Orbeck of vinheim
Status: Lobo defying the logic of sorceries, HOW?
Condition: normal​

The soul spear literally pierced him right through the shoulder, though, which caused Lobo to actually let out a sharp yell. Turning to Orbeck with a newfound bloodlust in his eyes, he let out an animalistic growl as he began making his way towards him, all while the spear was embedded in his shoulder.


This was the second time his sorceries where some how...defyed by things unknown. First, it was Bill, now Lobo and the fired off soul spear that is somehow remaining in place. LOBO, this greedy, angry brute that insisted in getting in the way. This confusion would give Lobo the chance to grab Orbeck.
"Fraggin' wizard geeks and yer space magic!" He shouted, before attempting to slam Orbeck forward and impale him with his own spear.
Is he really assuming that would work? using Orbeck's own sorcerer against him in this way? Unforsoeitly for Lobo, Orbeck would cast yet another spell. Soul great sword. but instead of swinging from the side, he casts it with his arm raised before bringing it down on Lobo's injured solder. IF it goes as expected he'll have a chance of getting out of lobo's rock hard grip.


thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- darkred darkred
Sora merely facepalms when he hears Lealan’s reasoning for not helping. “I’m sorry if you felt that way. If you were feeling neglected, you should have just said something. And by the way, Lobo is also a psychopath that’s trying to kill us.”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
It seemed like his attack barely did anything to his foe, but at least he did something instead of nothing. Watching Lobo do his own thing, and after the groups attacks have been finished, he charged in with his own, and tried to do two hits with his hammer, first was a normal light attack, before following it with a heavy overhead strike with his hammer, yelling out “VALHALLA...!!” as he tried to kill his opponent.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @Lobo Fight
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
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They then started heading out, Blake staying with her team, especially near Weiss given the situation. It certainly didn't stop her from staring daggers at Weiss' father with the rest of her team, that was for sure. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she looked to see it was the man with pointed ears, trying to sympathize with her race's situation. "I'm... sorry to hear that. What do these Lurker's look like?"

Then, the show off came to talk to Weiss, making her look at him. "She'll be fine, it's just... hard for her right now. For now, we just have to put up with him until we get the codes. He's only going to care about profit and his precious company, so he doesn't care about all of us, just his precious company."


-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>You went along with the others as they lead the elder Schnee out of the room, chasing down Megumin before she could do anything wrong. You're getting bored.

"I'm bored...."

>That's what I said.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​
"Something tells me it's not going to be." Lilith says as she witnesses Lucky attempt to hop on top of the old guy's shoulder and then get pushed off.

"A while longer."

Topless Topless (Shujinko)

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>Venus would whisper into Lilith's ear.

>"If my suspicion is right, I would not hesitate to take the old man down, even if it means losing his daughter's trust."

--Hiryu Kakogawa--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie

Hiryu rolled his eyes when Jacques explained what a code is. It's obvious enough what it is, they just needed to know what was the code for the servers. Regardless, as he watched his surroundings while walking, it would be obvious that most of Team RWBY is glaring at the elder Schnee, and it's clear why. The bastard's standoffish, pushing everyone away to fulfill his own agenda.

"Sounds like you don't have a good rep." Hiryu spoke to Jacques, "I've always wondered what would happen to a company if it runs out of heirs..." He let out a chuckle, soon noting that Megumin's been knocked out, reverting back into a teenager clad in a red jacket to temporarily get rid of his massive sword in a sudden dissipation of darkness.

"I got her." Hiryu says, dropping the railgun in order to prop the archwizard onto his shoulder as Midna worked on removing the Jade from her body. Carrying the Railgun, the gang carried forth without any problems. For a while, nothing seems to go on between the group until Megumin suddenly woke up, and soon started to go wild on his shoulder and back, screaming and whining about the Jade. "Ow, ow, ow, ow..." Hiryu shouldered the pain on his shoulder, nearly dropping his railgun in the process. Considering that all his Anotherwatches were taken, it's safe to assume that Megu's Another Wizard watch was taken as well. That, or it was destroyed during the Dream world's massive explosion. Meaning he can't just activate an Another inside of her again.

