal and will protect you to the end of the world if you've gained her trust. But if you lose that trust you can pretty much expect to never gain it back, depending on the severity of the betrayal.

For the most part she's pretty laid back but can be hard to get to know at first as she has "resting bitch face" and isn't much of a talker, as she likes to put up the "tough, don't give a damn" facade. Showing weakness is somethings she's not fond of. But once you get her to open up, you'll find more depth to her, that she actually has a sense of humor and does know how to smile.

She's pretty good at controlling her transformations but if her temper goes into overdrive it's more of an instinctual response to shift, so she tries her hardest to keep her cool. She is hesitant to make connections with strangers because of who she is, so finding a place where she could be herself with other supernaturals was a godsend.

History: Nasreen was born in Russia and didn't move to London with her parents until she was 14. When Nasreen was eight she was wandering in the woods one evening, as she had done dozens of times before and was given the werewolf curse, or gift as she likes to call it. To this day she's never seen the werewolf that bit her since that day, years later she still had questions as to why it was a simple bite before running off.

However, the curse never went into full effect until she was 13. She went missing for a week when she transformed without being able to control it and lost herself to the wolf as her mind had no idea how to comprehend what was happening to her. It wasn't until she was face to face with a hunter that she remembered who she was. At sitting down and tilting her head at the man whose gun was aimed straight at her; She managed to transform back in her human form, scaring the hell out of the hunter who was planning on shooting a wolf. He dropped his gun and ran for it, it was of course just recently discovered that creatures like her existed in the world but that didn't mean he was exactly willing to make friends.

She returned home much to the relief of her parents. No matter how much her parents asked she wouldn't tell them about the week she disappeared, she simply told them she got lost in the forest, which was a half truth, as she only had bits and pieces in her memory of what happened during that week. At becoming distant and struggling with her studies at school, as well as not willing to be social with others, her parents were more than willing to make a move when her father was offered a job in London. Nasreen did better in the city, she was able to blend, others didn't think she acted weird and some of her strange habits were overlooked. For a good couple of years she tried to pretend like she wasn't any different from anyone else, all the while learning to control her ability to shift to ironically keep herself appearing normal as she wanted as much control over it as possible. The only time she shifts uncontrollably is if her temper gets the better of her or if her prey drive goes into overdrive.

When she graduated high school she found herself an apartment in London's east end, finding herself in a place with others just like her. It was a huge relief to find a place where she could truly be herself.


Theme song: [media]

Likes: Whiskey, rain, thunderstorms, quiet forests, getting lost in a forest, charm, sushi, dive bars

Dislikes: Snow, crowds, megalomaniacs, caffeine crashes

Pet Peeves: People who talk too much, fake people, people who look to others for approval

Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping until noon, being scratched behind the ears

Accent: Russian

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Not Your Average Mouse

"Don't be an ass and talk to be like an adult...fuckin' hell, the nerve of some people."



Name: Arya Seff

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Beastwoman (Dormouse)

Sexualtiy: Demisexual Greyromantic


Height: 4 Inches

Weight: 6 Ounces

Eyes: A Soft Blue

Hair: A Pitch Black

Body Modifications: None, she isn't big enough for anything to be done properly.

Distinguishing Marks: Because she is half dormouse, she has moderatly sized, rodent-esc ears along with a long furry tail.

Clothing: A hoodie, set of jeans and tennis shoes.


Racial Abilities: Arya has heightened senses along with the ability to see in the dark.

Magcal Ability: The ability to control the size of objects and people.


  • She can grow someone/thing to a maximum of 9 feet and a minimum of 1 inch though that's pushing it a bit and takes quite a bit of energy.
  • Stealth. Nuff said.
  • Her size allows to access areas someone of an normal height wouldn't be able too.


  • She's 4 inches tall...I dunno about you, but someone that big can easily be stepped on, ran over, etc. As long s being unable to use common items or utilities.
  • Arya can't use her ability to grow herself.
  • Cat...oh dear lord...


Personality: Arya’s personality is a bit muddled. More often than not, she’s exceedingly intellectual. Having knowledge on subjects she can’t remember learning about yet wouldn’t think twice about correcting you. Not so much for the learning opportunity, yet for the pure humor of comical reactions. Arya is also quite serious, yet that doesn’t mean she hates sarcasm. Trust me, it’s used often.

Then we have a bit of a difference. Arya can be immature, having to making that joke at the wrong time. Sarcastic, as mentioned above. Not often, but when needed she won’t hold back a retort in this manner. A tad antisocial. Not wanting to get involved with unnecessary social interactions. But, once she has warmed up to one you will be sure to have numerous discussions on diverse topics. This make Arya a bit harder to “get used to” than others. Learning how to deal with Arya is a taxing process, although more than one person has succeeded in this.

