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Fantasy City of Evil


Senior Member

1732 Exodus City. A city in which everyone lived in harmony. Whether you were a vampire, a werewolf, a witch, a human, a goblin everyone was peaceful. This was before the war. Somewhere off in a distant land someone discovered "The Holy Paradise" and many were called to arms in what became known as The Crusades of Paradise. The war lasted years with no end in sight. The war wasn't the problem in Exodus City. The war was miles away. That was the problem in fact. The king of Exodus City left with his knights to fight the war. With no ruler turmoil quickly followed and there were many deaths. However one day, out of the blue, a man who appeared human on the exterior, named Maximilian Devlins came to the city with his army of black templars and simply sat on the king's throne. He took power in 1746. In his first years of rule he set peace between all the races. However around 1754, everything changed. Maximilian somehow had more and more templars with every day and in time he passed laws restricting most races. Demons were pushed out, witches were banned from magic, werewolves needed permits to roam the city. The worst part is anyone who opposed him was swiftly taken away and never seen again or publicly executed.

It is now 1758 and still there doesnt seem to be an end to the tyrant's reign. Small rebellions are being formed but they don't seem strong enough to take down the maniacal ruler. Is there hope? Maybe its you? Or maybe you side with the tyrant? Choose your fate in this City of Evil

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The sun started to rise in Exodus. Beams of light shown in through the glass walls of Max's bedroom. The muscular, black haired man shifted in his bed and his eyes opened slowly. He sat up in his bed and looked at the magnificent city of Exodus. His room was basically an observatory. His walls were glass windows stretching from the high ceiling to the floor, all around the circular room. He could see the entire city and it was magnificent in the rising sun. He got out of the bed and grabbed his unfinished whiskey from the night before. He approached the window and sipped his whiskey. He smiled thinking of how well things were going. No rebellion. No one to stop him. He was unstoppable. His army grew. He had all the power.

The glass became dry and empty. He set it down on the bedside table and went toward the wardrobe. He hit a button causing curtains to slide down the windows. He got changed into black jeans, black boots, a black t-shirt, and a long black trench coat. He put his black gloves on and was ready to take the day on. He selected the switch again and the curtains rose. He felt today was a proper day to talk to the witch hunters. He felt like seeing some creatures burn today. He stepped into the elevator in the center of the room and made his decent to the throne room.

The elevator doors opened to the side of the throne room. He walked forward to the red carpet that ran along the middle of the room and the Templar along the carpet all stood firm and saluted. Suddenly a man with round glasses and a lab coat ran alongside Max as he walked out of the throne room into the main hall. "Get the witch hunters rounded up John. And send the patrols on C Route today. I want to see if any Angels are showing too much wing" he said. The labcoat, whos name was John, scribbled the orders down and ran off without a word. Two Templar walked behind Max as he went to the front doors. He smiled, feeling bright as day.
Zack Flynn

Zack walked along the roof tops as the sun rose over Exodus. He looked out at the buildings, the sun reflecting off of the morning dew. He remembered happier times, children laughing and playing in the streets and families walking down the road. Now it was diseased, infected with war and corruption. Rebellion being the only cure to the cities illness. He needed some place to start, someplace to find rebels willing to fight for his cause and try to take back the city, but he didn't know where to begin at the moment. He himself had already been killing Max's soldiers and causing as much trouble as he could in an effort to slow Max down. It was no easy task, Max had become a powerful figure and his armies tolerated no outspoken rebels.

Zack began to jog across the rooftops, trying to get in some early morning exercise. He hopped down into an alley, sliding down the walls to soften his fall. He pulled his hood up over his white hair and walked into the crowd of people already forming out on the street. Zack stepped into the crowd and blended in. He looked around at the guards posted along the street. Studying for some kind of pattern. The soldiers appeared to be around every corner. The city was under constant surveillance, meaning that Zack would need to find a quiet location to conduct any meetings. He pulled his coat around his waist, covering the throwing knives holstered into his belt. He would need to do some planning.

The poster was plastered on the side of a building in big letters. Zack read each word and let the words turn in his mind. The poster stated that no trouble of any kind would be tolerated. That being human or any other kind of breed the poster seemed to state. Zack simply shook his head and walked with his hands in his pockets. Someone was going to have to stand up against Max, but Zack could not stand alone.
Celestia walked down a side ally stoping to look at a poster showing the rules.

..."nothing new" she mumbled to herself heading to the casino

once she had money she was going to try move out of the city

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