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @VS.Lobo

Whisper grunted at the remark about her rockets, having her Wisps switch from Rocket to Spike as she adjusted her aim, making sure that Gretar wouldn't be hit as she then fired off multiple saw blades, attempting to pierce the loudmouth grey man's skin.
Lilith looks over to Shujinko looking a little concerned. "Uh I'm not sure if we should really do that, it would probably if not defiantly devastated her. I suggest we just at least prevent him from doing anything." She whispers back to her, she then looks back to Jacques and shakes her head. "I doubt it but we can't be too sure."

Topless Topless (Shujinko)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Jacques)

Mood: Amazed, Reflective, Confident
Tags: (Lobo)

-Art Credits--
Chiaki Morisawa Fanart [スタろぐ④] by ますぎ, minimally tweaked

Fire Flames Texture by arundel
Golden Floral Pattern from PNGkit,
original artist PaperElement?

Divider Set #02 by NorasFed, edited by me​

When the leg sweep had failed, the pyromancer felt a disappointed at himself, only for the claw strike summed to the flamethrower to work like a charm. A glint of amazement shone in the fire-colored gaze, of near disbelief that a mostly impulsive decision had actually done something! Unfortunately, that meant he had gotten distracted with the success.

"YA FRAGGIN' STUPID FIRE GEEK!!", A geek??? But his major hadn't even been one of the STEM subj-oH.

As someone who had been awaiting a strike back, the young man had never expected to have his wrist simply grabbed. Eyes widening at the gesture, he could barely reprimand himself for being so air-headed as to forget pulling the arm back, ending up once more launched into the air with a surprised 'woooooa!', the fire aura gone as focus had been lost.

What was this, the third or fourth time at this point? What's this fixation with people sending him into the opposite end of rooms, was it because he could fly?? Is it some kind of rule to send the flier off the ground every time? Come ooooon!

Since the opening of the tunnel was too small for his wings, Sage could only brace for impact, not exactly looking forward to being in as much pain as he had after the second Toga fight. Welp, this was going to hur- Or not?? Suddenly his trajectory had been nullified and he was being lowered back into the floor safely.

"I got you!", another young man's voice had said, prompting the pyromancer to reopen his eyes. Oh hey, he was saved!​

"Phew! Thanks man!!", he had thrown a 2-finger salute at this savior with gratitude and a playful smirk, "That would have been bad~!", and need like 3 more matches to fix later...

Now that he was not in the line of a painful encounter with ground, --and probably getting soaked in sewage again--, the pyromancer took a moment to recapitulate on what he had just learned. The Kung Fu had helped! And this meant a lot to him, not only because suddenly the repertoire for chained moves was expanded greatly, but also because it marked a return to his origins. It, as pretty much everything else, had been an imposed teaching, just a physical exercise to be done in isolation, since a healthy body needed exercise. Sage didn't even think that he matched such a brutal, weapon-centered style at all, and would have picked something more light if he been given the choice.

Going from no powers allowed to the newfound freedom to use them, of course, he had started pushing aside the things he didn't like and had been so ruthlessly pushed down his throat. Instead of the combat training that he had never seen himself using, he had focused on construct-making; Support and practical ones the most, as the young man is a pacifist, fire walls, chains and sometimes cages taking the spotlight along flight. Even his few actual fights had been against creatures rather than people, beings not as resourceful or clever.
As such, to suddenly be tapping into that ignored knowledge for once and seeing it being effective was, nothing short than an epiphany.

Ben, had been right.
In his depressed state Sage had mostly kept the first part of that little motivational speech, but after this, riding this new wave of accomplishment he realized just how important the end of it had been. The power didn't make him, it was only a part of a much bigger whole. It didn't matter if he couldn't fly in such a space, nor go all-out without risking harming the others too, because, everything he had learned in life could be just as useful. Imposed training or not.

Holding this idea close to his heart, the pyromancer stood once more, having found a new source of confidence. The flame aura burned once more, consuming any webs that might have still be attached to him and as he looked at his hand, closing it in a fist, he smiled to himself brimming with determination and anticipation.

Round 2, baby~!