History: Arya had an interesting childhood. One would think that being 4 inches tall would definitely have it difficult, though there were a few factors to make everything much worse. First off, her parents had unknowingly decided to make their home underneath the house of human supremacist along with with a nosey dog and even nosey-er children. But, there always has to be something remotely pleasing before things begin to go down hill...and there is. For the first...give or take 10 years of her life, she was content. The mouse had a loving family with 2 other siblings (she herself was the middle child) a warm place to sleep, and all the necessities that were necessary for life.

But...all things happy have to end at one point or another, right?

And so during one bright spring afternoon, the family dog as I had mentioned before found their hiding spot. All his barking and various other noises lead the two little girls over to stick their hands inside. Most of them were able to avoid the deadly grasp, but not Arya. Her luck was poor enough that her tail was pulled before she could run over to her mother and the rest was soon to follow as she was forcefully dragged out and lifted up by the furry hide appendage. Both of them were about 5 years of age and not knowing any better, so they called their father over to see what they found....


After a bit of yelling, screaming, and crying, the man searched furiously for the rest of her family that was already 2 steps ahead and had already gotten away. In the midst of all this chaos, the girl had dropped Arya, leaving her dazed for a moment. Though after she recovered the young hybrid turn and ran as fast as she could, unfortunately only going deeper into London. The humans have chase, squealing in delight as their father had given them permission to play with their new “pet”. It lasted for a while, leaving the young girl fatigued. Noticing an open door, she had dove inside leaving her previous captors to wonder where she had gone. It was a bar, though reasonably slow with a few patrons scattered about. Not knowing where else to go, she fell asleep in the under the counter right next to a tall mug.

These events gave way to meeting Rose, a girl around her age who didn't want to treat her like a doll. A small friendship blossomed as they enjoyed each other's company. This also have Arya new opportunities such as being able to get a decent education by hiding in the larger girl’s clothing and asking the supernatural friendly teachers questions after class.

To this day they remain close friends, working around the pub and enjoying life. Nothing much changed between them after Rose became undead, though there is the occasional “I'm gonna eat you” thrown into a conversation every now and then.


Nothing else to add.

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Dark Cupid

"Sex is one of the strongest driving forces in the world and I wield it beautifully."


Name: Lucia Amoureux

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Succubus

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height: Female Form - 5'7" Cat Form - 40inches

Weight: Female Form - 140 Cat Form - 12lbs.

Eyes: Violet eyes that glow eerily when she is hungry.

Hair: Light emerald. All sex demons are born with abnormal colorings to usually draw in unsuspecting humans.

Body Modifications: N/A

Distinguishing Marks: Heart shaped tail tip and head wings

Clothing: Shorts, school girl outfits, and the occasional fitted tux whenever she feels like it.

Other Form: Winged Cat with violet eyes. Wings are smaller than pictured and can be hidden while in this form to appear as a normal cat. She retains the ability to speak but often chooses to act as a normal cat.


Racial Abilities: Ability to smell pheromones, secrete hormones that naturally attract others to them, and wings for flight

Magcal Ability: Each succubus/incubus is able to excel in one specific form of magic and Lucia's magic is transformation in which she changes into a winged cat.

Strengths: Charming others, heightened night vision, and they grow stronger by feeding.

Weaknesses: Brutally upfront with their emotions, can go berserk during extreme hunger, and Rosario has a tendency to overfeed on her prey.


Personality: Lilith has always embodied the true succubus nature with her seemingly smooth, flirty persona that comes off as natural. There is another side within her that holds her compassionate side back behind her Casanova ways. Only those close to her are gifted with the chance to see her honest compassion that is eclipsed by her fierce possessiveness.

She has a tendency to hit on others first even if she just met them, it's much easier than going through the awkward exchange of greetings in her opinion. There's not much about her that is a secret because she's upfront with how she feels about people even if it may come off as harsh. This brutal honesty is a common trait among her family.

History: Lucia is youngest child of Lilith and Rosario Amoureux and she has 2 older sisters, Rosalie and Lilian. She grew up in a simple cottage that was secluded at the foot of a mountain in France. It was a great location for them to prey lightly on humans without killing them. When Lucia turned 17 her parents allowed her to go out hunting alone as a sort or rite of passage. It was in the dead of night when Lucia was able to spot a wandering hiker within the forest near the base of the mountain. He appeared to be no older than 20 and quite attractive, just her type. She lowered herself behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. As soon as he turned around he was trapped by her pheromones and her glowing eyes.

