Orbeck of vinheim
status: tremors, and danger
Condition: normal.​
Eventually, after enough walking, you all began to felt a large tremor around you. It felt like an earthquake, only the hollow walls of the sewer tunnel made it feel about ten times worse. Small chunks of debris began to fall around you, and some of you might have even been knocked off your feet by whatever was causing the tremor. Eventually, the quake subsided, and everything returned to normal.

"The hell was that!?" Grif shouted as he looked around, gripping his gun in fear.

"Either Atlas is somehow havin' earthquakes despite floating hundreds of feet in the air, or someone's come for us..." Qrow grunted as he slowly peered his head around the area, gripping his scythe tightly and narrowing his eyes. "My guess would be the latter..."

"...How likely is it that Cobblepot kept a few of those grim in those sewers?"
Earthquakes, can't say he ignorant about them. With the ground shaking and the walls cracking, The lands shifted under the influence of from bellow the earth. It was something he has never felt before. But as Qrow has said, it was more likely that something was after them, something big, In preparation for this unknown foe, he takes out benedict's gun. Keeping it lowered for the time. he can only cast spells so many times before running out of focus, so it's best to conserve that until needed.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Sewers
Ignoring Shujinko’s comment about him, (how did she know that he was old), he prepared himself before giving the go sign. He then charged at the door, before kicking the door open with his right foot. Quickly entering the room and making space for the others to come in as well, he pointed his Silenced M1911 at any threat located inside the room, prepared to fire his gun at any time.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Topless Topless Thepotatogod Thepotatogod P PopcornPie

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Benrey kicks down the door and you rush in along with the rest.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Lazaro1505 @PrisonTeam​
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: Topless Topless

Hiryu walked in the room, sword gripped tightly while his Railgun held and pointed forward, he glanced around the room to see whoever's in it, believing there to be hostiles.
The archmage was stomping her feet repeatedly, waiting for this damn man to just move already! Was this really it? Were they just going to stand her and not enact the plan? The mechanism inside was going crazy! SHE! NEEDED! TO SHOOT! But wait, what's this?! Benrey kicked the door down, initiating the attack! "HURRAY!" Megumin nearly broke the trigger, but all that came out was a weak little beam. It wouldn't hurt a cricket. It looked like a laser better suited for enriching cats. "What the fuck is this shit?!" Megumin snapped, ready to throw her laser down. "I came here for cold, freshly spilled-" PEW. That weaker laser was just the weapon confirming its trajectory, and a much larger beam was spat out, effortlessly puncturing a hole the size of an alligator in the wall. "HAHAHA, YEAH! FACE THE WRATH OF MEGUMIN, YOU BASTARDS!"

"The wrath of Lucky O'Chopper, too!" Lucky growled, revving his flamethrower.
So, you remember when Kassandra ate Delsausage? Yeah, well he isn't dead yet, he's just in perpetual emotional pain. Delsausage just lay screaming in Kassandra's stomach as he slowly turned her stomach acid purple from the Eridium he absorbed. Turns out that eating a crusty radioactive purple hotdog wasn't such a good idea. Kassandra is now starting to die from indigestion and radiation poisoning.

FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla

  • That idiot of a child got what he deserved. Kassandra didn't condone child violence, but if you played stupid games you ended up getting extra stupid rewards. Eventually, the inhabitants of Remnant divided the team into two groups: one who'd turn into prisoners like a Trojan Horse, and another who'd work underneath to infiltrate Cobblepot's giant futuristic castle. Of course, since Kassandra practically needed her equipment, she went for the latter group.

    When they went into the sewers, she almost immediately regretted her choice. She let off an inaudible curse at the stench before putting her helmet right back on to mask the smells. A few minutes later, and it seemed like everything was going fine on their end. Whilst everyone dealt with a metal gate, Kassandra switched to Ikaros- who had been trailing the prisoner group from a distance- and used her bird to watch the others get captured in front of Atlas. She internally winced when it looked like Cobblepot went to personally torment Blake, making a mental note to make sure he would get the same treatment later.

    Kassandra returned to her own body just in time to feel the tremors shake the horrible-smelling tunnel, where Qrow announced someone was likely out to get the group. The Spartan scowled beneath her helmet, turning around so she was in front of her entire sewer group before grabbing her trusty bow, notching a single arrow in.

    "Well, we'll know in just one second." She pulled forward on the string before her magic Spear glowed once again, firing the arrow. This arrow wasn't really meant to attack, though; she was mentally controlling it, able to see where it was going and control its path to an extent. Using this Predator Shot, she would direct the arrow through the tunnels they came, and if someone was following them from behind she'd immediately know- and likely aim the arrow at their noggin. Of course, if this was the case, she'd also let everyone know of the intruder; otherwise, if they weren't within 70 meters of the group or weren't visible, Kassandra wouldn't suspect a thing.