Seeing the big hammer guy coming with, well, the hammer, Sage had the idea of using it to his advantage. Surely a hammer that huge would not only serve as a great distraction but also shield him from sight as he approached. While Gretar did his thing, the pyromancer had once more come in a sprint, this time aiming to leap over the situation as Lobo would be hit from above by the hammer.
He knew better than to attempt a full-fledged flight in the limited space, so what he had done was to allow them out for a split-second and flap for extra air before the constructs had finished taking form, willing them gone half-way. What ensued was a sudden waft of flame that helped him leap, already aiming a flamethrower down towards the man's hair, the second one was weaker and aimed sideways used as a rocket boost to change trajectories then bam! There would be a rotating kick directly against Lobo's ear hopefully disorienting him a bit!

"These so-called 'geeks' are kicking your butt, biker man!", he had shouted back after safely rolling back into the ground, not resisting the urge to throw finger guns the enemy's way once he had turned around, "Must be pretty embarrassing~"

This time he should not get distracted though, for very obvious reasons.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"So be it then. Still, I have a feeling that this won't end well."

"As many times as it takes to kill you, babe!" Lobo shouted right back to Aloy, watching as she aimed her weapon at him. When she tried to freeze his arms, the Main Man broke out almost immediately like it was nothing. His chains, however, were indeed frozen by Aloy successfully. Lobo glanced at the chains themselves, before smirking. "You fraggin' morons keep helpin' me!" He laughed, a rambunctious sound as he grabbed one end of the frozen chain and swung it around in the air, aiming to collide the now frozen chain with Captain Falcon as he attempted to kick him. If it landed, not only would Captain Falcon have to deal with the pain of the chain itself, but also an inch of pure ice on top of it! He then knocked the spear out of the air with the chain as well, only to soon be struck by thunder moments later. The thunder made him stumble back and even blinded him a bit with his bright light, causing him to cover both his red eyes with his palms. What snapped Lobo out of that trance immediately, though, was the thunder striking his bike moments later.

"HEY! DIDN'T I TELL YOU FRAGGIN' BASTITCHES TO LEAVE MY HOG ALONE!?" Lobo growled angrily, his voice the equivalent of a mixture between an angry dog's howls and a caveman grunting. As retaliation, Lobo proceeded to stick his middle and pointer fingers into his mouth and whistle sharply. Once he did so, his beloved bike charge directly towards Sora at blinding speeds, aiming to send him flying up into the air! "That's the thing, sweetheart!" Lobo would then shout over to Lealan as he tossed Orbeck to the side before he could cast his spell, having forgotten he'd been holdin him. "I'm gettin' paid to kill you bastitches! And, even if you geeks hadn't gone and made things personal, The Main Man's still gotta code!!" He then grunted as Gretar's light attack struck him in the chest, causing Lobo to cough a bit and skid back, but the overhead shot was met with a giant backhand from Lobo. "And that code is to always fulfill his end of a contract!" He then screamed as Whisper's sawblades struck both his eyes, hissing angrily as they blinded him entirely and blood began to spurt out of his eyeholes, before he grabbed both souldblades and yanked them out with a disgusting squishy noise. Both his eyes were now trickling blood down his cheeks as he stared at all of you.


"Even if it fraggin' kills 'em!"

Lobo then watched as Sage literally lit his hair on fire, his scalp burning from the hot sensation as it even travelled down to his sideburns and mustache. Lobo now looked like a fucked up jack-o-lantern with his entire face burning, but even despite all that, the Main Man kept going. Whether it was off of pure adrenaline or he was just that strong, it was unsure. Sage would have found that he wasn't able to land safely on the ground, however, as Lobo had caught him mid-air, dangling him upside down in front of his burning face. Narrowing his eyes, the Main Man squeezed on Sage's leg until he not only heard, but felt the satisfying snapping of bone underneath his vice grip, before merely tossing Sage aside like a ragdoll.

After this, though, Ciri had blinked to attack him from behind. The sword slashes she delivered were enough to actually draw blood from the hulking beast, due to other universal weapons just being naturally stronger against Lobo than weapons from his own universe. He grunted and stumbled forward, his footing now lost as he turned around to grab Ciri, only for her to blink away. Turning back around, Lobo growled loudly. "Ya fraggin' bastitches don't have the stones t'fight me fair!" He shouted, before charging forward with superhuman speed, attempting to outright ram into Ciri

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 @FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred StaidFoal StaidFoal DerpyCarp DerpyCarp @Meraki @quadraxis201 @Yamperzzz @Venom Snake Thepotatogod Thepotatogod TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher @Sewers
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ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Hearing the explanation for Lurkers, she looked at him. "I'm guessing that some Lurkers fight or are they all peaceful?" Really, if they were all peaceful, some faunus in the White Fang could take some notes from the Lurkers.