The man was nothing more than putty in her hands and she soon found herself kissing the man passionately to absorb his life essence. She tried to remind herself to stop but found herself unable to. It was as if she was a spectator watching the man's spirit enter someone else's body. It was soon over and in a fit of panic she dragged the man to her cottage while crying. Her parents told her that they would take care of it. The next thing Lucia knew was that they had packed up and moved to London to put the memory far behind them.


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Half human, half were-tiger

"Taking sides is a pain. Staying in No-Man's-Land is much more preferable."




Name: Amon "Hunter" Noire

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Half human, half were-tiger

Sexualtiy: Hetero


Height: 190cm

Weight: 89kg

Eyes: Dark emerald and heavy-lidded, giving him a rather intense stare especially when he makes an effort to intimidate

Hair: Black, thick and spiky, his hair reaches just past the nape of his neck and his right eye is usually concealed behind a thick clump of fringe

Body Modifications: No piercings, but has the number thirteen in Roman Numerals tattooed in black ink on the right side of his neck with the bottom at his collarbone and the top of the tattoo halfway up his neck.

Distinguishing Marks: N/A (just the tattoo, the top can be seen even if he wears a fully-buttoned collared shirt

Clothing: (See images: 1st image appearance, 2nd image clothes) Extra equipment: A .44 magnum tucked in a belt holster at his waist that is constantly on his person

Other Form: Since he is only half were-tiger, he cannot change into a full animal.


Racial Abilities: The only thing that sets him apart from normal humans is his retractable claws and ability to see better in the dark.

Magcal Ability: N/A


1) Enhanced speed, agility and stealthiness due to feline heritage

2) Ability to see in the dark unlike the humans he works with

3) Since he is half-human, he wouldn't go crazy over catnip, shiny objects, bright lights, etc


1) Easily startled by sudden loud noises

2) He has an irrational fear of large bodies of water (again, most likely due to his feline genes)

3) Clautrophobic (this is more his personal experience and might not actually apply to half-weres as a whole)



Amon is mild-mannered and a hard person to offend, waving off insults and jokes in an equally offhanded manner, as long as it is directed at him only, of course. Quick to banter with people he has been acquainted with before or anyone he is comfortable around, he is the sort of man that is easy to befriend, work alongside and open up to as long as he is not being his typical lazy self, which usually rubs some people the wrong way. He works best when sufficiently motivated and/or under pressure. If not, he is pretty lax and uninitiative until a superior gives him a command.

However, he is serious when he has an objective to work towards and will do whatever it takes to complete it. Amon believes that the law is right, and rules are placed there for a reason. He hates it when people try to find a way around it, twisting it so they will come off as innocent when they are clearly not. As someone working for a law enforcement organisation that acts as peacekeepers between supernatural and humans, he will not hesitate to use his authority to do what he thinks is right. This attitude has made him an enemy in the eyes of some extremists supernatural beings and humans, making him rather paranoid at times.


(Might be a little long so I put it below)

no slide

When the existance of supernatural beings was made public sixteen years ago, Amon was nineteen, a recent graduate of high school and starting his first year in the Police Academy. He is the only child in the family, born to an ordinary police officer who now works as a mall's security guard and a chauffer mother. For the first ninteen years of his life, his family was as normal as they could be. They were mostly absent from home, coming back in the evenings to either a cooked or bought dinner and catching up with each other then, before Amon would excuse himself, finish whatever work he had to do and head to bed. Life was repetitive, bland and mundane as can be, occassionally broken by rare days off or overseas holidays.

Amon grew up listening to the stories his father used to tell about his days in the law enforcement, the gory and simply inhumane things some people were capable of. From a young age, he dreamt to be like his father, working in the police force, keeping innocents safe and doing the righteous thing. When he was seven, he discovered his unique 'abilities' when a friend pulled a prank on him and trapped him in a school's storeroom. Despite the utter darkness, he could see as though it was merely evening. He went to school, read books and from listening to conversations all around, he knew it wasn't normal to be able to see in the dark. But that was not what scared him. Claws, sharp, shiny, long and protruding from beneath his fingernails made him scream in utter terror. The hollers drew his teacher, who took one look at his unnatural hands and merely sighed, shifting into a large wolf for a second before shifting back. Amon calmed down and as his shock receded, the claws retracted. That became the little secret between Amon and his teacher, who disappeared a year later and her body found abandoned along the highway.