    Oh, and Kassandra never gets sick. She'll live from eating a retarded hot dog.

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  • Arthur Morgan... Well, he grimaced as Yang beat the living daylights out of that idiot kid, but didn't intervene whatsoever. That said, he was glad that it made Micah more than willing to keep his trap shut for once, so at least there was something that came out of this ordeal.

    Speaking of ordeals, the group split into two teams: One would act as bait and let Cobblepot capture them, and the other would go through the sewers and infiltrate Atlas from below. The latter sounded too similar to a certain event that got Arthur started, so he figured it would be better to go with the prisoners. Besides, he didn't really need his equipment.

    Once caught, the gunslinger followed the group's lead, raising his hands and letting himself be handcuffed as usual. It wasn't like he wasn't unfamiliar with this; he'd turned himself into the cops once or twice before, so being cuffed and escorted wasn't new to him. What was new was being antagonized by Cobblepot. He seriously wanted to spit on the posh bastard's suit, but held his cool even when he seemed keen on tormenting Blake. He didn't even say a word as Cobblepot produced Sub-Zero's mask and destroyed it, though one glance at his eyes told a different tale from his neutral expression. Thankfully, everyone was freed in record time, and someone else began handing out weapons. Morgan didn't need it, though; he took one of the dead soldiers' rifles, hefting it for a second and giving it a good look before lowering it, though not before making sure it was armed.

    It didn't take the group long to find the room where Cobblepot was located. He was talking to someone else, who was apparently begging for his life, before being shot dead. When Jason apparently waved everyone off and let them do their own thing, Arthur shot the other high-ranking MPF member a look that read Are you sure you trust these clowns that much? Though, surprisingly enough, the group was at least competent enough to get ready for a room breach. Not that a breach in the first place was a smart idea; if Cobblepot was able to take down Sub-Zero, this was going to be a bad time. Guns probably wouldn't cut it.

    He still took his place near a door, though, albeit not without shaking his head with disapproval. He didn't even have time to chastise the bloodthirsty Megumin and Lucky as they led the charge; instead, he just focused on the current situation as he immediately popped his head out from the doorway. Whilst everyone else charged in, Morgan would lift his rifle to his sights, ready to shoot anyone who made a hostile action (such as reaching for a gun).
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Before she could do that, two people in their group already went to go take care of the guards. Once that happened, she sighed and looked at Ruby. "Unfortunately, some people in our group don't understand how to let others do their plans or work together. Teamwork doesn't seem to be in most people's vocabulary."

Continuing on, they eventually reached a locked room and after hearing the conversation, her eyes widened. The only company in Atlas that would be big enough to work with Ironwood to supply Cobblepot with codes would be... she looked at Weiss before getting on the left side of the door with her katana ready for the breach that was about to happen.

Once the door was breached, she stepped inside with the katana ready.

Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

And just like that, the door was open and Qrow was explaining what faunus was to the spikey haired kid with the oversized key. So to most people on Remnant, faunus were looked down upon and treated poorly. "Racism exists here too... I'm not surprised it exists in other worlds and universes, just wish it didn't have to exist in a majority of them."

They all continued walking when the ground shook, making her stumble and grab onto the wall. When it died down, she looked at Qrow. "
I highly doubt it's the first one. We need to move faster!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts , @ Sewer rats
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B.J. Blazkowicz

As they advanced through the room, B.J. would listen in on Qrow's explanation of faunus. He furrowed his brows when he mentioned the discrimination against them. "Figures... They should work to contain the racism 'ere, 'cause it can get outta hand real fast within the next decade... Hope it doesn't get as bad as my world..." Blazkowicz continued to trudge through the foul substance, holding the LKW by his side. He suddenly felt in the mood to melt someone.

And it seemed his wish would be granted, as the whole tunnel shook. "Well, whoever's lookin' for us is just beggin' to play ball, aren't they? We oughta get out so we can fight on a nice, even playing field!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam
Jason would have kinda just stepped away from Megumin as she tried to nuzzle him, before turning to Arthur and shrugging when he gave him that look. Upon kicking open the door and rushing in, you had found that Cobblepot had long since left through the other door, which was wide open. All that was left in the room were books that had been tossed around, broken glass, knocked over chairs, and an injured looking old man.


"W-what is the meaning of this...??" The elderly man would ask in a jittery tone as he stared up at all of you. Despite the gunshot from Cobblepot, he appeared to be fine, if the lack of blood didn't make that obvious enough. The older man stared up at all of you with a mix of fear and slight resentment in his eyes, especially as Team RWBY entered the room.


"F-Father!?" Weiss would shout in a shocked tone of her own as she stared down at the old man, who seemed to be even more disgruntled as his apparent daughter entered the room.