Then, she heard Venus and Lilith's conversation and looked at them. Were they really discussing it? In front of Weiss? "
Both of you, quit it. Weiss is right here and you two really want to discuss it in front of her? As much as you want to, you can't and you won't. He'll get his downfall soon enough, but as a high ranking MPF officer, I'm ordering the both of you to drop it and never discuss this again. Is. That. Clear?"

Turning to Weiss, she sighed. "
And this is another thing I have to deal with..."

darkred darkred , Topless Topless , ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials , thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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"Because with it, you had the potential to either kill everyone here, or get us all killed by someone else, dum-dum!" Midna shouted in response, playfully flicking the girl's nose with her orange hair hand.


Weiss, in the meantime, just kinda stared down at Lucky when he asked if Weiss loved or even respected him as a father figure. She stared at him for a long, drawn out moment, almost to an uncomfortably long degree, before she finally uttered one very simple, very easy to understand word. "No." With that, the former Schnee heiress walked away from Lucky and her father. Following that word, Jacques merely reeled his foot back and kicked Lucky away from him, a very annoyed look on his face as he did so.

"Can you just bugger off already? The last thing I want to do is take advice from a creature that rolls around in their own pellets," Jacques harshly replied, before walking past Lucky once more. Jason glanced down at Lucky once the rabbit had landed by his feet, sighing a bit.


"Look, I get what you were trying to do, and as... weirdly thoughtful as it was, you still turned her into a genocidal maniac with the potential of getting all of us killed. Twice." Jason explained to Lucky, hoping and even praying a little that he would understand why randomly jading people was a terrible idea. Jacques, in the meantime, grumbled in response to Rex and Hiryu. He'd normally have argued, but... well, being left to die at the hands of Cobblepot wasn't the best sounding idea. Weiss, meanwhile, looked up at Rex with a bit of an annoyed look as he told her to do something about her Father.

"If you honestly believe that I can get my father to listen to a thing I say, then you're delusional," Weiss said in response to Rex, before overhearing Lilith and Venus talk about murdering him. She was about to say something to the both of them, but then luckily Blake stepped in for her. "I would appreciate it if you stopped talking about killing him in front of me, though." Weiss said through grit teeth as she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes to the point that they were more thin than crackers. Once at least one of them nodded in response, Weiss scoffed and walked off in the other direction, pulling Blake with her. "Honestly, Blake, I do not understand how you put up with these people..."

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher P PopcornPie @Meraki Topless Topless darkred darkred Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- @Yamperzzz @FactionGuerrilla @Prisoners
Lealan shrugs "Well, shit. That's understandable. I hope that we will still be friends after this." The Floran equips her Doom Cannon and quicky shoots a Doom Grenade at Lobo's Feet.
Upon contact the grenade will burst, the energy from it not doing any real damagw on its own, but makes the victim more vulnerable to damage.
She will follow the grenade with a Doom shot, a 7 blast, shotgun style, spread of red plasma.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"Honestly, everyone, since when was it a good idea to bring the bunny along if he decides to do crazy things that can potentially endanger us all?"

--Whisper The Wolf--
Interaction: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Still perched on the fence, Whisper waited for the moment her target handed or missed his hit on Ciri, which she then fired a Cyan laser beam at him, hoping to nail him right at the noggin. Shortly afterwards, she hopped off of the fence, firing at Lobo as she closed the distance between them.
ʙʟᴀᴋᴇ ʙᴇʟʟᴀᴅᴏɴɴᴀ
━━━━━━━ ● ━━━━━━━
Hearing Jacques as Weiss pulled her away, she rolled her eyes. How a man like that was able to ever date a Schnee that turned into a marriage, through blackmail or other means, the world may never know. Once the two were alone, she looked at Weiss.