He kept quiet about this, living as though he was a normal human student. That was, until a month after his nintenth birthday and the existence of supernatural beings exposed. Everything began to make sense, which meant either both his parents were supernaturals, or one of them was. It turned out his mother was a were-tigress, making him a half-were. This revealation did not sit well with his father, who proceeded to ignore his mother's exsistence and even began throwing judgemental looks and snide remarks at Amon. For half a year he ignored the sudden change in their household, attmepting to mend the rift between his parents and himself. However, every attempt was shot down rather spectacularly by either of them. He gave up, loosing himself in the Police Academy instead. The previously warm house became cold, and Amon began to see the world in a new light. He could see the tensions between humans and supernatural beings, personally bore witness to several violent and bloody clashes between the two extremists factions and was dragged into the conflict more than once. It was these conflicts that prompted him to enlist into the 'Supernatural Division' of the Police force, made up of members who are pacifist supernatural beings and humans who strived to keep innocents out of clashes. In this Division, he was able to slowly come to terms with being neutral despite his mixed blood. He was twenty-four when he made his first arrest whilst breaking up another riot started by humans over a gutted victim. That was also the year he moved away from home and got a tattoo of the Division number (XIII) on his neck.

Now at the age of thirty-five, he remains single, more scarred, paranoid and cynical then he was before, although he never lost his lax nature. An Inspector in the Division, he heads a relatively small team of twenty officers, and often work together with the friends he made over the decade as a peacekeeper.


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Dream Eater

"These restless nights will be the death of me"



Name: Carlton Ray Merkley

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Race: Mære (aka Night Hag, Pasikdhar, Karabasan)

Sexualtiy: Heterosexual


Height: 6'1" (185 cm)

Weight: 154 lbs (69.8 kg)

Eyes: Dark Brown

Hair: Black

Body Modifications: NA

Distinguishing Marks: Scars on both of his palms (It's a racial marking similar to the holes in his hands while in his umbral form. It is a physical representation of his inability to take anything while in that projected state.)

Clothing: Formal business attire. Usually wears gloves.

Other Form: While sleeping, his consciousness slips away from him and an aethereal projection hungers for the dreams of others. His characteristics become shadowy with a menacing aura. While in this state, he can only affect those who are sleeping and will pass through all other objects. This state is seldom noticeable to anyone else.


Racial Abilities:

Mære astral project while sleeping and their consciousness travels to feed on the dreams of others. This process causes sleep paralysis on the victim.

Feeding on someone's dreams gives him insight to her/his emotions/goals

While in this form, he can pass effortlessly through physical objects, though poltergeist levels of interaction are possible with high concentration. These are usually short but forceful actions.

Magcal Ability: NA


Business savvy and has a large pool of resources.

Excellent at discovering other's motivations and using that to his advantage. This includes subconsciously influencing people while they sleep.

Doesn't require food for nourishment.


Specific targets requires knowledge of where they are

A variety of things can prevent his abilities from working on someone. (e.g. strong wills, magical protection, sleeping pills, etc.)

Household superstitions and charms make feeding painful. Though it can't prevent feeding, it is generally better to find someone who is not warded. (e.g. circles drawn from iron, dream catchers, etc.)

Susceptible to the same emotions of those he feeds on

Insomniac due to professional stresses (this is also starving him)


Personality: Carlton is ambitious and always striving to get a leg up in life. He knows the value of being well connected and how to keep himself ahead of his competition. This makes him industrious and professional at almost all times. However, so much focus on his work continually builds his stress. That tension is well masked most of the time but does lead to unexpected outbursts on occasion.

His weekends are reserved for networking and socializing. He's the type of person that wants everyone to like him. As a result, he has many acquaintances but not many friends. Due to his racial abilities which make extremely empathetic, he prefers it this way.

History: Mære have roots in many mythologies. Some say they are cursed humans but others say they are demons who feast on the dreams of others. That's not to say he couldn't eat normal food. It just didn't provide any nourishment for him. Carlton was born this way, but his parents are human.

As a child, his parents were plagued with night terrors and sleep paralysis until Carlton was old enough to discover what was actually happening. As a toddler, he only knew it was causing his parents pain-- though mostly his mother since his father worked out of town. She began leaving him with a babysitter to attend therapy sessions. The child size apparition that was haunting her nights left her feeling slight disdain for her son, but she was still a good mother. When her restless nights ended, the neighbors had it worse off.

Carlton grew up moodier than other children, but he learned that if he didn't feed on the same person each night then fear/anxiety were less likely to take hold. However, he didn't learn fast enough to keep his mother from scheduling a pediatric psychiatrist for him. His doctor was dumbfounded why such a young person was so stressed about adult concerns, which changed rapidly from session to session. Carlton worried about affairs, the stock market, politics, and countless other things before the age of ten. While detrimental to his health, it gave him a mature and focused perspective before any of his peers. Most adults worried about money, so he quickly became interested in economics.