"Weiss? Just what the hell do you think you're doing here!?" The man spat in a venomous tone, which made Weiss ball up her fists by her side and grit her teeth in anger. Weiss' dad then looked up to all of you, his face quickly shifting to a more angry one by the second. "And who are these... people you brought with you?" He spat angrily, his tone bitter and venomous. Weiss couldn't bring herself to form any words towards her father, instead only staring down at the man with contempt in her eyes. Needless to say, it was pretty obvious that there were some daddy issues going on here.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless @darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz @Prisoners

"He didn't," Qrow replied to Orbeck, turning around a bit. "Grimm are like parasites. They infect whatever area they can get their hands on. If there are any down here, then they were here long before Penguin got here." Qrow explained as he wearily glanced around. The tunnels began to violently rumble again, but this time, the violent shaking lasted a good few seconds longer. When Kassandra tried to search for anyone directly behind them, her search would prove fruitless. However, if she could somehow sense anyone within a seventy meter radius, then her senses would pick up someone just beyond the walls they stood in.

The rumbling re-emerged once more, this time the most violent as it had ever been. It was so bad that it even knocked Grif and Sarge over, while Spider-Man instinctively backflipped and attached himself to one of the nearby walls... only to immediately fall off from the intense tremors. Micah and Qrow managed to maintain their footing, however. And then, as the rumbling got louder and louder, you all finally began to hear it. It sounded like a loud engine of some sort. Almost like...

A motorcycle?

A loud cracking noise suddenly enveloped the entire room as the brick wall to the right of you came tumbling down from its very foundation. Smoke and the smell of exhaust filled the air as chunks of brick flew in directions all around you. A gigantic stream of sewage water poured out the gaping hole in the wall, threatening to immediately drown any of you who were unlucky enough to be in the way. In the midst of the smoke and the dark sewage that sloshed around you, a pair of bloodthirsty red eyes could be seen staring back at you. And then, moments later, a small flame.


To some of you, there was no mistaking the voice before you all. It was dark, it was bloodthirsty, and it brought back mostly unpleasant memories, more than likely. Once the smoke from the debris began to finally clear out, a small stream of smoke from a lit cigar remained as you all got a good view of the new arrival in the sewers.



Lobo, the Main Man himself, had graced you all with his presence. Qrow had been knocked out from his extravagant entrance, which made Lobo chuckle a little to himself, before he redirected his attention towards Kassandra and Sora specifically. He slowly revved his prized hog a bit, before stepping off, immediately soaking his gigantic feet into the disgusting waters that now filled the entire sewer. "I've still gotta score tah settle with you two wimps, don't I?" He asked as an inhumane growl left his throat. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck, cracking it as well. "And azza nice bonus, I get tah crush all yer friends, too. AND as another bonus, I'm gettin' paid to do it." He grinned, showing off his disgusting yellow teeth, before ripping the chains off his right arm. Immediately, he threw them forward, aiming to wrap up both Kassandra and Sora and yank them towards him. "C'mhere and lemme make yer deaths as painful as fraggin' possible!"

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Meraki quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Stepping in, she saw Weiss' father on the ground with a gunshot wound and Cobblepot nowhere to be seen. It was good that Cobblepot was there but it was bad that her father was there. Weiss didn't really like her father and the rest of Team RWBY and their friends certainly didn't like him from what they heard of him and from their first meeting with him.

He was genuinely an unlikable man.

Looking at Weiss, she put a hand on her shoulder and stared at Jacques. "
Wouldn't you like to know?" Turning to everyone else, she decided to address the elephant in the room. "Everyone, this is Weiss' father, Jacques Schnee. He owns the Schnee Dust Corporation and is the father of Weiss and to those who know her, Winter. But he isn't the most... pleasant of people and isn't the most caring of fathers."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , @ prison gang

Then... everything started to shake again, Ciri catching her footing. This was followed by a cracking noise enveloped the entire room, proceeded by the wall crumbling down. Luckily, she wasn't in the way of the wall when it crumbled but unluckily, she heard a voice that she remembered from back in the tent when they were at Gravity Falls.

This wasn't good...

Stepping off his mode of transportation, she readied her sword for when he would attack. But instead of attacking, he reached for Kassandra and the key wielding boy with the chains around his arm and proceeded to try to wrap them up in chains and pull them towards him. Kassandra would be fine, she had the armor on and she had given a demonstration of it back in Wakanda. The boy on the other hand... yeah, he wouldn't be fine.

Blinking over to him, she grabbed his arm and Blinked back to where she was standing. Hopefully in the few seconds she stood there, grabbing his arm, she wasn't wrapped up in the chains in the process.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla , Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts
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  • Normal Megumin would have registered the venom in this elder's voice, and read the jumbled room. Not this time. "Oh, you're not our soon-to-be victim!" She hissed, her eyes darting around. "Never mind you. We're on a penguin hunt! And then, we perform a Director hunt!" She trotted towards the open door, but there was definitely room to stop her. "Come on, people! Where we find our archnemesis, we find those servers, and then we find the most dangerous explosives they have, and then...HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She gritted her teeth. "We'll end the reigns of all these oppressors in the most brutal ways they deserve!"