I wish I knew too. They're all capable fighters and some of them are actually smart and good people, like Arthur, Kassandra, and Leo. But the rest? I've almost snapped a few times at them for them being idiots who can't seem to come up with any sort of plan and try to one up each other in some way."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

Seeing that she was correct in Blinking away before his attempt to grab her, she readied the sword once again. "It's called playing smart!"

The bright side to this? She saw that he was bleeding from where she hit, knowing that if she landed enough hits on him, she could take him down.

He then charged at her and with that, seeing as how there wasn't any room to dodge without either hitting the wall or going into the water, she had to Blink again to avoid getting rammed into. This time, she made herself Blink a bit farther away than she would usually go with a non-Rage Blink since a few seconds before she chose this course of action, someone started firing lasers at the man.

And Ciri, being smart, didn't want to get hit by the lasers. So, she ended up near the one firing the lasers next to the wall and turned around to face the enemy.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore , Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
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"I mean I was against the whole idea but very well." She says looking off to the side sounding a little bit somber, Lilith was never really a fan of unknowingly aggravating people. "I'll just be over here if you...need me." She says float away form everyone else.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Weiss)
TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake)
deadpoolposttop.png & sonicposttop.png
Upon hearing Spidey say that he was underage, Deadpool realized that he had fucked up, having not paid attention to who was under the mask the entire time, only focused on the fact that it was Spider-Man up until now. Finally taking a look at the unmasked Peter Parker, no longer blinded by his excitedness, DP was now staring at the face of Tom Holland. "OHSHITITHOUGHTYOUWERETOBEYMAGUIRE!" Deadpool jumped back in alarm, now knowing that this version of Spider-Man was still in high school, which not only explained the statement that he was underage, but also his voice being a higher pitch than expected. He tried to think of what to say afterwards to further apologize as he bent down to grab his colored pencil, but the damage was already done, with Spider-Man having moved away from him, now likely thinking of Deadpool as some sort of sex offender. "...Well I fucked up. But either way, how the hell are those four NOT at least 18 years old? They look like goddamn college students for crying out loud!"

Eventually, the group made plans to split into two teams, with both Deadpool and Sonic opting to go into the sewers, not wanting to experience being prisoners again, as both had fairly traumatic experiences in jail back in their respective home worlds. Whereas Deadpool had all of his equipment, suit, and powers taken away, and was nearly killed by Cable, Sonic was in captivity and tortured for six months, being forced to watch Eggman conquer the planet, and was almost thrown into space afterwards. While traversing the sewer system, Dankweed started playing a song that seemed very familiar to Deadpool, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. However, after getting through a door, everything in the sewer began to shake, making Sonic somewhat worried. "That was pretty... ominous... but whatever it is, hopefully we can deal with it in no time!"

Unfortunately, Sonic was very much wrong, as Lobo appeared, withstanding pretty much everything that was thrown at him, with some exceptions. Seeing him completely ignore bullets, barely wincing at getting stabbed multiple times, and even casually eating a rocket, Deadpool just sat next to the wall, watching the fight. "Welp, you guys are on your own, clearly I can't do shit to Buff Gene Simmons." Sonic, meanwhile, watched the ensuing chaos of the fight, trying to think of a way to deal with the brute, when he saw the motorcycle suddenly speeding towards Sora, despite not having a rider. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" He then dashed over to the teen, scooped him up, and ran in the opposite direction of the bike's path, trying to get him safely away from the vehicle. "Great, now we need somebody to deal with that motorcycle! How is it even working without a driver?!" This grabbed Deadpool's attention, with the Merc with a Mouth quickly getting up, and leaping towards the motorcycle, trying to get on it and take control. Whether or not he succeeded, DP yelled out to the Wolfenstein protagonist, "HEY! BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB, THINK YOU CAN TRY TO MELT THIS BIKE?! IF YOU DO THIS, I PROMISE I WON'T HESITATE TO KILL BABY HITLER THE NEXT TIME I GET CABLE'S TIME MACHINE!"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal and everyone else wondering how the hell I didn't think of a good Ghost Rider joke to make about the rider-less motorcycle.
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-Shujinko Kanou-

"Chelsea Market"=Shujinko Kanou
"Bold Text"=Event
"Chelsea Market"=Venus Aeon Di Lamia
"Light Blue Bold Text"=Choice

>"I stand corrected..."

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore @PrisonTeam​

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