At the age of thirteen, when society was informed of the creatures living among everyone, Carlton began to understand a bit more about himself. Consequently, though, feeding also made him realize the fear and hatred people felt towards these supernatural beings. He knew he could do something to help those similar to himself if he only had money. To complete this goal, he began influencing the dreams and emotions of major share holders. After a few tests of demoralizing through sheer terror and more subtle techniques, Carlton had a fair understanding of how to rig the market in his favor. Until he was old enough to purchase stocks for himself, he hired himself out as a consultant.

When he reached the age of twenty-six, he made his fortune on an extremely lucky manipulation and now has large shares in many different companies. Over the three years after, he's provided large campaign funds towards East London lobbyists. He's still seen as human, though any activist for the supernatural is viewed with high suspicion. This has increased ever since he moved to a loft at the city border.
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Urban Vampire

"I feel FANGtastic!"




Name: Rose Mary Romero

Age: 25

Gender: female

Race: Common Vampire

Sexualtiy: Bisexual


Height: 5"8

Weight: 129 lbs

Eyes: Dark Crimson with almond-shaped pupils

Hair: Medium-short black hair, shaven off on her left side

Body Modifications: Two piercings on her left eyebrow, 2 rings on her left ear, one stud on her tongue, Thorn Rose tattoo on her left shoulder/arm

Distinguishing Marks: Sickly Grey-ish skin

Clothing: A very comfy Punk style; Lots of torn jeans, sleeveless shirts and studded jackets


Racial Abilities: Vampires have superior senses/reflexes and access to a very basic form of heat and night vision.

Magical Ability: Levitation; not very refined due to Rose not really using it all that much

Strengths: Resilient against a lot of weaponry and diseases, increased healing during the night and after feeding, highly effective during nighttime

Weaknesses: Aversion to sunlight due to it being able to burn their skin and severely pain them after extensive exposure, can result in death after one or two hours of direct sunlight exposure.

Need to feed; If cut off from blood for too long a vampire goes feral and acts purely on instinct

Wounds to the heart are irrepable and result in death

Due to superior sense of smell strong scents like garlic can be irritating


Personality: One would think of vampires as those high society beauties with elegance and grace, and yet Rose's punches a gaping hole into that image being a rather lazy and easygoing girl, usually enjoying the simpler pleasures in life or rather UNlife.

She seems to be completely nonchalant about the fact that she's one of the more problematic kinds of undead, seeing it as nothing more than yet another freaky thing in this freaky world. It made her accepting of any other supernatural being and highly tolerant to conflict, having experienced first hand how hard it can be to fit in and live a normal life.

Rose enjoys fooling around and her carefree attitude makes her often put fun before duties though she's highly responsible when the situation demands it.

History: Rose grew up in London, living with her Mother after her father died when she was still very young, making her mother have to work overtime as a Nurse, neglecting her daughter involuntarily.

It made Rose grow up to be highly independent and live as how she saw fit, usually hanging out with her friends at the local pubs, frequenting discotheques and concerts and generally trying to find some support somewhere else.

Sadly this lead to her being bitten at the age of a mere twenty, the vampire who turned her simply disappearing and leaving the fledgling behind without any proper guidance.

Her mother blamed herself for what had happened and quit her job at the Hospital to try and sort things out with her daughter, still retaining connection to her former colleagues that helped provide her with blood from the hospital.

This incident did bring the two of them closer after having been so very distant for the longest time, them trying to figure out how to live with the handicap of being undead and her mother becoming a rather influential activist in a pro-supernatural movement made them open up Justizia's.

While her mother runs the Pub during the day Rose's always got the night shift, the bar having served as a way to find a sense of normality in her vampiric life and allowing her to get to know like-minded individuals with similar issues in life, her having become somewhat of a couch if it comes to these kinds of problems.

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"Meh, it'll fix itself somehow."







Name: Diane "Anna" Kirkland

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Sexuality: Bisexual


Height: 154 cm / 5'0"

Weight: 46 kg / 102 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Black

Body Modifications: N/A

Distinguishing Marks: A small, pigmented birthmark on the top of her left hand. It has no defined form.

Clothing: Usually goes for comfort more than anything when it comes to clothes. She always has her brown scarf (in the picture) on her in some way, shape or form. (Take a look at the spoilers tab in the left column for some references. There are a lot of pictures.)