  • Arthur knew a lot about bad parents and bad parenting, so the old man’s negative reaction definitely warranted a look of irritation on the gunslinger’s face. Since Blake chose not to disclose who they were, Morgan merely lowered his rifle before speaking up.

    “We’re friends of your daughter’s. Here to deal with that weasel Cobblepot. Did he say what he was going to do, or where he’s going?” He cut straight to the point in an attempt to avoid further confrontation. The less time spent with Jacques, the better the odds were of getting out without yet another incendiary conflict... and the less time they had to spend listening to Megumin rant on about being “brutal”.

    How can she be Rin’s age but... completely off the rails???​
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  • Kassandra’s Revelation ability would sense anyone in a twenty meter radius, but that probably wasn’t as effective as her motion sensor was at actually pinpointing the location. As such, she was at least a little prepared.

    “Watch your right!” She managed to declare before Lobo burst through the walls, soaking Kassandra in sewage water. Thankfully, she still had her Hephaestus suit on, but she took the helmet off to quickly wipe off some disgusting substances from the visor.

    That was enough for Lobo to identify her and the boy Sora, the former bragging that he was hired to kill everyone there.​

    “What makes you think this time’s going to be any different, you big hunk of meat?” The Spartan snorted, though she promptly put her helmet right back on. Just in time, too, as Lobo threw his chains at Kassandra.

    This was a big mistake, especially since the Greek was more effective in close quarters.​

    With the helmet hiding her smirk, she lifted her left arm and let the chains wrap around her. However, just as she was drawn in by Lobo, she’d activate her Hardlight Shield. A bright blue shield materialized on her forearm, likely severing the chains wrapped along it simultaneously. Regardless of whether this was the case or not, she’d shield bash Lobo in the face whilst drawing her Dagger of Kronos to quickly hack away at center mass.

    “Hope your ego’s ready for another beating, malaka!”
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Lealan gasps in joy. "LOBO!! Hello again, It's nice to see you again!" She waves to him before beginning to play another song. If anyone cared to notice, there seems to be something like vines curling around her shoulder.
Chronology: Ultimate

LOCATION: Atlas Sewers
COLOR: #E1914F

INTERACTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
MENTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 quadraxis201 quadraxis201 StaidFoal StaidFoal

With the affirmation of Akari and Sage, Alexis began to prepare something quick and simple for the boys and anyone else who may want something to eat. She decided on making fancy instant noodles for the sake of time. Once she had a plan in mine, she went to work as a flurry of tails and cooking implements, creating a rather complicated meal despite limited materials. Simultaneously, she brought a pot of chicken stock to a boil with her own fire, heated and buttered a skillet, and pulled the necessary ingredients from the cabinets and refrigerator, all while being careful to not interrupt Grif and Gretar;s little conversation about Hot Pockets. In her opinion, she saw no reason to eat ready-made foods when one could cook something far better with fresh ingredients, but she didn’t judge their tastes too hard. Eating frozen Hot Pockets was an inexcusable sin though.

The next step was preparing all the individual components of the noodles. She immediately went about making full use of all of her prehensile tails. Three tails began methodically cooking eggs over-easy: crack the shell, gently flip the egg, remove from the skiller, repeat. Another three tails chopped up garlic, ginger, and green onions and charred them a little before adding them to the chicken broth, stirring occasionally while adding salt, sriracha, and soy sauce as needed. While the broth was being made, another two tails chopped up assorted vegetables Alexis scrounged up, including mushrooms, carrots, and spinach, before adding them to the broth. With her hands, she prepared the meat, some frozen chicken breasts she had to rapidly defrost with her fire. She expertly sliced the chicken into strips and cooked them on a pan she heated using her last tail, seasoning them minimally so as to not be too overwhelming.

With everything else done, Alexis soaked the dried biscuits of instant noodle in the broth with the veggies, letting them boil for a few minutes before ladling out the contents into bowls and topping with eggs and chicken. When she was done, there were 11 servings of the noodles, far more than there were people who wanted them. She gave herself a little mental facepalm—she was so used to preparing dinner for her whole family that she instinctively prepared enough portions for 11. The kitsune was about to offer the food to anyone who wanted it, but she was promptly interrupted by the fight that was going on between...honestly she couldn’t even tell at this point. The entire group was just acting like children...but then Yang decided to quite literally punch a large child Alexis recognized as Dib across the room. This left the kitsune in shock at how a young woman could brutalize a child like that, as abrasive and immature as he was.

Alexis was amazed at the sheer stupidity and violence of everyone in the room.

Her stupor was broken when Qrow brought everyone’s attention back on the plan to take down Cobblepot. The plan was for one group to play prisoner and disable the security systems while the other group snuck into Atlas Academy via sewer. Neither task was particularly attractive to Alexis. On one hand, walking straight into the enemy’s hands is never a good idea...but Alexis would probably be needed to handle the intricacies of handling an intentional imprisonment. On the other hand, wading through human filth was absolutely disgusting...but the team was being led by Sarge and Grif, two of most questionable soldiers she has ever met, meaning they needed guidance more than a group led by Jason and Leo. Alexis had a slight leaning for playing prisoner, as she’d really rather not smell like filth for the remainder of this whole mission to take down Ganondorf.

Her mind quickly changed when she saw how conflicted Sage was when he made the decision to join the sewers team. If nothing else, she had to be there for the boy. She made him an offer to never leave him, and she wasn’t about to give him any reason to think that she wouldn’t make good on it. What also sorta nudged her in the direction of the sewer group was the fact that a considerable number of people were already signing up for the prison group.

Then it was time for the groups to set off...which was a shame, since there was plenty of perfectly good food just finished. The kitsune sigh and told herself they would eat it later, but it didn’t really feel right to leave food like that uneat. She followed Qrow to the manhole, and when it came to her turn to enter, she pinched her nose with one tail before hopping down into the dark.

The sewer itself was as bad as Alexis expected it to be, with a horrendous odor filling the air, filthy sludge flowing down the middle, and strange green liquid on the floors. She pulled her tails as close to her body as possible to make sure they didn’t touch anything unpleasant as she walked through the graffiti covered tunnels. They kept on going until they reached a fence gate, which BJ Blazkowicz just melted with his laser cannon. That wasn’t too interesting. What caught Alexis’s attention more was Qrow and Sora’s conversation about Faunus.

While Alexis wasn’t one to eavesdrop, her ear was caught by the mention of the Faunus’ animal traits, which made them targets for discrimination. That struck a chord with Alexis, particularly because she’d been on the receiving end of undeserved hatred and prejudice because of her being a kitsune, a species that consumed souls for sustenance. What made her equally uncomfortable were the White Fang and what Qrow claimed to be their increasing radicalization over time. That was never a good image for a group looking to be treated as equals. One does not achieve equality by treating the lives of the other side with less respect than what one wants.

The kitsune's train of thought was abruptly interrupted by violent tremors that shook the sewers. It didn't really bode well when a floating island was having earthquakes, it usually meant violent explosions or something going horribly wrong. Before long, Alexis would find out that what was causing the tremors when a motorcycle rammed straight through the walls of the sewer, sending bricks, smoke, and sewage water pouring into the tunnel. Alexis let out a little "eek!" as she instinctively set herself on fire to shield herself from the filth that was launched into the air. Unfortunately, the sewage water pouring in from the hole was far too great in volume for Alexis to properly block with her fire. Sewage boiled as it came into contact with Alexis, but at the same time, she was soaked in who-knows-what.

To make matters worse, the rider of the motorcycle revealed himself. It was Lobo, the man the Gleeful Twins had threatened to sic on them in Gravity Falls. Though distracted by the sewage, Alexis felt the Pressure coming off of Lobo, and it was unsettling. This man was powerful, and he was looking for a fight, two things that didn't bode well for the MPF team. Lobo wasted no time in throwing his chains at Kassandra and Sora, the former of which did a considerable job in defending herself. Alexis herself was getting a bit angry at the way this man just randomly started attacking them...and also at being covered in sewer water. She wanted to use the overwhelming destructive power of her fire magic to incinerate Lobo, but given the narrow tunnel, she knew it would be more than just Lobo being incinerated with such magic.

Alexis took to casting something with more precision. She started off as she always did, with her orbs of fire, but this time she only made two, one in each hand. With her left hand, she snapped her fingers, causing the fire orb to burst harmlessly in front of her, but at the same time, it would set fire to Lobo's clothes, as if the orb had burst on him instead. "Point Blank Thermite." In the meanwhile, the orb in Alexis's right hand compressed itself until it was only about 5 centimeters wide. When she cast it, a jet of white-hot liquid flame shot out like a laser beam, going straight for the arm that held the chain going towards Sora. Hopefully, this would burn a hole straight through Lobo's arm and save Sora from being yanked into close range. "Point Blank Anti-Armor."

B.J. Blazkowicz

Sure enough, their pursuer burst through the wall, yelling madness and boastful exclamations. His main quarrel seemed to be with Kassandra and Sora, though he made it perfectly clear that he was going to try and kill everyone else, too. Least he's kind enough to let us know he's bein' paid to kill us. B.J. watched as Lobo's immediately went on the attack, not even giving everyone a chance to understand what was happening. Even so, it seemed they were about ready to strike back after countering Lobo's chains.