Other Form: N/A


Racial Abilities: N/A

Magcal Ability: N/A

Strengths: N/A

Weaknesses: N/A


Personality: What most people note about Diane is her simple and super chill personality. She's a calm person who goes through life with a level head and easygoing smile. She prefers to live a basic life, never one to over-complicate things if they don't need to be and can be entertained through simplistic means. Very rarely do things visibly shaken her up and when she's insulted or something similar, Diane would just laugh in good nature. While optimistic, if things don't go her way, Diane would just shrug her shoulders and move on, working with what's she's got.

Diane is a highly intelligent and observant individual who can learn many subjects rather quickly and commit them to memory. However, it's hard for many people to see this due to her laziness and how unmotivated she is to do unwanted work. Though she's capable of making clear, rational decisions even in stressful situations, Diane is prone to making choices based on what would entertain her the most rather than what would logically be best for her. A lot of people don't really think she's serious about anything with her happy-go-lucky attitude and carefree way of life.

History: Diane's life has been pretty normal, albeit boring. Born in London, never having traveled outside of England, doing a good job in school because that's what her parents wanted of her, etc. She grew up having no trouble with supernatural beings, seeing them as part of her everyday life since their existence was made public when she was a toddler. As a child, Diane couldn't fathom why anyone would have any problems with them. When they were given citizenship, Diane couldn't be happier for her supernatural friends.

Diane attends King's College London, being enrolled at the Strand Campus and majoring in natural science in order to become a forensic scientist. She's currently out looking for part-time jobs to help pay for her tuition and housing costs. At the moment, she's trying to apply as a bartender at Justizia's at the Chinatown London Market.


  • Left-handed
  • Diane has a deep voice, which surprises many people when they first hear her.
  • She usually introduces herself as "Anna" instead of using her actual name. Sometimes when people call her by her actual name, she doesn't respond since she's not used to hearing it.

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A Slave to the Moon

"I've destroyed everything that I love, so I don't really see why it matters anymore."



Name: Elspeth 'Ellie' D'Voire

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Race: Lycan

Sexualtiy: Bicurious


Height: Human: 5'6"| Lycan: 6'2"

Weight: Human: 125 lbs | Lycan: 200 lbs

Eyes: Hazel

Hair: Bleached white hair that is straight as a board, falling down to her mid-back

Body Modifications: Has an excessive amount of small patterns tattooed on her fingers, as well as a heart outline on her left shoulder. Ellie also has a septum ring and various ear studs that show in wolf form unless taken out.

Distinguishing Marks: She has a thick scar on the middle of her back

Clothing: She wears darker clothes with minimal planning. Anything that's comfortable without making her feel like a bum is perfect. She's insistent on wearing jewelry, however, and enjoys finding new ways to pierce her skin. Sample clothing found here: Ellie D'Voire

Other Form: Long, straight white fur extends over a lean lycan on two legs. Like typical lycans, the arms are slightly longer to allow reach with generally crouched, bony legs. An example here: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/ce/b4/baceb4a30a016a2f5a25b73a1d6f0fb8.jpg


Racial Abilities: Ellie can shift into her lycan form, which is a creature with honed senses, as well as elevated strength and speed, to hunt, mainly at night. Full moons force her to change forms.

Magical Ability: N/A

Strengths: Ellie herself if extremely nimble, with a keen sense of awareness and an amazing memory. She has enhanced healing capabilities in lycan form (unless it's silver)

Weaknesses: Ellie is very weak for her race, which she makes up for in her agility. Other than that, silver causes permanent damage, as well as incapacitates, and her humanity is gone in lycan form. The more she resists changing forms, the worse her control over it gets.


Personality: Ellie is extremely quiet and reserved, as well as quick to run away from anything, be it her problems or a person. When she makes up her mind, it's not changed-- especially when it involves her pride. She's quick to assess dangers, paranoid of what she'll end up doing, and often strays from staying in one place for too long in fear of attachment. When she is stuck in a conversation, she's very cold and distant, utilizing her lacking humanity to drive people away. In solitude she's a lot more curious, picking through her thoughts and emotions in her struggle to establish her new identity. Where she refuses to find a shoulder to cry on, she expresses herself through chicken scratchings on bar napkins.

What she labels 'the beast' is a personification of her lycan form, which expresses that of a true animal. Where it would initially hunt to satisfy cravings, Ellie's resistance incites a thrill-seeking predator in lycan form, on the prowl for challenging prey. She tends to kill for sport, and understands nothing else. Ellie's not capable of mercy, anymore, and won't be until she can accept 'the beast' as part of herself.

History: Ellie was born as human as you could get. She was surrounded by love and happiness in her quaint little French town, and got all the macarons and porcelain dolls that a little girl could stand. She had fascinated herself with small trinkets, figuring out how to fit the pieces together and make her own inventions. It was in her rebellious years, where she willed to be away from a town she'd spent 22 years in-- to find the adventure that no other townsfolk had.