Okay, old man, you're up against some red-eyed giant that can grab people from afar using chains. What do you do? He honed the LKW's scope in on Lobo, waiting for the bar to charge up. Shoot him, obviously. Once the LKW was brimming with electricity, B.J. released the trigger. A large, bright blue laser barreled towards Lobo, threatening to explode at least part of him into a cloud of sparks and blood.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @SewerTeam

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Weiss' dad? Well my dad can beat up your dad! Anyway, why you here? Where is the gun? Don't tell me this is all a trick."

"I believe it is...."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @TheElenaFisher @PrisonTeam​
--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher

". . .Wrong room." Hiryu sighs, lowering his weapons as the old white clad man seems to know Weiss Schnee, with Weiss referring to him as Father. "That old fart's your dad?" Hiryu turned to Weiss with a raised brow. Perhaps the white hair should've tipped him enough. Blake then explained that the man is Jacques Schnee, owner of the Schnee Dust Corp. or the SDC, father to the Schnee sisters, whoever the other one is. He did mention something about giving Cobblepot code for Ironwood's network. He's going to be useful.

"Look, you're coming with us, old man." Hiryu practically sheathed his large sword on his back and grabbed the elder Schnee's collar, forcefully pulling him up. "You know the codes to a network we want to shut down. Plus, you probably have clearance to whereever the servers are." He says, making sure his feet are standing correctly before letting go, grabbing his arm as if to support the old man's weight. "I'm sure a stingy old fuck like you only cares about yourself, so let's sweeten the pot. We'll protect you from Cobblepot and his band of freaks. As an added bonus, we'll 'help save' your 'precious' baby girl." Hiryu paused, ". . .By that, I mean your company." He says, his eyes staring deep into Jacques' soul, "Do we have a deal, Schnee-jichan?"

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

What approached them was not for the feint of heart--once more, a familiar figure approached them. One whom they met briefly at the Tent of Telepathy...Lobo.

Whisper is starting to regret picking this team.

Whisper used the Hover wisp to get ontop of the fence, and switching into laser, she began sniping the grey skinned alien man from afar.
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After breaching the room, the only person to be there was an injured man, and the other person who was here earlier was already gone, considering the other open door in the room. Listening to some of the conversation, he just rolled his eyes and took out his watch again, slowly dissipating before completely becoming invisible. He then went through the open door and into the hallway to see if there was anything coming their way.
@ Prison team

Walking down the sewer, it was fine until the walls began shaking again. This time, something went through the walls of the sewer, but luckily for him, he was too far back to be affected by the collapsing of the wall. The person there was non other than that Lobo person who was back at that Mystery tent thing, and now it looks like that not only Lobo has a score to settle, but he was also being paid in order to kill them. Watching him drive to Kassandra and Sora, he tried to attack by sending his hammer at him, to which, one of two things would happen. If the attack landed, the hammer would bounce of Lobo and return to its sender, if it missed, then this scene would play out:
to which, the hammer returns back to his hands.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @ Sewer fight
“Trash ‘em it is.”
Red Hood tells Rex the robots won’t tell much so he gets rid of them. Soon enough they hear a talking from a nearby room only to then hear a gunshot leading to a thud on the ground. Rex didn’t say anything but mashed his teeth together. “Should we?” He made gesture referring to entering the room.

They do and upon entering they see an old man on the floor. This is apparently Weiss’ dad who asks what she’s doing here and who she’s brought. “Listen, Mr. sorryIdon’tknowyourname, we’re here to help take down the Penguin”


Sora unlocked the door, saving some time, with that Qrow answers his question about the faunus. “Well, that’s idiotic. Disliking someone just because they look different from us. This entire situation is just bad. Wh- whoaa. Ahhh.” After walking for enough time an earthquake of sort, after a while it stops only for it start again. It gets closer and closer and suddenly Lobo comes busting out the wall.

“Lobo? How many more times are you gonna ruin someone’s day?” Lobo pulls Sora to him, but a white flame breaks his chain before he has a chance to do it himself. “Thanks.” He thanked the woman before turning back to Lo

Sora shoots two balls of magic. One of Thunder at the Bike and one of Blizzard at Lobo himself.
“And the fact all this is for money, get a life that’s not as cliche or boring as this!”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore QizPizza QizPizza
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Mood: Concerned, Unamused, Helpful
Tags: (Lobo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

The way Leo had so promptly declared that he'd be fine, with so much confidence, kinda made Sage feel a bit silly that he was so worried. How could the other be so positive all the time? If anything, it was really inspiring seeing him be so carefree despite all the things he had been told, all of the tough situations Leo had been through. At the same time that he wished he could be a bit more like that, the pyromancer also hoped Leo wasn't pushing himself too hard under all the cheerfulness... It was one thing to move on properly, but another much different to just hide everything. And as someone that had taken a fair dab into the later one, its failures were way too clear to him.

First him than Leo. And then basically everyone else for that matter, no one deserved to live like that.

By the time the TV announcement had come by, the young man, enticed by the smell of good food, had picked up one of Alexis' bowls of ramen and eaten it right there, standing, in complete silence as the badly-named villain taunted them over the object that the group had 'stolen' from him. Considering the man was playing dictator in a world that wasn't even his own, he might want to look at himself in the mirror before throwing accusations around. What a hypocrite!! Sage's hatred for the man on the screen would only skyrocket at the display of a hostage and therefore mistreatment of said hostage. He didn't even know who it was, but it made no difference.
Even under the restraint of the armlet, the temperature around him still rose considerably as his blood boiled over the injustice of it all, a piercing glare that might have set the cruel enemy on fire all the way through the TV if that was possible. The 'squeeze' proportionated by the runes tightened up for a moment, keeping him from, in actuality, making just the device aflame.

With the unpleasant broadcast stealing attention from the meal, the pyromancer still had about half of the bowl to go once the call for action had come... And incapable to leave it uneaten, --since he already had done so to a milkshake--, he had ended up taking it with him out of the base, finishing it on the way to wherever the sewer entrance would be. Alexis might have noticed how content he seemed with it, not to mention how good warm soup-like food was to the young man who wasn't used to colder weather. With the armlet back, the heat aura wasn't nearly as efficient for the task of keeping him warm.

Only flaw with this plan was that now Sage was holding a bowl he had no idea of what to do with, and it felt too mean to just throw it on a trashcan. Stubborn as ever, he had valiantly kept it in-between his arms, hugging it against his chest, the left-over warmth of the broth once inside seeping into the jacket. During the entire trip to their new location, he couldn't help but steal a couple of glances back the direction the other team had gone to and think how things were going for them... He sure hoped Leo was doing fine.

Unfortunately for the bowl, it seemed like the space for the entrance was way too small for a winged descent, the constructs more likely to get stuck in the opening if not break under the strain. So albeit reluctantly, the young man had to place the kitchen utensil beside the closest trash bin. Not inside, giving it a moment of silence with the Sign of the Heart in case he wasn't able to return for it. Maybe he should just have left it back in the bunker... This felt slightly bad honestly. He hoped the others wouldn't be too bothered over a missing bowl.

Much to his di- Not really, this was already expected... Anyway, there were no ladders down into the manhole, only jumping. Sage hesitated to do follow suit. And not just because it was a really tight and wet space that possibly rendered him useless, but also because... He didn't think he could do this descent nicely actually. He took a deep breath and felt eventually forced to do so before Qrow got too impatient, lowering himself to the hole in the ground, attempting to make the fall distance the lesser possible.
And then he lept, instantly slipping somewhere and sploshing directly into the river of whatever this was. Soaked and ashamed, the pyromancer had stuck beside his Kitsune friend without another word with his head a bit low. A sheltered life had left him with no skills or preparation for these sort of situations. None at all. Wet floors were a lot harder to get a stable grip on.

As the group continued on, passing broken and closed doors alike, he had listened to the conversation over the messages and drawings in the walls quietly. So discrimination existed even in such a place... Though he could probably not grasp the sheer weight of the whole thing, the young man's heart still went out to the so-called Faunus and their struggle to get recognized as people. Sounded a little like his own situation, except, there was no one else to relate to back there. He was unique and therefore alone. In a way, as bothersome as the multiverse callings could be at times Sage, was quite lucky to have them... If it wasn't for this he'd have always been on his own. Funny how a single mistake, a single impulsive decision in the heat of the moment had spawned so much change, and positive change at that.

It had all been so unlikely too. It's was like for once, a bunch of impossible happenings had lined up just so perfectly to allow him some kind of freedom in the end... Maybe the Deities really were watching and guiding his path in their own whimsical ways.

And then the tunnel would suddenly shake and prompt him out of internal reflection time...

E-earthquake?! Seemed like the most obvious answer, but then Qrow had reminded them that Atlas was a city in the sky. Right, coooould still be some sort of turbulent current? Weather was a rather wild Concept after all, pleasant and tranquil one day, ruthless and destructive after a couple more. But nope, no Concepts this time as one of the tunnel walls had suddenly blown out!

Perhaps it had been his lack of experience, perhaps just the Universe wanting to laugh, but with the new series of violent rumbles, Sage had once more lost his footing and fallen into the stream of sewage. He wasn't even mad this time, sighing in defeat as he had missed the overflow caused by the explosion yet, in the irony of destiny, still ended up soaked a second go. His luck was just that bad...
The source of the destruction would come to be an incredibly buff, painted biker that spelt 'danger' from looks alone. Calling himself the 'main man' this beast of a person had apparently been sent to kill them for money. A mercenary. Ugh, the pyromancer had a huge distaste for those. Though more than anything, he was confused about something else, he acted as if the group had already run on him before?? And with his panic and the Take-Over at multiple points of the adventure thus far, his memory was... quite spotty.