It was in the community college where she met Hector, a lithe, sneaky bastard that captivated her with his tales of Italy. She yearned for his experiences, seeking his guidance despite the town's mistrust in him, and for it she paid the price. There was nothing romantic with the way his canines burrowed into her skin; demanding a hunk of flesh for himself. Her body burned with the rage, picking away at her human nature over what felt like an eternity... Only for her to wake up back in her hometown, exactly where she wanted to be, yet the thick, hot blood that her body bathed in wasn't nearly as desirable...

Now, she wanders. Taking jobs, scrounging money, until she can find some semblance of home without becoming a true monster.


  • Ellie will lie about personal information a lot
  • She has a surprisingly high-pitched voice, but is generally pretty hoarse and riddled with low grumbles that somewhat resemble the communications of a mutt.
  • She prefers more supernatural scenes, knowing that--despite the challenge she'd love to face in attacking them-- they'll be more capable of fending for themselves.

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Rocks Can Bleed

"Where is your spirit? I know where mine is... "


Name: Kanayama-Myoo (Goes by Kana)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Race: Kami

Sexualtiy: Bi-Sexual


Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 126 lbs

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black

Body Modifications: N/A

Distinguishing Marks: A large scar going across he whole back,

Clothing: Exculsivly wears extremely simple traditional clothing. Kimono or otherwise, she doesn't really care as long as it doesn't get in the way if her katana.

Other Form: A fluorite crystal, the size of a fist. She doesn't turn into it, she carries it around and can absorb herself into and out of it. This leaves her clothes behind, but not her katana, as it is a projection of her Kami spirit.


Racial Abilities: She possesses the ability to inhabit the particular object of nature she is represented by. She possesses a piece of Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, and can form it into an impossibly sharp sword. The more Kami that die, the more powerful the pieces that remain get. And pollution and humans have been killing them for years.

Magcal Ability: N/A

Strengths: As a Kami of metal, she is very skilled with any metal weapons, excluding guns. She has more potential than humans, meaning she doesn't immediately have more strength, but can build up to higher levels than most humans. She can also sense metals in the earth, so by working for a mining company she could make a hell of a lot of money.

Weaknesses: If the natural kbjects which represents the Kami is destroyed, the Kami dies. So if her fluorite crystal is sufficiently smashed, she will fade away. Kami are also weakened by cities, artificial materials, and other pollutants, become very nauseas and sick at higher concentrations. Kami are particularly weak to supernatural beings that are part animal, seeing them as last of nature and very reluctant to harm them in any way. She also must retreat to her crystal at least one every three days, or she will become extremely weak and more susceptible to the pollution poisoning.


Personality: Kana is a very serious person, not enjoying it even understanding jokes. She rarely smiles, unless she is all alone in a place of extravagant nature. Getting extremely flustered being the center of attention, she still remains snooty and does not respect the clumsy or confused, often making her the center of attention (in a bad way). She does have a VERY large soft spot for cuteness though, and will completely change when something remotely cute (especially animals) comes her way. Sexuality or even the mention of it is actually scary to Kana, and she will become very red and stammer, if she even gets what they are talking about. If somebody laughed at her for, say, not getting a joke, she would harrumph loudly and become extremely grumpy until the person apologized.

With humans, she harbors a deep set hatred for polluting and destroying the earth, killing many Kami along the way. She mistrusts them, but if they pass her tests, she can gradually begin to accept individual people.

History: AHHHHHHH. I will write this soon, I'm feeling very uninspired to make her history at the moment. I just wanted to post this and feel half-releived.


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"An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. "



Name: Naomi Cal.

Age: 27

Gender: female

Race: Elf

Sexualtiy: Heterosexual


Height: 5 foot 3 inches

Weight: 7 stone 3 lbs

Eyes: a greyish blue

Hair: Platinum blonde

Body Modifications: All the piercings in the image above, also has a few tattoos; one on her right wrist, hip and upper left arm. They're strange patterns.

Distinguishing Marks: naomi has a birthmark above the tattoo on her hip shaped almost like a four point star or kite.

Clothing: Naomi has a strange sence of dress but most seem to expect it from a pointed eared girl. She is either wearing all pastels or complete black e.g https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1f/5e/e9/1f5ee9ad9c38c7caaf373a5d41918317.jpg


Other Form:N/A.


Racial Abilities: Her sence of sight are hearing are impressive abs much better that humans (due to the shape of her ears), she is also naturally agile compared to her human counter parts.