" 'Missed you'? No offence, but I have no idea of who you're even supposed to be!", he had shouted back a bit too fast for his brain to realize this was a terrible idea. And then this man that seemed quite at home in the sewer would throw chains against some of them.

Welp, he knew it. Battle in a closed-off tunnel it is.

Luckily for Sage, as they had walked through the tunnel, he had come to learn that though superficially wet, the walls of the location weren't constantly dripping like a downpour, so it shouldn't limit construct making as much as the rain in the forest had done. Still, as he had pulled the bracelet off and the typical surge of power washed over him, the pyromancer was set on not pushing his luck too hard. His reprieve would come in the form of Alexis, fellow fire-magic user, and her own attacks.

The Descendant watched as the first one, a single fire orb from a spell dubbed 'Point Blank Thermite' erupted into flames together with the huge man himself. The young man allowed it to burn in place for a moment, concentrating on the space that had been ignited then acting quickly before he lost the chance.

"Since you like chains so much, why don't you enjoy being the chained one for once?!"

Raising his hands up, Sage would place his upper arms in parallel to themselves in front of him, closing his hands in fists and then pulling them each to their respective sides. As he did so, the Kitsune's previous fiery explosion seemed to condensate into a single compact string of fire, a ribbon of flames that danced in the air on a spiral for a brief moment before he had gestured for it to travel towards their attacker, the final motion being a rotation of the wrist as if he was wrapping the atmosphere itself. As a result, the ribbon of fire would attempt to wrap around Lobo, aiming to hold him in place enough for the other attacks to hit without the possibility of dodging.
It was a new variation of the fire chains.

As an extra, he willed the construct surface hotter than usual, going from the functioning oven temperature gradually to something more akin molten iron. This was going to be unpleasant!

"Go! Hit, now!", he shouted at the others who might want to get in line too, the struggle of keeping the construct in place making his breath a little shallow. Surely a man that big would be incredibly difficult to contain too.
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"This time, it's personal!" Lobo shouted in response to Kassandra as she shield bashed him, which send the mercenary back a bit. He regained his composure pretty fast, though, before holding up an arm to block her slices. He smirked, before raising his leg, aiming to kick Kassandra right in the stomach with enough force to send her flying back across the sewer. He then glanced up at Lealan and let out an inhumane growl when she greeted him. "Shuddup, ya fraggin' two-timin' bastich!" He bellowed out, before suddenly having what little clothes he was wearing incinerated by Alexis. Lobo glanced down at his now shirtless bod, before smirking back up at Alexis. "There're easier ways t'see The Main Man shirtless, babe!" He chuckled, before feeling the white hot liquid make contact with his arm. Lobo hissed as it connected, though if she were to look, Alexis would find that it left little more than a small singe!

B.J. gun had about the same effect as Alexis' liquid flame did, with the electricity wrapping around his arm in almost a glove or armband like fashion, before fizzling out entirely. "Huh... tickles." The Main Man remarked dryly. The lasers just bounced off of his chest as well, before he glanced up at Whisper and her position on the fence. The Main Man eyed this rather cowardly move with furrowed brows, before he reached into the pocket of his luckily not burnt jeans, before brandishing some grenades. "Have 'sum frags on me!" He laughed, unpinning all of them at once with his teeth and chucking them at Whisper in a group after cooking them a bit. The hammer, meanwhile, was actually met by an unforeseen third option:


Lobo catching the hammer straight up. He looked at it and smirked, tossing it up in his hand a bit and catching it. "Cute." Was all The Main Man had to say, before chucking it back at Gretar at ten times the speed! Lobo laughed to himself triumphantly with his fists planted firmly against his hips, only for his laughter to be interrupted when Sora attacked his Hog. "HEY!" The mercenary screamed angrily before turning to face Sora, pointing an accusing finger directly at the boy. "Ya don't touch the Main Man's Ho--" He was cut off by a Blizzard to the face, which knocked his head back upon impact. Lobo sneered as he slowly turned back to face the group, wiping the melted water off his chin with his massive arm.


"Alright, no more screwin' around! It's time for to teach you chumps and chumpettes some humility!" The Main Man would shout, balling up his fists and smacking them together, before charging forward like a bull. He was charging towards Sora, aiming for a punch to his jaw, only for Sage's ribbons of flames to wrap around his arms and pull him back right at the last second. The Main Man grunted loudly at that, almost sounding like a snort, before giving the constricting flames one hefty tug. Despite them clearly burning against his skin, Lobo didn't seem to really care as he yanked both his arms forward, Sage's ribbons now acting like whips of some sort. One flame whip was aimed towards Sora with the intent of wrapping around him and pulling him in again, only this time with a much hotter substance doing so. The next was aimed towards Sage, who Lobo only intended to smack in the gut with it.

All while this was happening, Lobo didn't even notice Snake's bullets bouncing off his arm.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Meraki quadraxis201 quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz Venom Snake Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers

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