Magcal Ability: She has a sence if magic and can tell when it is in the air and who is using it. She is capable of learning but decided against it.

Strengths: her race is known for being agile meaning that she can also be very quiet and this can be used to her advantage, she isn't born physically perfect but can become so more easily than humans and is both book and common sence smart because she remembers what she learns easily.

Weaknesses: Its in her nature to be suspicious meaning she finds it hard to trust others, being too far form magic sources (such as in nature or supernatural people)


Personality: Naomi is fairly unorthodox for most women, she often seen as scary with few looking to take her on. she usually laid back and easy going with a rude and sarcastic sence of humour that can often get a few scowls. But her laid back easy going ways are making the fact that she is always on guard and ready to take on whatever comes her way and is picky about who she lets close to her. The young woman is funny despite how little she talks, to Naomi actions speak much louder than words do. They can range from a caring or grateful pat on the shoulder to a slap across the cheek. Her senses of morality makes her question everything although she is the most likely to do the hard things and take the dark roads for the benefit of others, but her mortality has no effect on her lack of mercy towards people, if there is a reason. Her anger often comes across and cool and calm with an icy touch, much like the phrase "the calm before the storm".

History: Naomi was born into a loving family, apart from the fact her parents had to hide who they were and keep their daughter inside at all times. They brought their daughter up in Yorkshire away from big cities as to avoid the attention to their odd shaped ears and porcelain features.

But as Naomi got older much to her parents fears their daughter wanted to go outside more, to go to a real school and have friends. And after a lot of convincing she went to public school where people thought she was weird. Even teachers pointed out the "birth defect" known as her ears. But Naomi didn't care she was out off the house and that's all that Naomi wanted.

The older Naomi got the more she spread her wings and left her parents behind moving to London at the age of 20 and happily claiming that she is an elf. But not everything was roses for Naomi, wouldn't really be an interesting story if it were sweet and fluffy. The young naïve elf had only been excepts by her parents all her life, not that she let it bother her, and upon moving to London to study and work the girl met a man. And as cliché as it sounds he was human. It started off nice and she was happy with him for about a year, but what Naomi hadn't for seen was a abusive disgusting relationship on the account that she wasn't human. And being a second class citizens when she took the man to court after a four year relationship the girl lost the trial against him for allegations of mental, physical and sexual abuse. Since then the pale woman has decided she won't be treated like that and those horrifying four years have made her into a different person and she now also takes self defence classes incase this happens again.


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"The world is full of darkness and pain, and everyone turns away from it. So why everyone turns away, I will carry the burden."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.3b566df59dfbabd90f0d4775149801a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.3b566df59dfbabd90f0d4775149801a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Listelle Estelle

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Dryad

Sexualtiy: Heterosexual


Height: Human-5'7 Dryad-5'9

Weight: 126 LBS

Eyes: stormy Grey, then in dryad form green.

Hair: black and long, unless in dryad form it is green. Reason is her connection with earth, all dryads have green or red hair, sometimes blue.

Body Modifications: a scar on her palm,and a tattoo on her wrist with her quote.

Distinguishing Marks: the scar on her palm in the shape of the crescent moon.

Clothing: dark clothing when out and about, but usually gold, green, brown colors are what she wears most. It's mostly dresses or some form of long flowing clothing.

Other Form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.4a0baf8d54c236a6302802e4a0bcd9ce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.4a0baf8d54c236a6302802e4a0bcd9ce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Racial Abilities:

Elementals, they control the elements.

Enhanced speed. Like said good luck catching them.

Can talk to animals and nature.

Magical Ability:

~can take away others pain.

~Minor Healing. (Only on others)


Element Manipulation, mostly earth.

They are incredibly fast, good luck keeping up

They are close, attack or harm one, you get the whole damned village.


They are open minded creatures, so any one with mind powers would find them easy targets.

They are peaceful, and prefer not to fight, so she is lacking in physical strength.

They are very trusting, so it's easy to trick them.

They are wish granters, catch one they owe you a wish.

Obsidian, this element strangely neutralizes her powers.


Personality: At least 2 paragraphs, I want to be able to know your character inside and out. And remember for the millionth time, avoid stereotypes and cliches.

History: Raised into a loving family, Lis was the middle child. She two sisters. one older, one younger. Her parents however, weren't legally married, due to dryad customs, and weren't suppose to remain together. So, one day her father left upset and comes to visit them every once and a while. Her mother took up caring or the three of them, and Evelyn, The eldest left soon to pursue a career of sorts and that left Lis to help her mother manage the family.

After about three years ,when she finally turned 19 and her little sister 16, she left to handle on her own. Her history is pretty bland if you ask me...




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